ALDesign Fall 2019 - "The Awards Issue"

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ON THE COVER: Award winning design by Sarah Jelks, Allied ASID Nequette Architecture and Design Birmingham

CONTENTS DEPARTMENTS Board of Directors .......................................................... 4 [in the} LOOP .................................................................. 4 New and Advancing Members ...................................... 5 President’s Message ..................................................... 6 Chapter Sponsors .......................................................... 9

FEATURES It’s All About You: Advantages & Benefits ................... 8 IMPACT 2019 ............................................................... 10 ARTICLE: “Help Manage Risk with Balancing” .......... 12 Lifetime Achievement Award 2019 ............................ 13

Chapter Sponsor Spotlight: Triton Stone ................... 13 PERSPECTIVES: Expand Your Focus for Living ........ 14 Keystone Awards 2019 ............................................... 18 Students: SCALE 2020 ................................................ 20 ARTICLE: “The Pros and Cons of Competitions” ....... 22 ARTICLE: “Why Enter the ASID Design Awards”........ 23 The Daisy Bond Student Design Awards 2019 .......... 24

The Design Excellence Awards 2019 ......................... 32 Children’s Hospital of Alabama Ball ........................... 31


President Chelsea Holmes Allied ASID Email Chelsea

President-Elect: Perry Umphrey ASID, RID Email Perry

Finance: Marisa Smith ASID, RID Email Marisa

Pro. Development: Connie Holcombe,

ASID, RID Email Connie

Communications: Annie Johnson ASID, RID Email Annie

Director-at-Large: Leah McIntyre

IP Representative ASID Email Leah


Email Membership

Student Representative: Megan Morrison Student ASID Email Megan

Student Chapter Liaison Monique Burton Auburn University Student ASID

Student Chapter Liaison Eryka Sanfers University of Alabama Student ASID

Administrator Bryant Williams Email Bryant

Board of Directors meeting October 4th, 2019 Here’s what happened at the most recent Board meeting. However, some unfinished business has been omitted in consideration of space.  Planning

for the ASID+IIDA 2020 Student Career Day was covered, and new ideas for making it an even more beneficial and fun event were discussed. February 28th has been set as the date.

 Diversity within the chapter, and especially the

profession, is of great concern to the Board; therefore, a Committee on Diversity will be formed immediately. We are asking anyone interested in serving on this committee contact our administrator at

 The Daisy Bond Student Chapter Assistance

Program for the 2019-2020 school year was assessed and approved.

 The Post-Conference Survey was reviewed in

length and areas for improvement identified. Formation of the conference committee will begin immediately and tasked with creating an enhanced experience. Of particular attention was the post-conference party and awards ceremony called The BASH. With a lack of interest of members in attending the event alternatives will be researched.

 Documents from the Financial Advisory Council

were reviewed and discussed. President Chelsea Holmes, Allied ASID, will attend the next council meeting to request clarification on a few portions.

 President-Elect, Perry Umphrey, ASID, RID, has

begun formation of the Strategic Planning Committee.

 The

Board approved three philanthropic ventures to be a focus for the year. The charities were the PASCO Home in Mobile, The Knight Village in Huntsville, and the Children’s Hospital of Alabama tree auction event in Birmingham.

 Fundraising for the chapter was addressed, and

ideas offered.


Jennifer Lowery, Allied ASID - Huntsville John Peaslee, ASID - Tuscaloosa Kimberly Pittman, Allied ASID - Gurley Michaele Travis, Allied ASID - Birmingham Lindsay Tan, Educator ASID - Auburn Caitlyn Waite, Allied ASID - Mobile, AL

Lindsey Ashorn - Auburn University Macy Davenport - Auburn University Dia Baldwin - Mississippi State University Megan Gibson - Auburn University Madison Gurley—undeclared Katie Hill - Samford University Kendal Ingram - Auburn University Evelyn Kay - Auburn University Caroline Kirk - Auburn University Lindsey Lovvorn - Auburn University Virginia Macoy - Auburn University Sally Ann Missildine - Auburn University Julie Sterndorf - Auburn University Madison Wolff - University of Alabama

NEWSLETTER COMMITTEE Shirley Hammond, FASID, RID - Editor Bryant G. Williams Mary Rooney, RID, ASID Lynne Dunn, RID, ASID Nancy Young, Allied ASID DISCLAIMER: The ALDesign quarterly magazine is published for the Alabama Chapter of the American Society of Interior Designers. Editorial content and ALDesign are controlled and owned by the Alabama Chapter of ASID. Reproduction of this publication in whole, in part, in any form is strictly prohibited without the written permission of the Alabama Chapter of ASID. ASID ALABAMA CHAPTER OFFICE 211 Lockridge Lane Riverside, AL 35135 T: 205.441.8187


Can you believe summer is over and fall is finally here? Fall is full of th baking, Texas Tech football, and family time spent together. This year, I ASID! The upcoming year is going to be a great one. We have BIG goals them.

Our first big goal is to promote sponsorships and fundraising. Spon affordable programs and events. In exchange for financial support, our the profession. Both allow us to provide new and exciting opportunities gets only a small portion of membership and IP dues. However, sponsorship and fundraising mo How can you help us? If you have a rep whom you work with regularly, ask them to become a spo For a list of our current sponsors and our sponsorship packages, see the ASID Alabama website.

A second large goal this year is service to others. We want to go into the community and help provide for themselves--from helping to design, decorate, and fill apartments for those trying to o Alabama and everything in between. Let’s get our name into the community and do good deeds. W $1000 of bracelets and necklaces at the conference during the day and receiving around $7000 who are trying to get back on their feet after being involved in human trafficking. That is a grea events but individual involvement is a great start. If you have a service opportunity that you think A

A third major goal for the year is to promote diversity. I don’t know about you, but I learn Promoting diversity within ASID allows us to grow by interacting with those within our own organi table. Diversity isn’t just race, diversity includes gender, age, and even socio-economic status. Div amazing profession of interior design. A wider audience helps ASID become even more vibrant a local schools. Tell students about ASID and what interior design is. Talk to local designers and rep

These are a small sampling of our annual goals and the reasoning behind these goals. How support, your physical aid, and your passion. We need you! Good intentions are a beginning but volunteer. By becoming involved with ASID, you become involved in the direction of the organizatio

Thank you for trusting me to lead you this year. I’m so excited to be a part of “what’s coming!” W


hings that I’m passionate about: Dallas Stars Hockey, cold weather, warm coffee, lazy Saturday I get to participate in another thing that I’m passionate about: helping to plan the next year for s and are very passionate about their implementation. However, we need your help to achieve

nsorships and fundraisers are essential tools to providing our membership with enriching and chapter offers sponsors exposure and networking opportunities with designers and friends of s for our students and professionals year-round! Many of you might not realize that our state onies stay completely in our state and, thus, make a big difference in helping fund our chapter! onsor! If you have a great idea for a fundraiser, suggest it! We’re open to any help you provide.

p. Service allows us to use our knowledge to help others and provide for those who struggle to overcome addictions in North Alabama to helping those who are recovering alcoholics in South We’ve gotten an AMAZING start with our silent auction at the conference. Between selling over from the silent auction, we were able to donate a huge amount to The Well House for women at start to our year. How can you help? Get out into the community. We will have organized ASID should pursue, inform Bryant or a board member. We would love to support your ideas!

from and am inspired by exposing myself to different cultures, values, religions, and beliefs. zation! Though we share many things in common, we are all individuals who bring ideas to the versity gives strength. If we reach out in diverse ways, we are telling a wider audience about the and flourishing. How can you help ASID to promote diversity? Go to your career days at your ps about ASID. The more people we reach, the more diverse our membership will be.

wever, the common denominator throughout is we can’t do it without YOU--your ideas, your ASID success depends on your involvement. Volunteerism helps others but mostly helps the on.

We’ve got big plans and can’t wait to share our ideas (and yours) in upcoming months!

Back in the 80’s we rocked with Janet Jackson as she asked “What have you done for me lately,” and it seems we are frequently asking the same question in our daily life. Well, ASID is doing a lot, but are you taking advantage of it? Throughout this publication we will be highlighting some of the various resources and benefits available from ASID. Just click the graphics to visit the site. Some are accessible to everyone and some are for members only, but all of them provide opportunities and learning that is uniquely valuable to our profession. From national topic-specific conferences to research results, the range of offerings is as diverse as the industry itself.


Everything we’re going to show you can be found directly from the ASID.ORG main page. Using your cursor, scroll across the menu bar near the top of the page (above) and you’ll be presented with all the options the website has to offer.

ASID Academy: ASID supports the professional development




members and the profession with continuing



that allow participants to advance in their careers and build their skill sets. ASID ALABAMA │ FALL 2019 │ PAGE 8

Chapter Sponsors Platinum





id you know that many retirement portfolios need occasional upkeep to

stay on track? Your asset allocation, or the way your investments are split between bonds, stocks, and cash, should be based on your tolerance for risk, investment goals and your personal situation.

Why would my asset allocation drift? Over time, you may notice that your stocks and bonds grow at different rates, which can distort your investment plan. Let's say you've chosen an asset mix of 70% stocks and 30% bonds. After a period of market adjustments, you may notice the stocks in your portfolio have declined in value, while your bonds have grown. As a result, your asset mix may change to, say, 60% stocks and Roger S. Barnes, CMFC®, CRPC® Lincoln Financial Advisors Corp.

40% bonds.

You may not realize it, but this change would make your portfolio more conservative, because bonds typically experience slower growth than stocks, making your savings more vulnerable to inflation.

Get back to your goals You can get back to your target asset allocation—and the amount of risk that's right for you—through rebalancing. In our example above, the process would involve exchanging some of your bond funds for stock funds until you've restored your original asset allocation. Some plans simplify asset allocation with an all-in-

one portfolio, which could include target-date or balanced funds that base allocations on your target retirement date, risk profile, or both. If you have one of these investments, rebalancing is automatically done for you to ensure your allocation stays in line with your goals. Changing your portfolio may go against your instincts. If your stocks are performing poorly, you might feel the urge to get rid of them, fearing continued losses. But when stocks are declining in price, it actually could be a wise time to buy them "on sale" so you'll be poised to enjoy their next upswing. Research has shown that rebalanced portfolios have historically yielded similar returns to portfolios that were not rebalanced, with less risk. Please note that rebalancing or participation in a rebalancing program does not guarantee a profit or protect against loss.

Roger Barnes is a registered representative and investment advisor representative with Lincoln Financial Advisors Corp., a broker/dealer (member SIPC) and registered investment advisor offering insurance through Lincoln affiliates and other fine companies. This information should not be construed as investment, legal, retirement or tax advice. First Financial Group Wealth Management is not an affiliate of Lincoln Financial Advisors Corp. CRN-2256981-092618

Lifetime Achievement Award 2019

Sallye Powell Coggin, ASID, NCIDQ, RID

Sallye Powell Coggin, a Decatur resident and 1965 graduate of the University of Alabama, has had a general practice in residential and commercial design for over five decades. She has many projects to her credit but some of her favorites have included restorations in historic Mooresville, specifications for the Morgan County Courthouse and Monsanto Corporation. In 2015, Sallye was awarded an ASID Philanthropic Design Award for the Decatur Third St. Boys and Girls Club and the project was named for her because of her efforts. Additionally, she has been on the Volunteer Center Board of Directors for many years. Within the interior design community, Sallye is especially known for her ability to develop trust relationships with her clients, her problem-solving solutions, her creativity, her positive attitude, her generosity and encouragement to emerging professionals (including a dozen interns) and her ethical practices. Within the Legislative Arena, Sallye made dozens of trips to Montgomery over a six-year- period to promote the passage of Alabama’s Interior Design Practice act – each trip involving four and one-half hours of round-trip driving plus eight-hour days at the Alabama Statehouse. She fondly remembers all the efforts from cooking/delivering banana pudding to decision makers to spending nights on air mattresses in the homes of legislative supporters helping with the effort. Within her ASID family, Sallye has served on numerous ASID statewide committees over decades of volunteerism. She is a past ASID state board member and ASID state president. Additionally, she helped plan and participated in numerous ASID Showhouses and conferences, including being a lead in an ASID National Regional Conference. Whatever is required, Sallye was always there to make sure it was provided. Aren’t we lucky to have Sallye in ASID!!!

Triton Stone Group is excited to introduce the new Passport to Design Program. This is an exciting new program that was created to benefit the A&D community and designed to help grow your business while also getting to travel to amazing places. Triton Stone Group is well known for their incredible selection of natural stone and quartz slabs, but did you know that they also carry all the trimmings for your projects? Sinks, faucets, backsplash tile, flooring, tubs are just a few of the things you can find with Triton. One of the best things about this company is that they are truly a one stop shop catering to you and your client! The trips planned for 2020 are going to be amazing, and include Las Vegas, New Orleans, a Caribbean Cruise, New York City, and Italy! They have made it extremely easy to participate. All you have to do is sign up at, and partner with them on your jobs. The program is tiered and requires designers to spend a set amount each quarter to win the trips! The first trip is in January for KBIS in Las Vegas and to qualify for that trip, influence $25,000 in sales between the months of October and December. The Vegas trip will include air fare, accommodations at Caesar’s Palace Casino, registration to KBIS with VIP show tours, appreciation dinner and hosted happy hours, and so much more! For more information visit their website at ASID ALABAMA │ FALL 2019 │ PAGE 13



hroughout our lives, we each experience unique physical and or cognitive changes and challenges. But what we all have in common is the desire to live in a home, where we can safely invite friends, family and visitors and create memories for a lifetime. As trusted industry professionals, we are the primary influencers for home safety. It our responsibility to stay current in our knowledge of design, products, and services, helping our clients to continue “Living In Place” throughout their lives. One of the most important steps for every professional is to create the best team for each project. Just as every home is unique, so is every client. These now, soon and future needs are best met by including experts from a wide variety of professional backgrounds including design and construction, product manufacturing and distribution, system integrators, medical and non-medical care, real estate and finance and many others. “Living in Place” is a positive solution to creating a better quality of life through designs and products in all homes for all ages from toddlers through seniors. The focus is the home itself and what should be improved. As a direct and immediate result, your business benefits and your clients’ lives are improved. You create a plan for now, soon and future changes in the home. “Living In Place” is what many experts are calling the “How To” for universal design. Go beyond the limited focus of aging-in-place to a complete, business centered approach to improving every home. This positive approach provides solutions to the broadest market through appropriate designs and products that help empower everyone to stay at home longer. Studies reveal that those who live in homes, designed and maintained as safe and user-friendly environments, are more likely to stay active and be more engaged with their friends, family and community. This leads to living longer in their homes, less

financial burden and minimizes caregiver and support services. Your work brings comfort to everyone and results in independence and dignity for all. Here are 5 needs that we should consider as design professionals: • Every month, over 380,000 Americans become age 50 and by 2030 one in four Americans will be over age 65. From 2015 to 2035, the number of those over age 80 will double from 12 to 24 million. • Nearly 90% of seniors want to stay in their homes (“Live in Place”) as they age and 80% have no plans to sell their home. Even if seniors begin to need day to day assistance or ongoing health care during retirement, most seniors (82%) prefer to stay in their homes. • Less than 3.5% of current single-family home have three of the most critical accessibility features (zerostep entrances to the home, single-floor living, and wide hallways and doors) • One in 4 U.S. adults - 61 million Americans - have a disability that impacts major life activities. 40% of adults over age 65 have serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs. Of the 1 in 5 Americans with a disability, only 15% were born with their disability. • Falls are the leading cause of fatal and non-fatal injuries of older adults. One in 4 seniors fall every year but only half report their fall. By 2020, falls will cost $68 Billion in direct medical costs alone. If unchecked, by 2030, seven Americans will die every hour because of a fall. What is CLIPP? The “Living in Place” institute was established in 2014 as the preeminent educational provider for accessibility, comfort, and safety in all homes. Their programs were developed and are continually updated by a wide variety of subject matter experts from the design, construction, medical, and product manufacturing professions. The unprecedented response and acceptance from these industries have catapulted the “Certified Living in Place Professional” (CLIPP) programs into international recognition. Continued on next page

CLIPP is a business course, created by nationally recognized industry leaders, with continually updated content. The program is privately owned, and is not subject to manufacturer influence. Interprofessional networking is key to success. Class attendees regularly include designers, contractors, architects and developers, home inspectors, occupational and physical therapists, product manufacturers, real estate professionals, care providers, and others aligned with those who live in the home. Those who successfully complete the exam are immediately “CLIPP certified”. Graduates have access to advanced marketing and promotional materials, as well as online promotion of their business on the “Living In Place” Institute website. Certified “Living in Place” Professional (CLIPP) classes are offered as either “Virtual Live”, with six 3-hour sessions over a two-week period or as in-person live classes with two 8-hour sessions on two consecutive days at strategic locations nationally. I am working on having an in-person class for the state of Alabama maybe hosted by Alabama Homebuilders Association. Visit www.LivingInPlace.Institute/classes for more information. One item you will be trained in is the “Home Accessibility and Safety Assessment Checklist” (HASAC). This standardized tool allows you to prioritize work and minimizes risk and liability. Understanding what designs and products you should change is simple when you use this electronic checklist. You can choose only the rooms or areas you want to review to quickly create a report with photos and notes to email to your clients and other project team members. I am the first CLIPP member in Alabama and would love for you to join me in improving your client’s lives through design and products!

Nancy Young, CKBD has been working in the kitchen and bath industry since 2002, designing custom kitchens and bathrooms for two different design showrooms. She is a Certified Kitchen and Bath Designer. In 2012, she opened her own design studio, Nancy Young Designs in Montgomery, Alabama. Her early education was in Industrial Design with a degree from Auburn University, but followed that with an Interior Design degree from University of Southern Mississippi. Nancy has served the Alabama Chapter of the ASID as Treasurer, President-elect and President. She has also served as President and Chapter Representative for NKBA Alabama and now serves on the Chapter Leadership Committee for NKBA. Over the years, she has won state awards for ASID Universal Design and Alabama Remodeling Excellence Award for Universal Design. This year she added her CLIPP Certification and now serves as a National Ambassador for the “Living in Place” Institute.


Did you know? Firms looking for Interior Designers to hire use the ASID Find-a-Pro feature to find qualified candidates!

Have you completed your professional profile that’s offered to all ASID practitioner members? Did you know that you can purchase an enhanced profile that profits you AND also helps to support ASID Alabama? An Enhanced Profile allows you to list awards, add images, and more!

The Impact of Design series is dedicated to highlighting projects that use evidencebased design to improve the quality of the human experience. The American Society of Interior Designers (ASID) believes that design impacts lives, and collaborates with others to promote the value of interior design. These select projects support this mission and have gone through pre- and post-occupancy research to educate designers and clients on the power of design. ASID works both independently and collaboratively with partners on research projects that focus on how design impacts lives. Examples include the Pre-/Post-Occupancy Research on the ASID HQ office and the Drive Toward Healthier Buildings Smart Market Report in partnership with Dodge Data Analytics and Delos. ASID ALABAMA │ FALL 2019 │ PAGE 17

The 2019 Keyston Jim Griffo, AIA, RID, IIDA, LEED AP Few people, in recent years, have dedicated as much time and energy to support and promote the interior design profession in Alabama that Jim has. As both a Registered Interior Designer and Registered Architect Jim has brilliantly managed to serve as a bridge between the two groups.

Beth Adams, ASID, RID This past year U.S. News and World Report ranked 7 hotels Beth and her team designed among the Top Hotels for 2019. Also, the Riverview Renaissance Plaza Hotel in Mobile was chosen by Marriott International as Hotel of the Year. Beth currently employed as the Director of Interior Design for the Retirement Systems of Alabama.

April Wade, Allied ASID A former Student Representative to the Board, April has been an active supporter of ASID since her days as a student at Auburn University. Most recently, April has stepped up to support the interior design students at UNA. April is one of ASID’s biggest advocates and her positive attitude in any situation makes working with her a joy.

Hannah Murray, Allied ASID Hannah has gone above and beyond in service to ASID Alabama. Recognized as a leader among her fellow students at the University of Alabama her dedication service-oriented spirit, and love of ASID Alabama make her the stand out choice for this honor. She has gone out of her way to promote ASID at both the student, and now practitioner, level even traveling to the national and state conferences.

ne Award Honorees AllSouth Appliance Group, Inc., Industry Partner ASID Leah McIntyre, Representative AllSouth Appliance and its Representative, Leah McIntyre, is one of the most passionate and dedicated ASID supporters we’ve ever been fortunate to have as an Industry Partner. AllSouth and Leah are active in what seems like every part of ASID, quick to offer support in whatever capacity needed and making significant positive impact on our chapter from the very start of their membership. Need a meeting or event space? AllSouth volunteers. Need an event sponsor? AllSouth to the rescue. It is clearly apparent, AllSouth and Leah are devoted to ASID and the profession but very few people realize just how much.






A Real Look at the Pros and Cons.

Winning may bring validation and acclaim, but it’s not all about the glory. There’s a strong business case to be made for entering design competitions. Design competitions promote innovation, creativity, excellence and sheer possibility. But there may also be a few drawbacks to consider, so we’ll take a look at both the pros and the cons.

1. 2.

The Pros:


4. 5. 6. 7.

Winning = prestige = more clients. Let’s start off with the most obvious benefit. No doubt, your ability to add the words “award-winning” in front of your name or project leads to attention, respect and ultimately more business.

Entering is a valuable organizational business exercise. Entering requires us to organize and document a project very clearly, and to articulate our client’s goals and our design intentions in a very succinct way. Preparing design competition entries is good practice for when you present your work to clients, and other stakeholders.

Leverage the work for marketing purposes. Your work in compiling submissions can do double, triple and even quadruple duty for you whether you win or not. Post it as a case study on your website, translate it into a shorter blog or social media post, send out an e-blast featuring the project or even use it as the basis for a press release.

Boost Morale in your team. Submitting work to a design competition sends a loud and strong message to your team: "We’re proud of what we do together." That can be very motivating for the team members involved..

Simply by entering, you’re supporting excellence in your field. Participating in award programs means you are supporting the work of the design community through education, camaraderie and elevation of the discipline.

Recognition is also a source of connection with potential clients. It contributes to your reputation and is definitely beneficial when you're competing for work. Leverage your award as much as possible for promotional value. Share the news on your website or blog or start a social media campaign.

Your clients will love it.

8. 9. 10.

Clients love validation too and winning an award not only validates their design choices but their choice of a designer. Even just submitting the work to a competition in your own or their field signals that you’re confident and proud of the work you did for them.

Design competitions are great career-starters. Entering competitions can definitely be a turning point in your career. It can definitely be part of the reason you’re offered a permanent job soon after winning. There is no better credibility-builder than an award.

But it’s not all about winning. When you win an award it instills a subtle level of confidence in your designers and reinforces for clients that you will strive to deliver a unique and carefully considered solution to them.

Shape Your Fate Winning an award can potentially help you in your goal towards becoming a leading designer and expert in the industry. Therefore, winning leads to access to choice clients and higher fees for your services, and to eventually achieve your goals

The Cons:

Honestly, we couldn’t think of any.

By: Lila Pryor-Frank, Allied ASID

Participating in the ASID “Design Excellence Awards” competition is a unique opportunity for personal and professional growth. It is a rewarding and creative experience that provides a valuable contribution to your ASID design community at both the local and state level as well as professional growth. The process of submitting an entry is not difficult. It just takes some time but is enjoyable and so worth it! The process (photographing your design projects, writing concept statements, drawing floor plans, describing lighting plans, explaining furniture placement and traffic patterns and sharing your choices of fabrics and paint colors) results in documents that showcase and record your body of work. Being judged by designers outside your home state is an opportunity to receive objective feedback from a panel of judges comprised of other ASID designers. The constructive feedback is a positive vehicle that helps promote perspective and growth. The photo shoot of any design entry is an important part of the overall entry process and advantageous in building a library of readily accessible photographs for use on social media. It is an exercise in creativity and an opportunity to, again, collaborate with your client. The staging includes lighting, flowers, furniture, accessory placement and the selection of camera angles. All the elements help capture the essence of the space. Clients get involved and really enjoy the experience. It gives them a sense of pride by knowing that their homes or offices are being submitted for a design competition. Your business costs incurred for the competition (i.e. admission fees, flowers, photographers, if you use one, cell phone usage and office supplies) are tax deductible. Additionally, the final product represents a portfolio of your professional work that serves as useful marketing. Beyond the professional advantages and on a more personal level, I have enjoyed following these entry requirements and submitting my design projects. I welcome the opportunity and platform to share this work and feel a sense of accomplishment by being a part of our large and vibrant community of talented interior designers! ASID ALABAMA │ FALL 2019 │ PAGE 23


1st Place + Best in Competition Design Concept, Residential

Katie Hill, Student ASID Samford University






STUDENT D E S I G N AWA R D S 2 0 1 9 2.

1st Place Custom Product Design (Fabric)

Megan Morrison, Student ASID University of Alabama


1st Place Design Concept, Commercial

Mallory Harvey, Student ASID Auburn University

4 4



1st Place Rendering, Computer Generated

Katie Hill, Student ASID Samford University


1st Place Rendering, Hand-Drawn

Mallory Harvey, Student ASID Auburn University


4 5


2nd Place Design Concept,

Catherine Sewell, Studen Auburn University

6 7





2nd Place Design Concept, Residential

Mallory Harvey, Student ASID Auburn University


2nd Place - Tie Rendering, Computer Generated

Sarah York, Student ASID Samford University


2nd Place - Tie Rendering, Computer Generated

Sarah Hix, Student ASID Auburn University


2nd Place Rendering, Hand-Drawn

Sarah York, Student ASID Samford University


11. 9

2nd Place Custom Product Design

Sarah Carter, Student ASID University of Alabama





13. 12.

3rd Place Design Concept, Commercial

Megan Prater, Student ASID Auburn University

15 15.

3rd Place Custom Product Design

Carly Roberts, Student ASID University of Alabama


3rd Place Rendering, Hand-Drawn

Hannah Murray, Student ASID University of Alabama


3rd Place Design Concept, Residential

Sarah Hix, Student ASID Auburn University


The Resource Center is an online repository of information on the latest interior design research, hot topics and current trends. Filter by topic, career stage and more to find the resources most relevant to your needs. Here are just two of examples of what’s available:

When office noise levels do not align with preferences and expectations, negative moods can result and stress can build. Both negative moods and stress have been tied to degraded professional performance and interactions with others. Although professional acousticians are regularly hired to optimize the soundscapes of office workplaces, this resource is for interior designers to keep up with relevant research studies to apply in their broader practices.

Under a new landscape of inherently global, digital, fast-paced and competitive business environments, organizations are increasingly seeing the importance of the physical environment in driving performance as employees are the key engine that keep organizations growing and innovating. The 3C workplace design assesses levels of connectedness, collaboration and workplace creativity facilitated by the workplace using strategic self-reports and advanced sociometers.

ASID supports the professional development of the Society’s members and the profession with continuing education programs and events that allow participants to advance in their careers and build their skill sets. Serving a range of professional career stages from the emerging to advanced professionals, the Society’s professional development offerings improve individual competencies, knowledge and skills in subject areas essential to the growth and success of the industry.

The WELL Conference is the first major gathering to focus solely on the health and well-being of people and how better buildings, communities, organizations, products and technologies help all of us connect and thrive. Designed to offer a richly immersive experience for attendees across multiple sectors, the goal is to present a conference experience that is health-centric and mentally stimulating, setting the platform for a strong sense of community for all attendees. Architecture, design and engineering communities, real estate developers, corporate leaders, public health practitioners and technology professionals will all find opportunities for knowledge-sharing, connection and inspiration at The WELL Conference. Program sessions will push the boundaries of experiential learning on topics such as neuroscience, design solutions that improve health outcomes in any setting, workplace policies that support higher employee engagement, and leadership skills training that will help attendees advocate successfully for putting people at the center of decisionmaking.

Best in Competition


GOLD + Best in Competition, Commercial Corporate

Nequette Architecture and Design Sarah Jelks, ASID Birmingham, AL



GOLD + Best in Competition, Residential Single Space, Residential

Accents of the South Beverly Farrington, ASID, RID Huntsville, AL


1. 2.



GOLD + Best in Competition, Specialty Philanthropy

H. Don Bowden, FASID Bowden Architecture Mobile, AL








GOLD + Industry Partners’ Choice Kitchen

Cyndy Cantley, Allied ASID Cantley & Company ASID ALABAMA │ FALL 2019 │ PAGE 35



H. Don Bowden, FASID, RID Bowden Architecture Mobile, AL


GOLD Renovation, Residential

Shirley Hammond, FASID, RID Perceptive Designs, LLC Decatur, AL


GOLD Retail

Accents of the South Beverly Farrington, ASID, RID Huntsville, AL

5. 6.



GOLD Residential Design, Large

Accents of the South Beverly Farrington, ASID, RID Lake Retreat







9. 9.


GOLD Hospitality

element526 Christine Watts, Allied ASID Birmingham, AL


GOLD Institutional

Mott MacDonald Anne Brooks, ASID, RID Fairhope, AL




GOLD Digital Rendering

element526 Christine Watts, Allied ASID Birmingham, AL


12. 12.

12. 12.

GOLD Temporary Space

Danielle Maros, Allied ASID Harris Doyle Homes Birmingham, AL



SILVER Corporate

Annie Ly Johnson, ASID, RID ALJ Interiors Fairhope, AL


SILVER Institution

Lathan and Associates Bradley Logan, ASID, RID Birmingham, AL





SILVER Digital Rendering

Element526 Christine Watts, Allied ASID Birmingham, AL

15 15


16 17


SILVER Renovation, Residential

Suzanne Barnes, ASID, RID Richard and Company Interior Design Huntsville, AL


SILVER Temporary Space

Design Southern Style, LLC Cassandra Faulkner, ASID, RID Cottondale, AL



Shirley Hammond, FASID, RID Perceptive Designs, LLC Decatur, AL


18 18


SILVER Custom Product

Design Southern Style, LLC Cassandra Faulkner, ASID, RID Cottondale, AL


SILVER Kitchen

Cyndy Cantley, Allied ASID Cantley & Company Birmingham, AL

19 20


21 21 21.

SILVER Residential, Large

H. Don Bowden, FASID, RID Bowden Architecture Mobile, AL



BRONZE Corporate Design

H. Don Bowden, FASID, RID Bowden Architecture Mobile, AL


BRONZE Temporary Space

Perry Umphrey, ASID, RID Umphrey Interiors Birmingham, AL






Shirley Hammond, FA Perceptive Designs, LL Decatur, AL



BRONZE Kitchen

Annie Ly Johnson, ASID, RID ALJ Interiors Fairhope, AL


BRONZE Renovation, Residential

Oakalley Design/Build Remodeling Gina Kitchens, Allied ASID Birmingham, AL






BRONZE Institutional

Lathan Associates Architects, P.C. Bradley Logan, ASID, RID Birmingham, AL

27 27.


BRONZE Digital Rendering

Connie Holcombe, ASID, RID Studio H2 Birmingham, AL

Next time call an Interior Designer

Mary Rooney, ASID, Connie Holcombe, ASID and Perry Umphrey, ASID

ASID Alabama was thrilled to participate in this year’s “Children’s Ball” tree program. The program includes a display of spectacular holiday trees throughout the lobbies of Children’s of Alabama Hospital. Held in conjunction with the annual Children’s Ball, these trees are designed by individuals, companies and organizations from throughout the Birmingham area and bid on by event sponsors as part of the hospital’s fundraiser. The trees brighten the lives of patients, families and visitors for 3 weeks prior to being delivered to each sponsor’s business, residence or favorite charity. The trees displayed marks the beginning of a very special time here at Children’s. Funds raised from the event help provide the finest pediatric health services to all children, regardless of economic status, in an environment that fosters excellence in research and medical education.

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