AR[t] 5

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Developing augmented reality applications: a future perspective by Robert Prevel

Augmented reality (AR) applications, once

the public domain is to be encouraged, then

seen as a future technology, have in recent

our future hardware and software solutions

years become far more prevalent in the

must be affordable and readily available.

public domain. This is in large part due to

The quality of an AR experience depends on

the availability of affordable hardware that

both the hardware and software used to de-

can be used to facilitate many basic AR ap-

liver that experience. For example, a heads

plications, the most common example being

up display provides a far more immersive AR

the smartphone. These lightweight compact

experience than a hand held display. Unfor-

devices typically consist of a camera, on

tunately, unlike smartphones, AR headsets

board processing, a screen, and other use-

are not readily available. In addition, even

ful functions such as wireless capability. As

the cheapest self-assembled headsets are

smartphones and in particular smartphone

more costly than an average smartphone.

applications have become more widespread

As the hardware used in AR applications

in society, there has been a notable increase

develops, so too will the software allowing

in the number of AR applications and devel-

the best experience from the available hard-

opment companies.

ware. AR application development is a cycle where new applications require improved

This growth of augmented reality in the pub-

hardware, which allows for new software

lic domain is very positive. However, most

ideas that in turn require new hardware. We

existing commercial AR applications are con-

predict a number of ways in which both hard-

fined to small working environments, and

ware and software for AR applications will

provide a very basic AR experience; they

develop in order to improve on our current

allow you to play virtual ‘desktop’ games,

AR experiences.

or overlay a simple virtual object or image on top of a real world object. Many of these

In the future, hardware for AR will be far

‘desktop’ applications have very little knowl-

lighter and more comfortable, allowing for

edge of the working environment, and use

extended use. Devices capable of providing

what we would already consider ‘old technol-

a heads up display have already started to

ogy’ for tracking; namely a fiducial marker or

infiltrate the public domain, the most publi-

some equivalent. Future AR applications will

cised being Google Glass (GG). At present GG

most certainly require more detailed knowl-

is rather expensive and not a suitable display

edge of much larger working environments

for most existing AR applications (unless you’re

and more robust tracking solutions. If the

happy playing your desktop games in a small

continued expansion of AR applications into

box in the top right of your vision). Despite


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