A Workman That Needeth Not to Be Ashamed

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A Workman That Needeth Not to Be Ashamed

scriptural, and the other contemporary. The nature of such Christian healings is reflected in the New Testament miracle of Jesus' healing a long-suffering woman (Mark 5 :25-34.) As Jesus passed along His way to the house of J airus, in order to heal his daughter, great crowds thronged Him. In that multitude was a woman who had suffered twelve years from a hemorrhage. Though she had spent all her money on physicians, none had been able to cure her. As a last resort, she decided to seek the help of The Great Physician. She thought within herself: "If I may but touch His garment, I shall be healed." She touched Christ and immediately the flow of blood was stopped and she was cured. How blessed were the words of The Great Physician to her: "Daughter, be of good comfort: thy faith hath made thee whole." The contemporary illustration is that of the miraculous healing of E. Stanley Jones. From the time I first read of it, I have been thrilled by it. Dr. Jones' own inimitable words tell the story best: The eight years of strain had brought on a nervous exhaustion and brain fatigue so that there were several collapses' in India before I left for furlough. On board ship while speaking in a Sunday morning service, there was another collapse. I took a year's furlough in America. On my way back to India I was holding evangelistic meetings among the university students of the Philippine Islands at Manila. Several hundreds of these Roman Catholic students professed conversion. But in the midst of the strain of the meetings myoId trouble came back. There were several collapses. I went on to India with a deepening cloud upon me. Here I was beginning a new term of service in this trying climate

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