ART CULTURE TOURISM Creatives Lockdown 2020
Creatives Lockdown 2020
Created in Beeston, Nottingham, UK
Text provided by 24 creatives, edited by Marysia Zipser Front cover design and layout by Marcus Gilmore Photography by Inna Schutts and Paul Boyd
Š 2020. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License
Creatives Lockdown 2020 ART - CULTURE - TOURISM
Beeston, Nottingham, UK
Contents page
page Acknowledgements
Steve Oliver
Maeve Wright
Pam Miler
Stephen Jon Cooper
Mandy-Jayne Ahlfors
Vina Ladwa
Clare Morgan
David Hunter
Oliver Lovley
Rehannah Mian
Rita Mitchell
Susie Matson
Deborah Anne Corr
Zoё Zegzula
Lee A. Meiser
Adam Greenwood
Sara Gaynor
Sarah J. Sinclair
Jeanie Barton
Ian Clegg
Alan Birchall
Dave Wood
Oksana Holbrook
Mark Curwood
Acknowledgements What is ACT?
Special thanks to the ACT team who have supported towards the production of this publication.
Caron Lyon - PCM creative
Art Culture Tourism is a promotions agency whose mission is to recognise, bring together and fuse the multi-cultural creatives in its network, promote Beeston, Nottingham and ACT’s artists, photographers, authors and performers on an international stage.
Website Instagram @pcmcreative Twitter @pcmcreative
ACT founder Marysia Zipser hosts inward and outbound tourism opportunities encouraging local business investment, strengthening development and stimulating employment.
Website Instagram @marcusgilmoreart LinkedIn @MarcusGilmore Twitter @marcuscgilmore
Marysia expresses sincere thanks to all the 24 contributing creatives, artists, designers, performers and writers who have made this e-book happen. Pam Miller, Mandy-Jayne Ahlfors, Clare Morgan, Oliver Lovely, Rita Mitchell, Deborah Anne Corr, Lee A. Meiser, Sara Gaynor, Jeanie Barton, Alan Birchall, Oksana Holbrook, Steve Oliver, Meave Wright, Stephen Jon Cooper, Vina Ladwa, David Hunter, Rehannah Mian, Susie Matson, Zoe Zegula, Adam Greenwood, Sarah J. Sinclair, Ian Clegg, Dave Wood and Mark Curwood
Marcus Gilmore - Designer
Inna Schutts - ACT Photographer Website Instagram @ischuttsphotography LinkedIn @InnaSchutts
Dawn Lindson - ACT Reporter LinkedIn @DawnLindson Facebook @DawnLindson
Paul Boyd - Boyd Education Photography website Twitter @QBoyd A RT-CULTURE-TOUR I SM EM B R ACING CREATI VI TY
Introduction by Marysia Zipser ACT Founder
Here is my summary from 24 Creatives Lockdown comments from Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire, Lincolnshire, UK, USA & Netherlands which have been gathered from my mid-April Facebook Call-Out. The overall consensus is that the majority of creatives are loving and embracing their lockdown which started in the UK 23rd March. It has given them quiet, the focus to work and complete those projects they started some years beforehand and to start new ones. For writers, poets, musical composers and performers, the words and notes are streaming out in steady flow and inspiring us all on YouTube, Watch Parties and LIVE digital on-line shows. For artists of all kinds, from visual to textile, lock down life has been welcome and given them more clarity. Storytellers have never been so busy recording their acting and voices to a wide and enthralled audience. Authors are busy doing voice-overs to their books or giving LIVE reading parties internationally to children via Facebook.
The facilities of ZOOM and DropBox are spreading like wildfire. Home chorus choirs have been springing up and tuning up to a rapt response, as well as virtual busking. Art and musical collaborations are flourishing; poets and visual artists with musicians, composers with dancers, as well as weekly Virtual Cuppa meetings. These lockdown comments, together with creation photos and business links, are now presented to you in this valuable e-book which can be shared and resourced by many people, fellow creatives and industry professionals. Please do start or continue collaborating with each other, you never know what masterpieces will transpire! Digital Art and Culture is widely accessible to everyone and even more so during the last two months. Creatives are not only helping themselves but so many people and children out there. Art is therapy and always has been, for our mental health and well-being. Everyone’s thinking and planning have changed for the better. Nature and wildlife are flourishing so our inspirations are following suit. Our senses have sharpened, for young and old, so it has been good to get together with our families, via FaceTime, or just being on our own to create and
Photo by Paul Boyd
enjoy these precious moments. We now look forward to Lifting Lockdown. To find out more about Art Culture Tourism, our What’sOnDigital Podcasts, LIVE video streaming, virtual resourcing links and Blog, please go onto our website and social media. May 2020
Website Email Facebook @artculturetourism Twitter @MarysiaZipser LinkedIn @MarysiaZipser
Creatives Lockdown 2020
‘Wollaton Park’ first design.
Marysia’s second design of ‘Wollaton Park’ printed with lino inks and carved at A5 size. See the 20th of Jan blog at
Creatives Lockdown 2020
Pam Miller Fine Artist Nottingham
Hi Marysia, Thanks for the invite to mention what I have been doing, as a creative, during Lockdown. Well, I have been enjoying creating and making new recipes (e.g. olive bread) and daytime exercise-walks have been fabulous around Dovecote Lane Park (Beeston), in the sunshine, under blue skies, whilst I photographed beautiful trees and plants in bloom. I have, also, enjoyed evening sketching of still life, at my home studio (including some of the contents of Lockdown fruit & veg. box deliveries) and daytime painting in the garden, as well as planting new flowers and enjoying wildlife - particularly a blackbird, a regular visitor, enjoying fat balls at the bird table. Also, FaceTime and WhatsApp chats have been great, to family and friends, including my five-year-old granddaughter, who loves chatting to me (often when climbing up onto garden tree-house roof!). At other times, I have been trying to decipher her text messages, sent to me on her mummy’s ‘phone! I have, recently, joined Netflix, too, and have been enjoying new films. With more de-cluttering of the office on the list, there is no time to become bored. Drawing and painting will, always, take precedence, but I will continue to garden - a wildlife section for bees and butterflies is planned - plus, I will continue to take more photographs of nature in all its glory, this Springtime. Website Instagram @pammillerfineartist
Creatives Lockdown 2020
Mandy-Jayne Ahlfors Fine Artist Derby
It’s about demonstrating the details of the artwork, different textures and colours that I chose to suit how I remember Elvis. He had a smouldering look with those eyes; he seemed to have a magic about him. It was like he had the Midas touch what and when everything he did turned to gold. This is reflected in the painting of Elvis’s eyes and the background represents the starry essence his fans worshipped. The metallic red flashes in his hair represent the Elvis stage lights giving off beautiful red rays onto his stage silhouette. The velvety matte paint used in his hair represents Elvis’s famous black hair dye; known as ‘Black Velvet’ which is also the song title. I also used my drip paint technique, something I started to use back in 2012 on a painting titled ‘Fragments of my Mind’. Like Elvis, who is also a fragment of my mind, I like to paint portraits representing my memories and thoughts throughout my life; whether it is in the present or the past. I also enjoy painting Pop Culture through the ages. Thank you for letting me share with you Marysia Xx Website Instagram @artbymandyuk Facebook @ artbymandy Twitter @artbymandy
‘My Elvis Project’ Dimensions 121cm x 91cm
Creatives Lockdown 2020
Clare Morgan Printmaker & Artist Derby
Hey Marysia, the garden is looking beautiful! I had a bit of a pause at first, as I’m in the high risk category so now I have 12 weeks of very strict lockdown. Week one involved either excessive cleaning or binge watching Netflix whenever I wasn’t doing the day job (from home). I normally screen-print in a studio so my space and resources have altered...but this was just what was needed to get me going. I am now doing lino cutting and exploring portraits, and how I can keep my colour palette. The change in media definitely helped reinvigorate my practice! I’m fascinated by portraits, and I find comfort in them at the moment. I’m also drawing people on Instagram @curiousinkyme to hopefully bring a bit of joy to people’s days. And finally, I’ve been putting together little postbox sized packages, including selected prints, hand decorated sketchbooks, earrings, art cards and other goodies :) Website Etsy Facebook @@curiousinkyme2.0 Instagram @curiousinkyme Twitter @curiousinkyme1
Creatives Lockdown 2020
Oliver Lovley
Artist, Illustrator & Teacher Nottingham
During lock down, it’s been good for my painting, and taking control of oneself. My recent ones are based on quick drawings I do; I’m well stocked on materials. Art events like the ABC Art Trail have been cancelled, and I have a gallery exhibition planned for July, but I doubt whether it will go ahead. My trained background is Illustration, so I like to do storyboarding / thumb nails. It all depends on what type of mood I wish to create. Testing out compositions, and getting references. I’ve also done a few short at-home live streaming videos, but I’m not set up to do online art teaching - you try and get a web-cam at the moment!! I’m used to teaching at art workshops, and evening life classes but all those have been cancelled. With my partner, we like to learn and master making things for the home and garden; recently we completed a patio table and made a wooden top for it. We’re enjoying the cooking and trying out new recipes and my partner loves gardening and planting. Website Facebook OliverLovleyFineArt Instagram @oliverlovley Twitter @OliverLovley
Creatives Lockdown 2020
Rita Mitchell
Fine Artist & Teacher Nottingham
As you know Marysia, our ABC Art Trail weekend was cancelled (in early June). A painting which I’ve written about starting with sketches I made, four weeks before lock down, at Brown’s Restaurant, Castle Gate, as I was so impressed with its interior. I asked the waitress to pose for me at the bar. I’ve recorded my design process on my blog site called And then shared it on the social media I use. I find most people/readers are interested in the design process. Also another exciting thing we artists, at Nottingham Society of Artists (NSA), Friar Lane, are doing lately and that is attending weekly ZOOM Live meetings where we each draw portraits of each other in fifteen minutes, getting a likeness down. Now I’m focusing on my garden and plants doing sketches, so we’ll see what develops from there into paint or other mediums. It’s been a time of reflection, looking after our health, mental well being, and at the same time, just enjoying time at home, in my garden, and in my studio. Website Blog Facebook @ritamitchellstudio
Creatives Lockdown 2020
Deborah Anne Corr
Designer, Handmade books & gifts Derby
Hi Marysia, this one below has been on the back burner for 3 years - but I have had the quiet to settle down to it - one of my handmade books that will be a compilation from part of Walt Whitman’s Song of Myself with illustration. It has long been on my wish list to get done! I need lots of time without distraction to design the books - the making is much less demanding - now is the time isn’t it? Etsy Facebook @modestlyanipani
Creatives Lockdown 2020
Lee A. Meiser Editor & Writer
Bowling Green, Ohio, USA Lee A. Meiser is a self-employed writer/editor (worldwide) who mainly works with academics. The blog is a creative outlet for her and her writing. ‘I have started a Blog titled “A Lover of Beauty” (refer to blog). Marysia, one indoor activity for me is making jewellery for my friends. Can’t promise but I might make one for you!’ LinkedIn @Lee A. Meiser (Manera) Blog Twitter @lameiser
Creatives Lockdown 2020
Sara Gaynor
Photographer & Visual artist Nottingham
Fabulous Marysia Zipser!I’ve been creating work under lockdown, journalling as we slowly eased down. Still heading out for cycling exercise and photographing, cooking new recipes and teaching photography online. Here’s some new meditative photographic work I’ve produced. Xxx Website Facebook SaraGaynorPhotography Twitter @ SaraGaynorPhoto Instagram @saragaynor
‘Light in Time’ by Sara Gaynor
Creatives Lockdown 2020
Jeanie Barton
Singer & song-writer Nottingham
Firstly I hope you and yours are keeping well – so many people have suffered through this virus and my heart goes out to anyone who is ill or bereaved. Like all self employed people working in the entertainment industry the government’s corona-virus lockdown has put me out of work. We don’t know at this stage whether the VE 75 weekend events are cancelled – I feel it likely they will be, but they are currently still in my diary. Many other events have been postponed indefinitely but I’ve kept them in my events page with a predicted new date. I’m not going to lie, this is a disaster. We have little choice but to button down the hatches, reduce our expenditure to a bare minimum and wait it out staying safe at home.
Photo by Inna Schutts
While waiting and to keep up my spirits and others’ I started doing song requests at my piano on my Facebook page. One of them went, well, viral with almost 18,000 views in just a few weeks – a cover of Glen Miller’s In the Mood renamed Lift Your Mood – I’ve taken to rewriting a number of songs to fit the circumstances. I’ve uploaded all these requests to a new play-list on my YouTube channel too now and added them to my Instagram. Website Facebook @jeaniebartonofficial Instagram @jeaniebartonmusic Twitter @jeaniebarton
Creatives Lockdown 2020
Alan Birchall
Ceramicist & potter Nottingham
I have been gardening, gardening and also more gardening. Might make some pots next week. I’m Inspired by the natural world and oriental culture, I make individual, thrown, functional and decorative pieces. Influenced particularly by Japanese potters, I also create hand-built and carved pieces. Website Facebook @alanbirchallceramics Etsy @ AlanBirchallCeramics Instagram @potty4u
Photo of Alan making a Japanese style Chawan (tea bowl) by the traditional method of pinching.
Creatives Lockdown 2020
Oksana Holbrook Textile artist & designer Nottingham
Serious and ruthless clutter clearing, experimental cooking (just made a pear and ginger sponge pudding), and trying to keep sane. Oh and a little creative work when my hand will allow :) Instagram @ oksanaholbrook Facebook @OksanaHolbrook
Creatives Lockdown 2020
Steve Oliver
Writer & film-maker Nottingham
The Random Sessions (YouTube) is filmed in a pub so that’s obviously on hold. I was about to start a documentary before lockdown so hopefully I can reignite that in future. I’m keeping myself occupied in lockdown by filming a daily joke on Instagram, and uploading some of my archive to YouTube. My latest project is a weekly live stream discussing and playing vinyl comedy albums from my collection. Blog Facebook @steveoliverofficial Instagram @SteveOliver1976 YouTube @SteveOliverOfficial Twitter @SteveOliver76 Live stream @steveoliver76
Creatives Lockdown 2020
Maeve Wright
Artist & Creative writer Nottingham
Lockdown is much the same for me as normal life, as because of health problems I don’t go out a lot, so what I’m doing indoors, or in the garden, is what I always do. I keep in touch with people I would have seen via Facebook, messenger, text and phone. I particularly miss my son and my sister. But hurrah for technology! Indoors I play with my cat, paint and draw, read, write my diary, watch a lot of tv; mostly dramas, art, nature, music, quizzes such as University Challenge, Mastermind and competitive programmes like Masterchef, Bake-off, and Sewing Bee.
Gareth Malone in his recording studio
Also, on YouTube at the moment there’s a new stage play each week, performed by the National Theatre, fabulous shows. In the garden I may do a bit of dead-heading, weeding, pruning and seed sowing - if I have the energy! Or our cat and I will sit on the bench when it’s sunny, listen to bird song and watch the bees working. However one thing that’s different is that, along with my husband, I’m taking part in Gareth Malone’s Great British Home Chorus. Every week day there’s a session on YouTube,
we do physical exercises, learn singing rhymes and rounds and are taught a main song. So far these have been ‘You Are My Sunshine’, Elton John’s ‘I’m Still Standing’, and Duran Duran’s ‘Ordinary World’. We’re sent a backing tape via email to download to computers or mobile phones, and record ourselves singing our voice part to it. The recordings are sent to a website, and will be collated into a video of one huge choir! It’s a challenge in parts but great fun too, and a good feeling to think we’re joining with 1000s of other people to produce a performance. Gareth’s very encouraging and very funny! For me it also helps to make up for not being able to attend my usual choir. So, that’s my lockdown life!
Creatives Lockdown 2020
Stephen Jon Cooper Visual artist & mask maker Nottingham
I have a making-project going which keeps me occupied and sane. Of course I am spending three times as much on it, as I would have been doing had the Lockdown not happened. I have been drawing a lot over the last couple of years. Big charcoal drawings over a metre and a half square which take up to five months. This one is called ‘Watchers” . I’ve been doing bits of reading, running and yoga. Also research into cloth face masks and making prototypes is a big learning curve and of course taking more time than I imagined. Not writing as I can’t put things into words, that’s why I am a visual artist, my medium is visual, not verbal. Website Facebook @Stephen Jon Cooper LinkedIn @Stephen Jon
Creatives Lockdown 2020
Vina Ladwa
Dancer, storyteller & teacher Nottingham
Since the lockdown, I have been teaching my Kathak dance classes online: Zoom, Webex, MS Team and they are all going really well. It’s been a great enjoyable experience doing so many other things now that I have more time at home. Baking, cooking new dishes and learning more about gardening has become my new hobby!
Photo by Inna Schutts at ACT ‘Cultures Crossing’ May 2019 event at Debbie Bryan’s shop, Nottingham.
Website Facebook @Vina Ladwa LinkedIn @Vina Ladwa
Creatives Lockdown 2020
David Hunter Creative writer Nottingham
I have been spending some time looking at local landscapes on solitary walks around South Nottingham and am also doing some work on writing various things. Thankfully I’ve remained sane - at least I think so, and it’s up to others what they think, not that I really am that much influenced by what other people think, and I could well have some misgivings about them anyway. Everyone’s odd except thee and me, and that’s a bit strange and all. Sorry this didn’t get done yesterday but better late than never. Facebook@DavidHunter
Creatives Lockdown 2020
Rehannah Mian
Author, storyteller & heritage professional Nottingham
I run Magical Storybook Children’s Events in communities all over the world, and my Martha and Chris books are also being used as tools in schools globally. I’ve been finding it a relatively calming experience. I’ve even started writing a daily diary again - something I used to do when I was younger. I’ve listened to music more, I’ve nearly finished writing a book that should have been finished in March - I couldn’t get it done before life calmed down. I’ve reached out to children globally and given them a platform to shine on, by reading out their favourite books live on my Facebook page, and I’ve been walking more and enjoying the garden. Slowing down has actually made me more creative and productive. It’s what they always advised, but I never felt that I had time to listen to them.
On 17th April, I hosted the first reading party for children on my Facebook Magical Storybook page. Seventeen children from the UK and US went Live and read their favourite stories for us, and some read the stories that they had written themselves. I was overwhelmed at how many children wanted to take part - I never expected more than 1 or 2 kids to take up the offer when I announced it on Tuesday. I intended this to be an event that encouraged children to read, and to give them something to do but what I realised when I read the comments is that their grandparents and other family members and friends were watching them via Skype and Facebook.
Website LinkedIn @Rehannah Mian Instagram @Saving_History Facebook @Rehannah Mian
Creatives Lockdown 2020
Susie Matson Carer & artist
Boston, Lincolnshire Hi Marysia, as you maybe aware I am as a carer still working through these times albeit part time. What lockdown has done for me is given me focus, away from all the sanitizing. Lots of completing pieces of work towards an exhibition in December. I’m enjoying also a different type of family time with video calls and my grandson reading stories to me. Website Facebook @Susie Matson
Creatives Lockdown 2020
Zoё Zegzula
Textile artist & designer Nottingham
I mainly exhibit in the East Midlands, UK and take part in various Art & Craft Events, Festivals and Art Trails throughout the region. I am currently the Vice Chair of the ABC Art Trail (Attenborough, Beeston and Chilwell) which takes place the first weekend of June. I am also a volunteer Event Co-ordinator for Attenborough Nature Centre which has a gallery space and organise their regular Art & Craft Events ( Due to Covid 19, I have spent a considerable time cancelling events that I had set up to happen this year. Lockdown did affect my desire to be creative initially, but I’m pleased to say that I am now enjoying making new work, and exploring new themes which is having a positive effect on my well-being. Website Facebook @ZoeZegzula
Creatives Lockdown 2020
Adam Greenwood
Robin Hood Experience owner, Performer & Author Nottingham
I’ve been doing plenty of storytelling, reading some of my favourite books online and via Facebook :) Also I’ve been doing some creative projects for work. I’m pleased to announce that I’ll be re-opening my shop on the 15th of June, as lock-down eases. Website Amazon @AdamGreenwood Tripadvisor @The Robin Hood Experience Facebook @robinhoodexperience Instagram @robinhoodexperience
Creatives Lockdown 2020
Sarah J. Sinclair
SJS Glassworks & Creations Amstelveen, Netherlands
I am a welcoming, positive oriented, multi-media creative artist. I hand-make everything, using several different kinds of media including but not limited to: Glass, wood, paper, fabric, clay, metal, beads, foam, plastic, leather, and yarn. I love to create useful things like scarves, gloves, cards, beads, clothing, costumes, coasters, wash-rags, necklaces, bracelets and earrings to name a few of the things that I create using the different media. Currently I reside in the Netherlands, working a discount bookshop, it is providing me with experience for when I get home to England and am able to open my shop in Codnor, Ripley selling not only my creations but also giving the local creative people a place to sell their items on commission. I plan on also having group get togethers for children and adults, to have a place where everyone can come to hang out. They can have a cup of tea, be creative together, learn new techniques, share knowledge and bring a bit more community together. Twitch @ SJSGlasswork_n_Creations Facebook @SJSCreations Instagram @ sjsglassworks Twitter @sjsglasswork
Creatives Lockdown 2020
Ian Clegg
Multi-Instrumentalist musician & Songwriter Nottingham
I play guitar, mandolin and mandocello with King of Rome but collaborate with other musicians too. During lockdown I’ve been collaborating remotely with Jack Scrimshaw to record some songs for online gigs. I record mine,put the wav. files in Dropbox, Jack picks it up, adds tracks, puts back in Dropbox etc. Then mix at the end. Works a treat! Facebook @kingofromemusic Soundcloud @ianclegg
Creatives Lockdown 2020
Dave Wood
Artist & wordsmith Nottingham
Dave Wood’s routine is a mixed bag of writing (mostly poetry), artwork, local gardening, research, online networking and imagining. Currently offering lock-down rates on his creativity, including commissioned poems and painted canvases; both are great to send as gifts to say you love them, miss them or definitely want to see them soon. Blog
Photos by Inna Schutts. Dave Wood at ACT’s Cultures Crossing event at Synergy, Feb 2019
Creatives Lockdown 2020
Mark Curwood
Playwright & performer Nottingham
Lots of research and practice on the Michael Chekhov technique - and it’s all rather good and I feel like a student again, learning is fun - that and every episode of The original Twilight Zone in a box set. YouTube @Frank Wilcott’s Channel Facebook @FrankWilcott/Mark Curwood LinkedIn @MarkCurwood Twitter @ThatMalarkey
Photo by Inna Schutts
Creatives Lockdown 2020
Creatives Lockdown 2020