ACW Tech & Security Supplement July 2022

Page 7


very and development ing and screening air cargo employ appropriate security procedures; to provide historical cargo reporting data; and to facilitate air cargo data-sharing across TSA. The Air Cargo Management Systems Branch provides access to IT systems that facilitate TSA’s efforts to ensure the security of cargo transported on passenger aircraft. These systems are used by more than 35,000 industry users; vet approximately 7.3 million shippers and 450,000 air cargo workers; and support regulation of nearly 4,000 indirect air carriers.

Three-Ds In support of its future modernisation effort, TSA initiated “discussions, design discovery and development” that will result in a new system, the Certified Facility Management System. All systems will be integrated into this new system in a phased approach. Thetechnicalobjectivesofmodernisationareasfollows:consolidateand integrateexistingsystems;enabletwo-factorauthenticationsolutions;enhance support of certification and accreditation security activities; enable the mobile worker; leverage the cloud and implement agile development.


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