8-22-13 ABN Now

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10 Explore the Bible:

September 1, 2013

August 22, 2013

Bible Studies for Life:

God revealed

The pressure of trials

John 1:1-18

James 1:1-4

John opens his prologue in John gift of grace Christ offers demon1 with three clear statements about strates our confidence in its reality the different aspects of the incarnate and trustworthiness. It is worth notWord. The Word is preexistent – He ing that John always uses “believe” is present from eternity past. The (“pisteuo”) as a verb and never as a Word is distinct from noun (“pistis”), and 36 the Father – “the Word of the 98 times it is used was with God,” literin John’s Gospel refer ally “face to face”. The to actively believing “in” Word is divine. John (“pisteuo” + “eis”) Jesus makes clear that Jesus – like Paul’s use of the is God! John repeatedly term “in Christ” to dedrives home the truth scribe genuine Christian of Jesus’ divine nature: faith. For John, believJeff Thompson “Before Abraham was, ing in Christ is an ongoI am” (John 8:58), “The ing, active trust. associational missionary Father and I are one” Concord Baptist Association John 1:14 is very (John 10:30) and “so probably the single Fort Smith that they may be one most important verse as We are one” (John concerning the incarna17:11). John 1:1c does not equate tion of Christ. This doctrine is one the Word with the person of God – of the most basic theological affirsee John 1:1b which shows the Word mations of Christianity applying to is distinct; rather, it affirms that the all who are legitimately called ChrisWord and God are one in essence. tian. The best translation of verse 14 In spite of the many who reject would be, “The Word became flesh Christ (John 1:11), verse 12 shows and tabernacled among us,” remindthere will be some who receive Him. ing us of God’s presence among IsVerse 12 provides us with a key inirael in the wilderness. Other great tial definition of “believe” by equatpassages affirming Christ’s diety ing it with “receive.” It is much more and humanity are Colossians 1:15than just knowing or reciting facts 20, Hebrews 1:1-13 and Philippians about Jesus. To receive or accept the 2:5-11.

The Book of James is written by is not taken by surprise. God can James to the Jewish believers living use all the events in believers’ lives. outside Palestine (James 1:1). These Through trials, faith is strengthened, believers may have come to faith which produces endurance (James during Pentecost (Acts 2:5-12) and 1:3). are being persecuted The end result of the for their faith (Acts trials is “endurance” 8:1). James encour(NASB 1995) or “perseaged these believers as verance” (NIV) (James they faced persecution 1:3-4). These words give for their faith. It can the idea of stamina or be hard to go through staying power, which trials when there is comes through faith in no end in sight. James God. Along with stamiCharity Gardner gives believers then and na, comes spiritual mamember now a reason to live turity (James 1:4). As a Compass Church out their faith. Faith muscle is strengthened, is like a muscle – it that muscle becomes Little Rock needs to be flexed and stronger and endures stretched in order to longer. Through trials, be strengthened. Similarly, believers faith matures and becomes stroncan strengthen their faith through ger. Spiritual maturity does not trials and temptations. mean being sinless, but rather the In today’s culture, an easy life is completion of spiritual traits, which considered a blessing. This is true are used for spiritual victory. God for the Jewish culture, as well. Jewish is more interested in our character believers thought that an easy life, than our comfort. an absence of trials, was a sign of As a believer, how are different God’s blessing. trials in your life used to strengthen For new Jewish believers, it was your faith in God? How can God hard to understand that persecuuse these trials to bring joy into your tion came with their faith. God life? How are these trials bringing knows everything that happens and about glory of God?

Explore the Bible:

September 8, 2013

Bible Studies for Life:

Jesus identified

The pressure of temptation

John 1:29-51

James 1:13-18

Our passage in John 1:29-51 iden(“Anointed One”) in John 1:41. It is tifies six titles used for Christ. unlikely that either Andrew or Peter First, John calls Jesus the “Lamb understood just how right they were of God” (John 1:29, 36). Merrill C. in calling Jesus the Messiah. They Tenney says, “It combines in one originally looked to Him as a potendescriptive term the concepts of tial political deliverer. Only later, innocence, voluntary perhaps at Caesarea sacrifice, substitutionPhilippi (Matthew 16:16 ary atonement, effecor Mark 8:29) did they tive obedience, and truly come to understand redemptive power like how Jesus fulfilled His that of the Passover role as Messiah. Lamb.” In John’s GosFourth, Jesus is called pel, the Lamb of God the “Son of God” (John is a synthesis of two (or 1:49). This title primarily Jeff Thompson more) biblical motifs. affirms Jesus’ deity and associational missionary The Suffering Servant is closely related to His in Isaiah 53 and the Concord Baptist Association royal position as Messiah. Passover Lamb are the Fifth, Jesus is called Fort Smith two most prominent. the “King of Israel” (John The lamb is first seen 1:49). This title is equivain Genesis 22, with Abraham offerlent in nature to “Son of God.” But ing Isaac only to discover the Lord it probably reflects a strong Hebraic provides His own Sacrifice. Leviticus nationalism, another example that, 14 talks about the lamb as a guilt early on, the disciples looked to offering. Jesus as a political Messiah. Second, in John 1:38 and 49, Finally, Jesus calls Himself “the Jesus is called “Rabbi” (“Teacher”). Son of Man” (John 1:51). This title The disciples and others who use appears 12 times in John’s Gospel. this title are acknowledging that In its general usage, it is the title of Jesus was recognized as a master/ the incarnate Christ who represents teacher of the Law of Moses. humanity to God and God to huThird, Jesus is called “Messiah” manity.

Every person is tempted because ent, sin comes to light, which causes of the sinful nature that began in death (James 1:15). When a person the Garden of Eden. When people has a desire that is not from God, give in to temptation, they look for the action the person takes to fulfill someone or something to blame that desire is sin. Once the sin has other than themselves. Some peotaken place, death is expected based ple look to nature or on Romans 3:23. circumstances while However, the Jewish others blame God for believers, had hope in causing the temptation. God. God is good and When you get into a perfect (James 1:17). He tricky situation, what is is always present and your response to God? never changing. God James was writing chose to give people a to the Jewish believers, second chance through whose culture had an the gospel (James 1:18). Charity Gardner expectation for a good Because of the second member life because of their chance, believers had Compass Church beliefs. However, as a the opportunity to be Little Rock believer in Jesus, their “firstfruits” (James 1:18). lives were not perfect, The firstfruits were given and they struggled with temptation. to God as thanksgiving and became As believers, why would God tempt His special possessions. What a picthem? James explains that God canture of God’s grace and love! not tempt nor cause people to sin Though He does not cause the (James 1:13). However, God uses temptation in our lives, God can use temptation to mature believers’ it. As you walk through temptation, faith. are you going to blame God for it or God, in His very nature, is good look to God for strength to endure and has nothing to do with evil. it? Even though we may fail when Therefore, people give in to temptempted, God has presented a way, tation because of their own desires through the gospel, for us to become (James 1:14). Once the desire is presHis special possession or firstfruits.

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