Innocence en danger

Page 14

United Nations United Nations Article 34 OfOf the United Nations Article 34 the United Nations International Convention on the rights of International Convention on the rights the Child of the Parties Child undertake to protect the child States StatesallParties to protectandthe from forms ofundertake sexual exploitation sexual abuse.allForforms these purposes, States child from of sexual exploiParties shall insexual particular takeForallthese approtation and abuse. purpriate national, bilateralshall and inmultilateral poses, States Parties particular measures to prevent: takeTheallinducement appropriate national, bilate(a) or coercion of a child to ral and multilateral measures engage in any unlawful sexual activityto prevent:The exploitative use of children in prosti(b) tution orinducement other unlawful sexual practices (a) The or coercion of a child (c) The exploitative useunlawful of childrensexual in pornotographic engage in any actiperformances and materials. vity

(b) The exploitative use of children in prostitution or other unlawful sexual

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