Arts in Wales 2010 Vol 2 Art form profiles

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195703 Arts in Wales 2010 Art form profiles FV

July 2010

2.3 Profile of cinema cinema attendees Younger people, likely to be working with an even division across social grades. •

Overall, 62% of the population attended the cinema at least once a year and 71% ever attended ‘these days’. The total sample attending at least once a year was 4,409, providing a very robust base for separate analysis. Analysing by frequency of attendance revealed that 54% of respondents attended the cinema 2-3 times a year or more, with 33% attending once every 2-3 months. In comparison to 2005, the proportion attending the cinema at least once a year increased from 52% to 62%.

Demographic profile • While the gender distribution of cinema attendees was fairly even (48% male, 52% female), the age profile for this art form was younger than for any other with 39% of attendees aged between 16 and 34 (compared to 29% of the population). • While half of attendees were in the ABC1 socio-economic groups (50%), a larger proportion than across the population as a whole (43%), the socio-economic profile was more varied than for most other art forms. • Cinema attendees were more likely than other members of the population to be employed full or part time (59% compared to 48% of adult population), to have children in their household (38% compared to 30%) or to have any

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educational qualifications (77% compared to 66%) but less likely to be disabled/have a long-term illness (12% compared to 21% of population). Other art forms attended or participated in • The majority of people who attended the cinema had also been to a live music performance at least once a year (63%) and 46% had visited an art gallery or exhibition. 44% had participated in one or more art forms during this period (compared to 39% of adult population) Location of attendance • In comparison to most other art forms, cinema attendance was more likely to take place in the attendee’s local area. Three in ten of the most recent visits to the cinema were within the local neighbourhood (30%), while just over a third attended elsewhere within their own Local Authority area (34%). Reasons for attendance • In common with most other art forms, the majority of those attending the cinema stated that entertainment or enjoyment was their reason for attending (56%). Notably, compared to most other art forms, cinema attendees were

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