Master of architecture portfolio

Page 48



mian tower monitor the user

the user looking toward the lcd monitor screen

mian tower monitor release the companion drone


PANOPTICON TOWER Panopticon tower is design solution for controlling and managing purposes. The idea of tower instead of regular office space, tower represent power. By placing in the middle empower the program and establishment of top and hierachi of status. Panopticon tower also place of collecting information from every management in every unit program and act as main data bank for this project. In this project new intervention are introduce to enhance theory by Micheal Fucault. The tower are place with giant LCD screen to give live information form main tower towards the user, educator, researcher and youngster. Another intervention is using companion drone to react to the user.






DRONE COMPANION Fying drone companion is design solution by intervention of Panopticon theory. Fying companion drone use as butler robot that serve educator, researcher and youngster. The companion drone will fly directly to the user to give video call or information from main tower to user or the user to main tower. At the same time this companion drone work with the parents. Parents can monitor their childrens performance through computer, tablet even phone towards their achievement. the parent also can video call the childrens using the system with help with companion drone. Main weebo - flying companion robot tower will be middle man between fictional character design by parents and their childrens. With this program will reduce paranoid Samuel W. Taylor among parent towards this project.

#T2 #T3

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