Diane Corcoran passed away peacefully on March 5, 2023, at the age of 76, at the University of North Carolina Hospital in Chapel Hill, NC, surrounded by her wife of 23 years, Ruth, and close friends Diane was a true and abiding friend of IANDS
Diane was known to many as one of a kind! She was the real deal! She always cared about the outsider, the uninformed, the newcomer, the underserved--and would extend boundless generosity. Dr. Corcoran supported older individuals needing help because they were frail and vulnerable and had complicated health and social needs. She supported three households for individuals without necessities or means. She also provided the opportunity for a young woman from Africa to attend nursing school in the United States Diane’s presence was larger than life--though she was described by some as soft, kind, simplistic, and quiet with a sense of humor
Diane served as IANDS President several times over the decades and also fulfilled duties in many other roles. She had international and national relationships with resources she could contact on behalf of IANDS. Many of those relationships have continued with current leadership. Throughout the year, board members have saidthey miss Diane’s support, guidance, kindness, direction, input, lessons, and advice. Recently a person said Diane had walked her talk through mentorship
Years ago, Diane was the backbone of IANDS and insisted that board members contribute appreciable funds to meet the financial needs of the organization. Previous board members have identified her as a Master of Calm Confrontation. She was a tough bird but truly had a gentle side. One person shared that the only time they saw Diane cry in all the years they knew her was when her nephew was stationed in Vietnam. As we know, Diane was a leader in establishment of the bequest commitment for those interested in supporting IANDS in this way. She definitely walked her talk: IANDS was gifted $30,800 after her death Additionally, in lieu of flowers for her memorial, a donation to IANDS was suggested, which resulted in more support for IANDS
Throughout her life, Diane passionately sought opportunities to help others. Her first assignment upon completion of nursing school in 1968 was in Vietnam, where she found incredible need and provided service. Dr. Corcoran subsequently had a significant impact on individual veterans, significant others, military practitioners, and healthcare providers around the world, through which her service to veterans continues.
Dr. Corcoran was an incredible nurse as well as a military and civilian leader. Her abiding passion for the military lives on through IANDS’s Col. Diane Corcoran Veterans Fund, through which her service to veterans will continue into the future. One veteran shared his view that Diane was organized, succinct, and concise without sacrificing depth and wonder
An IANDS Member shared this:
“As a military nurse in Vietnam, Diane was referred to as the “Death Lady ” She was called to the morgue when a couple lost their newborn baby, who was stillborn. She knew that the mother needed to hold the baby, and she made time and space for that to happen. She somehow had the intuitive awareness that being a witness, a nonanxious presence, or a compassionate other when her patients were in need, would be meaningful, even healing. And it was. ”
Diane presented to hundreds of professional nursing and other organizations for IANDS on health care provider responsibilities in supporting patients who have had near-death experiences (NDEs). She was a key figure in IANDS’s annual conferences and served as co-chair of the Program Committee for many years. Conference Committee members often feel her commitment spirit and ask, “What would Diane do?” and somehow “they see the light”!
Diane was a compassionate professional who worked unselfishly to better the lives of millions of NDERrs who experience a huge gap in healthcare provision, support, and resources NDErs want to be heard, so she encouraged many positive options including the use of books Her contributions continue to be recognized throughout the healthcare field This week an individual shared that her positive attitude towards him helped him publish his book
Diane was a forerunner in NDE education and a great advocate for patients and providers. Her contributions were vital as she boldly asked, “How many providers in the healthcare field have any idea how many thousands of patients walk out of hospital doors every day, without the benefit of support and education?”
It is evident that her advocacy for quality education, service, and research for vulnerable individuals in need of Nursing Best Practices following NDEs was essential. She established nursing strategies to avoid harmful psychological consequences, as her colleagues built and fostered subsequent relationships. Dr. Corcoran continues to be quoted as an international expert on topics related to NDEs, management, and grief.
The IANDS Board of Directors learned at our February 2023 annual board meeting that if Diane had something to say, regardless of whether she is in the ICU with blood, treatments, and machines chirping, we would hear it. So, the heck with “’Til Death Do Us Part!” She is in our corner continuing to serve and walk her talk. All we must do is just Be
Blessings and Love to Diane and you,
Debbie James
Debbie James, MSN, RN, CCRN-K
IANDS is the most trusted source for NDE research, support, and education Founded in 1981, the International Association for NearDeath Studies, Inc (IANDS) is a non-profit 501(c)(3), membershipbased organization dedicated to encouraging scientific research, education, and support around near-death experiences (NDEs) and related experiences. IANDS members include experiencers, nonexperiencers, researchers; medical, mental, social, and religious/spiritual healthcare professionals; educators; and the general public.
To advance global understanding of near-death experiences and related phenomena through research, education, and supportive communities and resources.
A world in which near-death experiences and related phenonena are widely recognized as valid and profound experiences that inspire and create lasting positive change.
Publish the scholarly, peer-reviewed Journal of Near-Death Studies
Support IANDS affiliated groups around the world
Offer weekly live virtual sharing and theme groups
Organize weekly virtual talks, classes, and workshops
Hold annual conferences, symposiums, and special events
Collect accounts of NDEs and related experiences
Spur research into near-death and related phenomena
Provide education and support programs for military experiencers and veterans
Engage in professional educational initiatives for healthcare providers
Communicate regularly with our large membership base
Produce the quarterly Vital Signs magazine
We believe near-death experiences can transform individuals, the sciences, and society.
Publish groundbreaking books such as The Self Does Not Die
Near-death experiences gained public attention in the 1970s because of the pioneering work of psychiatrists Elisabeth Kübler-Ross; Raymond Moody, Jr.; and George Ritchie. To meet the needs of early researchers and experiencers, IANDS was started in 1978 by luminary NDE research pioneers Bruce Greyson, MD; Raymond Moody, Jr., MD, PhD; Kenneth Ring, PhD; Michael Sabom, MD; and John Audette, MS; among others. The organization was incorporated in Connecticut in 1981. IANDS was the first organization in the world devoted to the study of neardeath experiences and their relationship to human consciousness.
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Susan Amsden, BSc
919-383-7940 2741 Campus Walk Avenue Building 500 Durham, NC 27705-8878
919-383-7940 services@iands org iands org
A near-death experience (NDE) is typically a profound, life changing, intensely emotional experience that usually occurs during a clinical crisis and has common characteristics and aftereffects. It is not a dream, hallucination, or mental illness (Greyson, 1983). There are no predictive variables to identify who will have an NDE. They happen to people of all ages, religions, socio-economic groups, cultures, educational backgrounds, and belief systems. They occur under a variety of circumstances such as accidental injuries, near-drownings, illnesses, combat, surgical procedures, and childbirth. Following an NDE, experiencers (NDErs) often display some common aftereffects. Research has established a set of common NDE characteristics and long-term aftereffects.
Every near-death experience is unique, but NDEs do tend to share one or more common characteristics.
• Feeling of dying or being dead
• Feeling detached from the body
• A sense of reality or hyper-reality
• Senses more vivid than usual
• Feelings of peace and joy
• Experiencing an altered sense of time
• Viewing the material world from a location apart from the body
• Perceiving things in the material world that are later shown to be accurate
• Moving through a passage, such as a tunnel or door
• Being in another world
• Encountering beings and/or deceased relatives
• Feeling surrounded by light and love
• Having a life review
• Seeing visions of the future – personal and/or planetary
• Having an enhanced sense of knowledge
• Less often, feelings of nonexistence, torment, or isolation
• Voluntary or involuntary return to the body
Nearly all near-death experiencers report aftereffects. These aftereffects are sometimes disruptive to experiencers’ lives and can take years to adjust to and integrate Like the postscript to a letter, NDE aftereffects can be categorized with the acronym PSPS:
Ineffability: NDE cannot be adequately described in words
Loss of fear of death
More humane values
Increased empathy and decreased competitiveness
More generous and charitable
Expanded concept of love; desire to be a conduit of universal love
Familiar codes of conduct lose relevance
Increased curiosity and hunger for knowledge and learning
More abstract thinking
More philosophical
More detached and objective
Easily absorbed
Child-like wonder and joy in living
Sense of timelessness or disorientation regarding time
Emergence of unresolved psychological issues
Support resources for experiencers are available at iands org, including contact information for friendly mental health professionals. Support Resources
Increased interest in spiritual topics
Sometimes more religious; usually more spiritual and less religious
Spiritual homesickness
Increased intuitive/psychic abilities
Ability to know or “re-live” the future
Ongoing sense of connection to a spiritual world and/or beings
Heightened sensations
Changes in basic needs, such as eating and sleeping
Increased sensitivity to light, sounds, and/or chemicals
Feeling dissociated from the body
Energy surges
Electrical sensitivity
-Receptive: Sensitivity to natural or human-made electrical fields
-Active: Electrical equipment in one ’ s vicinity malfunctions
Changes in social relationships and activities
Strained relationships; higher potential for divorce among married NDErs
Capacity for deeper connection to others
Changes in vocation, usually toward greater service
NDEs are equal opportunity experiences: They occur about equally to people in every demographic category, including both sexes and every age, education level, belief system, and life experience.
A near-death experience (NDE) is not a close brush with death! It is a subjective experience that is reported by about 17% of people who survive a close brush with death, or near-death episode.
An experience indistinguishable from an NDE -- a near-death-like experience (NDLE) -- can occur under other circumstances, usually involving some extreme conditions such as extreme emotional arousal, extreme peace, or extreme physical exertion
NDEs are equal opportunity experiences: They occur about equally to people in every demographic category, including both sexes and every age, education level, belief system, and life experience.
NDEs contain some features that appear to be cross-cultural. However, those features may be expressed or interpreted in ways that relate to the experiencer's culture as well as uniquely to the individual experiencer. Thus, whereas NDEs reflect some universal features, no two NDEs are exactly alike.
NDEs range in intensity, from experiences with few and less subjectively intense features to experiences with numerous and more intense features. About 90% of NDEs are pleasurable, that is, they are dominated by feelings such as peace, joy, and love. About 10% of NDEs are distressing; that is, they are dominated by feelings such as terror, horror, or isolation. Researchers have been unable to predict who will have a pleasurable or distressing NDE.
Following both pleasurable and distressing NDEs, experiencers may initially feel challenged to adjust to and integrate the experience but eventually show positive aftereffects, including greater connection with and concern for others, loss of fear of death, and an enhanced appreciation for life A 1993 Gallup Poll estimated that 12-15 million Americans had personally experienced an NDE Estimates of NDEs among combat veterans have ranged from about 25% (Goza et al., 2014) to 48% (Hufford, 2019).
“Together we are making a difference in the lives of individuals, institutions, society, and the world.”
Dear Friends,
Together IANDS is soaring to new heights -continuing to serve its mission by accomplishing important goals. Since its inception in the early 1980s, IANDS has made considerable progress in the acceptance of near-death and related experiences, but there is still more work to do
Throughout 2023, our staff, volunteers, and an all-volunteer Board of Directors have worked hard to maximize every dollar received from annual membership dues, donations, and other contributions.
I am pleased to present to you the 2023 annual report In it, you can see how your support is making a difference in the world and the lives of others through the advancement of research, education, and support.
Above all else, we are profoundly grateful to our wonderful members, donors, and volunteers. You are the bedrock of all that we do; without you there would be no IANDS.
Janice Miner Holden
Miner Holden, EdD, LPC-S, ACMHP IANDS President
We Sustain IANDS
IANDS moves forward in love and light by holding space for communing, sharing, learning, and exploring. Leaning into new perspectives and integrating learning creates a new worldview. As a community, we explore pathways together to unveil a deeper understanding of the world around us. These pathways to divine knowledge are co-created through IANDS services, supports, and research With the time and talent of many volunteers and donors, IANDS serves members and the world we live in
In this report, you will read about the impact of the collective wisdom of IANDS members, staff, volunteers, and leadership board. In 2023, IANDS reached new heights after the ravages of COVID-19. From 2020 – 2022, funding from events and donations decreased significantly. Many of the in-person sharing groups closed their doors during COVID.
Looking back, 2023 brought the highest levels of engagement to date, through IANDS Groups and Events, the Conference in DC, and the Spring Symposium. Fortunately, our committed local group leaders have re-opened their in-person sharing groups or re-imagined their organizations as online or hybrid groups. Volunteer numbers and the hours dedicated to IANDS throughout 2023 demonstrated an incredible commitment measured not only in hours gifted but also in increased capacity to deliver more to our members. By all accounts, IANDS adapted to the COVID calamity and is surging forward at an ever-quickening pace
Thanks to the dedication of loyal donors and volunteers, IANDS “behind the scenes ” website upgrades have streamlined registrations, memberships, and IANDS Groups and Events. With the generous support of our donors, the main IANDS website will be going through further upgrades: Stay tuned! IANDS Groups and Events offered more sharing and learning opportunities than ever before Record numbers of speakers, researchers, and healers shared their expertise and talents through events offered by IANDS Groups and Events, the Conference, and the Spring Symposium.
While we close a year which felt like a young stallion charging out of a gate, IANDS is embracing 2024 with an unbridled, unyielding passion, to share new pathways of peace, compassion, wisdom, and love We are so grateful your compassionate and generous spirit is fueling this expansive collective experience.
Thank you,
Deborah Connor
Deborah Connor IANDS Development Chair
IANDS relies almost exclusively on the generosity of its donors, members, and volunteers to pursue its mission and vision THANK YOU for wishing to help us in our efforts! IANDS is a 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization Donations are fully U.S. tax deductible.
IANDS has several different funds to help direct your donation to the area of need you prefer, or you can choose General Fund. We also offer the ability to make a bequest. Call 1-919-383-7940 during business hours to learn more.
We Take Action
IANDS groups can be found in communities around the world. Our local groups meet in person (when appropriate) to talk about and share near-death and related experiences, questions about death and dying, and the latest information from NDE research.
IANDS Affiliated Groups serve neardeath experiencers by providing understanding and information to those who have had such experiences.
Groups Serving U.S. Communities
Groups Serving International Communities
Groups also offer education and discussion of near-death and related experiences to the general public in a supportive, accessible setting IANDS Affiliated Groups allow freedom of interpretation of NDEs and similar experiences and do not proselytize any single point of view. They provide support to NDErs, not psychotherapy.
Over the past year, we have conducted a survey of groups in nearly 20 countries outside the USA, but unfortunately three of them were found to no longer function. These were Slovenia, Guatemala, and Spain. In the UK, a group stopped because the group leader could no longer handle the responsibilities due to her age -- and there was no successor. In Germany and France, there appeared to be somewhat more groups than we had recorded. Very hopeful were the reports from some countries where various activities were organized, such as Belgium, France, Germany, Iran, Israel, the Netherlands, and Switzerland -- activities such as symposia or other forms of frequent meetings. A new group was started in Denmark, and more groups may be established in some other countries in the coming year
“Our world does not lack people willing to throw themselves into action. What we need are people who are capable of loving, of not taking sides so that they can embrace the whole of reality.”
Through Local Groups
People Reached by Local Groups
When we close our eyes and imagine the work each of our 49 local and 21 international groups performs every month as they reach out to their members and new friends, we are struck by the dedication the group leaders and their associates pour into their efforts. The preparations for meetings, the vetting of speakers, and the human interactions, which come at all hours, require constant mental attention, patience, and physical endurance.
Rereading the Thich Nhat Hahn quote above also reminds us of the unceasing kindness and love without judgment that directs the actions of every successful local group leader. To facilitate in such a way provides each attendee, sharing experiencer, and presenter a haven of safety in which they may relate their epiphanic encounters.
If at least once each month, these local groups attempt, to their best ability, to provide such an atmosphere for their community to breathe in, envision the transforming and inspiring effects this could have on all who attend When this effect is expanded to 70 groups and the thousands of individuals who join these gatherings each month, this expansion becomes a statement to the world that gentleness and open acceptance are, indeed, human possibilities.
We sincerely thank every group leader, their associates, and the many other IANDS and IANDS Groups and Events volunteers for their heartfelt efforts to inspire all who have open hearts and minds.
Evan Mecham
Evan Mecham
IANDS Local Group Coordinator - US Groups
Bob Coppes
Bob Coppes
IANDS Local Group Coordinator - International Groups
Increase in Attendance for Sharing Groups
Sharing & Theme Groups Provided
We welcome everyone to our safe sharing groups These groups are for anyone interested in near-death and related experiences. Trained facilitators keep the conversation moving while moderators keep an eye on the safety and comfort of attendees. IANDS emphasizes a listening environment that places participants at ease for sharing and/or hearing near-death and similar extraordinary experiences.
Groups per Month
“ I gathered up my courage to share my story that morning, and was blown away. The people were all so kind and welcoming which was so helpful to this shy girl. I left that meeting feeling so happy and free like I had found my tribe.
Sundays @ 10 am ET
Sundays @ 8 pm ET
Thursdays-Midday & Evenings
Ask any one of our core team of 18+ specially trained facilitators, and they will share with you how profoundly important IANDS groups are for helping experiencers accept their experiences. In the safe space created by our facilitators, experiencers support each other to find the words to talk about and understand what happened Our community also learns how to find joy in implementing the experiences into their lives
Theme groups are similar to our general sharing groups, but the discussion is centered upon a theme. A specific topic is the focus of a facilitated discussion on the announced subject matter. These groups are good for sharing and learning from a set perspective and language such as Judaism, military experiences, or serving in the healthcare setting
Theme Groups per Month
OPEN Spirituality Group
This is a safe space for respectful, open discussion of whatever Spirituality means to you. Open Spirituality has zero dogma or doctrine. It’s about a personal relationship with the Divine with zero requirements other than your intent to connect with likeminded people for stimulating conversation. Open Spirituality is a “non-religion.” It’s a place to share spiritual experiences and beliefs without a religious context. Religious contexts such as churches, synagogues, mosques, and such are often the only place where people feel comfortable discussing spiritual concepts, but those places often feel artificially constrained once one has had an NDE or other spiritually transformative experience. This group is for people who consider themselves spiritual but who may not be comfortable with traditional religions and religious beliefs and practices.
IANDS Navigating the NDE: 12-Steps for NDE Integration Group
Near-death experiences are uniquely personal and life-changing. Until experiencers find a community that resonates with them, they may feel rejected, isolated, confused, and afraid to reach out for support. In this group, participants engage in a 12-Step NDE Integration process to find a path to community, validation, support, and acceptance.
IANDS Healthcare Professionals Group
Focusing on near-death experiences and/or other related spiritually transformative experiences, this group is for those who are practicing professionally in the healthcare field such as physicians, nurses, counselors, therapists, psychiatrists, psychologists, pediatricians, related support workers, caregivers, health and wellness coaches, and patients with chronic disease or cancer, but is open to all with an interest to learn and understand more deeply
Find a Sharing Group
Christian Clergy Group
A group for Christian clergy and Christian chaplains, certified by their professional association, who are interested in near-death and other mystical experiences, comprise this group This is 90 minutes of pastoral conversation
UFO/ET/NDE Sharing Group
This group is a safe space to share, learn, and explore the transformative experience of encountering galactic beings. IANDS groups are a safe place to talk and share openly about one ’ s STE with like-minded people. We invite you to share, learn, and grow with us. Everyone is welcome!
Jewish Experience Group
Are you Jewish and wonder if or how your NDE or other STE aligns with your faith? Are you struggling to integrate your experience? Come explore these questions with others having similar concerns Although this Sharing Session contains Jewish content, it is open to all who have a desire to join us
Interfaith Clergy Group
A free sharing group for clergy of all faiths to share about their experiences regarding near-death and related experiences and to discuss pastoral counseling of those who have had such experiences
Distressing Experiences Group
The Distressing NDE Sharing Group is for those who may have had a dark, hellish, or otherwise uncomfortable NDE This group is a safe place to openly talk about distressing NDEs We attempt to further contemplate how these experiences might provide insight, meaning, and guidance to our Earthly lives
Military/Veteran Experiences Group
Exclusively for active military, veterans, and military family and friends to talk about STEs that occurred during work for the military The goal of this group is to offer a safe space to learn, share, and integrate the experiences
Childhood Experiencer Sharing Group
This is a sharing group for adults who have had a near-death or similar experience(s) when they were a child The group offers a safe space to explore your experience and to connect with others who had a transformative experience as a child 15
After 6 months I finally felt comfortable speaking up for the first time in my life. To the point that I actually looked forward to being able to speak and feel the freedom of being myself and speaking my truth.
That is the power of kindness; the power of having people in the group accept me as I am and validate my feelings As well as never be put down, judged, kicked out the group for not conforming to what the status quo believes.
-Nadine IANDS Sharing Group Participant
Together We Take Action
Increase in Attendance
Hours of Support and Education
We offer a global online meeting space created for near-death and other experiencers of the extraordinary who meet to learn, share, and grow Our events are open to anyone with a sincere interest in respectfully exploring, understanding, and communicating about various topics including near-death and related experiences We specialize in providing in-depth discussions with top researchers and experiencers about spiritually transformative topics, wherein attendees can talk directly with the presenters.
70+ Online Live Talks, Classes, & Workshops
Researcher, industry experts, authors, and experiencers helped our community learn and grow in 2023 through our online live talks
Raymond Moody
Barbara Bartolome
Sandi Taranto
Joan Fowler
Neil Gaur
Curtis Childs
Richard Martini
Here are just a few of our stellar speakers:
Mary Neal
Howard Storm
Alexander Batthyány
Rob Schwartz
Eben Alexander
Mas Sajady
Johanna Lunn
Suzanne Giesemann
Mark Anthony
Liesel Fricke
Roland Walters
Explore the Extraordinary is a groundbreaking new podcast exploring everything from near-death experiences to out-of-body experiences, lucid dreaming, encounters with divine beings, and more. This podcast delves deep into extraordinary experiences and perspectives that challenge our understanding of the world around us -- and our place in it. Through thought-provoking interviews, insightful discussions, and personal anecdotes, Explore the Extraordinary offers a unique platform for listeners to broaden perspectives and contemplate profound mysteries of human -- and spiritual -- consciousness. Explore the Extraordinary podcast is available on almost all podcast platforms. Hosted by Betty Guadagno, this podcast has expanded IANDS’s message to thousands of new followers.
Providing great content through the global video platform YouTube helps IANDS reach millions of people Meaningful experiencer stories, research, and workshops engage curious people who then connect through the comments Beyond the diverse collection of videos, IANDS volunteers have created curated playlists. IANDS is also providing more livestreaming events through the channel’s live option. Please support IANDS by subscribing to the channel and sharing it with friends.
The 2023 conference was a big success! We had more repeat attendees than ever before. IANDS provided stages for 140 speakers in beautiful Washington, DC.
Continuing Education
Credits Offered
There were also diverse topics presented such as time-jumping and research on what NDEs say about abortion The event was filled with beautiful music Speaker lunches were very successful. The fundraiser dinner was sold out! We’re extremely thankful for all of the love and support our community was able to share with each other and with us!
2024 is poised to be just as fantastic as 2023! We have Suzanne Giesemann, Anita Moorjani, Vinney Todd Tolman, and Chase DeMayo as our keynote speakers at the gorgeous Sheraton Grand Wild Horse Pass in Phoenix, AZ Approximately 100+ speakers are preparing to provide effective tools, research, and more to support and educate our community.
Targeted for healthcare professionals, with an invitation extended to the public, the 2023 IANDS Spring Symposium addressed the topic of the role of near-death experiences and related experiences in grief and grief counseling
Attendees Earned
5.5 Continuing Education Credits
Presenters included Noelle St. Germain-Sehr, PhD: Ryan Foster, PhD: Karen Wyatt, MD: and William Peters, MA, MEd, MFT. Each person presented their own lectures that included research. Then they all participated in a panel discussion among the four speakers and Q&A with Symposium attendees
In addition to learning about the most current research on these topics from our esteemed speakers, in the recorded symposium video available at, viewers can also see several recorded interviews with experiencers, including: Suzanne Giesemann describing the role of ADC in her grief for the passing of her step-daughter.
Mary Neal, MD, describing the role of her NDE in her grief for the passing of her eldest son
Brian D Smith describing the role of ADC in his grief following the passing of his daughter
Thanks to IANDS’s partnership with the Association for Spiritual, Ethical, and Religious Values in Counseling (ASERVIC), a division of the American Counseling Association, Licensed Counselors received 5 5 CEs from the National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC). Social workers earned 5.5 CE contact hours from the National Association of Social Workers, and this activity was approved by the Emergency Nurses Association to award 5.25 Contact Hours.
Designed for the entire community, this magazine is produced four times per year Provided free of charge and in pdf format by email (or click the button to the right), it includes approachable articles by and about our community members. The 2023 editions incorporated cover art created by experiencers. This magazine is also printed and mailed to those who request a print version.
People Served
The Journal of Near-Death Studies (JNDS) publishes articles on near-death experiences (NDEs), on the empirical aftereffects and theoretical implications of such events, and on related transpersonal (transcending the usual personal limits of space, time, identity, and/or influence) and spiritually transformative experiences (STEs) These phenomena include out-of-body experiences, deathbed visions, the experiences of dying persons, comparable experiences occurring under other circumstances, deathwatch or shared-death experiences, after-death communication, spiritual energy/kundalini awakening, mystical experiences, and past-life memories.
A further focus of JNDS is the implications of such phenomena for an understanding of human development and transformation and of human consciousness and its relation to life and death processes. The JNDS Editor, Assistant Editor, and Consulting Editors are committed to an unbiased exploration of these issues and specifically welcome a variety of theoretical perspectives and interpretations that are grounded in empirical observation or research.
The Journal of Near-Death Studies is the only peer-reviewed scholarly journal (ISSN 0891-4494) dedicated exclusively to the field of near-death studies. It is cross-disciplinary. Full texts of articles more than one year old are available online by going to the Past Issues webpage and clicking on the DOI under the article listing.
Robert Christophor Coppes
IANDS Publications is pleased to announce the publication of Robert Christophor (Bob) Coppes’s book Impressions of Near-Death Experiences In this book, Coppes presents hundreds of quotes from more than 100 experiencers from all over the world. By organizing these excerpts into categories, he gives the reader a more in-depth and nuanced impression of near-death experiences (NDEs). NDEs come alive, and this effect multiplies as the reader progresses through the book. The message from these stories will touch a truth that is deep within you an inner core that you can trust.
from Near-Death Experiencers
The second edition of The Self Does Not Die has now been published by IANDS and is available at The project involved translating and expanding the Dutch book by NDE researchers Titus Rivas, Anny Dirven, and Rudolf Smit. This new edition details 24 new cases 128 total cases of veridical perceptions and other verified paranormal aspects of NDEs Veridical perceptions in NDEs provide the best evidence of the apparent separation of consciousness from the physical body and, by implication, survival of consciousness after death
IANDS was able to raise more than $20,000 for the project. The book features each case with all of the references that readers can use to explore the case further, including many on-line references with the links provided. There is a handy online version of the Reference List on the IANDS web site where the links can be followed simply by clicking on them.
IANDS is proud to offer El Yo No Muere, the Spanish edition of The Self Does Not Die: Verified Paranormal Phenomena From Near-Death Experiences by Titus Rivas, Anny Dirven, and Rudolf Smit. It is available in paperback and Kindle versions.
IANDS has recently published Foundations of Near-Death Research, an anthology of 25 landmark research articles from the Journal of Near-Death Studies (JNDS). This volume provides a systematic overview a map of what scholars have achieved so far regarding conceptual and phenomenological research in the field. This text identifies how nearly forgotten or neglected earlier research trends might inspire and enrich current research and points toward areas still left to be covered. The focus of the chapters moves consecutively from articles on epistemology How do we approach the phenomenon of NDEs?, to phenomenology What is the experience of an NDE like?, to ontology What are NDEs, and who has them?, and, finally, to the wider implications What do NDEs really mean?.
In the Foreword, JNDS editors Bruce Greyson and Jan Holden point out that the anthology highlights seminal work that may deserve additional attention among researchers To lay and scholarly readers who are already knowledgeable about near-death studies, the anthology brings a new level of coherence to the field; and to readers new to near-death studies, the anthology provides a relatively concise introduction with which to orient and familiarize themselves with the field.
“This wonderful book offers a great opportunity, not only for scientists, philosophers, psychologists, and physicians, but also for near-death experiencers and the public, to have a better understanding of the implications and results of NDE research.”
cardiologist, author of Consciousness Beyond Life
Together We Achieve Success
IANDS's research activities fall primarily within the purview of its Academic and Research Committee. In service to our community through this committee are Marjorie Woollacott, PhD, University of Oregon (Emerita), chair; Jan Holden, EdD, University of North Texas (Emerita); Norman Klaunig, MA, University of the Cumberlands doctoral student; and Robert Mays, BSc, Chapel Hill, NC.
Among the Committee's primary 2023 activities:
At IANDS's Annual Conference, we held a Researchers' Reception where 16 researchers in the field of near-death and related studies gathered to network about ongoing research activities and pending projects and hosted a Researchers' networking table at breakfast each morning.
We reviewed three submitted research requests and supported all three by giving researchers access to our NDE narrative repository and/or sending listserv messages and posting notices at https://iands org/research/nderesearch/participate-in-a-research-study html to help researchers solicit study participants
We continued to publish IANDS's scholarly refereed Journal of Near-Death Studies, presenting the work of near-death and related phenomena researchers from around the world, and continued to make the full text of articles more than one year old available to researchers (and anyone) online by clicking on the DOI listed under the article citation.
We held our annual graduate student thesis/dissertation award competition and awarded a $1,000 grant to a doctoral student to support her PhD dissertation research: $500 upon award, and $500 upon submission of her dissertation-based manuscript for publication in IANDS's scholarly peerreviewed Journal of Near-Death Studies.
Marieta Pehlivanova, PhD, University of Virginia; Karalee Koethe, PhD candidate University of Colorado Denver; Natasha TassellMatamua, PhD, Massey University, New Zealand.
Back row: Bruce Greyson, MD, University of Virginia (Emeritus); Jeffrey Long, MD, Georgetown, KY; Monica Williams, MD, Santa Barbara, CA; William Peters, MA, MEd, Santa Barbara, CA; Jonathan Dinsmore, PhD, University of Tennessee, Chattanooga; Bob Coppes, PhD, Amsterdam, Netherlands; Jan Holden, EdD, University of North Texas (Emerita); Bettie Williams, PhD candidate, University of Michigan; Allan Kellehear, PhD, University of Vermont; Amanda St. Germain-Sehr, MS, doctoral student, Texas A&M University-Commerce; Noelle St. Germain-Sehr, PhD, William & Mary; Marjorie Woollacott, PhD, University of Oregon (Emerita); Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD, Albuquerque, NM; Janelle Barlow, PhD, Albuquerque, NM.
Not pictured: Norman Klaunig, MBA, MA, doctoral student, University of the Cumberlands.
Seventy-eight new NDE narratives were added to IANDS's current repository of 2,500 narratives This repository serves as a data source for researchers Since 2016 when we added the NDE Scale to personal accounts, about 500 of the accounts include the person ’ s NDE Scale responses
We published the second edition of The Self Does Not Die: Verified Paranormal Phenomena From Near-Death Experiences in both English and Spanish, a unique research-based case study publication in the field of neardeath studies. The new edition has 24 new cases for a total of 128 cases.
We also published Impressions of Near-Death Experiences, a compilation of over 100 quotations from experiencers that provides a holistic "picture" of NDEs.
Together We Achieve Success
In July of 2023 IANDS added IANDS Groups & Events Live Talks and access to over 200 videos at no extra charge for all Supporting membership levels and higher levels, with a 50% discount for Basic memberships. This innovation has resulted in an impressive increase in the effectiveness of IANDS’s mission. Our live talks are reaching 44% more people. Our sharing groups have 81% more attendance. This exponential improvement is supported by your involvement in IANDS through your membership and by your donations.
Thank you for helping us to support experiencers and to take the message of near-death experiences to a broader audience!
Together We Move Forward
Boasting a 90% success rate, IANDS can say that 2023's mission was accomplished Our donors, volunteers, committee members, and board worked together to achieve an enhanced website, improve customer service, enhance mental health support, and increase our publications. Together, we moved forward with each goal that was set for 2023, producing an even better IANDS for you!
Green=Partly Achieved Yellow=Not Achieved
90% Success Rate
Goal #1: Improve visitors' experience and engagement on IANDS's website Create new modern design and content changes on website. Appoint a Website Content Manager.
Goal #2: Enhance organization functions and customer service. Complete and adopt revised bylaws.
Improve conference proposal submission process. Make hiring and volunteer appointments including bookkeeper and office admin assistant.
Goal #3: Enhance resources for mental health support. Complete process for mental health professionals with transpersonal competence to be listed at the IANDS website.
Revise Group Leader Handbook to include mental health response
Goal #4: Increase IANDS's publications
Produce The Self Does Not Die second edition
Produce the Impressions of near-death experiences: Quotations from over 100 Experiencers book.
Distribute Vital Signs more broadly.
Together We Move Forward
The strategic plan describes how the IANDS mission will be pursued over the coming year, with specific goals and strategies for each of the three major functions of our mission.
Each year the plan is revised by the IANDS Board of Directors with input from many people including IANDS members, working committee participants, experiencers, and other interested individuals. Strategic plans are not static; they are most useful if they are updated periodically to reflect changing circumstances and opportunities. For examples, we have already accomplished many items in the current plan and are working hard on others, learning as we move forward. We are committed to an annual planning process where we take into account our progress, solicit input from our members, and evaluate our priorities.
As with many non-profit organizations, the actual tasks that make up the objectives in the plan are done primarily by volunteers IANDS is always seeking people with the time, energy, and skills to help us achieve our vision We urge you to contact the IANDS office at services@iands org to let IANDS know how you can help
In addition to human resources, IANDS will need significant funding to implement these important strategies. As outlined in the current plan, we have been working hard to increase membership which provides the bulk of our operating funds. To supplement that revenue source, we are rapidly expanding the educational products and services, "fee for services," that we provide. We also are working on the infrastructure to receive planned gifts and will be fundraising for various objectives through grant proposals and constituent appeals.
Please let us have your input and any resources time and/or funds that will help us accomplish our mission and vision.
Please send an email to services@iands org
2024 Strategic Goals:
1. Improve visitors' experience and engagement on IANDS's website. (Examples: Complete creation of new modern design and content changes on website; appoint a Website Content Manager)
2. Enhance organization functions and customer service. (Examples: Hire 1/4time Executive Director; create descriptions for each IANDS leadership role and working entity [committee, etc ]; create policy for IANDS presenters and podcasters promoting their own business)
3 Enhance resources for mental health support (Examples: Expand listing of mental health professionals with transpersonal competence to include at least one referral from every [or almost every] state; revise Group Leader Handbook to include mental health response)
4. Increase IANDS's publications. (Examples: Complete production of El Yo No Muere, Segunda Edición; produce audiobook version of Impressions of NearDeath Experiences; create one-sheet/two-side Fact Sheet for NDEs and primary related experiences [ADC, SDE, etc.]; begin updating The Big Book of NDEs; pursue discussion of NDE virtual reality production)
Move Forward
THANK YOU! Together We
To all the 2023 Conference volunteers:
I would like to take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude to each and every one of you who stepped up and helped out at the DC Conference. Due to the size and hotel layout this was a particularly challenging event to properly cover. That being said, you folks, the volunteer squad, did an outstanding, amazing job. I simply can't thank you all enough. I do hope and pray that each and every one of you will consider coming to and helping at the 2024 conference in Phoenix. I again thank you all from the bottom of my heart. Blessings Always and All Ways
Walt Scotson
In service to you all, your Volunteer Support Coordinator, Walt Scotson
Judith D Adair
Erik Alterman
Karen Anderson
Lynn M Archambeault
The Archedon
PMH Atwater
Chip Bailey
Jeff Baker
Anne Barlieb
Aliona (Elena) Basova
Sam Bensman
Sheri L. Berg
Marc Besenthal
Sandi Bianchi
Alma A. Blazquez
Teresa G. Blemings
Bonnie Bootsmiller
Lawrence Borland
Roger Boswarva
Caroline Brown
Frederick Burks
James P Carrigan
Ellen Carroll
Frank Cassady
Deborah Castro
Candy Cazares
Laura Christman
Elizabeth R. Clark
Nancy Clark
Ciara Clarke
Julie Cluff
Linda D. Cohen
Sarah Cohen
Brett L. Cole
Norman Coleman
Deborah Conner
Ellen Corson
Ronn Daniels
Joan Davis
Chase Skylar DeMayo
Vincent DeVice
Duke Dominquez
Dave Druz
Hubert Duijsens
Patricia Dunn
Beth Elliott
Lori A. Ellis
Daniel Endy
Liz Entin
Glenn Erickson
John Fazio
Patty Ann Fowler
Johann O. François-Bongarçon
Marjan G
Jillian M Gallery
Mark M Giese
Gary Gilman
L Suzanne Gordon
Leigh Grode
Neal Grossman
Vincent Grundman
Lisa Hagan
Karen M. Hanning
Diane Hanson
Angela Harris
Jonathan Hart
Alexa R. Hartung
Vickie L. Hays
Donna Heim
Linda Higdon
Jane Hill
Donald Hoyt
Isaiah J. Hulme
Natasha Hulme
Anne Hunter
Richard Jones
Lena Karlsson
Janet Kasic
Karen Kelsall
Sandor Ketzis
Chris J. Kito
Keith A. Klinedinst
Dora Leal
Patricia Ledesma
Shaun Lether
Jeffrey Long
Jody Long
Grace Lynch
Kathleen Lyon-Pingree
Aneela Mahmud
Donna Jean Major
Judith Mandalise
Dominique Margolis
Regina Markey
Michael L. Martin
Wendy Martin
Madelaine Martino
Gregory Massey
Suzanne Mays
Pauline V. Mccune
Eric Hanford Miller
Iris Misshula
Roberta Moore
Donna L Morrow
Cathy Mortimer
Michelle Muhart
Pamela D. Nance
Stacy Natzel
Carol Neely
June Noble
Richard L Noel
Jack O'Neill
Tiffany OHara
Tom B Oldoski
Chrystal R Osier
Theresa Parrish
Angela H. Patton
Robert Payne
Louisa Peck
Patrick Pekola
Alice Perkins
William Peters
Eric Petersen
Mijiko Phelps
Nancy Phillips
Christopher Pihl
Christi Pitliangas
Arvin Prakash
Christina E Price
Shelley Renaud
James P. Roach
Hugh Robinson
Christopher Rosing
Lynn K. Russell
Daniel P. Rusthoi
Keshia E. Santero
James Schantz
Kyle Schlotz
Jessica Smart
Judy R. Smith
Lisa Somerfleck
Tammi Spring
Stephen Sproates
Peter J Stathis
Neil Stephens
Jane L Stoll
Gordon Elbert Stoppel
Sandra Sylvester
Martin Tanner
Alethea Tattersall
Jayme K. Tener
Gregory D Thompson
Brenda C. Thorpe
Sue M. Towey
Marianna Tsemekhman
Carol S. Tufts
Kelly Turner
Angela Vandenberg
Lucy Vaughan
Rex J Vesey
Ed Wageman
Patricia Wagner
Althea Watson
Janice Weiss
Charles Whitehead
Monika Wiesner
Monica Wiliams
Rick F. Willette
D Zachau
Joshua Zuchter
Susan T. Amsden
Jacqueline S. Arnold
Sarina Baptista
James Bartelloni
Howard Batie
Tim Bilger
Bowen Billups
James Bonato
Blair Bowers
Amelia Jane Carson
Nathan G. Castle
Ray Catania
The Mystic Chics
W D & Sylvia Coffey
Viorica Comaniciu
Bridget Cook-Burch
Anoeska Coopman-HemelsWijs
Delaine Deal
Adam S. Dince
John A Dobson
Scott Drummond
Elaine Drysdale
Angela Eren
Suzanne Giesemann
Minda Hart
Melissa M. Hayakawa
Paul D. Hierholzer
Doris Hoffman
Janice M. Holden
Debbie James
Kevin Jeffers
Amber Kasic
Keyaunoosh Kassauei
Rebecca Kastl
Ryan Kelly
Mary Krzywosinski
Shelly Liedtke
Donald Luckett
Sandra Martin
Kathy M. Mason
Richard Massey
Erin McAdam
Peter Mcdowell
Kevin McNamara
Evan L. Mecham
Janet Melcher
Karen J Mingarelli-Booker
MaryJo Myers-Mount
Yumi Nakauchi
Greg Northman
Greg Pacini
Denise Pastoor
Brenda Plassman
Nancy Rynes
David San Filippo
Margarete Sandelowski
Susan Scolastico
Robert Sehi
Rex Snyder
Michael Squire
Heather Tesch
Ronald C. Thomson
VenusVal Tower
Rocky Trainer
Ralph J. Turner
Rebecca Suzanne Valla
Vincent Vasil
Carol Vengroff
Rebecca Austill-Clausen
Cathy Gabrielsen
Bruce J Horacek
Richard Kohr
David G. Morris
Donald Padelford
Ruth Rydstedt
Michele Theberge
Vince & Violet Louise Vasil
Nancy Walsh
Alie Ward
Elan Argil
Diane K. Corcoran
William DeWitt
Bruce Greyson
Kenneth A. Lasorella
Robert Mays
Dan Punzak
Jeff Balfoort
Stephanie Bradbury
Catherine Chapey
Loreli Drache
Daniel Endy
Mary Grace
Betty Guadagno
Cheryl Hansen
Angela Harris
Susan Hebard
Howie Hibbs
IANDS Groups and Events Facilitators
Debra Ann Kaiser
Keyaunoosh Kassauei
Richard Knecht
Elke Macartney
David Maginley
Michael Martin
Gregory Massey
Mary (Kathy) McDaniel
Liz Miller
Yumi Nakauchi
Cassandra Ricks
Rabbi Steven Robbins
Diane Ross
Bethany Silver
Christian Sundberg
Gregory Thompson
VenusVal Tower
Leena Zafary
Lynda Adamson
Matt Adkins
Huda Alyacuoby
Lynn Archambeault
Jacqueline Arnold
Rebecca Austill-Clausen
Alma Blazquez
Lynda Adamson
Matt Adkins
Huda Alyacuoby
Lynn Archambeault
Alma Blazquez
Karrie Burns
Kim Burrows
Joe Cardenas
Loretta Castillo
Ray Catania
Jelani Clay
Shannon Collier
Holly Conlon
Maureen Cunningham
Linda Cushing
Sonali Dash
Delaine Deal
Vincent deVice
Felice DiMartino
Loreli Drache
Bill Eiglses
Tony Eller
Lilibet Elling
Daniel Endy
Angela Eren
Julia Fischer
Jim Fisher
Sandy Fitzgerald
Lamont Gates
Mike Glenn
Betty Guadagno
Maria Lupita Gurule
Alex Haley
Julie Hanna
Angela Harris
LeeAnn Hart
Jan Holden
Elissa Hope
Debbie James
Keyaunoosh Kassauei
Mike Kryzwosinski
Laurie Krzywosinski
Jules Labonte
Angie LaRue
Sharon Lee
Manfred Lehnhoff
Robert LeMar
Shaun Lether
Judith Mandalise
Sandra Martin
Kathy Mason
Robert Mays
Janice Messino
Kristin Mismash
Marie Mohn
Maryann Moran
Dave Morris
Bryan Murray
Tonda Nampaio-Cardenas
Pamela Nance
Danijela Nardelli
Francoise E Netter
Santa Oldham
Eva Papaefthemiou
Thomas Parsons
Aaron Powell
David Prestidge
Christina Price
Elizabeth Ray
Joan Riley
Robert Russell
Keshia Santero
Walt Scotson
Leah Sirkus
Ellen Sklaver
Judy Smith
Sue-Anne Solem
Aleefia Somji
Emilie Spear
Maryann Sperry
Paul Sperry
Kristin Stelmazewski
Martina Straub
Charles (Chuck) Swedrock
Martin Tanner
Kornel Tas
Jayme Tener
Kimberley Thompson
VenusVal Tower
Melisa Uchida
Carol Vengroff
Nancy Walsh
Anamaria Whalen
David Williamson
Greg Wilson
Angie Wilson-Quayle
Deidre Witt Maltby
Jonaathan You
Leena Zafary
Kristin Powers 39
Sarina Baptista
Karen Bulluck
Joseph M Cardenas
Caroline Chang
Bridget Cook-Burch
Donna Davis
Dr. Karen Dixson
Susan Hebard
Kevin Jeffers
Keyaunoosh Kassauei
Don Luckett
Evan Mecham
Lisa Millar
Tonda Nampaio-Cardenas
Santa B. Oldham
Pamela Paris
B. Gail Peacock
Ashley RihaAshley
Raney Rogers
Walt Scotson
Cheryl Shotwell
Purnima Sinha
Michelle Syner
Marcus Walther
Godfrey Woelk
Assistant Healing Coordinators
(Debbie James’s awesome daughters):
Karrie Burns, Assistant Healing Coordinator
Kristin Stelmazewski, Assistant Healing Coordinator
297+ Volunteers
Provided Service Hours in 2023
Together We Move Forward
United States
IANDS Tucson Arizona - Chuck Swedrock
Northwest Valley Arizona IANDS - Timothy Dombek
IANDS Orange County, CA - Janet Wood
IANDS North Bay, CA - Ritch Davidson
Sacramento IANDS - Richard Knecht
Sacramento IANDS-Katherine Knecht
San Luis Obispo IANDS - William Letson
Santa Barbara IANDS - Barbara Bartolome
South Bay IANDS - Charles Rader
Boulder Bee’s and IANDS - Jaqueline Arnold
IANDS Farmington, CT - Tina Angeli
IANDS Farmington, CT - Jack Lardis
IANDS Farmington, CT - Dr Bethany Silver
Florida Cape Coral IANDS - Liz Burton
North Florida IANDS - Dr. David Whittinghill
Sarasota IANDS - Dr. Robert Waxman
South Florida IANDS - Gail Fein
Space Coast IANDS - Deborah Davis
Atlanta IANDS - Tia Renee
Atlanta IANDS - Theresa Iles
Hawaiian IANDS - Shaun Lether
IANDS Kansas City - Annamaria McBride
Columbia IANDS - Shirley St. Michael
IANDS Eastern Shore - David LaMotte
Greater Boston IANDS - Susan Hebard
IANDS Central Mississippi - Shelley Johnson
IANDS Central Missouri - Loreli Drache
IANDS St. Louis - Bob Meinz
IANDS Central Montana - Walt Scotson
IANDS Las Vegas - Leena Zafary
IANDS Los Alamos - Larry Hill
IANDS Syracuse - Judy Cook
IANDS Asheville - Greg Lathrop
IANDS Durham - Susan Amsden
IANDS Greensboro - Sanna Festa
IANDS Cincinnati - Matt Petersman
IANDS Oklahoma City - John Tautfest
IANDS Portland - Greg Thompson
Lehigh Valley IANDS - Petra Frese
Philadelphia IANDS - Daniel Endy
IANDS Western, PA - Karen Heasley
IANDS Rhode Island - Ben Riggs
Central Texas IANDS - Klem Schmidt
Dallas/Fort Worth IANDS - Dr. Janice
Holden & Pete Quortrup
IANDS Houston - Pat Johnson
IANDS SLC - Craig Miller
IANDS SLC - Martin Tanner
IANDS Northern VA - Angie Wilson Quayle
IANDS Purcellville, VA - Cheryl Hansen
IANDS Williamsburg, VA - Dr Charles Webb
Virginia Beach IANDS - Neil Helm
Seattle IANDS - Kimberly Clark Sharp
IANDS Washington, DC - Dr. Keyaunoosh Kassauei
Brisbane, Australia - Sheryl Gottschall
Flanders/Limen Belgium - Raymond Saerens
Flanders/Limen Belgium - Gerar Naessens
Flanders/Limen Belgium - Paul Robbrecht
Flanders/Limen Belgium - Kathia Bracke
Flanders/Limen Belgium - Johan
Van den Broeck
Flanders/Limen Belgium - Regina Coopman
Flanders/Limen Belgium - Carina
British Columbia IANDS - Jose Hernandez
Vancouver, British Columbia IANDS - Ross
Denmark IANDS - Mette Thygesen
IANDS of Paris - Laurence Roussel
German Friends of IANDS - Dr. Joachim Nicolay
Near-Death Experiences Munich - Josef Hornung
Near-Death Experiences Munich - Thomas Angerpointner
Magdeburg, Germany - Daniela Hanke
Hessen, Germany - Bernhard Laux
Hessen, Germany - Heike Sucky
London IANDS - Renata Bartoli, PhD
Hungary IANDS - Putnokine Piroska
IANDS Iran - Alinaghi Ghasemiannejad
Jahromi, PhD
Netwerk NDE - Rinus van Warven
Netwerk NDE - Rudolf Smit
Netwerk NDE - Gert Can
Netwerk NDE - Marianne Blankestein
Netwerk NDE - Douwe Reekers
Netwerk NDE - Ansjelien Bos
Netwerk NDE - Eva Dunlop
Israel IANDS - Hila Baruch
ECM Islas Canaria - Judith Schjorring
IBLOBY Foundation - Javier Melo Bulbena
Pretoria, South Africa IANDS - Loraine Magda
Swiss IANDS - Reto Eberhard Rast, MD
Janice Holden, EdD, LPC-S, ACMHP
President (2020-)
Residence: Texas
Occupation: NDE researcher; Professor Emerita of Counseling, University of North Texas, Denton (1988-2019)
Experience: IANDS member, 1985-present; IANDS Board, 20002006; IANDS Secretary, 2003; IANDS President, 2004-2006; Dallas-Fort Worth Friends of IANDS founder and leader, 2002present; Editor, Journal of Near-Death Studies, 2008-present; IANDS Board, 2020-present
Martin Tanner, JD
Vice President (2021)
Residence: Utah
Occupation: Mediator, Consultant and Radio Talk Show Host Experience: IANDS member; Salt Lake City IANDS Board of Directors; IANDS Board, 2020-present; IANDS Governance Committee chair, 2020-present
Robert Mays, BSc
Treasurer (2020)
Residence: North Carolina
Occupation: NDE researcher (consciousness, veridical perceptions), retired Senior Software Engineer, retired science teacher
Experience: IANDS member; Finance, Publications, Research, Technology, & Website Committees; IANDS Board member and Treasurer: 2009-2018, 2020-present
Janet Melcher, PhD, LISW-S
Secretary (2021)
Residence: Ohio
Occupation: University of Cincinnati School of Social Work
1990-present; UCS SSW BSW Field Coordinator
Experience: IANDS Board, 2020-present
Deborah Conner, MA
Residence: Nova Scotia, Canada
Occupation: The Wisdom of Us founder & Coach; Reiki practitioner
Experience: IANDS member, 2017-present; IANDS Board Member, 2023; Development Chair 2023
Bob Coppes, PhD
Residence: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Occupation: NDE Researcher; Author
Experience: IANDS member, 2002-present; IANDS Board Member, 2023; International Groups Coordinator 2023present
Daniel Endy, BSCE
Residence: South Carolina
Occupation: Acognita, Inc Founder
Experience: IANDS member, 2015-present; IANDS Board Member, 2019, 2021-present; Technical Committee 2019; Website Committee 2021-present
Angela Harris, BAEd
Residence: North Carolina
Occupation: Educator
Experience: IANDS Groups and Events Director 2021-2023, IANDS Board Member, 2023-present
Debbie James, MSN, RN, CCRN-K
Residence: Texas
Occupation: Critical Care Clinical Nurse Specialist
Experience: IANDS Board, 1995-2008, 2011-2017, 2020present; IANDS Conference Coordinator, 1996-2006, 2010; IANDS Conference Co-Chair, 2021; Education Committee Co-Chair, 2020-present; Ethics Committee Co-Chair, 2020present
David Maginley, MA, MDiv, CSCP
Residence: Nova Scotia, Canada
Occupation: Spiritual Care Practitioner, Therapist, Author, retired Palliative Care Chaplain
Experience: IANDS member, 2012-present, Ethics Committee, 2023-present, IANDS Board Member, 2024-present
Evan Mecham, MA
Residence: Colorado
Occupation: President & Founder of Conversations to Heal the Heart - Transpersonal Therapies
Experience: IANDS Groups Coordinator, IANDS Board Member, 2023-present
Maryann Sperry, BAEd, BBA
Residence: Colorado
Occupation: Graphic Designer
Experience: Marketing/Media, Vital Signs Graphic Designer, IANDS Board Member, 2022-present
Bruce Greyson, MD
IANDS co-founder; IANDS Past President; Consulting Editor, Journal of Near-Death Studies
Residence: Virginia
Occupation: Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry, University of Virginia
Experience: IANDS Board, 1981-1992; Editor, Journal of NearDeath Studies, 1982-2008 (26 years!)
Katie Connolly, CPA
Media Council
Residence: Colorado
Occupation: Certified Public Accountant
Served since 2017
Delaine Deal, BA
Conference Committee
Residence: Colorado
Occupation: Events Coordinator
Ginette Nachman, MD
Education Committee Co-chair
Residence: North Carolina
Occupation: Clinical Psychologist
Experience: Spiritually-Oriented Psychotherapist, previous IANDS Director of Research, previous member IANDS
Physicians Advisory Board, Co-chair IANDS Education Committee
Kristin Mismash
Conference Committee
Residence: Utah
Occupation: Events Coordinator Assistant
Walt Scotson, MDiv
Residence: Montana
Experience: Volunteer Coordinator
Rebecca Valla, MD
Ethics Committee Co-chair
Residence: North Carolina
Occupation: Psychiatrist
Experience: Outpatient Adult Psychiatrist, Spiritually-Oriented Psychotherapist, IANDS Board Member, 6 yrs, Co-Chair of IANDS Ethics Committee
Marjorie Woollacott, PhD
Director of Research
Occupation: Professor Emerita of Neuroscience, University of Oregon; Researcher in the field of rehabilitation, cognition, & meditation
Susan Amsden, BSc
Residence: North Carolina
IANDS Office Manager; Editor of Vital Signs; New Groups
Mentor; Durham RT IANDS Group Leader
Occupation: Business Specialist
Experience: IANDS staff, Tucson & Mesa IANDS Group CoLeader 2010-2015; Durham RT IANDS Group Leader, 2015present; IANDS Board, 2018-2022
A Year's Overview
Membership dues were increased by 10%, the first rate increase since 2006.
Membership grew by an unprecedented amount The new membership benefits added 205 new members in the first six months of the new membership benefits program. The net effect is that our membership revenue increased by $14,600.00 and will possibly have an increase of $20,000.00 for 2024. This increase contributes greatly to fulfilling our mission!
Conference & Symposium Revenue
Membership and Subscriptions
Light the Way donations
Veterans donations
IANDS Groups &Events donations
Other restricted donations
IANDS Groups & Events Revenue
Other Revenue
Total Revenue
Conference & Symposium Expenses
Facilities & Operation Expenses
Business Management & Payroll Expenses
IANDS Groups & Events Expenses
Vital Signs Expenses
Journal of Near-Death Studies Expenses
Restricted Program Expenses
Total Expenses
Net Revenue
$318,070 $50,070
Balance Sheet-December 2023
Current Assets
Unrestricted Funds
Restricted Funds
Other Current Assets Total Current Assets Other Assets Total Assets
Liabilities and Equity
Equity Total Liabilities and Equity
$347,160 $34,915 $11,749
$393,824 $22,432 $416,256
$51,592 $51,592
$314,618 $50,046
$364,664 $416,256
2023 Revenue
Total Revenue $368,00 00
Membership and Subscriptions
Conference & Symposium Groups & Events
Donations Other Revenue
Donations 26790
Other Revenue 17690
Groups & Events 26000
Conference & Symposium 190420
Membership and Subscriptions 106810
2023 Expenses
Total Expenses $318,000
Net Revenue $50,000
VitalSignsExpenses 11340
IANDSGroups&EventsExpenses 47650
BusinessManagement&PayrollExpenses 40190
Facilities&OperationExpenses 75370
Conference&SymposiumExpenses 127630
2023 Donations
Total Donations $27,000
LighttheWaydonations Veteransdonations
IANDSGroups&Eventsdonations 3040
Veteransdonations 2610
LighttheWaydonations 19190
Together, with your help!
The value of IANDS is seen in the number of people served through the conference, symposium, local groups, and IANDS Groups & Events offerings. Our community is motivated to engage with IANDS.
We put our values into action through experiencer stories, sharing current research, podcasts, workshops, a conference, a symposium, and local groups. More than 1,080 hours of content was provided in 2023
$370,000.00 REVENUE
IANDS is financially sound We want to grow our services to provide support to more people in better ways Please continue to donate to help us fulfill our mission. Together we can change the world and reach new heights!
Safe, supporting sharing groups were led by our local groups leaders and our highly trained online sharing groups facilitators throughout 2023 IANDS provided more types of groups than ever before