Magento community 1 7 user guide

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Setting Up Your Catalog In order for an attribute to appear as a layered navigation filter, the Catalog Input Type for Storeowner must be Dropdown, Multiple Select or Price. This controls the number of possible filter options and makes them consistent.

Price Layered Navigation The Price Layered Navigation algorithm enables you to create price ranges so that products are evenly distributed among ranges. You can also split each range iteratively. This feature was introduced in Magento CE version 1.7 and Magento EE version 1.12.

Configuring the Price Layered Navigation Algorithm The algorithm for calculating the price layered navigation is configured in the Magento Admin Panel under System > CATALOG > Catalog > Layered Navigation.

To set and configure the new price layered navigation algorithm: 1. Log in to the Magento Admin Panel. 2. Navigate to System >Configuration > CATALOG > Catalog. 3. In the Current Configuration Scope in the upper-left corner of the page select the desired store view.

4. Expand the Layered Navigation field set. In the Display Product Count field, decide whether the number of products which fall into a price range will be displayed.

5. In the Price Navigation Step Calculation field select Automatic (equalize product counts). Additional options appear.

Note: The Automatic (equalize price ranges) option of the Price Navigation Step Calculation field is similar to the Automatic option which was available in the previous versions of Magento. If you select the Automatic (equalize price ranges) option, the previously existing price layered navigation algorithm will be used.

6. In the Display Price Interval as One Price field, decide what will be the system behavior if all products which fall into a certain price range have the same price. Select Yes if you want to display a single price (not the range finite values).

7. In the Interval Division Limit field, specify the threshold for a number of products within a price range after which the range cannot be further split. The default value is 9.

8. To save the changes click Save Config.

Price Layered Navigation Algorithm: Store Customer Experience The price layered navigation algorithm provides the optimal distribution of products among price ranges. In addition, the feature provides iterative splitting of price ranges.


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