att.JAPAN Issue 81

Page 6


Experience the mysteries of nature Akiyoshidai Plateau Area (Mine City)



This is Japan’s biggest karst, a landscape formed from the dissolution of limestone. Somewhere in the depths of time, this was a coral reef but the changes to the earth’s crust made it rise to the present day’s 200-400 meters. In this grass-covered plateau, countless limestone stand one next to the other, creating strange and wonderful shapes as far as the eye can see. Furthermore, 100 meters beneath the plateau there is the huge Akiyoshido cavern, created from the same limestone.

秋吉台是日本最大的喀斯特台地,在很久以前原本是珊瑚礁, 因地殼變動受到擠壓,才變成現在高 200 ~ 400 公尺的台地。 廣闊的草原上冒出無數個石灰岩,是相當不可思議的景象。 此外,地下 100 公尺處形成了巨大的鐘乳石洞,其中一處最 大的鐘乳石洞,被稱為 「秋芳洞」 。

Try unique local dishes


Kawara-soba (all over the prefecture, centering on Shimonoseki) 瓦片蕎麥麵(以下關市為中心至全縣)

This is a buckwheat noodle dish served on kawara, or a tile that is usually used on roofs, instead of an iron plate to warm it. Green (tea-flavored) soba noodles are served with thinly sliced omelet, sweet-cooked beef and other toppings. The combination of the tile’s warmth with the noodles’ crunchy texture is enticing! Legend has it that this type of cooking comes from the times when samurai went off to war and brought kawara with them on the battlefield to cook their meals on.

將用於屋頂的瓦片,代替鐵板所製成的料理。在茶蕎麥麵上鋪滿雞蛋絲、 鹹鹹甜甜的牛肉等食材,蕎麥麵在加熱的瓦片上烤過後,帶有酥酥脆脆的 口感,好吃得令人受不了!據說源自於武士在打仗時,會用瓦片烤野草和 肉來果腹,進而演變而成的料理。

Mandarin oranges hot pot (Suo-Oshima Island) 橘子火鍋(周防大島)

The Inland Sea’s Suo-Oshima is famous for its mikan mandarin oranges that locals use in a rather novel way: in a hot pot with fish! The fruit takes away the edge of the fish’s smell and the result is excellent. Not to mention that since the mikan are used unpeeled, the dish’s nutritional value is said to be high. 位於瀨戶內海的周防大島,橘子為其特產之一。橘子火鍋就是將橘子和海 鮮一起放入鍋中熬煮!橘子的清爽滋味去除了魚腥味,變得相當美味。橘 子皮中富含的營養成分也能一併攝取。

Yamaguchi local sake 山口當地產的酒

Sake brewing is one of Yamaguchi Prefecture’s prospering businesses. “Dassai” is its most famous offering, but each area has its own and if you are looking for something that complements perfectly the region’s cuisine, you should definitely give the local sakes a try!

山口縣的日本酒產業相當興盛。除了廣為人知 的「獺祭」 ,還有許多當地產的酒也十分美味。 若要搭配山口的美食,推薦您試試 看山口當地產的酒。


att. JAPAN Autumn/2017

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