Lara structure

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Light Industry / Periphery Sales (Restricted- Retail) Expansion of the town centre will provide the opportunity for retail type businesses operating in the service business estate to relocate freeing up some of the Business 4 zoned land. There is an opportunity to further develop the Business 4 zoned area and to expand the Station precinct along McClelland Avenue, Mill Road and the railway reserve. Expansion of this estate is constrained by residential uses to the east, drainage issues to the north and McClelland Avenue to the south. The only possible area for expansion is onto under utilised railway land. The locational advantages of this site are:  It is adjacent to the railway line and opposite the existing service business estate.  It does not adjoin residential or rural living areas and residential uses are not recommended for this location.  Other alternatives are being considered and ear-marked for retailing in the township – retail uses are therefore not proposed.  Traffic will not impact on adjoining residential areas.  The land is not required as open space. Expansion of the Business 4 zoned precinct could be considered on the unused railway reserve land if the land is declared surplus to need by the land owner, VicTrack. It is recommended a Design and Development Overlay accompanies any rezoning to ensure appropriate landscaping and design treatments at key interfaces.

The Centreway town centre and adjoining Austin Park. The Lara Town Centre UDF proposes reconfiguring Austin Park to allow retail expansion including civic facilities such as a town square and library.

Lara Structure Plan April 2011


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