Artful Living | Winter 2015

Page 107

The Property Gallery

Debbie McNally 612-388-1790

Tom McGlynn 612-751-2519

Kent Marsh 952-230-3158

Mark Hoiseth 612-282-3465

Joanne Hitch 952-240-4635

Denise Hertz 952-230-3173

Pam Gerberding 952-230-3172

Ben Ganje 612-460-5638

Kathleen Fowke 612-559-0974

Belle Davenport 952-230-3113

Carol Clark 763-300-6373

Dewey Bakken Suzanne Backes 952-230-3185 651-271-8081

Lisa Lynch 952-240-7529

Karen London 612-964-4302

Olivia Hornig 952-230-3165

Jeff Hornig 952-230-3165

Dan Hollerman 952-230-3141

Lauren Hedelson Heather Hansen 952-230-3108 612-366-0051

Erin Habedank 952-217-7632

Garry Haas 612-968-4227

Jim Grandbois 952-230-3137

Jill Gordon 952-230-3105

Don Edam 612-840-7638

Leah Drury Kinnette Downing Rebecca Davenport 763-464-3375 952-230-3101 612-702-4097

Mike Lynch 612-619-8227

Adam Fonda 612-308-5008

Bryan Flanagan 952-230-3171

Matt Carlson Annalisa Cariveau John Cameron 612-791-2345 612-418-2661 612-221-0779

Dava Aul 612-787-7477

Charlie Aul 612-787-7477

David Abele 612-281-2022

Mallory Busacker 952-473-2089

Mike Buenting 952-230-3180

Steve Bohl 612-221-8741

Maria Baltierra 952-230-3164

VISIT Artful Living

| Winter 2015


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