the 7 habits

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“Zion—The Pure in Heart”


To help class members understand what the scriptures teach about Zion and to inspire them in their efforts to establish Zion.


1. Prayerfully study the following scriptures and other materials: a. Doctrine and Covenants 57:1–3; 64:33–43; 82:14–15; 97:8–28; 105:1–12; Moses 7:12–19, 61–63, 68–69; Articles of Faith 1:10. b. Our Heritage, pages 37–38, 145–46. 2. Review the material for this lesson in the Class Member Study Guide (35686). Plan ways to refer to the material during the lesson. 3. Ask a class member to prepare to summarize the account of the city of Enoch as recorded in Moses 7:12–19, 68–69. 4. If you use the attention activity, bring a piece of paper and a pen or pencil for each class member.

Suggestions for Lesson Development Attention Activity

As appropriate, use the following activity or one of your own to begin the lesson. Give each class member a piece of paper and a pen or pencil. Ask them to write down five important things they would like to accomplish in life. After they have had time to write, read the following statement by the Prophet Joseph Smith: “We ought to have the building up of Zion as our greatest object. . . . The time is soon coming, when no man will have any peace but in Zion and her stakes” (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, sel. Joseph Fielding Smith [1976], 160–61). Ask class members to ponder the following questions without answering aloud: • As you look at your list, how many of the items could help build up Zion? How might you modify your list to respond to the admonition of the Prophet Joseph Smith? The revelations recorded in the Doctrine and Covenants contain many instructions about building up Zion. This lesson discusses what Zion is and what is required of us to help establish it.

Discussion and Application


Prayerfully select the lesson material that will best meet class members’ needs. Encourage class members to share experiences that relate to the scriptural principles.

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