Ariadne book

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Warm-up exercises – movement and visual art

The development of the artist content Visual Art The theme was initially explored through visual art. All individuals produced drawn rep‐ resentations of the theme ‘heart and home’ during drawing workshops. These workshops provided source material for costume and stage design. Selected images made during the workshops were printed onto costumes, used as back projections for the performances and on the publicity materials including posters and programs.

Drawing materials were available throughout the project

Drawing materials were provided everyday and the children from both the host and the mi‐ grant/refugee/asylum seekers groups made good use of these, making drawings and visual diaries. A visual journal was circulated throughout the project in which participants from both groups drew pictures and wrote, recording their feelings and responses to the project

The children made full use of the drawing materials

Dance Improvisation provided the main creative platform for devising the dance content. Images created during drawing workshops were used to prompt movement improvisation. Dance activities were undertaken by the participants working as individuals, in duets, in groups, and as whole cast ensembles exploring all the concepts and issues raised with regard to the theme. Dance skills were introduced during the warm up sessions and perfected as the piece evolved. Over the following days the improvisations where developed into choreographic sequences that were put together to establish a running order and create a coherent dance piece that was finalised, rehearsed and polished in preparation for the final performances. 132

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