Metu Neter

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that the initiate summon a great deal of power in order to carry out the laws of the initiation. In each of the three last initiations we can see that there is a progressive moving away from an identification with our natal personality and earlier conditi~ned behavior p~t~ero. We must also appreciate the fact, that unlike all other spmtual traditions and scriptures, this Tree of Life based initiation system lays down a careful, graduated set of challenges. It is at the fourth sphere (stage 6 of initiation) that the ~tiate is ~~ed to "t~n the other cheek." Christianity and many splntual traditiOns do VIOlence to people by making spiritual demands that have not been properly prepared for. Once you analyze the matt~r you will se~.t~at the various virtues require different levels of mtellectual abilil1es and spiritual power. . The planetary correspondence of the fo~rth sphere, Maat~ IS Jupiter, which astrologers tell us is the major fort~e (~~Jor success). It comes not simply from the act of shanng (gIVlDg, therefore receiving), but from the spiritual power generate~ by the ability to forgive and to wor~ w,ith on:'s "enemies." . ~e s:gn ~~at --this-power is fu1ly developed IS given eVIdence by the mltt~~~?ility__ to maintain a sense Qf joy and optimism in the face of oppOSitIOn-­ even when facing death. Woe unto him who fails to realize that this is the greatest "occult secret" for generating the spiritUal power to achieve earthly objectives. Level 3 • Stage 7 of Initiation

The Sbekem Division of the Spirit, Sphere 3, Seker

This is the first of three initiation stages that involve a total break with worldly interests. We must never lose sis?t of the ~act that such an attitude to life, with proper understandmg, and life­ force generation rituals serve to increase the spiritual power to its highest levels of manifestation. This individual has alre~dy gone through initiations that have. revealed .th~ ~act ~ha~ ~sychic pow~r increases in direct relationship to the mdiVldual s livmg of truth m genuine life situations (at the crossroads), and not from the mer.e performance of spiritUal exercises (meditation, rituals, etc.) .. As t~s sphere is the center of the 50 sound units of power that are the basIS of all physical manifestations, we must realIZe that they ~not be utilized for purposes that are predominantly personal. ~ur~ t~e 4th stage of initiation (sphere 6) it was said that the objectIves m Man's life are indicated by the oracular (2nd sphere) faculty. One of the results of the practice of consulting oracles is the unification our



with the Divine historical plan. When we get a reading mdicatmg, for example, that the success of our marriage depends on the development of our spiritual faculty represented by the Deity Sebek12, success in the undertaking goes beyond the marriage itself. In the same way that the "normal" Sebek talents (communications skills, etc.) are now available for other areas of life so are the psychi~ powers of the deity developed in the course ~f the ritual. The difference is that we must use these powers for the benefit of the world. The ecstasy that must be cultivated at this sphere is not for the mundane objective, but for manifesting the personalities of the D~ities and their powers in our life for the benefit of the world. For this to be, we must "die" to the personal mundane goals. The world mus~ ce~e to ho~d wonders and pleasures for us. Our pleasure is in manifestmg the likeness of God in whose image we have been made. ~en it is said that Seker is the God of the dead, a double sense is mtended. The "dead" are both the deceased and the initiates who have died to the interests and pleasures of the world 13• This is easy to understand when we keep in mind that the initiate is here trading

offearthly pleasures for divine power. Level 3 • Stage 8 of Initiation, The Khu Division of the Spirit,

Spbere 2, Tehuti

Earlier it was said that Man's will must be directed by God. Up to this point this was achieved through the use of oracles, which are means of communicating with the spiritual facu1ty of the second sphere--Tehuti. In this stage of the initiation, the person learns how to s~il1 the. thinking. ~echanism in order to allow this faculty to manifest. Its OmnISCience. One of the most important accom~b~hm~nts ~esulting fro~ this initiation is the ability to intuit what diVine mtelbgences--Dethes··are responsible for the various e~ents in the world. This is the kernel of the true meaning of Wisdom. In other words, the initiate becomes a Sage, i.e., a living

12. This might be phrased in another tradition as ·success will come from making sacrifices to Deity X.­ 13. We must distinguish "the dead" when referring to Seker, as opposed to when referring to Anpu (a fonn of Sebek)-so called Anubis-as "guide to the dead.· In this sense, "the dead" refers to trance mediums. We will explain this in the chapters on meditation.


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