ARTiculAction Art Review September 2014

Page 53

CornĂŠ Akkers


The artist himself was a law drop out and regretted that fact ever since, letting him no alternative than to scrape together every penny with creating and selling art. He advised me to paint and sketch on the side and I did just that, until I went professional some 10 years ago. So I could not tell you whether a formal training could stifle. I think it might and I am glad that it never influenced me in a bad way. I would not have liked to pay good money for a bad product. Before starting to elaborate about your production, would you like to tell to our readers something about your process and set up for making your artworks? In particular, what technical aspects do you mainly focus on your work? And how much preparation and time do you put in before and during the process of creating a piece?

It depends on the piece that I'm working on. Oil paints obviously need more preparation than my sketches. I do a lot of prestudies for an oil painting, for example in pastel and graphite. It enables me to lay down an idea in a very quick way and test it. Since I invest a lot of time in my oil paintings, I want to make sure that the basic theme is sound and will not have to be adapted when I am half way with a painting. By the way, do you visualize your works before creating? Do you know what it will look like before you begin?

Sometimes but like John Lennon said: "Life happens when you're making plans", when you have a basic idea and you start to work on that, very often that idea brings forth another idea that is better. Not always does the main theme alter but some elements in it might. I get visual images often though, especially when I am sleeping in the dead of night. Now let's focus on your art production: I would start from Mill De Vlieger and Elementary Particles, that our readers have already started to get to know in the introductory pages of this article: an I would suggest to our readers to visit your website directly at

CornĂŠ Akkers a photo by 'Studio Brugman' at 'Voorburg, Netherlands'


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