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He signed on. A message appeared in his display. See me at once -- Ender It was only ten minutes before lights out. Maybe Wiggin sent the message three hours ago. But better late than never. He slid off his bunk, not bothering with shoes, and padded out into the corridor in his stocking feet. He knocked at the door marked COMMANDER DRAGON ARMY "Come in," said Wiggin. Bean opened the door and came inside. Wiggin looked tired in the way that Colonel Graff usually looked tired. Heavy skin around the eyes, face slack, hunched in the shoulders, but eyes still bright and fierce, watching, thinking. "Just saw your message," said Bean. "Fine." "It's near lights-out." "I'll help you find your way in the dark." The sarcasm surprised Bean. As usual, Wiggin had completely misunderstood the purpose of Bean's comment. "I just didn't know if you knew what time it was --" "I always know what time it is." Bean sighed inwardly. It never failed. Whenever he had any conversation with Wiggin, it turned into some kind of pissing contest, which Bean always lost even when it was Wiggin whose deliberate misunderstanding caused the whole thing. Bean hated it. He recognized Wiggin's genius and honored him for it. Why couldn't he see anything good in Bean? But Bean said nothing. There was nothing he could say that would improve the situation. Wiggin had called him in. Let Wiggin move the meeting forward. "Remember four weeks ago, Bean? When you told me to make you a toon leader?" "Eh." "I've made five toon leaders and five assistants since then. And none of them was you." Wiggin raised his eyebrows. "Was I right?" "Yes, sir." But only because you didn't bother to give me a chance to prove myself before you made the assignments.

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