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ASSOCIATION "REPS" Representing the Arkansas Bar Association at the August 1976 meeting of the National Conference of Bar Presidents and the National Association of Bar Executives were Colonel C. E. Ransick, Executive Director: and Messrs Herschel H. Friday, Robert C. Compton, and Waiter A. Niblock, Presiden~ Immediate路 Past-President, and President-Elect, reo spectively (L to R).



August 17, 1916

Colonel 拢. C. Ranslck

Anr..n$ll S.r AssochUon 400 lien "'rkh... litt!a RoKk. AR 12201


"rbnslS Lawyer

Dnr COI_' RanSlck:

I'd like to utend 10' cOIlgr.tulltlons on the uul1ent Profusion.l Lllbl11t)'

~~r~~lt=~l~l~ ~e:de~t~~u1~;~n~~~~I~r~~L:r~ ~:~;t~~et~ 11M! "quiet crhls" Uke" pllee within tile leg.l profusion.

Tlw!se .rtleln, together with the AEGIS stori!s )"Ou hln contfnlled to publish, will lIIldoubtlKlly pnl!vent ""1 of your rudel"S fro- .... peulll9 the s _ costly _!stlkU othe" h.n uperfenct'd. ""'rent'u of the probl. is eS$fnth.1 before lIunlngful p....ventlthe steps eln be In1tllted. VOIiI" efforh to cr'ute this IWll"l!neu. throU1lh articles of this nature, wt11 stgnHlclntly help prf1clpttate

corrective lellon. Our Pf'O'jI'" wlUl the Arklnus 611" Msoc:htion Is fo..-d on elM! prlr'IC1pel of .utlll1 coopention ~rd '-"ting the undl!rlylll9 UUS!!! of Profnslond Lilbl路 lit)' .1Ie9o'tlons. Th.nk you for ..king it work.



J. lIlIr,>er Il. L1ston

4O/Arkansas Lawyer/January 1977

The American Bar Association 1975 Award of Merit for Single Project Excellence was presented to the Sebastian County Bar Association at the ABA's Annual Meeting in August 1976. The plaque was presented by Chesterfield Smith to Robert L. Jones, Jr., a past president of both the County and State Bar Associations. The award was based upon the Sebastian County Bar Association's work with the Vietnamese refugees to introduce them to the American legal system and to provide them legal assistance prior to and following their relocation. The program was described as "a unique and outstanding bar association project". The project was headed by lawyers Robert Claar, Bill Thompson and Allan Wooten. !l-.....

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