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Ten things you WILL have done by the time you finish Uni!

tes t club use ma e nig h h o t h n k i n 1) Pra person club e las t h t e t of a B u o 2) n throw are e yo u ok r 3) Get o e c h w o t ay rn dea 4) Lea up w ith no i ries in one d e e s 5) Wak a who le TV h 6) Watc n to ur me o o of sha 7) G k l a w the runk rty 8) Do use pa ecture s till d o h a 9) Have up to 9am l rn 10) Tu

Whether you’re third year and have seen it all, or only just starting out in first year, I think everyone will agree that University is the best time of your life. There will be good times, stressful times, you’ll laugh, you’ll cry... But one thing you won’t do, is regret it.

1) Prank house mates is something

that could potentially happen on a daily basis. Your house/flat mates are likely to be the first people you met at Uni. You saw each other at your weakest when you turned up to uni as scared freshers, and it bloomed into a lifelong friendship (if you’re lucky). Once you get past those first few weeks, it is perfectly acceptable, and encouraged (by your other house mates) to pull harmless pranks on each other. At times where there may not be a TV, it’s your only source of entertainment.

2) Be the last person in the night club- we’ve all done it! No matter how much

your feet hurt the next day, and no matter how much your head is throbbing, you will always have the memories of literally dancing the night away. The night clubs in your uni town are inevitably ten times better than the ones back home, and your friends at uni are likely to be much more wild than the ones back home. Naturally, these two are a killer combination, and there will be countless nights where you’re out until 5 or 6 in the morning!

3) Get thrown out of a club- There’s

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always that one friend who has a bit too much to drink during pre’s. At some point during your three years at uni, that one friend WILL be you. Of course, once you’ve blagged it with the bouncers on your way in to the club you’ll probably be alright. Unless you throw up, or stumble a bit too much, or get mouthy with the guy who pushed you, of course.

4) Learn to cook- the apron strings are

well and truly gone, and you have to fend for yourself. Luckily, there always seems to be that one ‘foody’ in the house who can help you out from time to time, and before you know it, you’re the next Gordon Ramsay, (you like to think so at least).

5) Wake up with no idea where you are- University town night clubs are

a breeding ground for students on the pull. Waking up next to someone who’s name you can’t remember is like a causal Thursday morning for some people. However, you may just end up going on a drunken walk somewhere and crashing on a mates floor. The events from the night before may be so hazy you don’t even know your name, never mind where you are.

6) Watch a whole TV series in one day- Those days where you know you should be studying but end up watching a whole series on Netflix in bed? Yep, we’ve all been there. No matter how guilty you feel for not doing something productive, no matter how

many times you say ;just one more episode. That work is not getting done today. But there’s always tomorrow!

7) Go on tour For those people a part of a sports society, tour is a MUST. Sure you probably can’t afford it, but that’s half the fun. Going away with your society on the cheap for one big piss up is a wonderful university tradition. 8) Do the walk of shame. You’ve got

to love those days when you’re walking into uni and spot girls walking in their glad rags from the night before, smudged makeup round their eyes and carrying their shoes, or guys who smell like a brewery. You’re quietly judging them until you remember that was you last week.

9) Have a house party. University

house parties are second to none. The pressure to delivery is on, and you intend to show everyone a good time! You know you’ve done a good job if you’ve done a good job if it’s still going on at 5am. Bonus points for fancy dress!

10) Turn up to a 9am still drunk.

While this is quite possibly the worst thing you could do, you somehow convince yourself that you cannot miss this lecture, again. Sneaking in the back and slowly dying as the hangover takes over is something every uni student has done.

12/12/2016 14:39

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