Downtown Master Plan

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A three-member Executive Committee served as a direct liaison between the overall Steering Committee and the project team, often joined by the mayor and city manager.

Stakeholder Interviews Project team members conducted numerous one-on-one interviews as well as several group interviews with key project stakeholders during the initial phase of the planning process, to gather background information and to obtain a variety of perspectives on the issues facing downtown. Many of the interviewees were selected for their previous or ongoing involvement in related planning efforts or in organizations active in the Downtown.

Community Open Houses Two Community Open Houses were held during the issue identification and Visioning portions of the planning process (November 18, 2004 and December 13, 2004) to increase awareness of the committee’s ongoing efforts and to solicit feedback on various aspects of the Downtown Plan.

Elected Official Updates City staff and the planning team provided updates to the elected officials at key points in the process to solicit feedback and direction.

PLAN OVERVIEW The Plan document is comprised of five primary sections: SECTION I: INTRODUCTION 9 Chapter 1: Introduction—provides context for the planning effort and an overview of the process. 9 Chapter 2: Downtown Planning Concepts—contains a discussion of some of the key design concepts that provide a framework for the Downtown Plan. SECTION II: DOWNTOWN VISION 9 Chapter 3: Vision and Goals—sets forth a Vision statement and supporting goals representing the community’s desires for the future of downtown. SECTION III: PLAN FRAMEWORK 9 Chapter 4: Downtown Framework Plan—contains a discussion of each element illustrated on the Downtown Framework Plan Map (these are the more infrastructure related aspects of the Vision) and a set of recommended actions specific to each. 9 Chapter 5: Land Use Strategy—contains a discussion of land use strategies for various locations within downtown. 9 Chapter 6: Design Themes and Standards—contains a discussion of an overall design theme for the Downtown and


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