Assuaged Public Health E-Magazine | Volume 3 | October 2024

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ThaneandCynthia Murphyhaveovercome manychronichealth conditionsthrougha healthy,plant-baseddiet. Theyco-founded Assuagedtogetherinthe hopestoraiseawareness thathealthylifestyle changescanprevent chronicdiseases.

CraigandJennyhelpour studentsidentifyandremove barrierstotheirpersonaland professionalgrowth. practicalstrategiest peopleachievetheir selves.

alRylowiczisthe tiveDirectorof cums,whoisinvolvedin eeingvariousaspectsof undation'soperations upportingitsinitiatives.

Cynthia&ThaneMurphy OurExecutiveBoard


Magazine Team

ExecutiveDirector ofPracticums

CrystalRylowicz Editorial& CreativityTeam

KarizzaCordero Editor,Graphic Design/Layout,&Contributor

AlyzabethRuffin Editor&Contributor

JaimePersaud-Thomas Editor

Monthly Awareness Dates and Topics






NationalCleft&CraniofacialAwareness& PreventionMonth






NationalBreastfeedingMonth NationalImmunizationAwarenessMonth

SeptemberEvents BloodCancerAwarenessMonth




NationalAtrialFibrillationAwareness Month

NationalChildhoodObesityAwareness Month


NationalIPT(PlateletDisorder)Awareness Month

NationalPediculosisPrevention Month/HeadLicePreventionMonth

Monthly Awareness Dates and Topics



















MalnutritionAwarenessweekSeptember 16-20











WorldSuicidePreventionDaySeptember 10





NationalHIV/AIDSandAgingAwareness DaySeptember18



NationalWomen’sHealth&FitnessDay September25

MesotheliomaAwarenessDaySeptember 26

SportPurpleforPlateletsDaySeptember 27



AJourneyintotheScienceofDecomposition AJourneyintotheScienceofDecomposition

Nestled in Tennessee's rolling hills, the University of Tennessee Anthropological ResearchFacility(UTARF),commonlyknown as the Body Farm, explores human decomposition'scomplexprocess.Founded in 1981 by Dr. William Bass, a pioneering forensic anthropologist, UTARF was established to create a controlled environment for studying the stages of human decomposition. This unique facility merges science, law enforcement, and public health, significantly advancing our understandingofdeathanditsaftermath.

The Body Farm is a unique research facility that serves as a living laboratory for studying human decomposition. Set up in various outdoor environments, it simulates different conditions, such as heat and humidity, to observe how they affect decomposition rates. This research is crucial for forensic scientists, aiding in the estimationoftimeofdeath,identificationof

remains, and determining causes of death in criminal investigations, thereby offering closuretofamilies.

More than just a research facility, the Body Farm is a global educational resource. It provides hands-on training for students, law professionals, and researchers worldwide, offering workshops and internships that enhance forensic knowledge and public safety on a global scale.

Lookingahead,theBodyFarmcontinuesto play a vital role in advancing forensic science. It transforms the study of death into a valuable resource for future generations, serving as a beacon of knowledge and hope. Donating your body to such a facility is a meaningful legacy thatcontinuestobenefitsociety.


Groundbreaking Research: The Body Farm was the first facility to study human decomposition, setting the standard for similarglobalresearchcenters.

Decomposition and Weather: Decomposition rates vary with weather; bodies decompose faster in hot, humid conditions compared to cold, dry environments.

Insects and Decomposition: Insects like blowflies and beetles are crucial in decomposition.TheBodyFarmstudiestheir impactonrefiningdeathtimelines.

The "Skeleton Crew": The facility maintains acollectionoffullyskeletonizedremainsfor educational purposes, aiding in studying skeletalchangesovertime.


Data from the Body Farm has been used in real-life investigations, helping to solve high-profile cases by narrowing the time of death.

Volunteer "Donors": Many bodies are donatedtoscience,significantlyadvancing forensicresearchandpublichealth.

From Fiction to Fact: The Body Farm has inspired forensic science media, including the TV series CSI, which reflects real-life forensicapplications.

Educational Outreach: The facility offers tours and lectures to educate the public aboutdecompositionscienceanditsrolein criminalinvestigations.


Body Farm has led to similar facilities in Canada, Australia, and the UK, all of which advance forensic science through decompositionresearch.

Human Stories: Each study contributes valuable insights that help solve crimes and improve forensic practices, impacting manylives

References: Bass, W M, Jefferson, J, & Patricia Daniels Cornwell (2022). Death’s Acre: inside the legendary forensic lab the Body Farm where the dead do tell tales. Berkeley,AnImprintOfPenguinRandomHouseLLc. Cornwell, P (2010) The Body Farm Simon and Schuster https://wwwsimonandschustercom/books/TheBody-Farm/Patricia-Cornwell/9781451628906 Frankie, C. M. (2021). Why Would Someone Want to Donate Their Body to a Body Farm? A&E. https://wwwaetvcom/real-crime/body-farmdonation

Shane Mauss (2021) Body Farm | Here We Are Podcast Ep 339 w/Jennifer DeBruyn | Hosted by Shane Mauss. YouTube. Somestoriesofmine. (2022). Bodies at the Farm | Body Farms| Knoxville, TN | This Happened Here YouTube https://wwwyoutubecom/watch? v=WvbbjwqtbVc

University of Tennessee Forensic Anthropology Center College of Arts & Sciences Forensic Anthropology Center. (2016). Forensic Anthropology Center| WBIR Channel 10 News (2021) WBIR Documentary: The Body Farm YouTube https://wwwyoutubecom/watch?v=hrTOFYm-xhY

What is Health Literacy and WhyItMattersforEveryone?

Individualsvisitdoctorsoremergencyrooms daily and often struggle with understanding medical instructions. Health literacy involves acquiring, reading, and using healthcare information to make informed decisions and follow treatment plans. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, critical aspects of health literacy include reading prescription labels, understanding healthcare instructions, and navigating the healthcaresystem.


Improved health literacy is linked to better health outcomes. Individuals with higher health literacy manage chronic diseases moreeffectively,adheretomedications,and engage in preventative health behaviors. It enhances decision-making, communication with healthcare providers, and understandinghealthconditions.

Additionally, health literacy can lead to significant cost savings. According to the AgencyforHealthcareResearchandQuality

(AHRQ) and Güner & Ekmekci (2019), limited health literacy adds approximately $73 billion to annual healthcare costs, a figureexpectedtorisewithoutintervention. By improving health literacy, unnecessary hospitalizations and emergency visits can be reduced, lowering overall healthcare expenses.


Low health literacy exacerbates health disparities, particularly among vulnerable groups like the elderly, low-income individuals, and non-native English speakers. These populations often face higherhospitalizationratesandworse


health outcomes. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, individuals with low health literacy are more likely to misunderstand health information andmakemedicationerrors.

Miscommunication between healthcare providers and patients is common. When patients lack understanding of their health conditions or treatment plans, they may makedangerousmistakes,suchasincorrect medication usage or missed follow-up appointments.


We can implement several strategies to enhance health literacy. Educational programs empower patients to make informed health decisions. The Teach-back method, where patients repeat instructions in their own words, ensures understanding. Healthcareproviderscanfurtheraidbyusing plain language at a sixth-grade reading level, visual aids, and culturally sensitive communication. According to the CDC, avoiding medical jargon is crucial. Mobile health apps and online resources also offer accessible information, helping patients managetheirhealthmoreeffectively.


The Affordable Care Act includes measures to enhance health literacy as part of The Affordable Care Act includes measures to enhancehealthliteracyaspartofpatient-

centered care The CDC's National Action Plan to Improve Health Literacy offers strategiesfornationalimprovements.

CommunityinitiativeslikeProLiteracyand the Health Literacy Innovations Program (HLIP) provide local resources and training to boost health literacy. These efforts equip individuals with essential skills to navigate the healthcare system, fostering a healthier, more informed society.


HealthLiteracyOnline:OfficeofDisease PreventionandHealthPromotion PlainLanguageMaterials&Resources: CentersforDiseaseControl&Prevention HealthLiteracy:BostonUniversity

References: Boston University. (2024). Research: Health Communication: Health Literacy. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2019) Plain Language Materials & Resources | Health Literacy https://wwwcdcgov/healthliteracy/developma terials/plainlanguagehtml

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2023) What is health literacy? CDC https://wwwcdcgov/healthliteracy/learn/index html

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2020). Measuring Skills & Experiences.. aluate/measure-peoples-skillsexperiences.html

Güner, M. D., & Ekmekci, P. E. (2019). A Survey Study Evaluating and Comparing the Health Literacy Knowledge and Communication Skills Used by Nurses and Physicians. INQUIRY: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing, 56, 004695801986583.

U.S.DepartmentofHealthandHumanServices, & Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (2015) Health Literacy Online | healthgov Healthgov https://healthgov/ourwork/national-health-initiatives/healthliteracy/health-literacy-online

Meteor Meteor Showers Showers

The double meteor shower, a rare celestial event that only occurs once in a while, is now gracing our skies. Featuring the Southern Delta Aquariids and the Alpha Capricornids,thisspectaclestartedinmidJuly. The Southern Delta Aquariids will be visiblefromJuly12toAugust23,withapeak viewing around July 29-30. The Southern DeltaAquariidsalsocanproduceabout1520 meteors per hour in the Northern Hemisphere The Alpha Capricornids will alsobevisiblefromJuly7toAugust15,with a peak viewing around July 30-31. The Alpha Capricornids can also produce very bright meteors, about five meteors per hour, even though it has a lower rate than theSouthernDeltaAquariids


Meteors are streaks of light from objects entering Earth's atmosphere and burning up. Commonly called "shooting stars," they differfromfireballs,whichareexceptionally bright meteors with a visual magnitude of -3 or more colorful, often as bright as JupiterorVenus.


Meteor showers occur when Earth passes throughdebristrailsfromcometsor

asteroids.Thebestviewingistypicallyafter midnight, away from city lights. Essential gear includes a comfortable chair or blanket.

Meteor showers can be observed throughout the year: Quadrantids in January, Lyrids in April, Perseids in August, Orionids in October, Leonids in November, andGeminidsinDecember.Whilemeteors

and fireballs impact the atmosphere with minor localized effects, including bright flashes and sonic booms, their potential impact on the ozone layer should raise concern These celestial events can contribute to environmental changes, such as acid rain, and it's crucial to understand theirimplications.

Meteor Showers and Their Indirect Public Health Implications: Environmental and PsychologicalEffects

Meteor showers, though primarily astronomical, can have indirect public health implications. Large meteoroids can releasechemicalslikenitricoxideandsulfur dioxide, potentially impacting air quality and exacerbating respiratory issues or conditions such as asthma. The sulfur dioxide may also contribute to acid rain, which harms ecosystems and, indirectly, human health by affecting water and food sources Additionally, the intense heat from large meteors can ignite wildfires, leading toairpollutionandhealthrisksfromsmoke inhalation. Psychologically, seeing meteor showers or fireballs, especially with bright flashes or sonic booms, may cause stress oranxietyinsomeindividuals Onapositive note, meteor showers can enhance public interest in astronomy and science education, fostering community engagementandmentalstimulation.While the direct health effects are minimal, these events' broader environmental and psychological impacts are noteworthy for publichealthconsiderations.


McGuire, T. (2000). Reviewing Earth Science. Amsco School Publications.

NASA. (2023). The 2024 meteor shower activity forecast for low Earth orbit. wnloads/LEO Forecast 2024.pdf

NASA. (2024a). Meteors and meteorites: FactsNASA science Sciencenasagov https://sciencenasagov/solar-system/meteorsmeteorites/facts/

NASA (2024) Southern Delta Aquariids - NASA Science Sciencenasagov https://sciencenasagov/solar-system/meteorsmeteorites/delta-aquariids/

Understanding Photovoice& ItsImpacton Storytelling

Storytellinghasevolvedtoincludemethods that amplify unheard voices, such as Photovoice. Developed by Caroline Wang and Mary Ann Burris in the 1990s, Photovoice combines photography and narrative to empower individuals and communities It allows them to document and visually share their experiences, challenges, and triumphs, making their storiesvisibleandimpactful.


spark dialogue, advocate for change, and influence policy. The process includes recruitment, training, photography, discussion andpublicexhibitions


Photovoice is a method where participants use cameras to capture images reflecting their lives and issues. These photos, combinedwithnarratives,aresharedto

Globally, Photovoice addresses critical issues such as public health and environmental justice by documenting personal experiences with pollution, advocating for cleaner environments, and exploring topics like mental health and domestic violence. For instance, individuals affected by mental health issues or domesticviolencecanusePhotovoiceto

share their stories, offering valuable insights into their daily struggles and triumphs. This approach raises awareness and fosters a deeper understanding of these complex issues by presenting a human perspective. Combining personal narratives with visual evidence, Photovoice helps drive policy changes and promotes social justice.


Photovoice empowers individuals to share their personal stories, creating a deeper connection with viewers and driving community change. It promotes social justice through compelling visual storytelling by offering a platform for those oftenoverlooked.


Photovoice is a transformative tool beyond research, facilitating personal advocacy and healing. It combines visual and narrative elements to advocate for policy changes and elevate the voices of underrepresented and marginalized individuals. This method addresses public health issues and social justice by providing a powerful medium for storytellingandcommunityengagement.


Catalini,C &Minkler,M (2010) Photovoice:AReviewof the Literature in Health and Public Health Health Education&Behavior,37(3),424-451

Infiant. (2013). Born Into Brothels 2004 [Oscar-winning documentary] Avi wwwyoutubecom https://wwwyoutubecom/watch?v= kyXFr2g1x8

PhotovoiceWorldwide. (2021). What is Photovoice? v=-ok5TQ-P77U

SecGovGroup (2015) PhotoVoice wwwyoutubecom

The University of South Carolina (2011) Photovoice: From Snapshots to Civic Action wwwyoutubecom https://wwwyoutubecom/watch?v=l4zAdktMUNg

Wang, C.C. & Burris, M.A. (1997). Photovoice: Concept, Methodology, and Use for Participatory Needs Assessment Health Education & Behavior, 24(3), 369387

In today's stressful world, grounding and mindfulnessoffervaluabletoolsformanaging anxiety and distractions, helping you stay present and balanced. This article explores these practices' importance and benefits and howtoincorporatethemintodailylife.


Grounding, or earthing, involves physically and mentally reconnecting with the Earth. Physically, this might mean walking barefoot on grass or sand. Mentally, it focuses on returning your attention to the present moment, away from overwhelming thoughts andemotions.


Groundingcanreduceinflammation,improve sleep,andalleviatepain.Mentally,ithelps loweranxiety,improvefocus,andprovide stabilityduringchallengingtimes.


Mindfulnessisthepracticeofobservingthe presentmomentwithoutjudgment.Itinvolves beingawareofyourthoughts,emotions,and

sensationsratherthangettingcaughtupin them Mindfulness can be practiced through meditation, mindful eating, or simplypayingattentiontoyourbreath.


Mindfulness reduces stress, improves emotional regulation, enhances focus, and promotes well-being. Regular practice leadstolong-termimprovementsinmental healthandcognitivefunctioning.


Incorporate grounding and mindfulness intoyourdailyroutinewithsimplepractices like walking barefoot, deep breathing, and five minutes of meditation. Gradually increasethetimespentontheseactivities


Grounding and mindfulness are essential for maintaining stability and well-being. Integrating these practices into your daily life fostersadeeperconnectionwithyourselfand your surroundings, leading to a more balancedandfulfillinglife

References: Ar respire connosco. (2015). Mindfulness: finding peace in a frantic world - Mark Williams and Bernardo Barahona-Corrêa YouTube v=bVgrh2JnFqY

Earthing (2019) The Earthing Movie: The Remarkable Science of Grounding (full documentary). https://wwwyoutubecom/watch? v=44ddtR0XDVU

Shapiro, S. L., Carlson, L. E., & Sawyer, B. A. (2024). The Art and Science of Mindfulness: Integrating Mindfulness Into the Helping Professions, Third Edition.

Tolle, E (2018) The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment. Hachette Australia.

CrispyOven-Roasted CarrotFries:A DeliciouslyHealthy TwistonaClassic Favorite

Introduceafunandnutritiousalternativeto traditionalFrenchfrieswithcrispybakedcarrotfries. Theseveggie-friendlytreatsprovideahealthytwist onaclassicfavorite,makingthemperfectfor everyoneatthetableIdealforvegetarians,theyare deliciouslypairedwithazestydippingsauceto elevateanymeal,includingburgernight.Baked carrotfriesmakeeatingvegetablesmoreexciting andofferasatisfyingcrunchthatiseasytoprepare. Thisvegetarian-friendlysnackaddsvarietytoyour mealsandwillsurelybeahitforkidsandadultsalike. Enhanceyournextdinnerwiththistasty,veggiepackedoption.






. Combinetheoil,cornstarch,salt,andgarlic powderinabowl.


Tossthecarrotsticksinthemixtureuntiltheyare evenlycoated


Spreadtheseasonedcarrotsinasinglelayerona bakingsheetlinedwithparchmentpaper.


Bakefor20minutesoruntilthecarrotsareslightly charredandcrispy.

Servethecarrotfrieswithranchoryourfavorite dippingsauce,andenjoy!


Fambro, C (2024) Crispy Baked Carrot Fries FruitsAndVeggiesorg https://fruitsandveggiesorg/recipes/baked-carrot-fries/ Foundation for Fresh Produce (2024) Baked Carrot Fries FruitsAndVeggiesorg https://fruitsandveggiesorg/wpcontent/uploads/2024/08/Baked-Carrot-Fries-1116x878jpg


Hylton, J. (2023). Gluten-Free Vegan Strawberry Pancakes. Jessica in the Kitchen (2022) Vegan Strawberry Buttermilk Pancakes 3



1. CombineDryIngredients:Inalarge bowl,whisktogethergluten-freeflour, bakingpowder,salt,andcinnamon.


PrepareVeganButtermilk:MixSilk ProteinNut-milkwithlemonjuiceor applecidervinegarinasmallbowlor measuringcup.Setaside.

2. MixWetIngredients:Addtheflaxegg, maplesyrup,andveganbuttermilk mixturetothedryingredients.Whisk untiljustcombinedlumpsareokay, andavoidover-mixing


AddStrawberriesandHeatPan:Foldin choppedstrawberries.Heatagriddleor castironskilletovermediumheatand brushwithcoconutoilorveganbutter.

4. CookPancakes:Pour¼cupofbatter ontothepanforeachpancakeCook untilbubblesformontop,thenflipand cookforanother2-4minutesuntilfully cookedServehotwithmaplesyrup andyourfavoritetoppings.




2 ½ cups all-purpose flour

1 tsp sea salt & ½ tsp baking powder

1 ½ cups Stonyfield Whole Milk Plain Yogurt

10 oz feta cheese block

1 lemon & 1 garlic clove, grated or minced

1 pound baby heirloom tomatoes & kosher salt, to taste

Freshly cracked black pepper, to taste

Extra virgin olive oil for drizzling

Fresh thyme leaves, for garnish

Fresh basil leaves for garnish

Minced chives for garnish



1 Blend feta, lemon zest, lemon juice, and garlic until smooth, thinning with yogurt if needed


Whisk 2 1/2 cups flour, salt, and baking powder in a bowl Mix in yogurt until a shaggy dough forms. Knead on a floured surface for 5 minutes, adding flour as needed, then divide into 6 balls. Cover and rest for 20 minutes.

Heat a cast iron skillet over medium Roll each dough ball into an 8x6-inch oval and cook for 2 minutes per side until golden.


Spread whipped feta on each flatbread, top with tomatoes, season with salt and pepper, drizzle with olive oil, and garnish with herbs

Serve immediately

eMeals Inc. (2024). Large whipped feat and spring vegetable flatbread. s/large whipped-feta-and-spring-vegetable-flatbread.jpg The Organic Center. (2020). Organic Recipes: Yogurt Flatbreads with Whipped Feta and Heirloom Tomatoes.


In 2022, only 45% of infants received the hepatitisBvaccinewithin24hoursofbirth.The WHO Global Hepatitis Report (2024) reveals that only 36% of hepatitis C patients are diagnosed, and just 20% receive curative treatment. For hepatitis B, only 13% are diagnosed,andamere2.6%receivelife-saving medication. Hepatitis C remains a leading cause of liver cancer and liver transplants in theUnitedStates.


d n h

Organization (PAHO), aims to spotlight the profoundimpactofviralhepatitis,whichcan leadtosevereliverdamageandcancer.The 2024 theme, "It is time for action," urges global efforts to boost education and enhance access to vaccination, testing, and treatment.

SpreadingAwareness &PreventionisKey


Hepatitis can manifest as both acute and chronic diseases and includes five types: A, B, C, D, and E. Chronic infections, particularly hepatitis B (HBV) and C (HCV), are responsible for the majority of related illnesses and deaths. They kill about 1.34 million people annually worldwide, with 60,000 to 100,000 deaths occurring each year in the United States. Approximately 304 million people live with chronic HBV or HCV globally, with nearly 6,000 new infections daily.

Prevention is vital. Early diagnosis and treatment can significantly reduce the impact of hepatitis. Hepatitis B is a vaccine available forallages.Incontrast,hepatitisC,whichlacks a vaccine, can be treated with oral medications. World Hepatitis Day emphasizes the need for better prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. It calls for global cooperation to createeffectivepolicies,enhanceprimarycare, and ensure diagnostic tests, treatments, and vaccines are accessible and affordable. This dayurgesindividuals,communities,andhealth partners to raise awareness, advocate for testing,andseektreatmenttoimprovepatient outcomesandqualityoflife.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2023). Overview of Viral Hepatitis for Health Care Professionals United States Department of Health and Human Services htm

Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2024) Hepatitis C Prevention and Control PanAmericanHealthOrganization (2024) World Hepatitis Day: PAHO calls for expanded access to diagnosis and treatment. VirginiaDepartmentofHealth.(2024).World Hepatitis Day 2024 https://wwwvdhvirginiagov/blog/2024/07/26/worldhepatitis-day-2024/

World Health Organization. (2024a). Hepatitis. https://wwwwhoint/health-topics/hepatitis

World Health Organization (2024b) World Hepatitis Day 2024.

World Health Organization. (2024c). The Global Health Observatory: Hepatitishttps://wwwwhoint/data/gho/data/themes/chronicviral-hepatitis


Summer is in full swing with loads of trips to the beach, vacations, and working on our tans! After all, who doesn't love a summer glow? However, it is essential to remember that with all this fun in the sun, we must protectourskinandeyesfromtheultraviolet (UV)rayswearebathinginbeforefall.


The sun emits different types of ultraviolet rays, including ultraviolet A (UVA), ultraviolet B (UVB), and ultraviolet C (UVC). The ozone layer filters out most UVC and some UVB rays, but all UVA rays reach the Earth's surface. UVB rays can penetrate the outer layer of your skin, while UVA rays can reach themiddlelayer.YoucanchecktheUVIndex to assess how much of these rays you'll be exposed to. This index measures the level of exposure on a scale from 1 to 11, with 11 indicating the highest risk of harmful ultravioletrays

It is essential to protect against these harmfulrays.ExcessiveexposuretoUVAand

UVB can lead to skin damage, such as sunburn and hyperpigmentation, and also puts you at risk of developing skin cancer. Theserayscanalsoaffectyoureyehealth. Excessive exposure can lead to complications such as cataracts, eye cancers, loss of central vision, and degenerationoftheretina.

potential risk, we can have fun in the sun while protecting ourselves from sun damage.ItisessentialtochecktheUVindex, put sunscreen on for at least 30 minutes before going outside, and make sure to REAPPLY. Avoid intense sun exposure during peak UV hours and seek shade when necessary. Wearing protective clothing made of UV shielding materials will help protect your body from the sun. Additional measures such as wearing a hat and UVprotective sunglasses will further protect you. Many people also opt for tanning beds to quickly get a sun-kissed glow. However, theseshouldbeavoidedduetotheintensity

of the UV rays used in the beds. The tan is not worth the skin damage! Use these precautions this summer, and your skin willthankyou!


United States Food and Drug Administration (2020) Ultraviolet (UV) Radiation Costabile, C. (2022). Protecting your eyes from the sun’s UV light. National Eye Institute. V%20rays

Sarcoma,arareandaggressivecancer, severelyimpactspatients'qualityoflife, influencedbyage,socioeconomicstatus, palliativecareaccess,andmentalhealth.


Older patients and those from lower socioeconomic backgrounds often experiencesignificantdeclinesinhealthrelatedqualityoflife(HRQoL).Individuals over65facenotablereductionsinphysical and cognitive functions. Financial and accessbarriersexacerbatehealthissues forthoseinlowersocioeconomicgroups, makingearlydiagnosisandimprovedcare accesscrucial.


Palliativecare,whichfocusesonsymptom managementandpsychologicalsupport, isessentialforpatientswithadvanced sarcoma.ItenhancesHRQoLbyimproving pain control and emotional well-being. Combiningpalliativecarewithstandard treatments ensures supportive, dignified end-of-lifecare.


Sarcomacanalsoleadtoseveremental healthissues,includingcognitivedeficits, anxiety,anddepression,especiallyduring aggressive treatments or recurrence. Mentalhealthinterventionslikecognitivebehavioral

interventions like cognitive-behavioral therapy(CBT)andmindfulnessarevitalfor managingthesechallenges.


Patients with bone sarcoma face intense physical issues such as severe pain and limited mobility. Personalized care that includes physical therapy and pain managementiscrucial.


Early detection of sarcoma is critical, as it improves outcomes and reduces the need for aggressive treatments, preserving HRQoL. Comprehensive care—including personalized treatment, early diagnosis, palliative care, mental health support, and robust support networks is essential for enhancing the quality of life for sarcoma survivors.


Franzoi, I. G., Granieri, A., Sauta, M. D., Agnesone, M., Gonella, M., Grimaldi, C., Vallauri, I., Boglione, A., Vana, F, Bergnolo, P, & Comandone, A (2023) The psychological impact of sarcoma on affected patients. Psycho-Oncology, 32(12), 1787–1797.

Segall S, DuHamel, K, & Paul, L (2010) Psychological Adaptation, Coping, and Distress in Adult-Onset Soft Tissue Sarcomas.

Soomers, V, Husson, O, Young, R, Desar, I, & Van der Graaf, W (2020) The sarcoma diagnostic interval: a systematicreviewonlength,contributingfactorsand patient outcomes. ESMO Open, 5(1), e000592. https://doiorg/101136/esmoopen-2019-000592

ReferencesContinued: Stout,N L,SantaMina,D,Lyons,K D., Robb, K., & Silver, J. K. (2020). A systematicreviewofrehabilitation andexerciserecommendationsin oncologyguidelines CA:ACancer Journal for Clinicians, 71(2) https://doiorg/103322/caac21639 van Kouswijk, H. W., van Keeken, H. G.,Ploegmakers,J.J.W.,Seeber,G. H., & van den Akker-Scheek, I. (2023) Therapeutic validity and effectiveness of exercise interventions after lower limbsalvage surgery for sarcoma: a systematic review. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 24(1).


children maintain regular social and physical activity. Treatment typically combines medications for pain and swelling, physical therapy to improve joint function, and regular checkups to monitor disease progression Surgery may be required for severe joint damage A balanced diet and regular exercise also support symptom management and overallwell-being.

Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA), also known as juvenile arthritis, is a condition that affects children under the age of sixteen. One of the most common symptoms is joint pain, which may cause children to limp, especially in the morning or after a nap. Joint swelling is often first noticed in larger joints like the knees. Stiffnessinthejoints,particularlyinthemorning orafterperiodsofinactivity,isalsotypical.Some childrenmayexperiencefever,arash,orswollen lymph nodes. Additionally, certain types of JIA can lead to chronic eye inflammation (uveitis). Children with JIA may also suffer from extreme fatigueandlossofappetite.

Diagnosing JIA can be challenging because its symptoms can be similar to those of other illnesses Doctors usually start with a thorough medical history and physical examination to detect symptoms such as joint swelling, tenderness, and limited range of motion They mayalsoorderimagingtestslikeMRIs,CTscans, X-rays,andbloodteststolookforinflammatory markerstoruleoutothercauses.


SupportingachildwithJIAinvolves: Educatingyourselfandothers. Managingsymptomswithheat&coldpacks. Promoting a balanced lifestyle with exercise andnutrition.

Providing emotional support and engaging in fun, therapist-guided activities can boost strengthandflexibility

Schools play a crucial role by implementing an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or 504 Plan. Accommodations such as flexible scheduling, ergonomic materials, additional classroom resources,andmodifiedphysicaleducationand note-taking assistance can significantly aid students with JIA. These adjustments help childrensucceedacademicallyandsocially.

By understanding and addressing the uniqueneedsofchildrenwithJIA,parents, educators, and healthcare providers can work together to support these children in leadingfulfillingandactivelives.


Arthritis Foundation. (n.d.a). Help Your Child Live Better with Juvenile Arthritis. https://wwwarthritisorg/juvenile-arthritis Arthritis Foundation (ndb) Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Month. Arthritis Foundation (ndc) Juvenile Arthritis Patient Education & Resources. Juvenile Arthritis Research (2020) Juvenile Arthritis Research - Resources Jarprojectorg

Psoriasis Psoriasis

MythBusters: MythBusters:

SeparatingFacts fromFictionfor BetterSkinCare

Misconceptions about psoriasis, a chronicautoimmunedisorder,can hurtindividualswhosufferfromit.It is frequently misinterpreted. This interactiveessaywilldispelpopular myths,offerpracticaladvice,and providereliableinformationtohelp you manage psoriasis more skillfully.


TrueorFalse:Psoriasisisjustaskin conditionthatisnotsevere.

Answer: False! Psoriasis is much morethanaskincondition.Itisa chronicautoimmunediseasethat can lead to other serious health issues,includingpsoriaticarthritis, heart disease, and diabetes. Managing psoriasis goes beyond skincare; it is about maintaining overallhealth.

Did You Know?

Psoriasis affects approximately 7.5 million peopleintheUnitedStatesalone.Despite its prevalence, many still believe it is contagious—a common myth that can leadtounnecessarystigma

Daily Habits to Help Manage PsoriasisFlare-Ups

Psoriasis management calls for a comprehensive strategy, including medicationand lifestyle modifications. The following routines can be helpful, according to the American Academy of Dermatology Association(2024):

StayHydrated:Drinkingenoughwater helps keep skin hydrated and may reduce psoriasis symptoms by preventingdrynessandirritation. Moisturize Regularly: Apply thick, fragrance-freecreamsoftentolockin moisture, especially after showers or baths.

Use Gentle Products: Opt for hypoallergenic,mildskincareproducts toavoidirritatingsensitiveskin Eat a Balanced Diet: Consume antiinflammatoryfoodslikenuts,fattyfish, and leafy greens to help control inflammationandreduceflare-ups.

Manage Stress: To help minimize flare-ups, practice stress-reduction techniques such as yoga, meditation, anddeepbreathing.

Exercise Regularly: Regular physical activity can improve circulation, lower stress, and help maintain a healthy weight


Avoid Triggers: To manage psoriasis proactively,identifyandavoidpersonal triggers, such as specific foods or weatherconditions.

FollowTreatmentPlans:Adheretoyour doctor’s treatment plan and keep appointments to manage symptoms effectively.

Protect Your Skin from the Sun: Moderate sun exposure can be beneficial, but too much can worsen psoriasis. Use sunscreen and limit sun exposure.

GetEnoughSleep:Aim for 7-9 hours of sleeppernightto.


The quality of life for those with psoriasis can be significantly enhanced by learning about the condition and how to treat it. Peoplecantakechargeoftheirillnessand lessenthefrequencyandintensityofflaretaineverydayroutines.


It is essential to oriasis to improve your quality of life and attain better results Being knowledgeable and proactive allows you to manage your disease and helps prevent flare-ups. Equally crucial is spreading knowledge about psoriasis, which lessens stigma, promotes understanding, and helps those impactedbythecondition Recallthatyou may live well with psoriasis and lead a better, happier life if you have the correct informationandbehaviors.


TrueorFalse:Psoriasisishereditary, butnoteveryonewithafamilyhistory willdevelopit.

Answer: True! Genetics plays a significant role in psoriasis, but environmental factors and immune systemtriggersalsocontributetoits development.

References: American Academy of Dermatology. (2024). Healthy DIET AND OTHER LIFESTYLE CHANGES THAT CAN IMPROVE PSORIASIS. nsider/managing

Boehncke, W. H., & Schön, M. P. (2015). Psoriasis. The Lancet, 386(9997), 983-994. National Psoriasis Foundation. (2024). I Am Living with Psoriatic Arthritis.

Understanding Gastroparesis:


DuringAugust’sGastroparesis AwarenessMonth

AugustisGastroparesisAwarenessMonthwhenwe unite to provide understanding and support for those affected by this condition. Established by the International Foundation for Gastrointestinal Disorders (IFFGD) in 2016, this month reminds us of the crucial need for empathy and support for individuals living with gastroparesis. It's a time to educate, raise awareness, and, most importantly, foster empathy and support for those battling this condition




Month2024MediaToolkit: wwwdropboxcom/scl/fi/0z3oum3uqicl4 u44rzvq6/Gastroparesis-AwarenessMonth-2023-Media-Toolkit.pdf




Gastroparesis, also called delayed gastric emptying, is a complex chronic debilitating condition in which the stomach muscle fails to function correctly, leading to delayed stomach emptying or incomplete digestion. People suffering from gastroparesis can have mild to severe symptoms that can negatively impact their lives duetotheconstantdiscomfortandrandomnessof its symptoms, intervening with work, school, and personal relationships. Some people may experience mild symptoms such as nausea or vomiting, stomach pain, bloating after a normalsized meal, early satiety, heartburn, and loss of appetite In contrast, others face severe symptoms suchasunintentionalweightloss,malnutrition,and dehydration,leadingtopoorqualityoflife

Gastroparesis is uncommon and affects an estimated 5 million people in the U.S., more commonlyinwomenthanmen.Still,thesymptoms relatedtogastroparesisarewidespreadandaffect 1 out of 4 Americans, because of which it is frequently misdiagnosed. The exact cause of gastroparesis is unknown (a term called idiopathic). People who have type 1 diabetes, hypothyroidism, scleroderma, and nervous system disorders,suchasmigraine,Parkinson'sdisease,

multiple sclerosis, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), and eating disorders are at highriskofdevelopinggastroparesis.


Learn and help increase community knowledge about this commonly misjudged and misdiagnosed condition by getting involved in local and international public health campaigns to acknowledge the variable impact of gastroparesis on the lives of individuals who agonize after it. Participation in social media campaigns provides an opportunity to share your story and understand individuals' experiences and challenges in managing the burden of gastroparesis. *Friendly Reminder to Explore KeyResourcesonGastroparesis:FindValuable InformationontheFirstPageofThisArticle

References: International Foundation for Gastrointestinal Disorders. (2024). Gastroparesis Awareness Month.

NationalInstituteofDiabetesandDigestiveand Kidney Diseases (2018) Definition & Facts for Gastroparesis https://wwwniddknihgov/healthinformation/digestivediseases/gastroparesis/definitionfacts#: :text=Gastroparesis. Burba, K. (2022). Gastroparesis Awareness Month: Patients ‘Living with GP’ can help promote diagnosis and care. y/20220805/gastroparesis-awareness-monthpatients-living-with-gp-can-help-promotediagnosis-care?

August 31st is National Overdose Awareness Day, a global event dedicated to raising awareness about the tragic and preventable loss of life due to drug overdoses Overdoses happen for a varietyofreasons substanceabuse,accidentally takingtoomuchprescriptionorover-the-counter medication, or being unaware of a substance’s potency A drug overdose occurs when someone consumes more of a controlled substance than their body can process, often resulting in severe complicationsordeath.

Thisepidemicknowsnoborders.Opioidoverdose, in particular, is a crisis that is on the rise, with more than 200,000 lives lost annually. In the U.S. alone,over80,000peoplediefromopioid-related overdoses each year. Those who take high doses ofopioids,haveunderlyinghealthissueslikeheart problems or are taking other substances face a higher risk of overdose and mortality. If you ever witness an overdose, it’s crucial to act fast and callformedicalhelpimmediately.

Twoyearsago,myfatherbecamepartof thisstatistic.Hepassedawayduetoan opioidoverdosethatledtoaheartattack. Hewas50yearsold,hadgeneticheart problems,andhadbeenbattlingaddiction toopioidsforover16years.Hepassed awayjustdaysafterFather’sDay. Myfatherhadoverdosedseveraltimes before,butNarcansavedhim.However,his addictionranmoreprofoundthanIknew. Hestruggledwithmentalhealthissues, andIdidn’trealizethefullextentofhis battle.Hewasaddictedtopainkillersand evensomethingasseeminglyharmlessas anosespray.Iknewabouthisaddiction, butIneverthoughtitwasmyplacetosay something.That’sadecisionIwillalways regret.MaybeifIhadspokenup,hewould havesoughthelp.Perhapshewouldstillbe heretoday.

Istillfindithardtotalkaboutmyfather’sdeath and overdoses in general, but I’ve come to realize that sharing his story makes me stronger It’s a step toward healing; by doing so, I hope to raise awareness. If you ' re in a similar situation, don’t stay silent Speak up Encourageyourlovedonestoseekhelp.Itmay be uncomfortable, but your words could save alife.

If you ' re in crisis or know someone who is, call 988.Helpisalwaysavailable.


CDC. (2024, May 9). Overdose Prevention. Overdose Prevention.

Erie County NY. (2024, August 30). Erie County Acknowledges International Overdose Awareness Day. YouTube. v=nxTfIAmGMzw

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2023). Opioid


September is Childhood Cancer

Awareness Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness for those affected by childhood cancer and honoring the children who have lost their lives to the disease. Launched in 2011, this initiative aims to build support for children with cancer, advocate for their needs, promote cancerpreventionefforts,andshedlighton thoseaffected.

Unfortunately, cancer remains one of the leading causes of disease-related death among children and adolescents. According to, there is an estimated expected amount of 9,620 new casesdiagnosedinchildrenfromages0to 14 this year. Another statistic from the American Cancer Society reveals that approximately 1,040 children and 550 adolescents are expected to succumb to thesediseasesthisyear.Thoughitislargely unknown what the causes of childhood cancers are, this statistic underscores the utter importance and continued need for cancer research and support for all childrenaroundtheworld.


One common type of childhood cancer is cancerrelatedtobloodorbone,suchas

Leukemia. Leukemia is a cancer affecting the bone marrow cells in our body. Bone marrow cells contain stem cells that turn into our red and white blood cells (or platelets) Children with Leukemia have bone marrow cells that produce an abnormal amount of platelets. Instead of protecting your body from infections, it does the opposite and makes it easier for viruses to enter An abnormal amount of these platelets crowds out healthy red blood cells from stopping the body from bleedingaftergettinghurtandreceiving enoughoxygen.

How Can You Help To Spread Awareness?

There are several impactful ways to spread awareness about Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. Start by sharing information on social media, including posts, articles, and infographics highlighting the importance of early detection and ongoing research. Participate in or organize local events such as charity walksandfundraiserstoraisefundsand visibility for childhood cancer causes and research. Increased research has beenhighlyimpactfulthroughoutthe


years, and most childhood cancers are more curable, as the survival rates have risento90%

As we come together this month, let’s remember that our collective actions can drive change, support those in need, and advance the pursuit of cures, ultimately bringing hope to children and families affectedbycancer.


American Childhood Cancer Organization (2016).ChildhoodCancerAwarenessMonth2016. :text=September%20is%20Childhood% 20Cancer%20Awareness,cancer%20organization s%20around%20the%20world.

American Association for Cancer Research. (n.d.). September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.

CURE Childhood Cancer (2024) Fighting for every child: September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month CureChildhoodCancerorg https://curechildhoodcancerorg/childho od-cancer-awareness-month/ National Cancer Institute at the National Institutes of Health (2024) Childhood Cancers. :text=The%20most%20commo n%20types%20of,certain%20types%20of%2 0childhood%20cancer.

Savelli, S., & Prasad, P. (2019). Types of Childhood and Adolescent Cancers. healthissues/conditions/cancer/Pages/Childho od-

Canceraspx#:~:text=Childhood%20cance r%20is%20rare,to%2014%2C%20after%20u nintentional%20injuries





To avoid fungal diseases like athlete's foot or ringworm, avoid sharing personal objects, wash your hands frequently, and keep your skin dry and clean.

Increase immunity to help your body naturally fight illnesses by maintaining a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and learning how to manage stress.

Use dehumidifiers, ensure enough ventilation, and avoid wetness to reduce mold and mildew in your house, especially in the bathrooms

To avoid fungal infections and skin irritation, wear breathable materials and moisture-wicking shoes, and change out of damp clothes quickly Recognize the signs, which include scratchy rashes, skin irritation, or breathing issues, and consult a doctor as soon as possible.

References: Cleveland Clinic. (2022). Fungal Infection (Mycosis): Types, Causes & Treatments https://myclevelandc linicorg/health/disea ses/24401-fungalinfections-mycosis Seladi-Schulman, & Williams, A (2023) What You Need to Know About Fungal Skin Infections. Healthline Media LLC. https://www.healthlin

Understanding essential nutrients is vital for preventing malnutrition and supporting overall health, as they play crucial roles in growth, development, and bodily functions.

Crucial for tissue growth, repair, and immune function, key sources include oranges, strawberries, bell peppers, and broccoli.

It supports immune function, wound healing, and cell growth, and it comes from critical sources such as meat, shellfish, nuts, and seeds.

Essential for producing hemoglobin and preventing anemia, with key sources including red meat, beans, lentils, and spinach.

VitaminDenhancescalcium absorptionandsupportsbone health.Itcanbesourcedfrom sunlight,fortifiedmilk,andfattyfish.

It is vital for building strong bones and teeth and supporting muscle function. It can be found in dairy products, almonds, and leafy green vegetables.

Essential for vision, immune function, and skin health, key sources include carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach, and liver.

Add these essential nutrients to support your health and prevent malnutrition, and consult a healthcare professional to address your specific needs.


Harvard Health Publishing (2019) The best foods for vitamins and minerals HealthHarvardedu https://wwwhealthharv ardedu/stayinghealthy/the-bestfoods-for-vitaminsand-minerals

Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition. (2022). Micronutrientdense foods to combat malnutrition. https://www.gainhealth. org/media/news/micro nutrient-dense-foodscombat-malnutrition

Why Indoor Air Quality Matters

Did you know that indoor air can be 2-5 times more polluted than outdoor air? Here ishowtofreshentheairinsideyourhome.

Keep windows open whenever possible to allow fresh air to circulate and reduce indoorpollutantlevels.

Invest in a quality air purifier with HEPA filters to remove dust, allergens, and other particles from theair.

Switch to natural, non-toxic cleaning products to avoid harmful VOCs (volatile organic compounds) in your home.

Use a dehumidifier to maintain optimal humidity levels. This helps prevent mold and dust mites, which thriveinmoistenvironments.

Replace your heating and cooling system's filters every three months to keeptheairflowingcleanandclear.

To minimize indoor pollutants, avoid indoor smoking, limit the use of scented candles, and regularly cleanpetareas.


Use houseplants that purify air (e.g., spiderplants,aloevera). Ensureproperventilationwhencooking. Keep floors clean by vacuuming and moppingregularly. A few easy adjustments can significantly improve indoor air quality. Taketheseactionsrightnowtocreatea healthieratmosphereathome! Ready to improve your air quality? Start with one of these steps today andbreatheeasiertomorrow!


Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a hereditary blood disorder that mainly affects individuals of African, Latinx, Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, and South Asian descent While medical understandinghasimproved,thereisstillwork to ensure equal treatment, advance research, and raise awareness. National Sickle Cell Awareness Month, observed in September, highlights the importance of early diagnosis, better treatments, and public education. Continued efforts are crucial to combating stigma and promoting equitable healthcare for underrepresented groups and public education. Raising awareness is crucial in combating stigma, advancing research, and promoting equitable healthcare access for underrepresentedcommunities.

momentum in the 1970s, particularly with the establishment of the Sickle Cell Disease Association of America. A critical development was the introduction of mandatory newborn screening in the 1980s, which improved early detection and treatment. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration's (2023) approval of gene therapies marked a significant step forward However, high costs and limited accessibility highlight the ongoing need for funding and awareness.


National Sickle Cell Awareness Month plays a critical role in educating the public Organizations like the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and SCDAA lead efforts by sharing stories, distributing resources, and engaging communities through social media Thesecampaignsoffereducationalmaterials, webinars,andpatientresources.


Despite progress, stigma and misconceptions about SCD persist. Patients often face discrimination or delayed diagnosis in healthcare settings, and systemic inequities limit access to care, particularly in underserved populations. Limited funding and resources further complicate prevention and treatmentefforts.


Raising awareness is crucial for informing patients and providers about treatment options. Blood transfusions, hydroxyurea, and pain management reduce complications. At the same time, bone marrow transplants and gene therapy offer emerging but costly treatments for marginalized communities Additionally, research on physical activity and lifestylechangesshowspromiseforimproving patientoutcomes.


Future awareness campaigns should incorporate digital tools like mobile health apps and focus on closing funding and healthcare access gaps. Continued efforts in education and research will be essential to advancingcareforSCDpatients.


Raising awareness about SCD is critical to improving diagnosis and treatment and reducing stigma. Through advocacy and support for awareness initiatives, the public can contribute to improving the lives of SCD patients and drive innovation in treatment andcaretreatment

References: AbdulRaheem, Y. (2023). Unveiling the significance and challenges of integrating prevention levels in healthcare practice Journal of Primary Care & Community Health, 14.

CentersforDiseaseControlandPrevention (2024) Sickle Cell Disease and Thalassemia Programs: Newborn Screening Data. https://wwwcdcgov/ncbddd/sicklecell/newborns creening.html

Hassell, K. L. (2010). Population estimates of sickle cell disease The US American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 38(4), S512–S521.

Khemani, K, Katoch, D, & Krishnamurti, L (2019) Curative therapies for sickle cell disease Ochsner Journal, 19(2), 131–137.

Makani, J, Williams, T N, & Marsh, K (2007) Sickle cell disease in Africa: burden and research priorities. Annals of Tropical Medicine & Parasitology, 101(1), 3–14

National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. (2023). What Is Sickle Cell Disease?

National Institute for Children’s Healthy Quality (2023) September is for Sickle Cell Awareness

Phillips, S, Chen, Y, Masese, R, Noisette, L, Jordan, K., Jacobs, S., Hsu, L. L., Melvin, C. L., Treadwell, M., Shah, N., Tanabe, P., & Kanter, J. (2022). Perspectives of individuals with sickle cell disease on barriers to care. PLoS ONE, 17(3), e0265342.

Piel, F B, Patil, A P, Howes, R E, Nyangiri, O A, Gething,P.W.,Dewi,M.,Temperley,W.H.,Williams,T. N., Weatherall, D. J., & Hay, S. I. (2013). Global epidemiologyofsicklehaemoglobininneonates:a contemporary geostatistical model-based map and population estimates. The Lancet, 381(9861), 142–151 https://doiorg/101016/s0140- 6736(12)61229-x

Sickle Cell Disease Coalition. (2023). Homepage: We're Committed to Conquering Sickle Cell https://wwwscdcoalitionorg/

The United States Food & Drug Administration. (2023).FDA Approves First Gene Therapies to Treat Patients with Sickle Cell Disease FDA Wong, C. H., Li, D., Wang, N., Gruber, J., Lo, A. W., & Conti, R. M. (2023). The estimated annual financial impact of gene therapy in the United States Gene Therapy, 30(10–11), 761–773


September is pivotal in the fight against ovarian cancer, impacting thousands of women annually. Two key forces are revolutionizing care: digital health and grassrootsmovements. Digitalhealthinnovationsincludetelemedicine, whichprovidesvirtualconsultationsforprompt expertcare,reducingtravelanxiety

To make your mark, support digital health by donating or volunteering for digital health initiatives, and participate in grassroots movements by joining local events, volunteering, and advocating for research. Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month is a chance to boost understanding and support. By combining digital innovations with grassroots efforts, we can transformcareanddriverealchange

Smart solutions like the MyCancerCoach app help manage symptoms and treatment, enhancing patient engagement. Digital care circles, such as virtual communities, offer emotional support and combat loneliness. Grassrootsmovementsplayavitalrolethrough fundraising and awareness events like the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition’s Annual Walks, which support research and advocacy. OrganizationsliketheOvarianCancerResearch Alliance advocate for policy changes and funding, while local workshops and support groupsraiseawarenessandprovideresources.

Digital technologies and grassroots programs work together to improve care and advocacy, withsocialmediaamplifyingtheseefforts.


American Cancer Society. (2023). Ovarian cancer. Retrievedfrom

American College of Radiology (2023) Telemedicine and its role in cancer care Retrieved from https://wwwacrorg

National Cancer Institute (2023) Mobile health apps inoncology.Retrievedfrom

National Ovarian Cancer Coalition. (2023). Annual walks and community events. Retrieved from

Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month. (2023, August 4). OCRA. 0month

Ovarian Cancer | How to Check for Ovarian Cancer (n.d.).

Shattering Myths: Join the Movement for Alzheimer’sAwareness

Every September, Alzheimer's Disease International (ADI) sponsors World Alzheimer's Month to combat the stigma associated with Alzheimer's and other dementias. The campaign promotes early diagnosis, public awareness, support networks, and research. As the leading cause of dementia, Alzheimer’s impacts millions with memory loss and cognitive decline. Let's change the conversation about Alzheimer’s, one month, oneaction,onethoughtatatime.

From Forgetfulness to Diagnosis: 10 Early


Alzheimer's disease is characterized by memory loss, difficulty recalling events, difficulty performing familiar tasks, temporal disorientation, problem-solving difficulties, difficulty retracing steps, misplaced objects, poor judgment, mood and personality changes, visual and spatial relationships problems, and difficulty with language. These symptomscanleadtopoorfinancialdecisions, neglect of personal needs, and difficulty with language.


Alzheimer’sisthe7thleadingcauseofdeathin the U.S., affecting over 6 million Americans. Nearlytwo-thirdsofAmericanswithAlzheimer’s are women. Poor oral hygiene and gum disease may increase the risk of Alzheimer’s, and midlife hearing loss is a significant modifiableriskfactorfordementia


Early-onset Alzheimer's can occur in the 40s and 50s, not just the elderly. Memory loss is common, but significant impairment is abnormal. There's no proven treatment or prevention,butahealthylifestylemayreduce risk.


Dementia encompasses symptoms affecting memory and thinking, with Alzheimer’s responsiblefor60-80%ofcases.Earlydiagnosis enables treatments, clinical trials, and future planning. Caregivers often experience high stressandbenefitfromsupportgroups,respite care, and counseling. We anticipate a future where improved therapies and support transform the lives of those affected by dementia.


Alzheimer'sAssociation(2022)10earlysignsandsymptoms ofAlzheimer’sAlzheimer’sDiseaseandDementia; Alzheimer’sAssociation. signs

International,AD,Zeisel,J,Bennett,K,&Fleming,R (2020).WorldAlzheimerReport2020:Design,dignity, dementia:Dementia-relateddesignandthebuilt,1.

Alzheimer'sResearchUK.(2018).Alzheimer’sResearchUK. Alzheimer’sResearchUK https://wwwalzheimersresearchukorg/


September is PCOS Awareness Month. PCOS standsforpolycysticovarysyndrome,which is a problem with hormones that occurs during reproductive years. The direct cause is still unknown, so it is essential to bring awareness to this health issue so that researchcandeterminethecause,streamline the diagnosis process, and provide multiple typesoftreatment.

PCOS can be the cause of menstrual cycle problems, such as irregular periods or having no periods. High levels of the hormone androgen may result in hirsutism (excessive hair growth), severe acne, and male-pattern baldness. Lastly, as the name suggests, PCOS results in polycystic ovaries. This means the ovaries might be more significant Many follicles with immature eggs develop around the edge of the ovary, and the ovaries may not function as they should. PCOS may also impact reproductive health and increase the risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease. PCOS risk factors include lifestyle or diet, environmentalpollutants,genetics,guthealth, neuroendocrine alterations, and obesity. In addition to the physical effects, PCOS has been associated with anxiety, depression, bodyimage,andself-esteem

DiagnosisandmanagementofPCOScanbe lengthy, depending on symptoms. The diagnosisismadebasedonthepresenceof any two menstrual irregularities, such as polycystic ovaries or increased androgen. Ultrasounds and bloodwork may also contribute to the diagnosis. Treatment can address the absence of ovulation, excessive androgen, insulin resistance, and weight management.


ToraiseawarenessforPCOS,youcanlookinto events being held during September. There are also walks, webinars, and social media campaigns where you can participate to spread the word and learn more about this healthissue.Theseeventscanbewhereyou canhearpersonaltestimoniesaboutpeople’s experiencewithPCOS,thediagnosisprocess, and what they are doing to treat it/mitigate their symptoms. Resources are also linked below for further information on PCOS and howtogetinvolved.


Dason,E.S.,Koshkina,O.,Chan,C.,&Sobel,M.(2024). Diagnosis and management of polycystic ovarian syndrome CMAJ, 196(3), E85–E94

Dewani, D., Karwade, P., & Mahajan, K. S. (2023). The Invisible Struggle: The Psychosocial Aspects of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Cureus, 15(12), e51321.

Gynaecology and Fertility, C (2022) Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Awareness Month. MayoClinicStaff.(2022).PolycysticOvarySyndrome (PCOS) - Symptoms and Causes. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research https://wwwmayoclinicorg/diseasesconditions/pcos/symptoms-causes/syc-20353439

Singh,S,Pal,N,Shubham,S,Sarma,D K,Verma,V, Marotta, F, & Kumar, M (2023) Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Etiology, Current Management, and Future Therapeutics. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 12(4), 1454 https://doiorg/103390/jcm1204145461–773.

Raising Awareness: The Public Health Impact of Sepsis

September is national awareness month for sepsis, highlighting the urgency of addressing this severe public health issue. According to Sepsis Alliance (2022), about 1.7 million people develop sepsis each year, and approximately 350,000 adults succumb to the disease. Understandingandaddressingsepsisiscrucial This life-threatening emergency occurs when the body's response to an infection damages vitalorgansandoftenleadstodeath.Whilethe immunesystemtypicallycombatspathogensto prevent illness, medications such as antibiotics, antivirals,antifungals,andantiparasiticsmaybe necessary to support the body's fight against severeinfections.


Q1.WhatdoesSeptembersignifyforsepsis, andhowmanypeopleareaffectedannually?

A)AwarenessMonth; 1.7milliondevelop,350,000die.

B)AwarenessMonth; 350,000developand1.7milliondie.

C)AwarenessMonth; 500,000develop,200,000die.

D)AwarenessMonth; 1milliondevelop,500,000die. *Theanswerislocatedattheendofthisarticle.


Infants, the elderly, those with chronic illnesses, and those with compromised immune systems arethegroupsmostatriskofsepsis Infectionis ariskfactorforsepsis.Sepsiscanbebroughton by infections ranging from the smallest, like a bug bite or hangnail, to the most serious, like meningitisandpneumonia.


Q2.Whichgroupsaremostatriskfor sepsis,andwhatinfectionscan triggerthiscondition?

A) Young adults and those with healthy immune systems; only severe infections like meningitis and pneumonia.

B) Infants, the elderly, those with chronic illnesses, and individuals with compromised immune systems; infections ranging from minor (like a bug bite or hangnail) to severe (like meningitis and pneumonia)

C) Middle-aged adults with no chronic conditions; infections exclusively from bug bites.

D) Only those with chronic illnesses and compromised immune systems; only severe infections like pneumonia.

*The answer is located at the end of this article


Properhygieneandavoidinginfectedindividuals can prevent sepsis. Additionally, vaccines can help avoid sepsis by creating an illusion of viral infection in your body, which renders you resistant to contracting the illness. Another way to prevent sepsis is to wash your hands. For handwashing to be effective, it must be done correctly and possibly more frequently than manypeoplecurrentlydo.


It is critical to watch for sepsis symptoms. Early detection of these signs can help keep the body from septic shock. Whether it is high or low, temperature is the first sign. Your

body'stemperaturetypicallyriseswhenbattling an infection as it attempts to destroy the pathogen For some people, the temperature maydropratherthanrise.Infectionisthesecond sign The signs and symptoms of a local infection, such as pneumonia, urinary tract infection, or infected cut, are specific to the affected area. Mental decline, including sleep difficulties,difficultyrousing,andconfusion,isthe thirdsymptom.Mentalstatecanbeimpactedby sepsis.Olderadultsmaynotexhibitsymptomsof infections. However, they may exhibit mental confusion . Severe pain, discomfort, or dyspnea are examples of the fourth sign, which is an acuteillness.


Q3.Whateffectivestrategiesprevent sepsis,andwhyisproperhandwashing important?

A) Only taking antibiotics; handwashing is unnecessary.

B) Proper hygiene, avoiding infected individuals, and vaccinations; effective handwashing is crucial and should be done correctly and frequently.

C) Using antiviral medications; handwashing can be infrequent.

D) Avoid physical exercise; handwashing is optional.

*The answer is located at the end of this article


Sepsis is a formidable public health challenge, demanding urgent attention and action Each year, the disease affects millions and claims countless lives, underscoring the critical need for heightened awareness and proactive measures. By prioritizing proper hygiene, embracing vaccination, and maintaining vigilance for early symptoms, we can collectively combat the impact of sepsis. Recognizing that effective prevention and timely intervention are our best defenses, we must commit to education and rigorous

health practices to reduce the burden of this life-threatening condition Addressing sepsis saves lives and fortifies our health systems against a pervasive and often preventable threat.


A) Fever, nausea, and headaches; early detection is unnecessary

B) Temperature changes, signs of local infection, mental decline, and severe pain; early detection can prevent progression to septic shock.

C) Joint pain, sore throat, and fatigue; early detection only helps with fatigue.

D) Skin rash, cough, and congestion; early detection does not impact outcomes

*The answer is located at the end of this article.

Reference: Sepsis Alliance (2022). What Is Sepsis.

OvercomingtheFlu Blues:Effective Strategies&Tips

It is important to consider strategies to safeguard our communities and ourselves as the temperature cools and flu season approaches. On September 17, "Get Ready for Flu Day" will take place, serving as a nationwide reminder to get ready for flu season before it truly strikes. There are several strategies to avoid getting the flu this year, ranging from immunizations to basic hygiene practices.


The flu season spreads swiftly in homes, workplaces, and educational institutions. "Get Ready for Flu Day" gives people the tools they need to take charge of their health before the illness.Thebestdefense,accordingtotheCDC, is vaccination, particularly for susceptible populations including young children, the elderly, and people with long-term medical issues. We can all contribute to ensuring a betterfluseasonbypracticingprevention.


Vaccination is one of the most crucial proceduresinavoidingtheflu.Fluvaccinations are commonly accessible and give significant protection against severe symptoms. Accessible flu vaccination clinics have been set up at workplaces, community centers, and schools in states like Florida, making it simple for everyone to receive a vaccination. These initiatives are essential to guaranteeing more controllablefluseasons.

It is easier than you would think to plan your flu shot event. All you need is a place, alliances with neighborhood pharmacies or health organizations, and a well-thought-out socialmediamarketingstrategy.Encouraging your community to have access to vaccines, whether through a school vaccination day or apop-upclinicatyourworkplace,canhavea significantimpact.


Misinformationisoneofthebiggestobstacles to flu prevention. You have likely heard the statement, "The flu shot gives you the flu." But thetruthis,thefluvaccinedoesnotcausethe illness. It has inactivated or weakened viral particles that aid in the development of immunity without making you sick. The secret to raising vaccination rates is busting these widespreadmisconceptions.

Campaigns for public health, particularly those on social media, are quite successful in dispelling beliefs about the flu. Research has indicated that sharing personal accounts of flu prevention online can motivate others to take similar action. People are more inclined to imitate those who have shown that flu vaccines can prevent disease in real-world situations.


Good hygiene practices, such as frequent handwashing,concealingcoughsandsneezes, and remaining at home while unwell, can reducethetransmissionofthefluinadditionto vaccination. These behaviors are frequently encouraged in schools. The immune system is alsostrengthenedbyleadingahealthylifestyle that includes adequate sleep, exercise, and nutrition


"Get Ready for Flu Day" is a call to action for entire communities to unite and stop the spread of the flu, not just an annual event. Every effort matters, from receiving a vaccination to disseminating correct information. Although the flu season is inevitable, we can greatly improve community healthbybandingtogether.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2018). Key Facts About Seasonal Flu Vaccine. FloridaHealth.(n.d.).Influenza|FloridaDepartmentof Health. Mayo Clinic Staff (2023) Stress relief from laughter? It’s no joke Mayo Clinic

The United States Department of Health and Human Services,&NationalInstitutesofHealth.(2014).Colds, Flu, and Complementary Health Approaches: Usefulness and Safety NCCIH https://wwwnccihnihgov/health/colds-flu-andcomplementary-health-approaches

StartNow,Stay Healthy:Your Interactive RoadmaptoHeart


Heart disease doesn’t only afflict the elderly; due to habits and lifestyle decisions made during adolescence, it frequently develops muchearlierinlife.

The good news is that you can protect your heart for years to come by making small, consistentchangestoday.We’llhelpyoustart forming heart-healthy habits right away with thisinteractiveguide.

Every year on September 29th, the world observes World Heart Day as a way to bring attention to cardiovascular diseases (CVD), which accounts for 17.9 million deaths worldwide each year, and are the primary cause of death worldwide. The theme for this year, “Heartbeats of Change,” emphasizes the value of prevention and gives you an opportunity to take action through living a healthierlifestyleandremainingawareofyour riskforheartdisease.



Understanding your blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and BMI is key to keeping your heart healthy. These numbers can help you catch any early warning signs of heart issues.Askyourdoctortocheckyournumbers regularly

Step 2: Challenge Yourself with an Activity Tracker

Use a fitness tracker to set daily goals for movement. Whether it’s 10,000 steps or 30 minutes of exercise, tracking your activity can help you stay motivated and on top of your health.


Start by cooking one heart-healthy meal per week with friends or family. Get creative with fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and see howdeliciouseatingwellcanbe


Are you ready to quit smoking or reduce your sugar intake? Take small steps like swapping cigarettes for gum or trading soda for water. Graduallybreakingunhealthyhabitswillhavea positiveimpactonyourheart.


American Heart Association. (2019). Fitness.

CDC (2024, April 29) About Heart Disease Heart Disease https://wwwcdcgov/heartdisease/about/indexhtml

National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (2019) Healthy Eating Plan Nihgov https://wwwnhlbinihgov/health/educational/lose wt/ eat/calorieshtm

World Health Organization (2024) Cardiovascular diseases

World Health Organisation 1

BloodCancer Awareness Month:ACallto Action

September is Blood Cancer Awareness Month, a critical time to spotlight the importance of early detection and support for those affected by leukemia, lymphoma, andmyeloma.

According to the American Cancer Society's CancerFacts&Figures2023,publishedonline in2023,approximatelyonepersonintheUSis diagnosed with leukemia, lymphoma, or myeloma every 3 minutes (LLS.Org, n.d.). Despite advancements in treatment, these cancersremainchallenging,underscoringthe need for public awareness and research funding.

Early detection significantly improves survival rates, making awareness campaigns essential for educating the public about symptoms such as unexplainedweightloss,fever,chills,fatigue, weakness, loss of appetite, night sweats, bone/joint pain, abdominal discomfort, headaches, shortness of breath, frequent infections, itchy skin, and swollen lymph nodes.

Supportnetworksandresourcesarevitalfor patientsandtheirfamiliesduringtreatment. BloodCancerAwarenessMonthencourages everyonetolearnmore,donatetoresearch, andadvocateforpoliciesthatensurebetter accesstocare.

References: CityofHope (2022,June21) Bloodcancer Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS). (n.d.). Facts and StatisticsOverview https://wwwllsorg/facts-and-statistics/facts-andstatistics-overview

NationalYoga Awareness Month: Embracing Wellness

September is National Yoga Awareness Month to highlight yoga ' s profound benefits for physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing.

Yoga is derived from a Sanskrit word, a group of physical, mental, and spiritual practices or disciplines that originated in ancient India. These practices aim to control and still the mind, recognizing detached witness consciousness untouched by the mind and mundanesuffering.

A qualitative study showed that the participants' positive experiences included decreased pain and flexibility, increased sleep quality, developed positive personality traits, increased self-esteem, and more effective coping with anxiety and stress. Because the study was qualitative and long-term, it was able to evaluate individuals' beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors in a realistic, systematic, and detailed manner. (Akdeniz, S. & Kaştan, O, 2023).

Thismonthencourageseveryonetoexplore yogathroughlocalclasses,onlinesessions,or personalpractice,makingwellnessaccessibleto all.Byembracingyoga,individualscancultivate mindfulness,strengthentheirbodies,andfoster innerpeace.NationalYogaAwarenessMonth remindsustoprioritizeself-careandholistic healthinourdailylives.

References Akdeniz,S &Kaştan,O (2023,May15) Perceivedbenefitofyoga among adults who have practiced yoga for a long time: A qualitativestudy https://bpsmedicinebiomedcentralcom/articles/101186/s13030 -023-00276-3 Wikipedia.(2024,August16).Yoga. https://enwikipediaorg/wiki/Yoga

NationalChildhoodObesityAwarenessMonth: PromotingHealthyFutures

September is National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month, a time to address the alarmingriseinchildhoodobesityanditslongtermhealthimpacts.

From 2017 to March 2020, the prevalence of obesity among U.S. children and adolescents was 19.7%1. This means that approximately 14.7 millionU.S.youthsaged2–19yearshaveobesity. This puts them at risk for chronic conditions like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and psychologicalissues.Also,itisimportanttoknow that in 2019 dollars, the estimated annual medicalcostofobesityamongU.S.childrenwas $1.3billion.Medicalcostsforchildrenwithobesity were $116 higher per person per year than for childrenwithhealthyweight.

NationalChildhood ObesityAwareness Month:Promoting HealthyFutures

Thegoodnews?Childhoodobesitycanbe prevented. Take action during National ChildhoodObesityAwarenessMonth!Thislink communities, health professionals, and familiestoworktogethertoraiseawareness abouttheobesityepidemicandshowpeople howtoworktowardsasolutionThismonth emphasizestheimportanceofhealthyeating, regular physical activity, and supportive environments to help children maintain a healthyweight.Bypromotingnutritiousdiets, encouragingactivelifestyles,andreducing screentime,wecanworktogethertocombat childhoodobesityandsetthefoundationfora healthierfuture.NationalChildhoodObesity Awareness Month is a call to action for everyonetoinvestinthewell-beingofour children.

References: TheOfficeofDiseasePreventionandHealthPromotion (ODPHP) (2019,August28) TOOLKIT:NationalChildhood ObesityAwarenessMonth https://healthgov/news/news-andannouncements/2018/09/toolkit-national-childhoodobesity-awareness-month CentersforDiseaseControlandPrevention(CDC)(2024, April2)ChildhoodObesityFacts https://wwwcdcgov/obesity/php/dataresearch/childhood-obesity-factshtml

Safe sex is the use of methods to prevent unwanted pregnancies and the spread of HIV/AIDSandotherSTIs.Usingprotection,such as condoms for both sexes, and preventing yourmouth,penis,anus,orvaginafrombeing contaminated by your partner's sperm or vaginal fluids are critical components of safe sex. Condoms are very useful to prevent conceiving an unwanted child and spreading STDs such as gonorrhea, syphilis, HIV/AIDS, chlamydia,andgenitalherpes. HIVweakenstheimmunesystem,causingthe body to struggle against other diseases. If untreated for ten years, HIV can develop into Aids,leadingtodeath.STDSresearchbeganin the 80s due to sexual transmission and drug sharing.

Although not curable, medications and treatments slow the process. Symptoms include fever, headache, rash, mouth sores, enlarged lymph nodes, diarrhea, weight loss, coughing, and night sweats. Famous individuals with HIV/AIDS include Freddie Mercury, eazy-e, and MagicJohnson.

Chlamydia is the most commonly spread std. It is being spread by sexual intercourse and contact with bodily fluids. Testicular discomfort, vaginal discharge, discharge from the penis, painful vaginal intercourse, vaginal bleeding duringandaftersex,andpainfulurinationareall signs of chlamydia. It can be treated, but if left untreated, it can lead to serious health issues. A celebrity who has had chlamydia three times is TikTok star Chris Olsen. (please listen to the podcastwherehesayshehaschlamydia).

During sexual activity, skin-to-skin contact is the most common way for genital herpes to spread, producing sores on the lips and genitalia. People infected frequently experience little symptoms or are asymptomatic.Theherpesvirushasnoknown treatment. Within two to twelve days of viral exposure, symptoms appear. These might include genital pain or itching, little lumps or blisters around the mouth, anus, or genitalia; when blisters burst and leak or bleed, painful ulcers are left behind. As the ulcers heal, scabs develop. Painful urination, discharge from the vagina and the urethra, the tubes that carry pee out of the body. With proper care and medication, symptoms may be put atease.

Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) that affects various parts of the body, including the mouth, throat, eyes, and female reproductive system. It is primarily spread through vaginal, anal, and oral sex, and can also infect infants during birth Symptoms include painful urination, pus-like discharge, testicular pain, increased vaginal discharge, abdominaldiscomfort,andvaginalbleeding.

Syphilis, a sore on the mouth, rectum, and genitalia, can cause heart, brain, and death issues if untreated. It can also spread to newborns, causing warts, hair loss, muscle pains,fever,andweightloss.

Practicing safe sex is important because if you contract an STD from someone who is infected, you can spread it if you are unaware, as well as spreadittoyourchildrenifyoubecomepregnant, andsomecanevenkillyou.


Mayo Clinic (2019) Genital herpes - Symptoms and causes

Mayo Clinic; Mayo Clinic https://wwwmayoclinicorg/diseases-conditions/genitalherpes/symptoms-causes/syc-20356161

Mayo Clinic. (2021). Syphilis - Symptoms and causes. Mayo Clinic.

MayoClinic (2024a,January20) Gonorrhea-Symptomsand causes Mayo Clinic https://wwwmayoclinicorg/diseasesconditions/gonorrhea/symptoms-causes/syc-20351774

Mayo Clinic (2024b, February 9) HIV/AIDS - Symptoms and causes Mayo Clinic; Mayo Clinic

MayoClinic.(2022).Chlamydiatrachomatis-Symptomsand causes. Mayo Clinic.

Planned Parenthood (2010) Planned Parenthood



Spotify. (2015). Talking PrEP, Chlamydia, and Therapy with Chris Olsen by The Checkup with Doctor Mike. Spotify for Podcasters; Spotify for Podcasters. https://podcastersspotifycom/pod/show/mrfunnymike/epis odes/Talking-PrEP--Chlamydia--and-Therapy-with-ChrisOlsen-e2dp4oa

WebMD (2019) Slideshow: Famous Faces of HIV and AIDS WebMD https://wwwwebmdcom/hiv-aids/ss/slideshowcelebrities-hiv-aids

The National Fall Prevention Awareness Weekisnotjustaweekonthecalendar.It'sa national observance created with the NationalCouncilonAging(NCOA)andstate partnershipstoraisecommunityawareness about fall health and injury prevention. This weekisacrucialstepinourcollectiveeffortto minimize falls and fall-related injuries, thereby maximizing the independence and qualityoflifeofallolderAmericans.

Falls can be prevented, yet they are the leading cause of death and severe injuries in adults aged 65 and above. According to the CentersforDiseaseControl(CDC),oneinfour older adults experiences a fall annually. Falls are wrongly considered a part of aging. They increasetheriskofhospitalizationandimpact the quality of life in older individuals by limiting their activities and social engagement, resulting in detrimental effects ontheirphysicalandmentalhealthandwellbeing.



The first step in raising awareness involves educating yourself and the community's older adults about the risk of falls and the available resources for their prevention. Advocate and engage in fall prevention programs to find support from health providers, the community, and family members. Some valuable resources onfallpreventionare:

References: CentersforDiseaseControlandPrevention(CDC).(2024,May9). OlderAdultFallsData https://wwwcdcgov/falls/dataresearch/indexhtml NationalCouncilonAging(NCOA)(2024) NationalFalls PreventionResourceCenter CenterForHealthyAging https://wwwncoaorg/professionals/health/center-for-healthyaging/national-falls-prevention-resource-center NationalCouncilonAging(2024) FallFreeInitiative https://wwwncoaorg/article/about-the-falls-free-initiative/ NationalCouncilonAging(NCOA)(2024) FallsPrevention AwarenessWeekToolkit.

September's fresh air marks the beginning of fall, but it also marks the start of Healthy Aging Month a time to reflect on what it means to age This yearly event promotes a change in mindset among persons over 45 by viewing aging as a journey filled with opportunity, vitality,andpurpose.

Carolyn Worthington came up with the idea for Healthy Aging Month in 1992. She wanted to dispel misunderstandings about aging and encourage people to live life to the fullest regardless of age Her concept becameanationalmovementthatwaslaterbolsteredby programs such as Healthy People 2030, a project of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that aims to improve financial, emotional, and physical well-being throughoutlife

What does it mean to age gracefully, then? It's not only about remaining in shape, even if consistent exercise is essentialforemotionalandphysicalwell-being.Exercises forflexibility,strength,andaerobicscan

significantly improve mood, self-esteem, and general well-being. A balanced diet full of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains supports energy and helps manage chronic illnesses Nutrition also has a significantrole Reading,solvingpuzzles,andpicking up new skills are all beneficial for maintaining mentalacuityasweage.

Another essential component of healthy aging is social ties. Having relationships with our family, friends, and community helps us feel less alone and gives our later years meaning. In the meantime, having sound financial management can reduce stressandprovideyoutheopportunitytosavoryour goldenyearsoflifethroughplanningandbudgeting.

September is a reminder to assess our health, whether through increasing our physical activity, eating well, or developing deep connections with others.Let'sfocusondevelopinghabitsthatwillhelp us thrive rather than just age and make everyday matter Honoring the aging population is ultimately abouthonoringlifeingeneral.


Blackstone, A (2024, September 6) Seven Thoughtful Ways to Support an Elder in Your Community The Baltimore Times; The Baltimore Times https://baltimoretimes-onlinecom/livingwell/2024/09/06/seven-thoughtful-ways-to-supportan-elder-in-your-community/ CityofSpringboro,Ohio.(2024,April17).PremierHealth

Speaker Series: Healthy Aging, April 2024. YouTube. National Institutes of Health (2024, September 1) HealthyAgingMonth2024:ShapingtheFutureofAging https://wwwmybibcom/#/projects/g5qyD1/citations/ new/webpage VandenBosch,J,&Scheidt,R (2023,March16) Movies About Aging and Elderhood. Terra Nova Films.

Suicide prevention month is in September. Suicide thoughts often affect people, no matter their age or gender. The suicide rate has increased rapidly over the years Approximately 48,000liveswerelosttosuicideintheUSin2021, making it one of the top 10 causes of death. For thoseinthe10–14and25–24agegroups,suicide ranked as the second most common cause of death.

My aunt was only 29 when she committed suicideandhadbeendealingwiththeburdenof her depression and trauma for years. She had almost everything taken away from her and thought there was nothing else she could do. Shewasmiserableherwholelifeandcouldhave had so many opportunities in the future to be happy.

I have struggled with suicidal thoughts and depression for years Everything was so hard, but I decided I couldn't let that stop me. Throughout the years of my mental struggle, I'mherenowwritingthisarticleandbecoming successful, which 12-year-old me thought I would never get anywhere in life. I hope to raise awareness and show people you can overcomeyourproblems.

So many people commit suicide around the world every day, and it's unfortunate to see how terrible this world is. That's why you should be kind to everyone, whether you ' re having a bad day or someone else is rude. You never know what's going on in their life behindwhattheyletyousee.

If you, a friend, or a family member are strugglingwithsuicidalthoughts,showthem that you care that they are loved and appreciated. Let them know everything will beokay.Youareloved,youareessential,you areintelligent,youarenotalone,andyouwill bealright.Suicideisapermanentsolutionto atemporaryproblem. Inanemergency,text741741ordial988.


National Suicide Prevention Month. (2024, September 3). American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. Suicide Prevention Month. (2023, September 5). ervances/suicide-prevention-month

Talk Away the Dark | AFSP. (2023, May).

Talk Away the Dark from the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. gl=1

September is National Atrial Fibrillation (AFib) Awareness Month, a pivotal time to raise awareness of this life-threatening arrhythmia,whichisestimatedtoimpact40 millionindividualsworldwideand9.75million intheUnitedStates,accordingtotheCenters forDiseaseControlandPrevention.

Aracing,poundingheartthatskipsabeatand beats irregularly, and every time it does, it takes away peace of mind and causes dizziness or a feeling of almost passing out. These heart palpitations, often erratic, may last minutes to hours and cause tiredness, weakness, and other symptoms such as increasedsweating,chestpain,andshortness ofbreath.Thesearesomeofthesymptomsof atrial fibrillation, the most common form of arrhythmia,adisorderofabnormalheartbeat

Atrial fibrillation can sometimes cause no symptoms,butwhenitdoes,itnotonlydrains aperson’senergybutalsocausesincreased stressandanxietyandnegativelyimpactslife. Therearevariouspossibleriskfactorsforatrial fibrillation, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, prior heart disease, sleep apnea, heartsurgery,excessivealcohol,andsmoking. Atrial fibrillation can lead to serious medical complications such as stroke, heart failure, blood clots, dementia, and shortened life expectancy.


SincetheCOVID-19pandemic,itsincidencehas dramatically increased, and the risk of developing AFib today is 1 in 4 adults over age 40. During this month, dedicated efforts aim to empower the public with knowledge about the symptoms, warning signs, and available treatment options, which are individualized for each patient and may include medication, administering an electrical shock to the heart, or a procedure called catheter ablation, which scarsthehearttissuethat'screatingtheerratic signals Atrial fibrillation cannot be cured, but through early diagnosis and treatment, it can be controlled. Educating ourselves and others about its symptoms, contacting a healthcare provider, and finding support by connecting with others suffering from Atrial fibrillation are some ways to get involved in the atrial fibrillationawarenessmonth.


Nall,R.,(2021September10).ImprovingYourAtrialFibrillation Prognosis.Healthline. Hills,T.,(2024).WhyisSeptemberAtrialFibrillationAwareness Month? areness%20Month

Begum,J,2023(October4) LivingWithArrhythmia:Tipsfor ManagingYourHeartRhythmDisorder https://wwwwebmdcom/heart-disease/atrialfibrillation/heart-disease-abnormal-heart-rhythm CentersofDiseaseControl,2024 AboutAtrialFibrillation Heart Disease https://wwwcdcgov/heart-disease/about/atrialfibrillationhtml

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