AUCAA Magazine

Page 13

Interview with Alumni Name Dora Major Social Science Where Osaka what are you up to? Working, indulging in local delicacies, philosophizing in public, discovering the "real world," and deciding on my grad school direction. how is post AUC life treating you? Great :) I think the AUC experience has really prepared me for the real world in so many ways. From the academics to navigating social intricacies and also just managing my life at AUC as an international student have all been valuable experiences that enabled worthwhile academic and life skills. I tend to think of AUC as a great preparation for the journey ahead. The most valuable thing I got out of my 3 years (and there are many) may just be becoming an independent, self-directed learner. It humbled me in the appreciation of the scope of human inquiry, taught me the value of disciplined work, and made me evermore hungry for learning and understanding the complexities of this world.


Now that I've got quite a bit more free time (yes, with full-time work :-) ), I have continued exploring many of the same interests further, and also started exploring some new ones along the way. Within this and next year I plan to pursue my interest in cognition further and prepare my application for grad school. I am happily in touch with my AUC friends - it is not only really uplifting, but also necessary, to cheer each other on pursuing our dreams. Especially when finding myself in yet another new environment, the forever embedded memories of our triumphs, doubts, discoveries, confusions and joys sealed in our interactions give me the strength and carry me over into the new chapter of our lives.


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