The Fountain of Light

Page 115

It is easy, by the fruits, to distinguish between Idolatry and monotheism. In polytheism the devotees must run too and fro motion with different offerings to appease goddess of different mood and nature, as a result, the victims gets easily exhausted. They have countless goddess those are located in different zones of the world and they also expect their devotees at different seasons. These deities demands earthly offerings as they were formed or evolved out of this earth. It is said, in twelve months, thirteen religious festivities to be followed strictly by the idol worshippers. In the spiritual way of worship, none does need any earthly or polluted materials to offer to the divine deity. It must be offered in spirit and in truth as God is the Spirit and the Truth. The theist believes that the God is Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient One Who does control all events. He created man in His own image to represent Him. He did create man and afterward by his rib he also created a woman, and this is the story of human creation. In the beginning He asked man not to worship any other deities other than Him. To find Him man doesn’t need to run too and fro motion as His presence prevails everywhere. The Lord remains available there where the true devotees are. He also assured us that He is nearer than to our jugular veins. It is also said that He abides in the hearts of the believers. All the exceptions to the true system of worship that is in the Spirit and Truth were introduced to serve mere commercial gain. To protect His devotees from misleading in other

Rev. Dr. M A Wahab | The Fountain of Light - 114

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