Asian Americans for Equality Presents: 41st Annual Lunar New Year Banquet

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Artist Bio - Arthur Lai Arthur Lai, tenor, has performed at George Weston Recital Hall in Toronto, Carnegie Hall’s Isaac Stern Auditorium, Merkin Concert Hall and Lincoln Center in New York City. He also performed at many occasions including United Nations, Columbia University, New York University, Yale University, WPIX Channel 11 “Morning News”, and many more. An actor and a member of Screen Actors Guild (SAG), Arthur played the role of “Master Pan” in off-off-Broadway Show “The Empress of China” in 2011. He also appeared as “Prince Gong” in another show “The Empress Dowager” in 2013. Arthur was one of principle actors in U.S. national TV Commercials of ‘Aleve’, ‘Bank of America’, ‘Verizon Wireless’ and ‘Onion News Pilot’. As a freelance voice-over artist, he participated dozens of ‘Voice-Over’ projects, including feature movies ‘Snow Flower & Secret Fan ’ and “Marco Polo”, etc. He played role of an Asian businessman in the upcoming American comedy film “Trainwreck” written and starred by Amy Schumer and co-written and directed by Judd Apatow.

Arthur Lai,男高音,曾在多個著名音樂廳和不同場合演出,包括多 倫 多 的 George Weston Recital Hall,紐約市卡內基音樂廳,林肯中心,聯合國,哥倫比 亞大學,紐約大學,耶魯大學,電視 11 台早間新聞等。 作 為 演 員 工 會 的 會 員 , Authur 在 2011 年 外 百 老 匯 秀 「 孤 蓬 萬 里 征 」 中 飾 演 Pan 師父一角,2013 年的「慈禧太后」中飾演恭親王。他還在 Aleve, Bank of America, Verizon Wireless,以及 Onion News Pilot 等多個全國性電視廣告中擔任 重要角色。他也是一名配音藝術家,參與了十幾個影視的配音工作。在即將上映 的美國喜劇 Trainwreck 中,他飾演一位亞裔商人,該劇由 Amy Schumer 編劇兼 主演。

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