NO Boundaries

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T R E S E D S ’ MO

I'm having a BBQ! #NOBoundaries #ONEStumin

Read Numbers 11:23

If you pay attention in English class, you might learn about something called a rhetorical question. It’s a question that requires no answer, asked to make a point. Like “Who knows?” or “Aren’t you ashamed of yourself?” or “Why is Nike so ugly?” Hold that thought. In Numbers 11, the Israelites were wandering in the deser t and were getting tired of manna. Manna was a kind of bready stuff God provided for them every morning. Never mind that it was keeping them alive in a land where there was no food supply – they wanted BBQ. And they basically acted like three-year-olds and threw a fit about it. Moses was not pleased, but he took their complaint to God. God was not pleased, and told Moses to get ready for the biggest BBQ in history. Moses couldn’t see how that was gonna happen. Then God asked a rhetorical question: “Is the Lord’s arm too shor t?” In other words, “Do you really think that the One who made this deser t can’t fill it up with more food than you can eat?” What happened next is difficult to imagine. Quail flew in and just landed. And landed. And piled up. Three feet deep for 36 miles in all directions. 340,521,057,952 cubic feet of quail. The volume of 9,203 Empire State Buildings or 3,274 Texas Stadiums. Imagine a circle reaching from Woodward to Elk City, from the Texas state line to Oakwood, the entire area waist deep in quail. Pass the sauce. Be careful not to complain that God isn’t doing things the way you like. Be especially careful not to tell Him what He can’t do. The Israelites had quail until it was coming out their nostrils. No, the Lord’s arm is most definitely not too shor t.

RON BERKLEY Ron is the Pastor of Camp Creek Nazarene Church. He and his wife Lynette Berkley have served at Camp Creek for 2 years. He is actually really boring and that is why there is nothing fun to say about him. JK!

Day 10

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