Urgent Responses for Women Human Rights Defenders at Risk

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Urgent appeals Liga de Mujeres Desplazadas-Colombia (LMDC) w: www.ligademujeresdesplazadas.org e: institucional@ligademujeres.org LMDC: •  produces urgent appeals concerning violations against WHRDs; •  provides information about each case as well as on the actions that should be taken by national authorities; •  provides addresses for individuals or organizations to take action. See the Mujeres en Resistencia (women in resistance) section of the website. •  some urgent appeals are available in English.

Unidad de Proteccion a Defensoras y Defensores de Derechos Humanos de Guatemala (UDEFEGUA) w: www.udefegua.org e: udefegua@udefegua.org UDEFEGUA: •  sends urgent appeals to international and regional human rights mechanisms and to international nongovernmental organizations (which can decide to issue an appeal based on the information that they sent); •  only publicizes the appeals at the end of the year in the annual report.

Work with regional and international mechanisms Amnesty International (AI) w: www.amnesty.org e: amnestyis@amnesty.org AI regularly submits urgent appeals to the UN SR and other Rapporteurs depending on the nature of the violation. AI also works with: •  The Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders in Africa; •  The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights; •  EU embassies and other institutions.

Front Line (FL) w: www.frontlinedefenders.org e: info@frontlinedefenders.org FL regularly submits urgent appeals to the UN SR and other Rapporteurs depending on the nature of the violation. FL also works with: •  EU embassies and other institutions; •  The Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders in Africa.

Human Rights First (HRF) w: www.humanrightsfirst.org e: DooleyB@humanrightsfirst.org HRF regularly submits urgent appeals to the UN SR and other Rapporteurs depending on the nature of the violation. HRF also works with: •  The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights; •  EU embassies and other institutions.


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