Water Journal January - February 1999

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CRCWMPC City Cou ncil and the CR CWMPC. Related studies o f the possibility of polymer dose control through fractal dime nsion measurement for optimal centrifugal dewa tering ha ve co mme nced in Sydney with suppo rt provided by the C R C WMP C and Sydn ey W ater Corporation .

References Amal R , Gazeau D , Waite TD (1994) Part. Part. Syst. Charact., 11, 3 14- 315. Amal R , R aper J A, W aite T D (1990) J. C o/laid Interface Sci., 140, 158- 168. Auvray L, Auroy P (1991) In N eutron, X-ray and Light Scattering: Introduction to an Investigative Tool for Colloidal and Polym eric System s; Lidner, P.; Z em b, Th ., Eds; North H olland, Amsterdam, pp 199-221. Bu shell G (1998) Frac tal Aggregate s o f Po lyd ispersed Particles, PhD th esis, University of N ew Sou th Wales. GanczarczykJJ , Zahid WM , Li D-H (1992) Wat. R es., 26, 1695- 1699. Guan J, Am al R., W aite T D ('J 998 in press) En viron. Sci. Tcchnol. G uan , J , Waite TD , Amal R , Bustam ante H , Wukasch R (1 99 8) W ater Science and T echnology, 38 (2), 9-15. J ohn son C P, Li X , Logan B (1996) Environ. Sci. T echnol. , 30, 1911- 1918. Ju ng S-J , Am al R , R aper J (1995) Part. Part. Syst. Charact., 12 , 274-278 . Lee DJ , Chen G W , Liao Y C, H sieh C C (1996) Wat. Res., 30, 54 1- 550. Li D , Ganczarczyk J J (1990) Biotcch. Bioeng. 35, 57-65. Li D-H , GanczarczykJJ (1989) Environ. Sci. T ec/11101. 23 , 1385- 1389 Lin M Y, Klein R., Lindsay H M , W eitz DA , Ball R C, Meakin P (1990) J. Colloid Interface Sci. , 137, 263-280. Logan B E , Wi lkinson D B (1990) Limnol. Oceanogr. , 35, 130- 136. Mandelb rot B B (1983) Th e Fractal Geom et1y of Natu re; W H Freeman and Co .: New York. Schm id t P W (1989) In Th e Fractal Approach to Heterogeneous Chemist!}': Sudiices, Colloids, Polym ers; Avnir, D. , Ed .; Wiley: New York, pp 67-79 . Nam er J, Ganczarczyk J J (1993) Wat. Res., 27, 12 85- 1294.

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TESTING AND REPAIR OF WATER METERS Our Meter Laboratory is capable of the repair and testing of all types of water meters from 20 to 300 mm

Authors Jing Guan and David Waite are from the Centre fo r Water and Waste T echnology in the School o f C ivil and Environmental Engineering at T h e University of N ew South Wales where M s Guan is undertaking a C R C sponsored PhD and Professor Waite is C en tre Director. Rose Amal is fro m the School of C hemical Engineering and Indu strial C hemistry at The University of New South Wales where sh e is D irector of the Centre for Particle and Cataly~t T echn ologi e~ . Bo th Dr Amal and Professo r Waite are participants in a numbe r of CRCWMP C proj ects and supervisors of a number of CRCWMPCsponsored research studen ts.

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