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2.2 Two different approaches are contemplated of how to best study the structural behaviour of the material system. The first approach considers the system as a combination of structural ribs and envelope where some bricks are actually fundamental for load bearing where as others contribute by the lateral compression but can me removed. Digital modelling was used to determine the maximum span between the structural ribs however this approach is not considering the membrane’s contribution nor the lateral transmission of the loads. For instance in the cantilever configuration the overall thickness of the surface increased to 150mm to reduce displacement. Therefore, a second approach considers the system as a composite shell, and it is simulated by series of plates with two different material properties acting together, and the structural role of the membrane is confirmed

Structural performance when the minimal necessary thickness of the brick is reduced to 50mm. The results presented below show both configurations, cantilever and arch in the second approach and the displacement of the plates only considering self load. Wind loads have not been implemented in these tests. The tensile membrane is considered as mesh with a Young’s Modulus of 700MPa. In the cantilever configuration is important to notice that further reducing the thickness of the bricks from 50mm to 25mm increases the maximum displacement. In the arch configuration the maximum displacement is perceived in the upper part of the arch.

Material Properties Membrane *modulus: 700 MPa *poisson’s Ratio: 0,35 *density: 6,7 e -10 T/mm3 *specific Heat: 1,6 e 6 J/T/C Wood units *modulus 10500 MPa *Poisson’s Ratio: 0,3 *Density: 5,5 e -10 T/mm3 *Thermal Expansion: 3,5 e -6/C


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