An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice - SVA IDBE - Spring 2020 Full Report

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Introduction SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020



01 02 03 04 05

Advocacy Prevention Intervention Mitigation Re-Entry


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVA Interior Design: Built Environments


Introduction SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020



01 02 03 04 05

Advocacy Prevention Intervention Mitigation Re-Entry


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVA Interior Design: Built Environments

00 Introduction SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

SVA ID:BE The Infrastructure of Restorative Justice



An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVA Interior Design: Built Environments

00 Introduction SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

SVA ID:BE The Infrastructure of Restorative Justice



An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVA Interior Design: Built Environments

2.3 million 5% 22% 631,000

Number of people incarcerated in the United States today. % of world population that lives in United States. % of the world's prisoners that are held in United States. # of people held in local jails In the United States. # of people in local jails who have not

470,000 40% 13% 52% 6x

Introduction SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

been convicted of a crime (but simply cannot aord bail). % of incarcerated that are African-American.

% of the US population that is African-American. Chances the a low-income black man in America will be jailed in his lifetime. Likelihood that a black man in America will go to jail (compared to a white man).


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVA Interior Design: Built Environments

2.3 million 5% 22% 631,000

Number of people incarcerated in the United States today. % of world population that lives in United States. % of the world's prisoners that are held in United States. # of people held in local jails In the United States. # of people in local jails who have not

470,000 40% 13% 52% 6x

Introduction SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

been convicted of a crime (but simply cannot aord bail). % of incarcerated that are African-American.

% of the US population that is African-American. Chances the a low-income black man in America will be jailed in his lifetime. Likelihood that a black man in America will go to jail (compared to a white man).


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVA Interior Design: Built Environments

“The prison, and no doubt punishment in general, is not intended to eliminate offenses, but rather to distinguish them, to distribute them, to use them; that it is not so much that they render docile those who are liable to transgress the law, but that they tend to assimilate the transgression of the laws in a general tactics of subjection.” — Michel Foucault, Discipline & Punish: The Birth of the Prison

Introduction SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVA Interior Design: Built Environments

“The prison, and no doubt punishment in general, is not intended to eliminate offenses, but rather to distinguish them, to distribute them, to use them; that it is not so much that they render docile those who are liable to transgress the law, but that they tend to assimilate the transgression of the laws in a general tactics of subjection.” — Michel Foucault, Discipline & Punish: The Birth of the Prison

Introduction SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVA Interior Design: Built Environments

2.3 million people are incarcerated in the

experiment of Riker’s and of the larger

United States today. And though the US

system of incarceration? Does this model

represents less than 5% percent of the

of justice work? And just what is success;

world's population, 22% of the world's

what is the real goal or intent? What

prisoners are held here. A quarter of these

should it be? What should future facilities

(631,000 ppl) are in local jails where 70%

for justice in our city look like to fulfill

(470,000 ppl) have not been convicted of

that goal?

a crime, but simply cannot afford bail. African-Americans are disproportionately represented in our prison system, making up almost 40% of inmates though less


than 13% of the total US population. Black men are 6x more likely to go to jail than America has a 52% chance of being jailed.

second-year undergraduate students at School of Visual Arts’ BFA Program in Interior Design / Built Environments students in two studios collaborated under the direction of adjunct professors

Why is the United States so addicted to

Darrick Borowski and Rik Ekström to

incarceration? And why is the system so

complete the work that led to this report.

racially imbalanced? Is incarceration

Conversations with Program Chair Carol

even effective in making communities

Bentel, adjunct professor Ambar

safer; in rehabilitating perpetrators of

Margarida (and the work of her Critical

crimes and ultimately “solving crime”?

Thinking class on design standards for future borough-based jails) and Revolve

As New York City considers plans for replacing the notorious Riker’s Island, one of the world’s largest (and most

Impact’s Mike De La Rocha, were all jumping off points that ultimately led to this exploration of spatial strategies for

notorious) jails, with four smaller borough-based jails, we should be asking ourselves—what can we learn from the

SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

design research project conducted by

during the winter of 2020. Seventeen

white men. A low-income black man in


This report is the product of a six-week


an alternative, restorative approach to justice.

An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVA Interior Design: Built Environments

2.3 million people are incarcerated in the

experiment of Riker’s and of the larger

United States today. And though the US

system of incarceration? Does this model

represents less than 5% percent of the

of justice work? And just what is success;

world's population, 22% of the world's

what is the real goal or intent? What

prisoners are held here. A quarter of these

should it be? What should future facilities

(631,000 ppl) are in local jails where 70%

for justice in our city look like to fulfill

(470,000 ppl) have not been convicted of

that goal?

a crime, but simply cannot afford bail. African-Americans are disproportionately represented in our prison system, making up almost 40% of inmates though less


than 13% of the total US population. Black men are 6x more likely to go to jail than America has a 52% chance of being jailed.

second-year undergraduate students at School of Visual Arts’ BFA Program in Interior Design / Built Environments students in two studios collaborated under the direction of adjunct professors

Why is the United States so addicted to

Darrick Borowski and Rik Ekström to

incarceration? And why is the system so

complete the work that led to this report.

racially imbalanced? Is incarceration

Conversations with Program Chair Carol

even effective in making communities

Bentel, adjunct professor Ambar

safer; in rehabilitating perpetrators of

Margarida (and the work of her Critical

crimes and ultimately “solving crime”?

Thinking class on design standards for future borough-based jails) and Revolve

As New York City considers plans for replacing the notorious Riker’s Island, one of the world’s largest (and most

Impact’s Mike De La Rocha, were all jumping off points that ultimately led to this exploration of spatial strategies for

notorious) jails, with four smaller borough-based jails, we should be asking ourselves—what can we learn from the

SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

design research project conducted by

during the winter of 2020. Seventeen

white men. A low-income black man in


This report is the product of a six-week


an alternative, restorative approach to justice.

An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVA Interior Design: Built Environments

Our goal is to help bring about an end to mass-incarceration and inequities in the criminal justice system by addressing the root causes of mass incarceration and its effects on communities, particularly low-income, communities of color. Photo by #CloseRikers,

As a studio, the students worked to describe the vision, programming and design principles for a new network of spaces, across the boroughs, to support and promote a more holistic “Restorative Justice” approach.

Introduction SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Project Goal


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVA Interior Design: Built Environments

Our goal is to help bring about an end to mass-incarceration and inequities in the criminal justice system by addressing the root causes of mass incarceration and its effects on communities, particularly low-income, communities of color. Photo by #CloseRikers,

As a studio, the students worked to describe the vision, programming and design principles for a new network of spaces, across the boroughs, to support and promote a more holistic “Restorative Justice” approach.

Introduction SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Project Goal


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVA Interior Design: Built Environments

An Alternative Approach

an offender's actions are “against the

Restorative Justice is an approach, and a

law,” it forgets they are in fact more

movement, that focuses on healing rather

importantly “against the victim”. When

than retribution. The principles behind

the focus is punishment, healing is

Restorative Justice, rooted in the

absent for all parties. Victims are often

practices of indigenous peoples, are

left out of the process with their need for

informing community-based programs

justice unmet and unsatisfied. Offenders,

and experiments across the county, from

often victims themselves, are hurt further

Healing Circles in high schools to

by detention in a vicious environment.

Restorative Justice Centers in

The cycle of violence is self-perpetuating.

neighborhoods from Brooklyn to Oakland. Restorative Justice acknowledges that in

acknowledged and given a voice. Affected

a conflict, often both parties need healing

parties meet to discuss experiences,

in the resolution of the wrongdoing. And

address their needs, and participate in

while the traditional criminal justice

finding a resolution. These interactions

system locks the “wrongdoer” away,

benefit not only the victim and the

punitively, Restorative programs

offender, but the community as a whole.

Castlemont Peacemaking Room in Oakland, CA

facilitate the process of rehabilitation

Victims can start the healing process by

designed by Designing Justice + Designing Spaces

and reconciliation by bringing parties

expressing their grief and getting

(and often the larger community)

answers to questions, all in a safe setting.

together. By shifting the nature of

Offenders get a second chance to take

offender accountability to “making

responsibility, make amends, and move

reparations” instead of “taking

on, hopefully making better decisions.

punishment,” positive transformations

This creates positive change within a

can be nurtured in a community in need

community by reducing repeat offending

of healing.

and keeping wrongdoers out of the

While the carceral system acknowledges Introduction SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

In Restorative Justice, all are

Restorative Justice


carceral system for minor offenses.

An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVA Interior Design: Built Environments

An Alternative Approach

an offender's actions are “against the

Restorative Justice is an approach, and a

law,” it forgets they are in fact more

movement, that focuses on healing rather

importantly “against the victim”. When

than retribution. The principles behind

the focus is punishment, healing is

Restorative Justice, rooted in the

absent for all parties. Victims are often

practices of indigenous peoples, are

left out of the process with their need for

informing community-based programs

justice unmet and unsatisfied. Offenders,

and experiments across the county, from

often victims themselves, are hurt further

Healing Circles in high schools to

by detention in a vicious environment.

Restorative Justice Centers in

The cycle of violence is self-perpetuating.

neighborhoods from Brooklyn to Oakland. Restorative Justice acknowledges that in

acknowledged and given a voice. Affected

a conflict, often both parties need healing

parties meet to discuss experiences,

in the resolution of the wrongdoing. And

address their needs, and participate in

while the traditional criminal justice

finding a resolution. These interactions

system locks the “wrongdoer” away,

benefit not only the victim and the

punitively, Restorative programs

offender, but the community as a whole.

Castlemont Peacemaking Room in Oakland, CA

facilitate the process of rehabilitation

Victims can start the healing process by

designed by Designing Justice + Designing Spaces

and reconciliation by bringing parties

expressing their grief and getting

(and often the larger community)

answers to questions, all in a safe setting.

together. By shifting the nature of

Offenders get a second chance to take

offender accountability to “making

responsibility, make amends, and move

reparations” instead of “taking

on, hopefully making better decisions.

punishment,” positive transformations

This creates positive change within a

can be nurtured in a community in need

community by reducing repeat offending

of healing.

and keeping wrongdoers out of the

While the carceral system acknowledges Introduction SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

In Restorative Justice, all are

Restorative Justice


carceral system for minor offenses.

An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVA Interior Design: Built Environments

To explore what an holistic infrastructure for Restorative Justice might look like, students broke into five groups, with each group focusing on one of five missions or “touchpoints” which include: Advocacy —

Humanizing the incarcerated and communities disproportionately affected by the current carceral system (most often low-income people of color).

Prevention — Addressing poverty and trauma, two leading precursors to incarceration, in neighborhoods where a disproportionate number of our city’s incarcerated peoples come from. Intervention – Repairing wounds in communities caused by wrong-doing using alternatives to the current criminal justice system (while keeping those accused out of jail). Mitigation — Engaging with policy-makers and “lessening the severity” for people caught up in the existing incarceration system (bail and parole work). SVAID:BE Design Studio II — students developed the project working remotely throughout the Spring of 2020. (School of Visual Arts BFA Program in Interior Design/Built Environments)

Introduction SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Our Approach

Re-Entry —

Welcoming returning citizens… Assisting people recently released from prison, helping them develop the tools they need to rejoin society, and working to reduce recidivism.


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVA Interior Design: Built Environments

To explore what an holistic infrastructure for Restorative Justice might look like, students broke into five groups, with each group focusing on one of five missions or “touchpoints” which include: Advocacy —

Humanizing the incarcerated and communities disproportionately affected by the current carceral system (most often low-income people of color).

Prevention — Addressing poverty and trauma, two leading precursors to incarceration, in neighborhoods where a disproportionate number of our city’s incarcerated peoples come from. Intervention – Repairing wounds in communities caused by wrong-doing using alternatives to the current criminal justice system (while keeping those accused out of jail). Mitigation — Engaging with policy-makers and “lessening the severity” for people caught up in the existing incarceration system (bail and parole work). SVAID:BE Design Studio II — students developed the project working remotely throughout the Spring of 2020. (School of Visual Arts BFA Program in Interior Design/Built Environments)

Introduction SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Our Approach

Re-Entry —

Welcoming returning citizens… Assisting people recently released from prison, helping them develop the tools they need to rejoin society, and working to reduce recidivism.


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVA Interior Design: Built Environments





05 The touchpoints were conceived of as a means of breaking down and categorizing all the ways in which society fails a large portion of our population— establishing and maintaining a revolving door to our carceral system—and then exploring how the built environment can be leveraged to address these systemic roots.






05 The touchpoints were conceived of as a means of breaking down and categorizing all the ways in which society fails a large portion of our population— establishing and maintaining a revolving door to our carceral system—and then exploring how the built environment can be leveraged to address these systemic roots.


Current System Each borough sends their incarcerated citizens to Rikers.

Introduction SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

A Network Approach


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVA Interior Design: Built Environments

Current System Each borough sends their incarcerated citizens to Rikers.

Introduction SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

A Network Approach


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVA Interior Design: Built Environments

Borough-based jails Current plan is to close Rikers and move to distributed borough-based jail system. Without broader community-based support services that address the root effects of poverty and trauma, these new jails will only continue to perpetuate the cycle of incarceration we see today.

Introduction SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

A Network Approach


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVA Interior Design: Built Environments

Borough-based jails Current plan is to close Rikers and move to distributed borough-based jail system. Without broader community-based support services that address the root effects of poverty and trauma, these new jails will only continue to perpetuate the cycle of incarceration we see today.

Introduction SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

A Network Approach


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVA Interior Design: Built Environments

A Focus on Community These are communities in crisis. Slowing the rate of incarceration requires addressing community needs. Solutions should be situated in the community, informed by the community, and supportive of the community. To date, they have been largely under-resourced and the effects have been treated as symptoms, not as root causes. Starting at the neighborhood level, what if you could establish

A Distributed Network of Resources that all serve to disconnect the community from the criminal justice system?

Introduction SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

A Network Approach


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVA Interior Design: Built Environments

A Focus on Community These are communities in crisis. Slowing the rate of incarceration requires addressing community needs. Solutions should be situated in the community, informed by the community, and supportive of the community. To date, they have been largely under-resourced and the effects have been treated as symptoms, not as root causes. Starting at the neighborhood level, what if you could establish

A Distributed Network of Resources that all serve to disconnect the community from the criminal justice system?

Introduction SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

A Network Approach


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVA Interior Design: Built Environments

A Focus on Community These are communities in crisis. Slowing the rate of incarceration requires addressing community needs. Solutions should be situated in the community, informed by the community, and supportive of the community. To date, they have been largely under-resourced and the effects have been treated as symptoms, not as root causes. Starting at the neighborhood level, what if you could establish

A Distributed Network of Resources that all serve to disconnect the community from the criminal justice system?

Introduction SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

A Network Approach


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVA Interior Design: Built Environments

A Focus on Community These are communities in crisis. Slowing the rate of incarceration requires addressing community needs. Solutions should be situated in the community, informed by the community, and supportive of the community. To date, they have been largely under-resourced and the effects have been treated as symptoms, not as root causes. Starting at the neighborhood level, what if you could establish

A Distributed Network of Resources that all serve to disconnect the community from the criminal justice system?

Introduction SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

A Network Approach


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVA Interior Design: Built Environments

Localized bottom-up network A centralized borough Hub that has adjacency to the courts and other institutions of the existing carceral system, supports a network of neighborhood resources.

Introduction SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

A Network Approach


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVA Interior Design: Built Environments

Localized bottom-up network A centralized borough Hub that has adjacency to the courts and other institutions of the existing carceral system, supports a network of neighborhood resources.

Introduction SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

A Network Approach


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVA Interior Design: Built Environments

Hub Centrally located, close to existing legal system facilities, connects and supports neighborhood nodes & satellites

Node A new neighborhood institution

Satellite Embedded within existing institutions & infrastructure

Introduction SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

A Network Approach


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVA Interior Design: Built Environments

Hub Centrally located, close to existing legal system facilities, connects and supports neighborhood nodes & satellites

Node A new neighborhood institution

Satellite Embedded within existing institutions & infrastructure

Introduction SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

A Network Approach


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVA Interior Design: Built Environments

Br Cri ookl Co min yn urt al

Hubs are located centrally within the burough and adjacent to the courts and jails—they are the headquarters of advocacy movements and provide a face to the alternative restorative justice institutions available to those in need.

Br of Dookly ete n Ho nti us on e

Introduction SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020




An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVA Interior Design: Built Environments

Br Cri ookl Co min yn urt al

Hubs are located centrally within the burough and adjacent to the courts and jails—they are the headquarters of advocacy movements and provide a face to the alternative restorative justice institutions available to those in need.

Br of Dookly ete n Ho nti us on e

Introduction SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020




An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVA Interior Design: Built Environments

Nodes are located within the neighborhood and aim to be familiar, trusted, & integrated into everyday life.




Introduction SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020



An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVA Interior Design: Built Environments

Nodes are located within the neighborhood and aim to be familiar, trusted, & integrated into everyday life.




Introduction SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020



An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVA Interior Design: Built Environments

Satellites are small, temporary or mobile interventions inserted within existing neighborhood places.


Introduction SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020



An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVA Interior Design: Built Environments

Satellites are small, temporary or mobile interventions inserted within existing neighborhood places.


Introduction SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020



An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVA Interior Design: Built Environments

Space is political.

An awakening begins with questions.

The built environment is both a product

What is the role and responsibility of

of political forces (the form of the city as

designers in the political conversation?

a result of industry, commerce and real

How are designers, in shaping our

estate speculation) and a medium for

products and the environment we all live

political engagement (as the site of

and work in everyday, either complicit in

protests, sit-ins and sanctuary).

or advocating against social injustices. How can space play a role in advocacy

As designers of space, we must make a choice, to either engage in this dialectic, or quietly cede our agency to other

and change-making? What are the tools at our disposal? Our decisions matter; from the planning process, programming


and operations to our choices about form, material, and detailing. This project challenges our students to use their voices as designers and

Jeremy Bentham's panopticon prison, drawing by Willey Reveley, 1791.

citizens, to question their clients’ programs and agendas and reclaim their agency to advance social change.

Introduction SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

The Politics of Space


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVA Interior Design: Built Environments

Space is political.

An awakening begins with questions.

The built environment is both a product

What is the role and responsibility of

of political forces (the form of the city as

designers in the political conversation?

a result of industry, commerce and real

How are designers, in shaping our

estate speculation) and a medium for

products and the environment we all live

political engagement (as the site of

and work in everyday, either complicit in

protests, sit-ins and sanctuary).

or advocating against social injustices. How can space play a role in advocacy

As designers of space, we must make a choice, to either engage in this dialectic, or quietly cede our agency to other

and change-making? What are the tools at our disposal? Our decisions matter; from the planning process, programming


and operations to our choices about form, material, and detailing. This project challenges our students to use their voices as designers and

Jeremy Bentham's panopticon prison, drawing by Willey Reveley, 1791.

citizens, to question their clients’ programs and agendas and reclaim their agency to advance social change.

Introduction SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

The Politics of Space


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVA Interior Design: Built Environments


SVA ID:BE An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice


Advocacy Project Team: Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee Humanizing incarcerated peoples and communities disproportionately aected by the current carceral system (most often low-income people of color).

Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee

01- 1

An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020


SVA ID:BE An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice


Advocacy Project Team: Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee Humanizing incarcerated peoples and communities disproportionately aected by the current carceral system (most often low-income people of color).

Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee

01- 1

An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. —Martin Luther King Jr.

The Advocacy Touchpoint aims to influence perceptions within our social, political, and economic systems. We lean on dialogue and storytelling to humanize people affected by the carceral system, and communities in crisis.

At the center of this kind of advocacy is relating to our shared humanity, understanding the inherent challenges of the community and identifying opportunities for positive change.

Our proposals engage these communities, and connect them with the population at large, as well as leaders in enterprise, institutions and government in order restore agency and voice. Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee

DeďŹ nition & Scope

01- 2

An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. —Martin Luther King Jr.

The Advocacy Touchpoint aims to influence perceptions within our social, political, and economic systems. We lean on dialogue and storytelling to humanize people affected by the carceral system, and communities in crisis.

At the center of this kind of advocacy is relating to our shared humanity, understanding the inherent challenges of the community and identifying opportunities for positive change.

Our proposals engage these communities, and connect them with the population at large, as well as leaders in enterprise, institutions and government in order restore agency and voice. Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee

DeďŹ nition & Scope

01- 2

An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Our Mission is to change perceptions across the community by emphasizing the neighborhood’s voice beyond its boundaries, sharing information through a myriad of media platforms and encouraging actions when policies or laws will have positive or negative effects on the members of our community. Our Vision is to create a society that has broken its link to a system of mass incarceration and is a community for social bridge-building. Through business and investment attraction, we envision creating an environment that is holistically optimal for all to live, work, and start a business.

Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee

Mission & Vision

01- 3

An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Our Mission is to change perceptions across the community by emphasizing the neighborhood’s voice beyond its boundaries, sharing information through a myriad of media platforms and encouraging actions when policies or laws will have positive or negative effects on the members of our community. Our Vision is to create a society that has broken its link to a system of mass incarceration and is a community for social bridge-building. Through business and investment attraction, we envision creating an environment that is holistically optimal for all to live, work, and start a business.

Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee

Mission & Vision

01- 3

An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

01 02


Encourage questions, truth-telling and the voicing of concerns


Break down barriers within and without the community


Always celebrate local character and culture, while addressing chronic problems


Serve and expand community wellbeing

03 04 Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee


01- 4

An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

01 02


Encourage questions, truth-telling and the voicing of concerns


Break down barriers within and without the community


Always celebrate local character and culture, while addressing chronic problems


Serve and expand community wellbeing

03 04 Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee


01- 4

An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

The Public

Communities in Crisis

Government Officials

For this project we mean the general population of NYC—many of them white, middle and upper middle class — and often people who, though perhaps adjacent, have little contact with communities in crisis.

One third of all of the people currently caught up in New York City’s jail system come from five neighborhoods: South Bronx, Brownsville, East New York, Harlem, and Bed-Stuy.

The NYC administrative branch that operates and manages the current criminal justice system and the judiciary which has the duty to provide justice to the community.

Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee


01- 5

An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

The Public

Communities in Crisis

Government Officials

For this project we mean the general population of NYC—many of them white, middle and upper middle class — and often people who, though perhaps adjacent, have little contact with communities in crisis.

One third of all of the people currently caught up in New York City’s jail system come from five neighborhoods: South Bronx, Brownsville, East New York, Harlem, and Bed-Stuy.

The NYC administrative branch that operates and manages the current criminal justice system and the judiciary which has the duty to provide justice to the community.

Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee


01- 5

An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Rounds, A Whimsical Outdoor Pavilion Lake Forest, Illinois Greg Corso, Molly Hunker of SPORTS 2017 Images from Nick Zukauskas

Taking inspiration from the history of theaters and when performances were done ‘in the round’. Performers interact directly with the audience. It is a multifunctional space and easy to gather people together. -Rounds encourages a multiplicity of performance, encourage physical activity and interaction amongst communities.

Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee


01- 6

An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Rounds, A Whimsical Outdoor Pavilion Lake Forest, Illinois Greg Corso, Molly Hunker of SPORTS 2017 Images from Nick Zukauskas

Taking inspiration from the history of theaters and when performances were done ‘in the round’. Performers interact directly with the audience. It is a multifunctional space and easy to gather people together. -Rounds encourages a multiplicity of performance, encourage physical activity and interaction amongst communities.

Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee


01- 6

An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Now What?! Advocacy, Activism & Alliances in American Architecture BSA Space 290 Congress Street Boston, MA Now What?! Advocacy, Activism & Alliances in American Architecture since 1968 is a traveling exhibition that links the design community to larger social and political movements of the late 20th century, placing design practice in the foreground and engaging viewers in critical conversations around history, progress, and the built environment. -Bring a wave of initiatives and advocacy that draw attention to critical issues. -Craft a space for public debate and dialogue

Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee


01- 7

An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Now What?! Advocacy, Activism & Alliances in American Architecture BSA Space 290 Congress Street Boston, MA Now What?! Advocacy, Activism & Alliances in American Architecture since 1968 is a traveling exhibition that links the design community to larger social and political movements of the late 20th century, placing design practice in the foreground and engaging viewers in critical conversations around history, progress, and the built environment. -Bring a wave of initiatives and advocacy that draw attention to critical issues. -Craft a space for public debate and dialogue

Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee


01- 7

An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee


01- 8

An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee


01- 8

An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020


Neighborhood Forum

Content Creation / Journalism

Activism HQ

Neighborhood Forum (image or icon)

Art Exhibition Showcase the perspectives, talent and culture of the community to the world.

Celebrate the Community Host performances, exhibitions, and social events.

Awareness Campaigns Promote the issues and the value of the community from NYC’s cultural center.

Engagement Center Organize and encourage action within the community; provide a physical embodiment of community engagement.

Encourage Involvement in Arts Welcome and support returning citizens through artistic expression and representation.

Community Workshop Community board meetings, political debates, problem solving workshops, design charrettes.

Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee

Program Components

Lobbying HQ Provide a hub for community activism and advocacy, run by a dedicated group of organizers, volunteers and citizens. Community Journalism HQ Provide a hub for community-based storytelling. Share information through newsletters, social media and public forums. Office and Meeting Space Workspace and meeting facilities for community activism.


Online Content Creation Provide access to public forums and tools, including the website, mobile apps, and community social media. Feedback and Voice Collection Provide tools that engage the neighborhood and encourage the voicing concerns, questions and perceptions. Mobile Journalism Make the Street your sounding board, interview residents, report in real time, enable fast and accurate polling.

An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020


Neighborhood Forum

Content Creation / Journalism

Activism HQ

Neighborhood Forum (image or icon)

Art Exhibition Showcase the perspectives, talent and culture of the community to the world.

Celebrate the Community Host performances, exhibitions, and social events.

Awareness Campaigns Promote the issues and the value of the community from NYC’s cultural center.

Engagement Center Organize and encourage action within the community; provide a physical embodiment of community engagement.

Encourage Involvement in Arts Welcome and support returning citizens through artistic expression and representation.

Community Workshop Community board meetings, political debates, problem solving workshops, design charrettes.

Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee

Program Components

Lobbying HQ Provide a hub for community activism and advocacy, run by a dedicated group of organizers, volunteers and citizens. Community Journalism HQ Provide a hub for community-based storytelling. Share information through newsletters, social media and public forums. Office and Meeting Space Workspace and meeting facilities for community activism.


Online Content Creation Provide access to public forums and tools, including the website, mobile apps, and community social media. Feedback and Voice Collection Provide tools that engage the neighborhood and encourage the voicing concerns, questions and perceptions. Mobile Journalism Make the Street your sounding board, interview residents, report in real time, enable fast and accurate polling.

An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020


Neighborhood Forum

Content Creation / Journalism

Activism HQ

Neighborhood Forum (image or icon)

Art Exhibition Showcase the perspectives, talent and culture of the community to the world.

Celebrate the Community Host performances, exhibitions, and social events.

Awareness Campaigns Promote the issues and the value of the community from NYC’s cultural center.

Engagement Center Organize and encourage action within the community; provide a physical embodiment of community engagement.

Encourage Involvement in Arts Welcome and support returning citizens through artistic expression and representation.

Community Workshop Community board meetings, political debates, problem solving workshops, design charrettes.

Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee

Lobbying HQ Provide a hub for community activism and advocacy, run by a dedicated group of organizers, volunteers and citizens. Community Journalism HQ Provide a hub for community-based storytelling. Share information through newsletters, social media and public forums. Office and Meeting Space Workspace and meeting facilities for community activism.

Program Components (Phase 1 / This Proposal)


Online Content Creation Provide access to public forums and tools, including the website, mobile apps, and community social media. Feedback and Voice Collection Provide tools that engage the neighborhood and encourage the voicing concerns, questions and perceptions. Mobile Journalism Make the Street your sounding board, interview residents, report in real time, enable fast and accurate polling.

An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020


Neighborhood Forum

Content Creation / Journalism

Activism HQ

Neighborhood Forum (image or icon)

Art Exhibition Showcase the perspectives, talent and culture of the community to the world.

Celebrate the Community Host performances, exhibitions, and social events.

Awareness Campaigns Promote the issues and the value of the community from NYC’s cultural center.

Engagement Center Organize and encourage action within the community; provide a physical embodiment of community engagement.

Encourage Involvement in Arts Welcome and support returning citizens through artistic expression and representation.

Community Workshop Community board meetings, political debates, problem solving workshops, design charrettes.

Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee

Lobbying HQ Provide a hub for community activism and advocacy, run by a dedicated group of organizers, volunteers and citizens. Community Journalism HQ Provide a hub for community-based storytelling. Share information through newsletters, social media and public forums. Office and Meeting Space Workspace and meeting facilities for community activism.

Program Components (Phase 1 / This Proposal)


Online Content Creation Provide access to public forums and tools, including the website, mobile apps, and community social media. Feedback and Voice Collection Provide tools that engage the neighborhood and encourage the voicing concerns, questions and perceptions. Mobile Journalism Make the Street your sounding board, interview residents, report in real time, enable fast and accurate polling.

An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Activism HQ Gallery Neighborhood Forum Content Creation / Journalism

Activism HQ

Multiservice Hall Community Workshop Gallery

Bus Stop Feedback Portal Phone Booth Kiosk Feedback Collection Wall Mobile Journalism Website/Apps

Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee

A Network Approach


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Activism HQ Gallery Neighborhood Forum Content Creation / Journalism

Activism HQ

Multiservice Hall Community Workshop Gallery

Bus Stop Feedback Portal Phone Booth Kiosk Feedback Collection Wall Mobile Journalism Website/Apps

Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee

A Network Approach


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Activism HQ Gallery Neighborhood Forum Content Creation / Journalism

Activism HQ

Multiservice Hall Community Workshop Gallery

Bus Stop Feedback Portal Phone Booth Kiosk Feedback Collection Wall Mobile Journalism Website/Apps

Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee

A Network Approach


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Activism HQ Gallery Neighborhood Forum Content Creation / Journalism

Activism HQ

Multiservice Hall Community Workshop Gallery

Bus Stop Feedback Portal Phone Booth Kiosk Feedback Collection Wall Mobile Journalism Website/Apps

Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee

A Network Approach


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Activism HQ Gallery Neighborhood Forum Content Creation / Journalism

Activism HQ

Multiservice Hall Community Workshop Gallery

Bus Stop Feedback Portal Phone Booth Kiosk Feedback Collection Wall Mobile Journalism Website/Apps

Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee

A Network Approach


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Activism HQ Gallery Neighborhood Forum Content Creation / Journalism

Activism HQ

Multiservice Hall Community Workshop Gallery

Bus Stop Feedback Portal Phone Booth Kiosk Feedback Collection Wall Mobile Journalism Website/Apps

Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee

A Network Approach


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Activism HQ Gallery Neighborhood Forum Content Creation / Journalism

Activism HQ

Multiservice Hall Community Workshop Gallery

Bus Stop Feedback Portal Phone Booth Kiosk Feedback Collection Wall Mobile Journalism Website/Apps

Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee

A Network Approach


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Activism HQ Gallery Neighborhood Forum Content Creation / Journalism

Activism HQ

Multiservice Hall Community Workshop Gallery

Bus Stop Feedback Portal Phone Booth Kiosk Feedback Collection Wall Mobile Journalism Website/Apps

Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee

A Network Approach


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Activism HQ Gallery Neighborhood Forum Content Creation / Journalism

Activism HQ

Multiservice Hall Community Workshop Gallery

Bus Stop Feedback Portal Phone Booth Kiosk Feedback Collection Wall Mobile Journalism Website/Apps

Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee

A Network Approach


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Activism HQ Gallery Neighborhood Forum Content Creation / Journalism

Activism HQ

Multiservice Hall Community Workshop Gallery

Bus Stop Feedback Portal Phone Booth Kiosk Feedback Collection Wall Mobile Journalism Website/Apps

Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee

A Network Approach


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee

Program Detail


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee

Program Detail


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020


Mostly Distributed Locations of Nodes and Satellites Mobile and adaptable distributed components, with Hub as the center.


Primarily Public Spaces Encourage conversations, spread information and collect public voices.


Content Creation Involved in Most of the Program Collect thoughts and voices of the community through the Activism HQ, Neighborhood Forum, on the street, in the library, bodegas and streetcorners.


Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee

4 Key Takeaways

Energetic and Welcoming Space Create attractive, welcoming spaces for people to gather and celebrate each other as issues are confronted and solutions are found.


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020


Mostly Distributed Locations of Nodes and Satellites Mobile and adaptable distributed components, with Hub as the center.


Primarily Public Spaces Encourage conversations, spread information and collect public voices.


Content Creation Involved in Most of the Program Collect thoughts and voices of the community through the Activism HQ, Neighborhood Forum, on the street, in the library, bodegas and streetcorners.


Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee

4 Key Takeaways

Energetic and Welcoming Space Create attractive, welcoming spaces for people to gather and celebrate each other as issues are confronted and solutions are found.


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Orange is an energetic color and often effective in drawing attention. Warm colors also create a safe and stable atmosphere. The adjustable Content Creation Wall system will appear in most of the program as an interface and community “sounding board.”







Color / Pattern

Color / Pattern



Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee



An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Orange is an energetic color and often effective in drawing attention. Warm colors also create a safe and stable atmosphere. The adjustable Content Creation Wall system will appear in most of the program as an interface and community “sounding board.”







Color / Pattern

Color / Pattern



Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee



An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Character of materials and colors makes people feel safe and stable

Colors help make people feel energetic and positive

Textures of the materials provide visual scale and help make people feel comfortable.

Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee

Mood Board—Notes


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Character of materials and colors makes people feel safe and stable

Colors help make people feel energetic and positive

Textures of the materials provide visual scale and help make people feel comfortable.

Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee

Mood Board—Notes


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Component Proposals

Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Component Proposals

Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020


Awareness Campaigns Promote the issues and the value of the community from NYC’s cultural center.

Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee

Neighborhood Forum

Community Workshop Gathering people, holding community board meetings, debates and problem solving sessions

Program Component Overview

Activism HQ

Content Creation / Journalism

Journalism Center Provide a hub for community-based storytelling. Share information through newsletters, social media and public forums.


Feedback and Voice Collection Provide tools that engage the neighborhood and encourage the voicing concerns, questions and perceptions.

An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020


Awareness Campaigns Promote the issues and the value of the community from NYC’s cultural center.

Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee

Neighborhood Forum

Community Workshop Gathering people, holding community board meetings, debates and problem solving sessions

Program Component Overview

Activism HQ

Content Creation / Journalism

Journalism Center Provide a hub for community-based storytelling. Share information through newsletters, social media and public forums.


Feedback and Voice Collection Provide tools that engage the neighborhood and encourage the voicing concerns, questions and perceptions.

An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Gallery Break down barriers >> Welcoming storefront and open space A welcoming storefront and interesting gallery for everyone.

Connect people in different communities and cultural backgrounds >> Bring attention to unique artwork The world can see and celebrate the unique culture of a vibrant community.

Current state

Unlock Value and Appreciation >> Exhibition in an ideal gallery nicely A chance to show their work and tell their stories. Location: Node Description: Connecting people through art and creative expression by providing a space for returning citizens and community partners to gather and share their unique artistic talents, cultures, and perspectives. It is also a portal for connecting people in different communities, a place to showcase talent and outreach to the world.

Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee

Outreach to the world >> Located in New York’s cultural center Create a portal in Manhattan to showcase the issues and the tremendous value of the community.

Program Component—Strategy


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Gallery Break down barriers >> Welcoming storefront and open space A welcoming storefront and interesting gallery for everyone.

Connect people in different communities and cultural backgrounds >> Bring attention to unique artwork The world can see and celebrate the unique culture of a vibrant community.

Current state

Unlock Value and Appreciation >> Exhibition in an ideal gallery nicely A chance to show their work and tell their stories. Location: Node Description: Connecting people through art and creative expression by providing a space for returning citizens and community partners to gather and share their unique artistic talents, cultures, and perspectives. It is also a portal for connecting people in different communities, a place to showcase talent and outreach to the world.

Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee

Outreach to the world >> Located in New York’s cultural center Create a portal in Manhattan to showcase the issues and the tremendous value of the community.

Program Component—Strategy


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020


High Level Plinth

Low Level Plinth

Digital Kiosk

Wall Display

Movable Wall Display

Projection Room



Curved Wood Panel Separation

Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee


Content Creation Wall

Handcrafts Shop


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020


High Level Plinth

Low Level Plinth

Digital Kiosk

Wall Display

Movable Wall Display

Projection Room



Curved Wood Panel Separation

Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee


Content Creation Wall

Handcrafts Shop


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020



Interaction Area

Handcrafts Shop

Axonometric Content Creation Storefront


Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee

Program Component—Layout & Planning


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020



Interaction Area

Handcrafts Shop

Axonometric Content Creation Storefront


Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee

Program Component—Layout & Planning


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Material and furniture selection should be described in terms of d performance, economy an experience. You should feature furniture and and materials that look great provide the kind of user ant experience that is import y” to your space (“hospitalit that “professional” “fun”), but performs under the ese conditions required by th spaces and programs.

Mood Image


Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee







Acoustic Panel



Color / Pattern

Color / Pattern

Program Component—Assembly, Materials, Furniture


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Material and furniture selection should be described in terms of d performance, economy an experience. You should feature furniture and and materials that look great provide the kind of user ant experience that is import y” to your space (“hospitalit that “professional” “fun”), but performs under the ese conditions required by th spaces and programs.

Mood Image


Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee







Acoustic Panel



Color / Pattern

Color / Pattern

Program Component—Assembly, Materials, Furniture


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee

Exterior Visualization


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee

Exterior Visualization


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee

Interior Visualization


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee

Interior Visualization


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Neighborhood Forum Where can community leadership happen? >> A place for exchanging ideas & informing the public Debate, Community Board meetings, referendums, political process on display.

Culture Brings Us Together >> Space for performance and cultural events Provide the tools to transform community discourse to community celebration at the drop of a hat.

I Have a Story to Tell >> Enable public disclosure of information Community Journalism and feedback brought to light at the Neighborhood Forum.

Location: Node Description: This is a program within the neighborhood for gathering, community board meetings, debate and problem solving. In this space, people can share their opinions about current issues in the neighborhood and host public events and workshops.

Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee

Additionally, people from the community can use this space for performances and cultural events.

Program Component—Strategy

Breaking Down Barriers >> Bridge-building by Design Transparency and openness are promoted by designing the space to be visible and accessible to the community.


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Neighborhood Forum Where can community leadership happen? >> A place for exchanging ideas & informing the public Debate, Community Board meetings, referendums, political process on display.

Culture Brings Us Together >> Space for performance and cultural events Provide the tools to transform community discourse to community celebration at the drop of a hat.

I Have a Story to Tell >> Enable public disclosure of information Community Journalism and feedback brought to light at the Neighborhood Forum.

Location: Node Description: This is a program within the neighborhood for gathering, community board meetings, debate and problem solving. In this space, people can share their opinions about current issues in the neighborhood and host public events and workshops.

Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee

Additionally, people from the community can use this space for performances and cultural events.

Program Component—Strategy

Breaking Down Barriers >> Bridge-building by Design Transparency and openness are promoted by designing the space to be visible and accessible to the community.


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Neighborhood Forum

Day time


Invite experts, politicians and leaders of communities to learn from their insights and experiences

Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee


Discuss important issues and current problems to collectively formulate solutions


Host preschool programs that require large space and sufficient amenities

Program Overview

Night time


Vote on implementation methods to improve the situations that impact our society



Support performances, host film nights and political events


Host celebrations, assemblies and award ceremonies

An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Neighborhood Forum

Day time


Invite experts, politicians and leaders of communities to learn from their insights and experiences

Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee


Discuss important issues and current problems to collectively formulate solutions


Host preschool programs that require large space and sufficient amenities

Program Overview

Night time


Vote on implementation methods to improve the situations that impact our society



Support performances, host film nights and political events


Host celebrations, assemblies and award ceremonies

An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Neighborhood Forum

Lighting Bar


Projector with Pin-up board

Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee

Acoustic wall with hinged panels

Speaker set


Foldable Tables and Stackable Chairs

Movable Projector



An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Neighborhood Forum

Lighting Bar


Projector with Pin-up board

Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee

Acoustic wall with hinged panels

Speaker set


Foldable Tables and Stackable Chairs

Movable Projector



An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee

Assembly of Parts


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee

Assembly of Parts


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Acoustic hinged panel Journalism kit


Big glass wall


Journalism kit


Glass w/Acoustic panels

Projector w/pin-up board Modular seating and tables for different activities




Plan Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee

Program Component—Layout & Planning


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Acoustic hinged panel Journalism kit


Big glass wall


Journalism kit


Glass w/Acoustic panels

Projector w/pin-up board Modular seating and tables for different activities




Plan Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee

Program Component—Layout & Planning


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Mood Image


Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee










Color / Pattern

Color / Pattern

Program Component—Assembly, Materials, Furniture


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Mood Image


Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee










Color / Pattern

Color / Pattern

Program Component—Assembly, Materials, Furniture


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020


Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee


Exterior Visualization ( Forum view from outside )


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020


Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee


Exterior Visualization ( Forum view from outside )


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee

Interior Visualization ( Lecture with expert )


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee

Interior Visualization ( Lecture with expert )


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Activism HQ Community Leadership Presence >> Dedicated, Permanent HQ While other components of restorative justice can be mobile, flexible and deployable, HQ needs to be established and known. Workspace for Staff & Volunteers >> An Agile, Multifunctional Space Easily combined and spliced multifunctional Furniture can improve work performance and efficiency. Enhance social awareness >> Analogue and digital tools

Location: Hub Description: Activism consists of efforts to promote, impede, direct, or intervene in social, political, economic, or environmental reform with the desire to make changes in society. Activism hub is a place that provides inspiration, resources and tools for activists and community organizers.

Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee

Building social networks and digital tools to serve the community will enable grassroots activism to flourish.

Activism HQ is a workplace and meeting space for 15 people who are engaged in lobbying and community organizing for the neighborhood. This program might also have SATELLITE locations within the community, such as storefronts, libraries, and feedback portals.

Program Component—Strategy

Need a Louder Bullhorn >> Provide for easily assembled Press Events Using the internet and digital tools, more people will learn about Activism HQ and easily find ways to become involved.


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Activism HQ Community Leadership Presence >> Dedicated, Permanent HQ While other components of restorative justice can be mobile, flexible and deployable, HQ needs to be established and known. Workspace for Staff & Volunteers >> An Agile, Multifunctional Space Easily combined and spliced multifunctional Furniture can improve work performance and efficiency. Enhance social awareness >> Analogue and digital tools

Location: Hub Description: Activism consists of efforts to promote, impede, direct, or intervene in social, political, economic, or environmental reform with the desire to make changes in society. Activism hub is a place that provides inspiration, resources and tools for activists and community organizers.

Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee

Building social networks and digital tools to serve the community will enable grassroots activism to flourish.

Activism HQ is a workplace and meeting space for 15 people who are engaged in lobbying and community organizing for the neighborhood. This program might also have SATELLITE locations within the community, such as storefronts, libraries, and feedback portals.

Program Component—Strategy

Need a Louder Bullhorn >> Provide for easily assembled Press Events Using the internet and digital tools, more people will learn about Activism HQ and easily find ways to become involved.


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Desking Solutions

Small Meeting Table

Big Meeting Table

Acoustic Wood Panel


Writing Screen

Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee

Content Creation Wall


Modular Table


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Desking Solutions

Small Meeting Table

Big Meeting Table

Acoustic Wood Panel


Writing Screen

Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee

Content Creation Wall


Modular Table


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Elevation & Section Configurable Desking CCW Partition


Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee

Program Component—Layout & Planning



An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Elevation & Section Configurable Desking CCW Partition


Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee

Program Component—Layout & Planning



An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Elevation & Section Screen Conference Table with embedded technology

Wood Acoustic Panel


Axonometric Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee

Program Component—Layout & Planning


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Elevation & Section Screen Conference Table with embedded technology

Wood Acoustic Panel


Axonometric Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee

Program Component—Layout & Planning


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

4-people group discussion

6-people group discussion

Office Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee

Space Layout


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

4-people group discussion

6-people group discussion

Office Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee

Space Layout


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Material and furniture selection should be described in terms of d performance, economy an experience. You should feature furniture and and materials that look great provide the kind of user ant experience that is import y” to your space (“hospitalit that “professional” “fun”), but performs under the ese conditions required by th spaces and programs.

Mood Image


Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee










Color / Pattern

Color / Pattern

Program Component—Assembly, Materials, Furniture


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Material and furniture selection should be described in terms of d performance, economy an experience. You should feature furniture and and materials that look great provide the kind of user ant experience that is import y” to your space (“hospitalit that “professional” “fun”), but performs under the ese conditions required by th spaces and programs.

Mood Image


Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee










Color / Pattern

Color / Pattern

Program Component—Assembly, Materials, Furniture


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020


Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee




An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020


Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee




An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Content Creation / Journalism Truth-telling reporting >> Collecting stories from the public Talk to people directly and publish their thoughts and stories.

Current state Recording events and reactions >> Enable all to have a voice Expressing concerns, asking questions, and relaying perceptions.

Location: Satellite Description: Community partnerships and collaborative efforts can help to mobilize the public. We encourage everyone in the neighborhood to be involved and voice their thoughts on the problems they may face day to day. We design and reform some adjustable spaces, and blend them in the neighborhood, on the

Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee

Need quick, easy ways to be involved >> Be where the people are Blend in everyday lives, and places where people in the community usually go to.

street, in the libraries, schools, bodegas, streets and parks.

Program Component—Strategy


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Content Creation / Journalism Truth-telling reporting >> Collecting stories from the public Talk to people directly and publish their thoughts and stories.

Current state Recording events and reactions >> Enable all to have a voice Expressing concerns, asking questions, and relaying perceptions.

Location: Satellite Description: Community partnerships and collaborative efforts can help to mobilize the public. We encourage everyone in the neighborhood to be involved and voice their thoughts on the problems they may face day to day. We design and reform some adjustable spaces, and blend them in the neighborhood, on the

Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee

Need quick, easy ways to be involved >> Be where the people are Blend in everyday lives, and places where people in the community usually go to.

street, in the libraries, schools, bodegas, streets and parks.

Program Component—Strategy


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Content Creation Wall Writing

Phone Booth Kiosk

Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee



Bus Station Feedback Portal



An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Content Creation Wall Writing

Phone Booth Kiosk

Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee



Bus Station Feedback Portal



An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Telephone Writing Shelf, Storage Box






Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee

Program Component—Layout & Planning


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Telephone Writing Shelf, Storage Box






Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee

Program Component—Layout & Planning


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Screen Interactive Media Writing shelf, feedback collection box Seating Seating




Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee

Program Component—Layout & Planning


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Screen Interactive Media Writing shelf, feedback collection box Seating Seating




Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee

Program Component—Layout & Planning


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Neighborhood Forum Node

Bus Station Feedback Portal Satellite

Phone Booth Kiosk Satellite

Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee

Location Map


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Neighborhood Forum Node

Bus Station Feedback Portal Satellite

Phone Booth Kiosk Satellite

Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee

Location Map


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee

Phone Booth Kiosk in New York City Street


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee

Phone Booth Kiosk in New York City Street


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee

Bus Station Feedback Portal


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee

Bus Station Feedback Portal


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020


Social Media

Through this mobile app, users are able to engage with our numerous programs and receive real time updates

Enable users to engage with our programs via familiar social networking apps they already use..

Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee



Smartboard Technology Touch screens, an accessible means of interaction for a passersby in the community to manipulate and interact with content.


Leverage this exsiting infrastructure network of informational kiosks and city-wide WiFi network.

An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020


Social Media

Through this mobile app, users are able to engage with our numerous programs and receive real time updates

Enable users to engage with our programs via familiar social networking apps they already use..

Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee



Smartboard Technology Touch screens, an accessible means of interaction for a passersby in the community to manipulate and interact with content.


Leverage this exsiting infrastructure network of informational kiosks and city-wide WiFi network.

An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Image Credits Pg 2 - 1) Dozens of black professionals and community leaders came to Leschi Elementary School on Friday to greet students on their way to class. (Photo by Sharon H. Chang), 2) Portrait of the graduating class includes the primary staff who support WCC’s program. Pg 3 - Photo courtesy of Stanley Jamel Bellamy, Nikki Zeichner and Growing Up Through Pictures. Pg 5 - 1) by Steve Doughty for the Daily Mail, 2) Photo by Johnny Silvercloud, 3) Becky Wright Photography Pg 6 - Rounds Theater Pavilion, Lake Forest, United States designed by Greg Corso, Molly Hunker of SPORTS 2017. Images from Nick Zukauskas Pg 7 - Now What?! Advocacy, Activism & Alliances in American Architecture, Boston, MA designed by BSA Space

Pg 27 - 1) MAMBA Re-Modernization / Museum of Modern Art of Buenos Aire designed by MSGSSS Manteola, Sánchez Gómez, Santos, Solsona, Sallaberry, Vinsón arquitectos+ Matias Ragonese, 2) LT; 30W Aluminium LED Track Light from Precise Enterprises India LLP, 3) Art 1; Jordan Nassar at BRIC/BRIC Biennial Volume III/FEBRUARY 7 - APRIL 7, 2019/NEW YORK, NY, 4) Art 2; Juan Downey. Map of America. 1975. The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Purchased with funds provided by the Latin American and Caribbean Fund and Donald B. Marron. © 2015 Juan Downey / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York Pg 30 - 1) “Teaching for Black Lives” gathering spreads message of strength Hosted by the University of Washington’s Banks Center for Educational Justice dents-go-to-school-with-cops-but-no-counselor/, 2) High school students of color are protesting racism and inequality,

Pg 18 - LDNGrowthHub

3) State Sen. Michael Moore (D-Millbury), Gov. Charlie Baker and state education officials speak with students and staff at Chelsea High School,

Pg 19 – 1) MT 1; Acoustic Panels Stripes from RE:FELT, MT 2; 5427 Refresh oak from Greenlam Laminates, FN 2; Clip Table from BCI, CL; ideacustic HIGH 16 from ideatec, C/P 1; 4973 Orange Felt from Formica, C/P 2; Beige color from WOLFGRUBEN WERKE, LT 1; Astro 1253004 from LITE-HOUSE.DK, LT 2; 30W Aluminium LED Track Light from Precise Enterprises India LLP

4) 62841235,

Pg 20 - 1) Women with the Turbans Art Print by Nadja, 2) Beige color from WOLFGRUBEN WERKE, 3) New Hampshire Retreat, Bethlehem ,NH ,United States, designed by NADAAA, 4) 5427 Refresh oak from Greenlam Laminates, 5) Canneto INKSTRX1801 from Inkiostro Bianco, 6) Concrete Collection - Snow Concrete from HI-MACS, 7) Gallery of SOHO Bund designed by AIM Architecture, 8) Rehabilitation of the casa pastors by Garcés de seta bonet architects, 9) Nouvelle Collection papeterie mariage 2019 from Ruban Collectif, 10) Illustration from By Garmi 11) Painting by Loribelle Spirovski Pg 24 - 1) Jan, 17, 2019 photo, Richard Phillips stands next to some of his artwork during an interview at the Community Art Gallery in Ferndale. Carlos Osorio/Associated Press, 2) Banner on 31st St. warns drug dealers: "Police are watching this crack block." (Harry Hamburg/New York Daily News), 3) Whitney Museum by Renzo Piano, 4) View of the exhibition "Gabriel Kuri: sorted, resorted". Courtesy Gabriel Kuri; Sadie Coles HQ, London; kurimanzutto, Mexico, New York; Galleria Franco Noero, Turin; Wiels-Contemporary Art Center, Brussels; Esther Schipper, Berlin. Photo: Andrea Rossetti, 5) LAYC Mural from The LILI Pad, 6) Steve Prince draws a portrait of a friend from college with her baby, composed to look like the Madonna and Child. , 7) Queensbridge Houses, seen from Queensboro Bridge,

5) Performing art from Mirpuri Foundation, 6) Pg 35 – 1) Gallery of SOHO Bund designed by AIM Architecture, 2) Furniture 2; 18" Sled Classroom Chair with Casters from Steelcase, 3) Art 1; Desert Sun by Riley Yahr Creative Studio, 4) Art 2; Geometric shapes art print by City Art, 5) Floor; Wood texture background, seamless oak wood floor from Stock photos, 6) Walls; Pg 38 – 1) ,2) Nasser Zefzafi was convicted on Tuesday on charges of undermining public order and threatening national unity and sentenced to 20 years in prison. Credit.Youssef Boudlal/Reuters, 3) A demonstrator participates in the March for Our Lives Los Angeles rally on March 24, 2018, in Los Angeles, Calif. Sarah Morris from Getty, 4) ,5) San Francisco office relocation designed by HGA, 6) st-shot-show/ 7) Protesters from a grassroots organization called REOPEN NC gather in Raleigh Credit: Anadolu Agency via Getty Images, 8) Photo by Cole Bennetts/Getty Images,


Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee



An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Image Credits Pg 2 - 1) Dozens of black professionals and community leaders came to Leschi Elementary School on Friday to greet students on their way to class. (Photo by Sharon H. Chang), 2) Portrait of the graduating class includes the primary staff who support WCC’s program. Pg 3 - Photo courtesy of Stanley Jamel Bellamy, Nikki Zeichner and Growing Up Through Pictures. Pg 5 - 1) by Steve Doughty for the Daily Mail, 2) Photo by Johnny Silvercloud, 3) Becky Wright Photography Pg 6 - Rounds Theater Pavilion, Lake Forest, United States designed by Greg Corso, Molly Hunker of SPORTS 2017. Images from Nick Zukauskas Pg 7 - Now What?! Advocacy, Activism & Alliances in American Architecture, Boston, MA designed by BSA Space

Pg 27 - 1) MAMBA Re-Modernization / Museum of Modern Art of Buenos Aire designed by MSGSSS Manteola, Sánchez Gómez, Santos, Solsona, Sallaberry, Vinsón arquitectos+ Matias Ragonese, 2) LT; 30W Aluminium LED Track Light from Precise Enterprises India LLP, 3) Art 1; Jordan Nassar at BRIC/BRIC Biennial Volume III/FEBRUARY 7 - APRIL 7, 2019/NEW YORK, NY, 4) Art 2; Juan Downey. Map of America. 1975. The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Purchased with funds provided by the Latin American and Caribbean Fund and Donald B. Marron. © 2015 Juan Downey / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York Pg 30 - 1) “Teaching for Black Lives” gathering spreads message of strength Hosted by the University of Washington’s Banks Center for Educational Justice dents-go-to-school-with-cops-but-no-counselor/, 2) High school students of color are protesting racism and inequality,

Pg 18 - LDNGrowthHub

3) State Sen. Michael Moore (D-Millbury), Gov. Charlie Baker and state education officials speak with students and staff at Chelsea High School,

Pg 19 – 1) MT 1; Acoustic Panels Stripes from RE:FELT, MT 2; 5427 Refresh oak from Greenlam Laminates, FN 2; Clip Table from BCI, CL; ideacustic HIGH 16 from ideatec, C/P 1; 4973 Orange Felt from Formica, C/P 2; Beige color from WOLFGRUBEN WERKE, LT 1; Astro 1253004 from LITE-HOUSE.DK, LT 2; 30W Aluminium LED Track Light from Precise Enterprises India LLP

4) 62841235,

Pg 20 - 1) Women with the Turbans Art Print by Nadja, 2) Beige color from WOLFGRUBEN WERKE, 3) New Hampshire Retreat, Bethlehem ,NH ,United States, designed by NADAAA, 4) 5427 Refresh oak from Greenlam Laminates, 5) Canneto INKSTRX1801 from Inkiostro Bianco, 6) Concrete Collection - Snow Concrete from HI-MACS, 7) Gallery of SOHO Bund designed by AIM Architecture, 8) Rehabilitation of the casa pastors by Garcés de seta bonet architects, 9) Nouvelle Collection papeterie mariage 2019 from Ruban Collectif, 10) Illustration from By Garmi 11) Painting by Loribelle Spirovski Pg 24 - 1) Jan, 17, 2019 photo, Richard Phillips stands next to some of his artwork during an interview at the Community Art Gallery in Ferndale. Carlos Osorio/Associated Press, 2) Banner on 31st St. warns drug dealers: "Police are watching this crack block." (Harry Hamburg/New York Daily News), 3) Whitney Museum by Renzo Piano, 4) View of the exhibition "Gabriel Kuri: sorted, resorted". Courtesy Gabriel Kuri; Sadie Coles HQ, London; kurimanzutto, Mexico, New York; Galleria Franco Noero, Turin; Wiels-Contemporary Art Center, Brussels; Esther Schipper, Berlin. Photo: Andrea Rossetti, 5) LAYC Mural from The LILI Pad, 6) Steve Prince draws a portrait of a friend from college with her baby, composed to look like the Madonna and Child. , 7) Queensbridge Houses, seen from Queensboro Bridge,

5) Performing art from Mirpuri Foundation, 6) Pg 35 – 1) Gallery of SOHO Bund designed by AIM Architecture, 2) Furniture 2; 18" Sled Classroom Chair with Casters from Steelcase, 3) Art 1; Desert Sun by Riley Yahr Creative Studio, 4) Art 2; Geometric shapes art print by City Art, 5) Floor; Wood texture background, seamless oak wood floor from Stock photos, 6) Walls; Pg 38 – 1) ,2) Nasser Zefzafi was convicted on Tuesday on charges of undermining public order and threatening national unity and sentenced to 20 years in prison. Credit.Youssef Boudlal/Reuters, 3) A demonstrator participates in the March for Our Lives Los Angeles rally on March 24, 2018, in Los Angeles, Calif. Sarah Morris from Getty, 4) ,5) San Francisco office relocation designed by HGA, 6) st-shot-show/ 7) Protesters from a grassroots organization called REOPEN NC gather in Raleigh Credit: Anadolu Agency via Getty Images, 8) Photo by Cole Bennetts/Getty Images,


Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee



An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Pg 43 - 1) , 2) LT 1; Hex Pendant Light by Resident, 3) LT 2; Vandor LED Linear Suspension by Tech Lighting, 3) FN 1; AK 1 PET Felt Workplace Divider Designed by De Vorm, 4) FN 2; LJ 2 PET Felt stack chair by De Vorm, 5) Art1; 6) Art 2; Canvas print by Nordic WallArt, 6) , 7) CL; Alta Acoustic Ceiling Panels by Soundply, 8) Walls; ABSTRACT TAUPE by The Panel Company Pg 46 – 1) Martin Luther King Jr.and his wife, Coretta Scott King, lead a voting rights march from Selma, Alabama, to the state capitol in Montgomery on March 30, 1965. WILLIAM LOVELACE/EXPRESS/GETTY IMAGES, 2) 0 , 3) Director Laura Waters Hinson New Documentary on DC's Tent City ity.cfm , 4) Orator at Speakers Corner, London, with crowd, 1974 - Speakers' Corner - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 5) , 6) Council Community Meetings at Livingstone Shire Council, 7) Pg 48 – 1) , 2) Pg 53 – 1) , 2) Qualcomm solutions support free public Wi-Fi with LinkNYC

Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee

Image Credits


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Pg 43 - 1) , 2) LT 1; Hex Pendant Light by Resident, 3) LT 2; Vandor LED Linear Suspension by Tech Lighting, 3) FN 1; AK 1 PET Felt Workplace Divider Designed by De Vorm, 4) FN 2; LJ 2 PET Felt stack chair by De Vorm, 5) Art1; 6) Art 2; Canvas print by Nordic WallArt, 6) , 7) CL; Alta Acoustic Ceiling Panels by Soundply, 8) Walls; ABSTRACT TAUPE by The Panel Company Pg 46 – 1) Martin Luther King Jr.and his wife, Coretta Scott King, lead a voting rights march from Selma, Alabama, to the state capitol in Montgomery on March 30, 1965. WILLIAM LOVELACE/EXPRESS/GETTY IMAGES, 2) 0 , 3) Director Laura Waters Hinson New Documentary on DC's Tent City ity.cfm , 4) Orator at Speakers Corner, London, with crowd, 1974 - Speakers' Corner - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 5) , 6) Council Community Meetings at Livingstone Shire Council, 7) Pg 48 – 1) , 2) Pg 53 – 1) , 2) Qualcomm solutions support free public Wi-Fi with LinkNYC

Advocacy Shuangyu Xi, Yongru Zong, Yoojin Lee

Image Credits


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

02 02- 1

02 02- 1

The Prevention Touchpoint is a collection of programs aimed at addressing the two leading precursors to incarceration—poverty and trauma—particularly in a handful of neighborhoods where a disproportionate number of our city’s incarcerated people come from. We provide basic resources to the communities in crisis via deployable programs around wellness, education, housing, and career services.

02- 2

The Prevention Touchpoint is a collection of programs aimed at addressing the two leading precursors to incarceration—poverty and trauma—particularly in a handful of neighborhoods where a disproportionate number of our city’s incarcerated people come from. We provide basic resources to the communities in crisis via deployable programs around wellness, education, housing, and career services.

02- 2

02- 3

02- 3

01 01

02 02


03 04

A networked approach via mobile programs maximizes impact for minimal resources and provides a wide range of ways to access resources.

Ensure equal chances to everyone regardless of their age, race, and gender.

Programs that bring people together in an open and welcoming atmosphere in public places the neighborhood.

04 02- 4

01 01

02 02


03 04

A networked approach via mobile programs maximizes impact for minimal resources and provides a wide range of ways to access resources.

Ensure equal chances to everyone regardless of their age, race, and gender.

Programs that bring people together in an open and welcoming atmosphere in public places the neighborhood.

04 02- 4

Community members who are under-resourced, beset by the problem of poverty and trauma.

Neighborhood young people who might be lacking opportunity due to under-investment in their community or because of situations in their family environment..

Formerly incarcerated / recently released individuals who perhaps are not yet self-sustaining because of the challenges of finding employment after incarceration .

02- 5

Community members who are under-resourced, beset by the problem of poverty and trauma.

Neighborhood young people who might be lacking opportunity due to under-investment in their community or because of situations in their family environment..

Formerly incarcerated / recently released individuals who perhaps are not yet self-sustaining because of the challenges of finding employment after incarceration .

02- 5

Five Keys School and Programs San Francisco Architect: Zoe Parsigian, Julia Grinkrug, Deanna Van Buren Year: 2003 Create mobile units which can move around the city. Provide key resources in a community where people have limited access to high level education.

02- 6

Five Keys School and Programs San Francisco Architect: Zoe Parsigian, Julia Grinkrug, Deanna Van Buren Year: 2003 Create mobile units which can move around the city. Provide key resources in a community where people have limited access to high level education.

02- 6

Egg-shaped Therapy Pod United Kingdom Designer: Karl Lenton Year: 2015

Create mobile units which can be placed in different environments. A temporary space for people who don’t have access to a mental health professionals.

02- 7

Egg-shaped Therapy Pod United Kingdom Designer: Karl Lenton Year: 2015

Create mobile units which can be placed in different environments. A temporary space for people who don’t have access to a mental health professionals.

02- 7

Temporary Shelters A temporary place where they can rest and call home

Therapy Pod Provide a safe space for those who are seeking guidance.

Mobile Library Provide free reading resources to the neighborhood.

Job Training Classroom Help people get familiar with the work process, develop their skills.

Community Development Corporation A storefront to support and revitalize communities

Child Trauma Support A safe environment for people who have dealt or are dealing with domestic abuse.

Reading Corner Create an embedded installation to provide a quit reading corner.

Community Development Corporation A storefront to support and revitalize communities

Resource Shop Selling daily needs, accessories and even furnitures

Group Discussion Encourage story-telling and suggestion from groups.

Mobile Classroom Provide teachers and good study environment for students who have limited access to education.

02- 9

Career Consulting Encourage questions about work, help find job for them

Temporary Shelters A temporary place where they can rest and call home

Therapy Pod Provide a safe space for those who are seeking guidance.

Mobile Library Provide free reading resources to the neighborhood.

Job Training Classroom Help people get familiar with the work process, develop their skills.

Community Development Corporation A storefront to support and revitalize communities

Child Trauma Support A safe environment for people who have dealt or are dealing with domestic abuse.

Reading Corner Create an embedded installation to provide a quit reading corner.

Community Development Corporation A storefront to support and revitalize communities

Resource Shop Selling daily needs, accessories and even furnitures

Group Discussion Encourage story-telling and suggestion from groups.

Mobile Classroom Provide teachers and good study environment for students who have limited access to education.

02- 9

Career Consulting Encourage questions about work, help find job for them

Temporary Shelter A temporary place where they can rest and call home

Therapy Pod Provide a safe space for those who are seeking guidance.

Mobile Library Provide free reading resources to the neighborhood.

Job Training Classroom Help people get familiar with the work process, develop their skills.

Community Development Corporation A storefront to support and revitalize communities

Child Trauma Support A safe environment for people who have dealt or are dealing with domestic abuse.

Reading Corner Create an embedded installation to provide a quit reading corner.

Community Development Corporation A storefront to support and revitalize communities

Resource Shop Selling daily needs, accessories and even furnitures

Group Discussion Encourage story-telling and suggestion from groups.

Mobile Classroom Provide teachers and good study environment for students who have limited access to education.


Career Consulting Encourage questions about work, help find job for them

Temporary Shelter A temporary place where they can rest and call home

Therapy Pod Provide a safe space for those who are seeking guidance.

Mobile Library Provide free reading resources to the neighborhood.

Job Training Classroom Help people get familiar with the work process, develop their skills.

Community Development Corporation A storefront to support and revitalize communities

Child Trauma Support A safe environment for people who have dealt or are dealing with domestic abuse.

Reading Corner Create an embedded installation to provide a quit reading corner.

Community Development Corporation A storefront to support and revitalize communities

Resource Shop Selling daily needs, accessories and even furnitures

Group Discussion Encourage story-telling and suggestion from groups.

Mobile Classroom Provide teachers and good study environment for students who have limited access to education.


Career Consulting Encourage questions about work, help find job for them

Wellness & Mental Health Education Housing Needs Career Counselling

Wellness & Mental Health Education

Group Discussion Child Trauma Support Community Development Temporary Shelter Career Counselling Job Training

Mobile Therapy Pod Mobile Library Mobile Classroom Reading Corner Computer Lab


Wellness & Mental Health Education Housing Needs Career Counselling

Wellness & Mental Health Education

Group Discussion Child Trauma Support Community Development Temporary Shelter Career Counselling Job Training

Mobile Therapy Pod Mobile Library Mobile Classroom Reading Corner Computer Lab


Wellness & Mental Health Education Housing Needs Career Counselling

Group Discussion Child Trauma Support

Mobile Therapy Pod


Wellness & Mental Health Education Housing Needs Career Counselling

Group Discussion Child Trauma Support

Mobile Therapy Pod


Wellness & Mental Health Education Housing Needs Career Counselling

Mobile Library Mobile Classroom Reading Corner Computer Lab


Wellness & Mental Health Education Housing Needs Career Counselling

Mobile Library Mobile Classroom Reading Corner Computer Lab


Wellness & Mental Health Education Housing Needs Career Counselling

Community Development Temporary Shelter


Wellness & Mental Health Education Housing Needs Career Counselling

Community Development Temporary Shelter


Wellness & Mental Health Education Housing Needs Career Counselling

Community Development

Career Counselling Job Training


Wellness & Mental Health Education Housing Needs Career Counselling

Community Development

Career Counselling Job Training




01 02 03 04

Mobile-based design allows programs to move around and between neighborhoods bringing a variety of resources to a larger audience..

Bottom-up, grass-roots, locally organized programming ensures community is driving solutions. These solutions can then be shared across other communities for maximum impact..

Using the street, parks, plazas, and other public spaces ensures greater visibility, and equal access regardless of age, race, class or gender.

Create a open and welcoming atmosphere to the neighborhood.`


01 02 03 04

Mobile-based design allows programs to move around and between neighborhoods bringing a variety of resources to a larger audience..

Bottom-up, grass-roots, locally organized programming ensures community is driving solutions. These solutions can then be shared across other communities for maximum impact..

Using the street, parks, plazas, and other public spaces ensures greater visibility, and equal access regardless of age, race, class or gender.

Create a open and welcoming atmosphere to the neighborhood.`


Color / Pattern





Color / Pattern





Color / Pattern





Color / Pattern





Oak shows stability, durability, and the feeling of safety

Modular furniture allows people to interact better with the spaces

Natural light, neutral color palette makes people feel close


Oak shows stability, durability, and the feeling of safety

Modular furniture allows people to interact better with the spaces

Natural light, neutral color palette makes people feel close




Community Development Corporation Open Office with minimal but flexible FF&E

Mobile Classroom

Mobile Library

Therapy Pod

Shared educational resources across multiple neighborhoods and becomes “an event� when present

Free reading resources to neighborhoods. Can evolve a more responsive curation of texts based on community feedback and usage.

Making accessible and destigamatzing therapy, giving people confidence to address/give voice to challenges they are experiencing.

02-22 22

Community Development Corporation Open Office with minimal but flexible FF&E

Mobile Classroom

Mobile Library

Therapy Pod

Shared educational resources across multiple neighborhoods and becomes “an event� when present

Free reading resources to neighborhoods. Can evolve a more responsive curation of texts based on community feedback and usage.

Making accessible and destigamatzing therapy, giving people confidence to address/give voice to challenges they are experiencing.

02-22 22

No Backroom Deals >> Transparent and Open Office Space Making the process of development visible and accessible to the community.

Move-in / Effect Change / Move-out >> Mobile Components Movable components allow more possibility in space arrangement and easier for future space alters.

Lack of Communication >> Neighborhood Bullhorn Increase publicity in neighborhoods through posters and murals done by local community.

Location: Node Description: Community Development Corporation (CDC) is a storefront operation that is created to support and revitalize communities, especially those that are under-resourced or struggling. CDC often helps with the development of affordable housing. They can also be involved in developing a wide

range of community services that meet local needs such as education, job training, healthcare, business, and policies that bring economic activity to the neighborhood.


No Backroom Deals >> Transparent and Open Office Space Making the process of development visible and accessible to the community.

Move-in / Effect Change / Move-out >> Mobile Components Movable components allow more possibility in space arrangement and easier for future space alters.

Lack of Communication >> Neighborhood Bullhorn Increase publicity in neighborhoods through posters and murals done by local community.

Location: Node Description: Community Development Corporation (CDC) is a storefront operation that is created to support and revitalize communities, especially those that are under-resourced or struggling. CDC often helps with the development of affordable housing. They can also be involved in developing a wide

range of community services that meet local needs such as education, job training, healthcare, business, and policies that bring economic activity to the neighborhood.


Working Station

Seating Cubes

Movable Meeting Components

Shelving System (with Rotatable White Board)


Working Station

Seating Cubes

Movable Meeting Components

Shelving System (with Rotatable White Board)




Working Area

Meeting Box

Storage & Utility

Seating Cubes


Working Area

Meeting Box

Storage & Utility

Seating Cubes



Natural Light

Mood Image

Floor & Wall / Oak

Flooring / Carpet

Wall / White Slate

Ceiling / Antique White


Artificial Lighting

Color / Furniture


Artificial Lighting



Natural Light

Mood Image

Floor & Wall / Oak

Flooring / Carpet

Wall / White Slate

Ceiling / Antique White


Artificial Lighting

Color / Furniture


Artificial Lighting






Age limitation >> Equity and welcoming. Bring equal conditions to students regardless of their age and family conditions.

Limited access to public transportation >> Mobile units The lack of public transportation in the community. Apply mobile units which can move around the community.

Family circumstances may not include dedicated study space >> Provide Spaces for Self-Study Provide good learning facilities, and study environment for students to work by themselves.

Location: Satellite Description: This Classroom-on-abus will move around/between communities and provide educational support (afterschool tutoring/activities) to neighborhoods lacking an afterschool infrastructure and/or wider public investment.

The bus contains classroom area for group discussion, free courses, homework assistance, and self-study.

Lack of specialized attention and tutoring >> Provide homework assistance Provide a space for one-on-one tutoring between teacher and student.

Each unit can accommodate 10-12 students, and 2 teachers.


Age limitation >> Equity and welcoming. Bring equal conditions to students regardless of their age and family conditions.

Limited access to public transportation >> Mobile units The lack of public transportation in the community. Apply mobile units which can move around the community.

Family circumstances may not include dedicated study space >> Provide Spaces for Self-Study Provide good learning facilities, and study environment for students to work by themselves.

Location: Satellite Description: This Classroom-on-abus will move around/between communities and provide educational support (afterschool tutoring/activities) to neighborhoods lacking an afterschool infrastructure and/or wider public investment.

The bus contains classroom area for group discussion, free courses, homework assistance, and self-study.

Lack of specialized attention and tutoring >> Provide homework assistance Provide a space for one-on-one tutoring between teacher and student.

Each unit can accommodate 10-12 students, and 2 teachers.



Homework assistance








Homework assistance







Group discussion






Entry Homework Assistance

Homework assistance


Group discussion






Entry Homework Assistance

Homework assistance


Mood Image

Floors / Rubber

Ceiling / Wood batten

Warm / oak





Modular seating

Modular table

Yellow / Fabric

Pale blue / Fabric

Window / Whiteboard


Mood Image

Floors / Rubber

Ceiling / Wood batten

Warm / oak





Modular seating

Modular table

Yellow / Fabric

Pale blue / Fabric

Window / Whiteboard






Limited resources >> Provide shared access to more books The provision of reading resources in the neighborhood is very limited, the gap in education is widening perceptibly.

Limited access to public transportation >> Mobile units The lack of public transportation in the community can not guarantee that students can get reading resources conveniently.

Lack of access to global issues/conversation >> Provide wider selection of periodicals

Location: Satellite Description: Provide free books, newspapers, and magazines to the neighborhood to encourage and build excitement around reading in local youth, as well as providing a rotating curation of books driven by community needs, current issues, usage and feedback.

Providing newspapers, magazines can help people know more about the current society.

Mobile design allows one unit to serve multiple neighborhoods, reducing the cost and creating a dialogue between communities.

Lack of connection to community >> Opening area outside Mobile library becomes an anchor in a public space, drawing people together and creating a shared event / experience.

The modular furniture can store at least 300 books, and accommodate seating for 6-8 people who may want to sit and read inside the box.


Limited resources >> Provide shared access to more books The provision of reading resources in the neighborhood is very limited, the gap in education is widening perceptibly.

Limited access to public transportation >> Mobile units The lack of public transportation in the community can not guarantee that students can get reading resources conveniently.

Lack of access to global issues/conversation >> Provide wider selection of periodicals

Location: Satellite Description: Provide free books, newspapers, and magazines to the neighborhood to encourage and build excitement around reading in local youth, as well as providing a rotating curation of books driven by community needs, current issues, usage and feedback.

Providing newspapers, magazines can help people know more about the current society.

Mobile design allows one unit to serve multiple neighborhoods, reducing the cost and creating a dialogue between communities.

Lack of connection to community >> Opening area outside Mobile library becomes an anchor in a public space, drawing people together and creating a shared event / experience.

The modular furniture can store at least 300 books, and accommodate seating for 6-8 people who may want to sit and read inside the box.


















Book box

Read inside

Display area


Book box

Read inside

Display area


Box stool hide under bench

Read outside

Read inside

Read outside


Box stool hide under bench

Read outside

Read inside

Read outside


Mood Image

Furniture / Oak

Ceilings / Greige

Floors / Carpet





Modular bookshelf

Modular seating

Color / Fabric

Furniture/ White



Mood Image

Furniture / Oak

Ceilings / Greige

Floors / Carpet





Modular bookshelf

Modular seating

Color / Fabric

Furniture/ White





Lack of Access to Health Services >> A mobile solution that can be deployed where needed Set up at public housing, public parks, libraries, schools, and events.

Need a secure sounding board>> A safe, discrete outpost Providing a safe space for those who are seeking help but not sure how to get it.


Location: Satellite Description: Provide free therapy and counselling for those who may have limited access. Any person regardless of economic means can come to engage in a dialogue with a mental health professional.

Lack of communication >> More self assurance in a social setting Giving people confidence to be more vocal about challenges they face.

Mobile design allows one unit to serve more communities, expanding access, while reducing costs. The honeycomb shaped pod can be grouped together to create a hive effect and larger meeting spaces.


Lack of Access to Health Services >> A mobile solution that can be deployed where needed Set up at public housing, public parks, libraries, schools, and events.

Need a secure sounding board>> A safe, discrete outpost Providing a safe space for those who are seeking help but not sure how to get it.


Location: Satellite Description: Provide free therapy and counselling for those who may have limited access. Any person regardless of economic means can come to engage in a dialogue with a mental health professional.

Lack of communication >> More self assurance in a social setting Giving people confidence to be more vocal about challenges they face.

Mobile design allows one unit to serve more communities, expanding access, while reducing costs. The honeycomb shaped pod can be grouped together to create a hive effect and larger meeting spaces.


Modular partitions with aluminum framing and skylights

Modular seating with storage

Conversation table


Modular partitions with aluminum framing and skylights

Modular seating with storage

Conversation table






Mood Image

Floors- Concrete

Glass partition- Frosted Glass





Natural lighting

Modular seating with storage

Conversation table

Exterior Walls-GFRP

Signage- Marigold yellow

Fabric- charcoal leather


Mood Image

Floors- Concrete

Glass partition- Frosted Glass





Natural lighting

Modular seating with storage

Conversation table

Exterior Walls-GFRP

Signage- Marigold yellow

Fabric- charcoal leather




Mobile Library

Mobile Therapy Pod





-Community Centers

-Homeless Shelters

Pop-up Classroom -Elementary Schools -Charter Schools


Community Development Corporation

Mobile Library

Mobile Therapy Pod





-Community Centers

-Homeless Shelters

Pop-up Classroom -Elementary Schools -Charter Schools


Community Development Corporation

Mobile app and website revolutionizes the way we view different programs. Our goal is to create a convenient way for everyone to approach our programs.

Book an appointment with a mental health professional; book a class.

Watch for an upcoming events happening in your area.


Mobile app and website revolutionizes the way we view different programs. Our goal is to create a convenient way for everyone to approach our programs.

Book an appointment with a mental health professional; book a class.

Watch for an upcoming events happening in your area.


Pg 2 - 1. Candid Photos of New York From 1969 to 2006. Photo by Jeff Rothstein. 2. © Estate of Vivian Maier, Courtesy Maloof Collection and Howard Greenberg Gallery, New York. Pg 3 - Pg 5 - 1. 2. Peter van de Veire, photography: © Stephan Vanfleteren 3. Pg 6 -

6. 7. CAU 8. 9. Pg 33 - 1. Double Decker Learning Bus. 2.Tribesigns Computer Desk with Bookshelf.

Pg 7 - Egg-shaped Movable Therapy Pods For Prisons. Designed by Karl Lenton. Pg 17 - Pg 18 - Philips myLiving SHELLBARK white LED Recessed spot light. Pg 23 - 1. Diverse Group of People Community Togetherness Technology Sittin by Rawpixel. 2. 3. Fender Office designed by Rapt Studio, located in Los Angeles, California. 4. 5. Suzuyo Head Office designed by Shuhei Goto Architects. Pg 27 - 1. Uber Hong Kong by Bean Buro Studio. 2. Fauteuil Direction Pivotant from Vitra, designed by Jean Prouve 1951. 3. Foldable Classroom Table. 4. Sonneman Lighting Lambda LED Pendant Light from

Pg 36 - 1. 2. 3. 4. Ventura County Mobile Library 5. Parents taking their kids to school on 104 Sutter Ave. in Brooklyn on Sept. 8, 2016. 18 6.

7. 8. Image from Pg 40 - 1. Scott County library’s bookmobile. 2. Studio GGSV | Innenarchitektur des I2R-Labors (EDF) | Moret-sur-Loing. I2R Lab Pg 42 - 1. 2.

Pg 30 - 1.

3. Mobile Therapy Room-American Friends of ELI.










Pg 2 - 1. Candid Photos of New York From 1969 to 2006. Photo by Jeff Rothstein. 2. © Estate of Vivian Maier, Courtesy Maloof Collection and Howard Greenberg Gallery, New York. Pg 3 - Pg 5 - 1. 2. Peter van de Veire, photography: © Stephan Vanfleteren 3. Pg 6 -

6. 7. CAU 8. 9. Pg 33 - 1. Double Decker Learning Bus. 2.Tribesigns Computer Desk with Bookshelf.

Pg 7 - Egg-shaped Movable Therapy Pods For Prisons. Designed by Karl Lenton. Pg 17 - Pg 18 - Philips myLiving SHELLBARK white LED Recessed spot light. Pg 23 - 1. Diverse Group of People Community Togetherness Technology Sittin by Rawpixel. 2. 3. Fender Office designed by Rapt Studio, located in Los Angeles, California. 4. 5. Suzuyo Head Office designed by Shuhei Goto Architects. Pg 27 - 1. Uber Hong Kong by Bean Buro Studio. 2. Fauteuil Direction Pivotant from Vitra, designed by Jean Prouve 1951. 3. Foldable Classroom Table. 4. Sonneman Lighting Lambda LED Pendant Light from

Pg 36 - 1. 2. 3. 4. Ventura County Mobile Library 5. Parents taking their kids to school on 104 Sutter Ave. in Brooklyn on Sept. 8, 2016. 18 6.

7. 8. Image from Pg 40 - 1. Scott County library’s bookmobile. 2. Studio GGSV | Innenarchitektur des I2R-Labors (EDF) | Moret-sur-Loing. I2R Lab Pg 42 - 1. 2.

Pg 30 - 1.

3. Mobile Therapy Room-American Friends of ELI.











SVA ID:BE An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice


Intervention Project Team: Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales Repairing wounds in communities caused by wrongdoing using alternatives to the current criminal justice system (while keeping those accused out of jail.

Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales

03- 1

An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020


SVA ID:BE An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice


Intervention Project Team: Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales Repairing wounds in communities caused by wrongdoing using alternatives to the current criminal justice system (while keeping those accused out of jail.

Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales

03- 1

An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

“Problem-solving justice seeks to go beyond processing cases to solve the problems that bring people to court.” — Center for Court Innovation The Intervention Touchpoint aims to repair wounds in communities caused by wrongdoing (while keeping those that committed the wrongs out of jail). Through engagement with law enforcement, a community justice court, peacemaking circles, community service & internships, our proposals provide early diversion from the traditional justice process to achieve better outcomes for those arrested. Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales

Definition & Scope

03- 3

An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

“Problem-solving justice seeks to go beyond processing cases to solve the problems that bring people to court.” — Center for Court Innovation The Intervention Touchpoint aims to repair wounds in communities caused by wrongdoing (while keeping those that committed the wrongs out of jail). Through engagement with law enforcement, a community justice court, peacemaking circles, community service & internships, our proposals provide early diversion from the traditional justice process to achieve better outcomes for those arrested. Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales

Definition & Scope

03- 3

An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Our Mission is to divert detainees from the carceral system by providing an alternative, constructive approach to justice. Our Vision is community that is able to hold people accountable for their actions while promoting healing and restoring public trust in the justice system.

Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales

Mission & Vision

03- 4

An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Our Mission is to divert detainees from the carceral system by providing an alternative, constructive approach to justice. Our Vision is community that is able to hold people accountable for their actions while promoting healing and restoring public trust in the justice system.

Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales

Mission & Vision

03- 4

An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020



A Constructive Approach to Justice


A Space that Promotes Reconciliation & Rehabilitation

Alternative sentencing options include short term social services, community restitution & therapy

Ensuring participants receive proper services and treatment, improving their mental health outcome




Focusing on Early Diversion


A Collaborative Movement

Utilizing individualized sentencing like drug treatment & counseling

Linking people in the traditional justice system (police officers, offenders, advocates , e.t.c) to our new model

ACCOUNTABILITY Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales


03- 5

An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020



A Constructive Approach to Justice


A Space that Promotes Reconciliation & Rehabilitation

Alternative sentencing options include short term social services, community restitution & therapy

Ensuring participants receive proper services and treatment, improving their mental health outcome




Focusing on Early Diversion


A Collaborative Movement

Utilizing individualized sentencing like drug treatment & counseling

Linking people in the traditional justice system (police officers, offenders, advocates , e.t.c) to our new model

ACCOUNTABILITY Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales


03- 5

An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Wrongfully Accused



It is critically important to get to the bottom of cases and work to heal individuals instead of harm them.

Keep offenders out of the traditional carceral system with individualized sentencing and programs that enforce healing.

Facilitate peacemaking circles, victim-offender mediation and links to therapy and wellness services.

Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales


03- 6

Families & Extended Community If you are a parent or family member of someone picked up by the police, you can get support & guidance.

An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Wrongfully Accused



It is critically important to get to the bottom of cases and work to heal individuals instead of harm them.

Keep offenders out of the traditional carceral system with individualized sentencing and programs that enforce healing.

Facilitate peacemaking circles, victim-offender mediation and links to therapy and wellness services.

Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales


03- 6

Families & Extended Community If you are a parent or family member of someone picked up by the police, you can get support & guidance.

An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020



Offenders will be diverted to the court through a screening system connected to the state’s attorney’s office.

Support for alternative sentencing for example, a “repair from harm” agreement could say that an individual must get a high-school diploma, go through drug or alcohol treatment, or connect with another social service.

Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales


Community Members & Volunteers Offers everyone an equal opportunity to participate, empowering participants and community members.

03- 7

An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020



Offenders will be diverted to the court through a screening system connected to the state’s attorney’s office.

Support for alternative sentencing for example, a “repair from harm” agreement could say that an individual must get a high-school diploma, go through drug or alcohol treatment, or connect with another social service.

Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales


Community Members & Volunteers Offers everyone an equal opportunity to participate, empowering participants and community members.

03- 7

An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Restore Oakland Oakland, CA Deanna Van Buren / DJDS (Designing Justice + Designing Spaces) 2019 The country’s first center for restorative justice and restorative economics Spaces for peacemaking and conflict resolution where people can relax and speak privately A way of handling crime by bringing together victim and wrongdoers to resolve the problem outside court

Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales


03- 8

An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Restore Oakland Oakland, CA Deanna Van Buren / DJDS (Designing Justice + Designing Spaces) 2019 The country’s first center for restorative justice and restorative economics Spaces for peacemaking and conflict resolution where people can relax and speak privately A way of handling crime by bringing together victim and wrongdoers to resolve the problem outside court

Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales


03- 8

An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Red Hook Community Justice Center Brooklyn, NY Alta Indelman Architects 2000 The nation's first multijurisdictional community court to solve neighborhood problems Includes: community restitution projects, psycho-educational groups, and long-term treatment

Offers unconventional sentences that work to improve both public safety and trust in justice.

Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales


03- 9

An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Red Hook Community Justice Center Brooklyn, NY Alta Indelman Architects 2000 The nation's first multijurisdictional community court to solve neighborhood problems Includes: community restitution projects, psycho-educational groups, and long-term treatment

Offers unconventional sentences that work to improve both public safety and trust in justice.

Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales


03- 9

An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales

Journey - Current (Traditional) Justice System


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales

Journey - Current (Traditional) Justice System


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales

Journey - A Restorative Justice Approach


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales

Journey - A Restorative Justice Approach


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

This diagram shows the different ways the intervention touchpoint will be able to reach out to people accused of crime. We aim to build a connection with the police department so they can send people to our node and volunteers can have access to a filtered database to look through cases. The accused or another community member can also reach out to us themselves. From there, people are directed towards the Intervention node (right) where the restorative approach to justice can begin.

Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales



An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

This diagram shows the different ways the intervention touchpoint will be able to reach out to people accused of crime. We aim to build a connection with the police department so they can send people to our node and volunteers can have access to a filtered database to look through cases. The accused or another community member can also reach out to us themselves. From there, people are directed towards the Intervention node (right) where the restorative approach to justice can begin.

Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales



An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Information & Casework

Welcome Center Having a physical space that can engage people is key to informing the neighborhood of our presence and the services we offer Administration In-person communication that community members can benefit from

Justice Process

Mental Health & Counseling


Community Justice Court Early diversion from the traditional justice system route to achieve better outcomes for Arrestees. A judge will find the best way to resolve the issue.

Peacemaking Circles Offers everyone an equal opportunity to participate, empowering participants and community members. Creates trust, respect, and a sense of belonging.

Consultation / Breakout Space Safe space for support, voicing concerns, and decision making

Intimate Peacemaking Circles Focus on repairing harm & restoring relationships

Internship Program Provide opportunities for different career paths Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales

Program Components


Therapy In depth treatment and deep rooted recovery Legal Counseling Offered legal advice upon entry and step by step guide throughout the process. Career Counseling Getting introduced to different career options and Setting professional goals to pursue.

An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Information & Casework

Welcome Center Having a physical space that can engage people is key to informing the neighborhood of our presence and the services we offer Administration In-person communication that community members can benefit from

Justice Process

Mental Health & Counseling


Community Justice Court Early diversion from the traditional justice system route to achieve better outcomes for Arrestees. A judge will find the best way to resolve the issue.

Peacemaking Circles Offers everyone an equal opportunity to participate, empowering participants and community members. Creates trust, respect, and a sense of belonging.

Consultation / Breakout Space Safe space for support, voicing concerns, and decision making

Intimate Peacemaking Circles Focus on repairing harm & restoring relationships

Internship Program Provide opportunities for different career paths Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales

Program Components


Therapy In depth treatment and deep rooted recovery Legal Counseling Offered legal advice upon entry and step by step guide throughout the process. Career Counseling Getting introduced to different career options and Setting professional goals to pursue.

An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Information & Casework

Welcome Center Having a physical space that can engage people is key to informing the neighborhood of our presence and the services we offer. Administration In-person communication that community members can benefit from.

Justice Process

Mental Health & Counseling


Community Justice Court Early diversion from the traditional justice system route to achieve better outcomes for Arrestees. A judge will find the best way to resolve the issue.

Peacemaking Circles Offers everyone an equal opportunity to participate, empowering participants and community members. Creates trust, respect, and a sense of belonging.

Consultation / Breakout Space Safe space for support, voicing concerns, and decision making

Intimate Peacemaking Circles Focus on repairing harm & restoring relationships

Internship Program Provide opportunities for different career paths. Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales

Program Components (Phase 1 / This Proposal)


Therapy In depth treatment and deep rooted recovery Legal Counseling Offered legal advice upon entry and Step by step guide throughout the process. Career Counseling Getting introduced to different career options. And Setting professional goals to pursue.

An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Information & Casework

Welcome Center Having a physical space that can engage people is key to informing the neighborhood of our presence and the services we offer. Administration In-person communication that community members can benefit from.

Justice Process

Mental Health & Counseling


Community Justice Court Early diversion from the traditional justice system route to achieve better outcomes for Arrestees. A judge will find the best way to resolve the issue.

Peacemaking Circles Offers everyone an equal opportunity to participate, empowering participants and community members. Creates trust, respect, and a sense of belonging.

Consultation / Breakout Space Safe space for support, voicing concerns, and decision making

Intimate Peacemaking Circles Focus on repairing harm & restoring relationships

Internship Program Provide opportunities for different career paths. Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales

Program Components (Phase 1 / This Proposal)


Therapy In depth treatment and deep rooted recovery Legal Counseling Offered legal advice upon entry and Step by step guide throughout the process. Career Counseling Getting introduced to different career options. And Setting professional goals to pursue.

An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Information & Casework Justice Process Peacemaking Mental Health

Welcome Center Administration

Peacemaking Community Justice Court Mental Health & Counseling

Mental Health & Counseling

Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales

A Network Approach


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Information & Casework Justice Process Peacemaking Mental Health

Welcome Center Administration

Peacemaking Community Justice Court Mental Health & Counseling

Mental Health & Counseling

Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales

A Network Approach


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Information & Casework Justice Process Peacemaking Mental Health

Peacemaking Community Justice Court Mental Health & Counseling

Mental Health & Counseling

Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales

A Network Approach


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Information & Casework Justice Process Peacemaking Mental Health

Peacemaking Community Justice Court Mental Health & Counseling

Mental Health & Counseling

Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales

A Network Approach


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Information & Casework Justice Process Peacemaking Mental Health

Welcome Center Administration

Mental Health & Counseling

Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales

A Network Approach


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Information & Casework Justice Process Peacemaking Mental Health

Welcome Center Administration

Mental Health & Counseling

Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales

A Network Approach


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Information & Casework Justice Process Peacemaking Mental Health

Welcome Center Administration

Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales

A Network Approach


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Information & Casework Justice Process Peacemaking Mental Health

Welcome Center Administration

Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales

A Network Approach


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales

Program Detail


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales

Program Detail


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Primarily Node-based, Geared Towards Dierent Neighborhoods Easy access to the justice court, peacemaking circles and support all community based

Wellness & Privacy through Acoustic Design Ensuring participants receive proper services and treatment, improving their mental health outcome. Emphasis on acoustic design to have conversations remain private.

Focus on Mostly Private Spaces Catering to Invite-only members due to how personal our programs are

A Collaborative Movement Linking people in the traditional justice system (police officers, offenders, advocates , e.t.c) to our alternative model

Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales

Program—Key Takeaways


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Primarily Node-based, Geared Towards Dierent Neighborhoods Easy access to the justice court, peacemaking circles and support all community based

Wellness & Privacy through Acoustic Design Ensuring participants receive proper services and treatment, improving their mental health outcome. Emphasis on acoustic design to have conversations remain private.

Focus on Mostly Private Spaces Catering to Invite-only members due to how personal our programs are

A Collaborative Movement Linking people in the traditional justice system (police officers, offenders, advocates , e.t.c) to our alternative model

Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales

Program—Key Takeaways


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Our design goal is to create a calm atmosphere with a connection to nature, in contrast to typical court / justice spaces, which tend to be cold, insular and intimidating. We propose to utilize natural materials, and relaxing colors and patterns to stimulate a sense of overall wellbeing.







Color / Pattern

Color / Pattern

Bamboo Partition


Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales



An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Our design goal is to create a calm atmosphere with a connection to nature, in contrast to typical court / justice spaces, which tend to be cold, insular and intimidating. We propose to utilize natural materials, and relaxing colors and patterns to stimulate a sense of overall wellbeing.







Color / Pattern

Color / Pattern

Bamboo Partition


Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales



An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Natural materials and space that feels open & free based on Biophilic Principles

Connection to nature & spacial harmony

Relaxing color palette and fractal patterns Integrated furniture and plenty of natural light

Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales

Mood Board—Notes


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Natural materials and space that feels open & free based on Biophilic Principles

Connection to nature & spacial harmony

Relaxing color palette and fractal patterns Integrated furniture and plenty of natural light

Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales

Mood Board—Notes


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Component Explorations

Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Component Explorations

Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Welcome Center Provides information and directs you to neighborhood nodes

Community Justice Court Early diversion from the traditional justice system route

Peacemaking Circle Offers everyone an equal opportunity to participate

Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales

Program Component Overview

Intimate Peacemaking Circle Second peacemaking space that allows for a deeper connection between the participants


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Welcome Center Provides information and directs you to neighborhood nodes

Community Justice Court Early diversion from the traditional justice system route

Peacemaking Circle Offers everyone an equal opportunity to participate

Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales

Program Component Overview

Intimate Peacemaking Circle Second peacemaking space that allows for a deeper connection between the participants


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Welcome Center From Faceless to Physical Space A physical space can give more presence for community members to easily notice from the sidewalk and pop in to learn more about our process. Addressing Lack of Human Connection by Providing In-Person Communication People can be put at ease by connecting them to a real person who they can talk to about their case with. Confronting Lack of Empathy via Stories and Portraits of People with Experience of the Process Displaying pictures and artwork of people who have gone through our justice process can show we understand what they are going through and that they are not alone.

Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, Inmate Reception Center

Location: Hub Description: While websites and apps are great for connection, there is a lack of in-person communication that community members can benefit from. Having a physical space that can engage people is key to informing the neighborhood of our presence and the services we offer.

Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales

It can sometimes be ignored because of the lack of presence it has in the space. For more sensitive situations, welcome centers are usually not designed in a way that captures empathy for the clients entering`.

Program Component Strategy—Welcome Center

Connecting to the Community via Open Breakout Spaces Having visible breakout and lounge spaces can promote more conversation and encourage people to join different kinds of information sessions.


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Welcome Center From Faceless to Physical Space A physical space can give more presence for community members to easily notice from the sidewalk and pop in to learn more about our process. Addressing Lack of Human Connection by Providing In-Person Communication People can be put at ease by connecting them to a real person who they can talk to about their case with. Confronting Lack of Empathy via Stories and Portraits of People with Experience of the Process Displaying pictures and artwork of people who have gone through our justice process can show we understand what they are going through and that they are not alone.

Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, Inmate Reception Center

Location: Hub Description: While websites and apps are great for connection, there is a lack of in-person communication that community members can benefit from. Having a physical space that can engage people is key to informing the neighborhood of our presence and the services we offer.

Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales

It can sometimes be ignored because of the lack of presence it has in the space. For more sensitive situations, welcome centers are usually not designed in a way that captures empathy for the clients entering`.

Program Component Strategy—Welcome Center

Connecting to the Community via Open Breakout Spaces Having visible breakout and lounge spaces can promote more conversation and encourage people to join different kinds of information sessions.


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Desk with attached coffee bar to promote socialization Large information graphic

Displays of people


Breakout space with modular seating for different sessions



Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales

Program Component—Layout & Planning


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Desk with attached coffee bar to promote socialization Large information graphic

Displays of people


Breakout space with modular seating for different sessions



Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales

Program Component—Layout & Planning


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Mood Image


Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales










Color / Pattern

Color / Pattern

Program Component—Assembly, Materials, Furniture


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Mood Image


Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales










Color / Pattern

Color / Pattern

Program Component—Assembly, Materials, Furniture


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales

Welcome Center - Hub


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales

Welcome Center - Hub


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Peacemaking Misplacement of Peacemaking Rooms >> Provide Daylight, Privacy and Neutrality Access to natural light, a level of privacy before entering peacemaking rooms, create a place where everyone feels equally comfortable. Cramped Spaces for Peacemaking >> Provide Different Intimacy Levels Two Peacemaking spaces that each cater to different social and emotional comfort levels. City Noises Disrupting Sessions >> Provide Acoustical Treatments and Calming Sounds in Spaces Using white noise, such as rain or bird sounds, help concentration, relaxation and cover outside noise.

Red Hook Community Justice Center, Peacemaking Program

Location: Node Description: The peacemaking circle is a process that brings together individuals who wish to engage in conflict resolution, healing, support, decision making and overall better themselves.

Each circle in our process creates a sacred space that lifts barriers between people, opening fresh possibilities for connection while also taking into consideration their limits and needs.

“Circles” offer a warm and safe meeting environment for offenders, victims and the community to heal their wounds while getting to know each and every member of the group.

For a longer lasting healing and understanding of others, it’s essential to respect people’s progress and believe that they will achieve results at their own pace.

Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales

Program Component Strategy—Peacemaking

Very Limited (or No) Access to Nature >> Provide Outdoor spaces and Biophilic Design This is especially important to Peacemaking Process since these open spaces can be used as a place to reflect before or after circles, and sometimes in which to hold the circles themselves.


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Peacemaking Misplacement of Peacemaking Rooms >> Provide Daylight, Privacy and Neutrality Access to natural light, a level of privacy before entering peacemaking rooms, create a place where everyone feels equally comfortable. Cramped Spaces for Peacemaking >> Provide Different Intimacy Levels Two Peacemaking spaces that each cater to different social and emotional comfort levels. City Noises Disrupting Sessions >> Provide Acoustical Treatments and Calming Sounds in Spaces Using white noise, such as rain or bird sounds, help concentration, relaxation and cover outside noise.

Red Hook Community Justice Center, Peacemaking Program

Location: Node Description: The peacemaking circle is a process that brings together individuals who wish to engage in conflict resolution, healing, support, decision making and overall better themselves.

Each circle in our process creates a sacred space that lifts barriers between people, opening fresh possibilities for connection while also taking into consideration their limits and needs.

“Circles” offer a warm and safe meeting environment for offenders, victims and the community to heal their wounds while getting to know each and every member of the group.

For a longer lasting healing and understanding of others, it’s essential to respect people’s progress and believe that they will achieve results at their own pace.

Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales

Program Component Strategy—Peacemaking

Very Limited (or No) Access to Nature >> Provide Outdoor spaces and Biophilic Design This is especially important to Peacemaking Process since these open spaces can be used as a place to reflect before or after circles, and sometimes in which to hold the circles themselves.


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Self-serve beverage stand Activity table reserved for writing and craft projects TROLDTEKT Wood wool Acoustic Ceiling Panels (Concealed sound system)


Main Circle


Access to natural daylight


Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales

Peacemaking Room 1 —Layout & Planning


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Self-serve beverage stand Activity table reserved for writing and craft projects TROLDTEKT Wood wool Acoustic Ceiling Panels (Concealed sound system)


Main Circle


Access to natural daylight


Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales

Peacemaking Room 1 —Layout & Planning


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Privacy prior to joining the circle

Fabric Acoustic Panels

Intimate peacemaking setup fit for deeper emotional communication



Access to balcony space


Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales

Peacemaking Room 2 —Layout & Planning


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Privacy prior to joining the circle

Fabric Acoustic Panels

Intimate peacemaking setup fit for deeper emotional communication



Access to balcony space


Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales

Peacemaking Room 2 —Layout & Planning


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Mood Image


Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales







Bamboo Partition

Color / Pattern

Acoustic Ceiling Panel

Peacemaking Room—Assembly, Materials, Furniture

Color / Pattern


Color / Pattern

An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Mood Image


Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales







Bamboo Partition

Color / Pattern

Acoustic Ceiling Panel

Peacemaking Room—Assembly, Materials, Furniture

Color / Pattern


Color / Pattern

An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales

Intimate Peacemaking Room


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales

Intimate Peacemaking Room


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales

Peacemaking Room


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales

Peacemaking Room


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Community Justice Court Confrontational Experience of Hierarchy >> How Can All Parties Feel a Sense of Importance Hierarchy can make the people feel uncomfortable. Eliminating that allows for more open and accepting conversations. Large Intimidating Space >> Provide Intimate Space for Connection and Understanding Allow for people to speak their truth comfortably.

Courts Feel Crowded and Overwhelming >> Create a Space that Feels Open and Comfortable Typically courts are closed in and do not give a calm feeling.

Typical large crowded courtroom setting

Location: Node Description: A judge will find the best way to resolve the issue. Circular space design moves away from hierarchical, hostile setting. Early diversion from the traditional justice system route to achieve better outcomes for Arrestees. Individualized sentencing involving community based treatment and monitoring.

Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales

Head to Head Battle Position >> Bringing Both Parties to the Same Table Moves away from the win/lose positioning and takes away the intimidation

Program Component Strategy—Community Justice Court


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Community Justice Court Confrontational Experience of Hierarchy >> How Can All Parties Feel a Sense of Importance Hierarchy can make the people feel uncomfortable. Eliminating that allows for more open and accepting conversations. Large Intimidating Space >> Provide Intimate Space for Connection and Understanding Allow for people to speak their truth comfortably.

Courts Feel Crowded and Overwhelming >> Create a Space that Feels Open and Comfortable Typically courts are closed in and do not give a calm feeling.

Typical large crowded courtroom setting

Location: Node Description: A judge will find the best way to resolve the issue. Circular space design moves away from hierarchical, hostile setting. Early diversion from the traditional justice system route to achieve better outcomes for Arrestees. Individualized sentencing involving community based treatment and monitoring.

Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales

Head to Head Battle Position >> Bringing Both Parties to the Same Table Moves away from the win/lose positioning and takes away the intimidation

Program Component Strategy—Community Justice Court


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Access to Natural Light

Curving Acoustic Panels Table Specifically for Offender, Judge & Therapist Off Center Entrance & Layout




Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales

Community Justice Court—Layout & Planning


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Access to Natural Light

Curving Acoustic Panels Table Specifically for Offender, Judge & Therapist Off Center Entrance & Layout




Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales

Community Justice Court—Layout & Planning


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Acoustic Panels

Mood Image


Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales







Color / Pattern

Color / Pattern

Color / Pattern

Community Justice Court—Assembly, Materials, Furniture


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Acoustic Panels

Mood Image


Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales







Color / Pattern

Color / Pattern

Color / Pattern

Community Justice Court—Assembly, Materials, Furniture


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales

Community Justice Court


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales

Community Justice Court


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Website for connection & support The website will have connect community members to our process as well as the “Instant Attorney� resource to help connect people to advocates fast

Provide outreach and important info The website will contain information about our programs and how to get involved

Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales



An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Website for connection & support The website will have connect community members to our process as well as the “Instant Attorney� resource to help connect people to advocates fast

Provide outreach and important info The website will contain information about our programs and how to get involved

Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales



An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Image Credits Pg 3 - Pg 4 - Pg 6 - 1. 2. 3. 4. Pg 7 - 1. 2. _023c01f15718de7c08be9ad6f79c6e40.png 3. Pg 8 - Pg 9 - Pg 22 - 1. https:// 2.

6. 7. 8.


Pg 27 - 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Pg 29 - Pg 31 - 1. 2. 3.

Pg 23,24 - 1. 2. deanna-van-buren-projects/the-restorative-justice-center/

4. 2017-year-in-review.aspx


5. deanna-van-buren-projects/the-restorative-justice-center/

4. 5.

6. 7. 8.

Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales



An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Image Credits Pg 3 - Pg 4 - Pg 6 - 1. 2. 3. 4. Pg 7 - 1. 2. _023c01f15718de7c08be9ad6f79c6e40.png 3. Pg 8 - Pg 9 - Pg 22 - 1. https:// 2.

6. 7. 8.


Pg 27 - 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Pg 29 - Pg 31 - 1. 2. 3.

Pg 23,24 - 1. 2. deanna-van-buren-projects/the-restorative-justice-center/

4. 2017-year-in-review.aspx


5. deanna-van-buren-projects/the-restorative-justice-center/

4. 5.

6. 7. 8.

Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales



An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Image Credits Pg 34 - deanna-van-buren-projects/the-restorative-justice-center/ Pg 37 - 1. 2.ďŹƒcer-jurywitnesses-illustration_6864105.htm 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Pg 39 - Church of St Wenceslas, Atelier Stepan 2dc00058f-church-of-st-wenceslas-atelier-stepan-photo

Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales



An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Image Credits Pg 34 - deanna-van-buren-projects/the-restorative-justice-center/ Pg 37 - 1. 2.ďŹƒcer-jurywitnesses-illustration_6864105.htm 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Pg 39 - Church of St Wenceslas, Atelier Stepan 2dc00058f-church-of-st-wenceslas-atelier-stepan-photo

Intervention Ariella Ahdut, Selin Ozderici, Sky Morales



An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

04 04- 1

04 04- 1

—Mother Teresa

The Mitigation Touchpoint aims to humanize people caught up in the existing carceral system . Mitigation programming focuses on providing education, wellness, connection (via both virtual & physical visiting), legal counselling, and bail and parole support. Working with our adjacent touchpoints (Intervention and Re-Entry), we aim to lessen the negative impacts of incarceration while providing tools and support for exiting the system.

“Reducing the impact of the mass incarceration on individuals already caught up in the existing system” 04- 3

—Mother Teresa

The Mitigation Touchpoint aims to humanize people caught up in the existing carceral system . Mitigation programming focuses on providing education, wellness, connection (via both virtual & physical visiting), legal counselling, and bail and parole support. Working with our adjacent touchpoints (Intervention and Re-Entry), we aim to lessen the negative impacts of incarceration while providing tools and support for exiting the system.

“Reducing the impact of the mass incarceration on individuals already caught up in the existing system” 04- 3

04- 4

04- 4

01 02 03 04

04- 5

01 02 03 04

04- 5

Those currently caught up in the carceral system who are dealing with bail and legal problems.

People who currently caught up in the carceral system visit families could mitigate the effects while incarcerated

Providing support for jurisprudence, social relationships, and psychological aspects throughout incarceration and after release.

04- 6

Those currently caught up in the carceral system who are dealing with parole preparation, legal problems and parole hearing.

Those currently caught up in the carceral system who are dealing with bail and legal problems.

People who currently caught up in the carceral system visit families could mitigate the effects while incarcerated

Providing support for jurisprudence, social relationships, and psychological aspects throughout incarceration and after release.

04- 6

Those currently caught up in the carceral system who are dealing with parole preparation, legal problems and parole hearing.

Legal Offices Offices for Bail volunteers, Parole counselors, and general activists

Virtual Visiting Room Remotely connected Visiting Rooms, via video conference, for families and legal counsel. Family Apartment Family Visiting Space, crafted to feel like an apartment and can accomodate overnight stays.

Classrooms + Library Parole prep / Education Spaces for individual and/or group study. Therapy space Improved, in-facility accomodations for individual and/or group therapy.

04- 8

Parole Hearing Room A reinvented Parole hearing experience aimed at creating better outcomes for parole seekers.

Legal Offices Offices for Bail volunteers, Parole counselors, and general activists

Virtual Visiting Room Remotely connected Visiting Rooms, via video conference, for families and legal counsel. Family Apartment Family Visiting Space, crafted to feel like an apartment and can accomodate overnight stays.

Classrooms + Library Parole prep / Education Spaces for individual and/or group study. Therapy space Improved, in-facility accomodations for individual and/or group therapy.

04- 8

Parole Hearing Room A reinvented Parole hearing experience aimed at creating better outcomes for parole seekers.

Legal Offices Offices for Bail volunteers, Parole counselors, and general activists

Virtual Visiting Room Remotely connected Visiting Rooms, via video conference, for families and legal counsel. Family Apartment Family Visiting Space, crafted to feel like an apartment and can accomodate overnight stays.

Classrooms + Library Parole prep / Education Spaces for individual and/or group study. Therapy space Improved, in-facility accomodations for individual and/or group therapy.

04- 9

Parole Hearing Room A reinvented Parole hearing experience aimed at creating better outcomes for parole seekers.

Legal Offices Offices for Bail volunteers, Parole counselors, and general activists

Virtual Visiting Room Remotely connected Visiting Rooms, via video conference, for families and legal counsel. Family Apartment Family Visiting Space, crafted to feel like an apartment and can accomodate overnight stays.

Classrooms + Library Parole prep / Education Spaces for individual and/or group study. Therapy space Improved, in-facility accomodations for individual and/or group therapy.

04- 9

Parole Hearing Room A reinvented Parole hearing experience aimed at creating better outcomes for parole seekers.

Bail Support Parole Support Wellness & Education Connection

JAILS (BOROUGHS) Bail support Virtual & Physical visiting Therapy Office

PRISON Therapy Parole hearing room Education Parole Prepare Virtual & Physical visiting

HUB Virtual & Physical visiting Office


Bail Support Parole Support Wellness & Education Connection

JAILS (BOROUGHS) Bail support Virtual & Physical visiting Therapy Office

PRISON Therapy Parole hearing room Education Parole Prepare Virtual & Physical visiting

HUB Virtual & Physical visiting Office


Bail Support Parole Support Wellness & Education Connection

JAILS (BOROUGHS) Bail support Virtual & Physical visiting Therapy Office

PRISON Therapy Parole hearing room Education Parole Prepare Virtual & Physical visiting

HUB Virtual & Physical visiting Office


Bail Support Parole Support Wellness & Education Connection

JAILS (BOROUGHS) Bail support Virtual & Physical visiting Therapy Office

PRISON Therapy Parole hearing room Education Parole Prepare Virtual & Physical visiting

HUB Virtual & Physical visiting Office


Bail Support Parole Support Wellness & Education Connection

JAILS (BOROUGHS) Bail support Virtual & Physical visiting Therapy Office

PRISON Therapy Parole hearing room Education Parole Prepare Virtual & Physical visiting

HUB Virtual & Physical visiting Office


Bail Support Parole Support Wellness & Education Connection

JAILS (BOROUGHS) Bail support Virtual & Physical visiting Therapy Office

PRISON Therapy Parole hearing room Education Parole Prepare Virtual & Physical visiting

HUB Virtual & Physical visiting Office


Bail Support Parole Support Wellness & Education Connection

JAILS (BOROUGHS) Bail support Virtual & Physical visiting Therapy Office

PRISON Therapy Parole hearing room Education Parole Prepare Virtual & Physical visiting

HUB Virtual & Physical visiting Office


Bail Support Parole Support Wellness & Education Connection

JAILS (BOROUGHS) Bail support Virtual & Physical visiting Therapy Office

PRISON Therapy Parole hearing room Education Parole Prepare Virtual & Physical visiting

HUB Virtual & Physical visiting Office


Bail Support Parole Support Wellness & Education Connection

JAILS (BOROUGHS) Bail support Virtual & Physical visiting Therapy Office

PRISON Therapy Parole hearing room Education Parole Prepare Virtual & Physical visiting

HUB Virtual visiting Office


Bail Support Parole Support Wellness & Education Connection

JAILS (BOROUGHS) Bail support Virtual & Physical visiting Therapy Office

PRISON Therapy Parole hearing room Education Parole Prepare Virtual & Physical visiting

HUB Virtual visiting Office




01 02 03 04

Enhance the equity and recognition of individuals by providing help with legal process, psychological issues, social connection and education.

Ensure that people receive enough support in order to mitigate the experience of incarceration.

Together, our programs could serve our stakeholders in helping them understand themselves better as a human beings and part of a society.

With humanizing support throughout the experience of incarceration, we help people more effectively integrate into society and other programs.


01 02 03 04

Enhance the equity and recognition of individuals by providing help with legal process, psychological issues, social connection and education.

Ensure that people receive enough support in order to mitigate the experience of incarceration.

Together, our programs could serve our stakeholders in helping them understand themselves better as a human beings and part of a society.

With humanizing support throughout the experience of incarceration, we help people more effectively integrate into society and other programs.


Subtle, natural color palette

Combination of wood and other textures

Softness of materials and furniture gives sense of warmth and safety


Subtle, natural color palette

Combination of wood and other textures

Softness of materials and furniture gives sense of warmth and safety




Facilities for stakeholders to continue their education and prepare for a new future.

A new kind of visiting space to allow stakeholders the opportunity to connect with family and reconnect with their other roles/identities —that of father/mother, son/daughter, husband/wife

Spaces for stakeholders to tell their stories, create support networks, and get 1:1 social/emotional help.


A reconsidered Parole Hearing room, with a design geared toward empowering the presenter/ parole-seeker to improve the rates of approval/success.

Facilities for stakeholders to continue their education and prepare for a new future.

A new kind of visiting space to allow stakeholders the opportunity to connect with family and reconnect with their other roles/identities —that of father/mother, son/daughter, husband/wife

Spaces for stakeholders to tell their stories, create support networks, and get 1:1 social/emotional help.


A reconsidered Parole Hearing room, with a design geared toward empowering the presenter/ parole-seeker to improve the rates of approval/success.

Lack of Space >> Moveable Furniture Research indicated that one of the biggest challenges of the prison library is insufficient space. Our proposal uses movable bookshelves and furniture that allows for higher density and transformable uses. Lack of Privacy >> Semi-Private Booths Booths provide stakeholders with semi-private space to meet with lawyers and volunteers to help them prepare their parole materials and resolve questions.

Location: Prison (Retrofit)

Lack of Focus >> Small Classrooms

Description: The parole prep room includes a library and educational space. Our goal is to make stakeholders feel comfortable and create an environment conducive to concentration and learning.

Students in prison classes have varying levels of education, making it difficult to create engaging inclusive curricula. We propose smaller classes with more focused content based on more consciously curated cohorts.


Lack of Space >> Moveable Furniture Research indicated that one of the biggest challenges of the prison library is insufficient space. Our proposal uses movable bookshelves and furniture that allows for higher density and transformable uses. Lack of Privacy >> Semi-Private Booths Booths provide stakeholders with semi-private space to meet with lawyers and volunteers to help them prepare their parole materials and resolve questions.

Location: Prison (Retrofit)

Lack of Focus >> Small Classrooms

Description: The parole prep room includes a library and educational space. Our goal is to make stakeholders feel comfortable and create an environment conducive to concentration and learning.

Students in prison classes have varying levels of education, making it difficult to create engaging inclusive curricula. We propose smaller classes with more focused content based on more consciously curated cohorts.




Movable Acoustic Panel


Semi Private Booth

Movable bookshelf

Education Space

Partitions and lighting encourage privacy

A track in the floor allows shelves to move

Movable partitions convert open space into small classrooms








Movable Acoustic Panel


Semi Private Booth

Movable bookshelf

Education Space

Partitions and lighting encourage privacy

A track in the floor allows shelves to move

Movable partitions convert open space into small classrooms












Too Crowded/Lack of Privacy >> Individual Rooms Visitors room aims to put stakeholders and their families at ease. Create a space more like in their own home.

Short together time >> Extended Stays Allow longer visits to allow foster stakeholders’ connections with family/ visitors.

Family too far away from detention center >> Virtual Communication Electronic virtual communication room provides a platform for family members who cannot afford to make the trip upstate.

Location: Jails/Prisons (Retrofit) Description: In the Connection Space, stakeholders can maintain a connection to people in their lives and get an opportunity to transition back to the role they‘ve been playing in society.

A redesigned visiting experience allows stakeholders to have more time and even an overnight stay with their families.


Too Crowded/Lack of Privacy >> Individual Rooms Visitors room aims to put stakeholders and their families at ease. Create a space more like in their own home.

Short together time >> Extended Stays Allow longer visits to allow foster stakeholders’ connections with family/ visitors.

Family too far away from detention center >> Virtual Communication Electronic virtual communication room provides a platform for family members who cannot afford to make the trip upstate.

Location: Jails/Prisons (Retrofit) Description: In the Connection Space, stakeholders can maintain a connection to people in their lives and get an opportunity to transition back to the role they‘ve been playing in society.

A redesigned visiting experience allows stakeholders to have more time and even an overnight stay with their families.


Simulated natural views when retrofitting into spaces without windows

Electronic virtual communication to other family members

Stay overnight with family


Simulated natural views when retrofitting into spaces without windows

Electronic virtual communication to other family members

Stay overnight with family


Freedom to communication with family

Provide a cozy atmosphere to encourage a relaxed conversation with family—matching environments on both sides further the feeling of shared place.


Freedom to communication with family

Provide a cozy atmosphere to encourage a relaxed conversation with family—matching environments on both sides further the feeling of shared place.


Mood Image










Color / Pattern

Color / Pattern

Color / Pattern


Mood Image










Color / Pattern

Color / Pattern

Color / Pattern








An activity therapy room at San Quentin State Prison in San Quentin, California

Lack of Privacy >> Enclosed Space An acoustic panelled enclosure, sliding privacy wall, and curved forms create a safe space for open conversation.

Inhuman >> Face-to-Face Equitable Seating Arrangment Therapist and stakeholder will sit side-by-side, without a cage. Honesty starts with trust on both sides. Mono-Functioning >> Multi-Functional Moveable counselling pods and flexible furniture allow for transformation of the space for different uses and group sizes. Location: Existing Jails (Retrofit) Description: Existing counselling spaces are often not conducive to healing. Our proposed therapy space provides a humanized, private, equal and multifunctional space in a jail, encouraging trust and communication.


An activity therapy room at San Quentin State Prison in San Quentin, California

Lack of Privacy >> Enclosed Space An acoustic panelled enclosure, sliding privacy wall, and curved forms create a safe space for open conversation.

Inhuman >> Face-to-Face Equitable Seating Arrangment Therapist and stakeholder will sit side-by-side, without a cage. Honesty starts with trust on both sides. Mono-Functioning >> Multi-Functional Moveable counselling pods and flexible furniture allow for transformation of the space for different uses and group sizes. Location: Existing Jails (Retrofit) Description: Existing counselling spaces are often not conducive to healing. Our proposed therapy space provides a humanized, private, equal and multifunctional space in a jail, encouraging trust and communication.













Ceiling- Acoustic panels

Color / Pattern

Color / Pattern


Color / Pattern






Ceiling- Acoustic panels

Color / Pattern

Color / Pattern


Color / Pattern





Poor Acoustics >> Acoustic wall panels Acoustic wood panel on the wall gives 0.81 NRC and establish our design language with a natural feel. Isolation >> Inclusion via in-the-round furniture setting Audience, friends & family can sit in view of the parole-seeker and provide support during proceedings.

Lack of sense of safety >> Mix the presenter with the Parole board Parole-seeker and Parole-Board will sit together at a discussion table to give a sense of equality and supportiveness. The table will be open giving a sense of transparency.

Location: Prison (Retrofit)

Low hierarchy of presenter >> Set the presenter on the same level Our porposal will lower the eye-level height of parole board by having them sit with and at the same level as the presenter. They will also sit closer together to make the event feel more like a discussion and less a trial.

Description: Parole hearing rooms, like courtrooms are designed to reinforce power structures and intimidate parole-seekers. Our goal is to provide a space where the parole-seeker feels respected and equal while presenting their case.


Poor Acoustics >> Acoustic wall panels Acoustic wood panel on the wall gives 0.81 NRC and establish our design language with a natural feel. Isolation >> Inclusion via in-the-round furniture setting Audience, friends & family can sit in view of the parole-seeker and provide support during proceedings.

Lack of sense of safety >> Mix the presenter with the Parole board Parole-seeker and Parole-Board will sit together at a discussion table to give a sense of equality and supportiveness. The table will be open giving a sense of transparency.

Location: Prison (Retrofit)

Low hierarchy of presenter >> Set the presenter on the same level Our porposal will lower the eye-level height of parole board by having them sit with and at the same level as the presenter. They will also sit closer together to make the event feel more like a discussion and less a trial.

Description: Parole hearing rooms, like courtrooms are designed to reinforce power structures and intimidate parole-seekers. Our goal is to provide a space where the parole-seeker feels respected and equal while presenting their case.










Walls- Acoustic panels

Color / Pattern


Color / Pattern


Color / Pattern





Walls- Acoustic panels

Color / Pattern


Color / Pattern


Color / Pattern





We define virtual communication as a mode of communication that includes the use of technology - audio and video to communicate with people who are not physically present in front of us. People can be in the next room, other floor, in the neighborhood or even miles away.


We define virtual communication as a mode of communication that includes the use of technology - audio and video to communicate with people who are not physically present in front of us. People can be in the next room, other floor, in the neighborhood or even miles away.


Pg 3 - New system gives public defenders jump-start on defense for clients at Tulsa Jail mp-start-on-defense-for-clients-at-tulsa-jail/ ml

Pg 22 - From a Prison Library: The Stories that Set Us Free

The San Francisco Jail That Started A School

Pg 30 -

Pg 4 - The San Francisco Jail That Started A School

Pg 34 - Mental health care for prisoners could prevent rearrest, but prisons aren't designed for rehabilitation

Pg 6 - The San Francisco Jail That Started A School

What Life Is Like For The 2 Million People Behind Bars In America

Paycheck Protection Program: New FAQ Addresses Retroactive ‘Economic Unvertainty’ Certification Requirement and May 7, 2020 Safe Harbor mic-uncertainty-certification-requirement-and-may-7-2020-safe-harbor/

Pg 41 - Court hearing held for parkland school Nikolas Cruz held in broward county courthouse uz-held-in-broward-county-courthouse?family=editorial&phrase=court%20hearing%20held%20for %20parkland%20school%20shooter%20nikolas%20cruz%20held%20in%20broward%20county%20 courthouse&sort=mostpopular

Pg 7, 8, 9 - Harris County reforms bail bond system to be more fair to defendants who cannot afford bail SETTING STANDARD OF CULTURALLY APPROPRIATE COUNSELLING Kaye Turner killer makes fourth plea for eventual parole ole.html Pg 16 Pg 18, 19 - Family living room design ideas that will keep everyone happy

Pg 27 -

Board grants O.J. Simpson parole in 2007 robbery collection_856e1999-812c-528b-817f-2b4606fa4b0a.html?mode=comments Parole Hearings Pg 48 - Clearview is the clear choice for pulp.noir stage set 9021 omm/

Acerbis Moodboard Coffee table Material palette 04-49

Pg 3 - New system gives public defenders jump-start on defense for clients at Tulsa Jail mp-start-on-defense-for-clients-at-tulsa-jail/ ml

Pg 22 - From a Prison Library: The Stories that Set Us Free

The San Francisco Jail That Started A School

Pg 30 -

Pg 4 - The San Francisco Jail That Started A School

Pg 34 - Mental health care for prisoners could prevent rearrest, but prisons aren't designed for rehabilitation

Pg 6 - The San Francisco Jail That Started A School

What Life Is Like For The 2 Million People Behind Bars In America

Paycheck Protection Program: New FAQ Addresses Retroactive ‘Economic Unvertainty’ Certification Requirement and May 7, 2020 Safe Harbor mic-uncertainty-certification-requirement-and-may-7-2020-safe-harbor/

Pg 41 - Court hearing held for parkland school Nikolas Cruz held in broward county courthouse uz-held-in-broward-county-courthouse?family=editorial&phrase=court%20hearing%20held%20for %20parkland%20school%20shooter%20nikolas%20cruz%20held%20in%20broward%20county%20 courthouse&sort=mostpopular

Pg 7, 8, 9 - Harris County reforms bail bond system to be more fair to defendants who cannot afford bail SETTING STANDARD OF CULTURALLY APPROPRIATE COUNSELLING Kaye Turner killer makes fourth plea for eventual parole ole.html Pg 16 Pg 18, 19 - Family living room design ideas that will keep everyone happy

Pg 27 -

Board grants O.J. Simpson parole in 2007 robbery collection_856e1999-812c-528b-817f-2b4606fa4b0a.html?mode=comments Parole Hearings Pg 48 - Clearview is the clear choice for pulp.noir stage set 9021 omm/

Acerbis Moodboard Coffee table Material palette 04-49


SVA ID:BE An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice


Re-Entry Project Team: Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu Welcoming returning citizens—assisting people recently released from prison, helping them develop the tools they need to rejoin society, and working to reduce recidivism.

Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu

05- 1

An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020


SVA ID:BE An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice


Re-Entry Project Team: Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu Welcoming returning citizens—assisting people recently released from prison, helping them develop the tools they need to rejoin society, and working to reduce recidivism.

Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu

05- 1

An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Renewing Hope, Restoring Trust, Rebuilding Confidence The Re-Entry Touchpoint helps transition “returning citizens” from prison to public life. Our programming provides housing, wellness, work experience and immersion into craft. By helping to rebuild self-confidence and to begin to heal traumas, we aim to assist in a successful transition back to public life.

“Incarceration Inc. Today's American Slavery” Scott Houston, Photo series, 2017

Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu

Definition & Scope

05- 3

An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Renewing Hope, Restoring Trust, Rebuilding Confidence The Re-Entry Touchpoint helps transition “returning citizens” from prison to public life. Our programming provides housing, wellness, work experience and immersion into craft. By helping to rebuild self-confidence and to begin to heal traumas, we aim to assist in a successful transition back to public life.

“Incarceration Inc. Today's American Slavery” Scott Houston, Photo series, 2017

Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu

Definition & Scope

05- 3

An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Our Mission is to provide "returning citizens" a space to transition from prison to public life and avoid recidivism. Our Vision is a world where formerly incarcerated returning citizens are welcome back into their communities, thrive in the society, and never return to prison.

Chefs in action in The Willows Inn kitchen. Photo by The Willows Inn. Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu

Mission & Vision

05- 4

An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Our Mission is to provide "returning citizens" a space to transition from prison to public life and avoid recidivism. Our Vision is a world where formerly incarcerated returning citizens are welcome back into their communities, thrive in the society, and never return to prison.

Chefs in action in The Willows Inn kitchen. Photo by The Willows Inn. Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu

Mission & Vision

05- 4

An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020





Understand both the Community’s and Stakeholder’s Needs.


Break down barriers to building connections with the Community.


Create a better experience for both the Stakeholders and the Community.


Serve and expand community wellbeing while providing for Stakeholders’ needs.


Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu


05- 5

An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020





Understand both the Community’s and Stakeholder’s Needs.


Break down barriers to building connections with the Community.


Create a better experience for both the Stakeholders and the Community.


Serve and expand community wellbeing while providing for Stakeholders’ needs.


Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu


05- 5

An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Formerly Incarcerated People

Their Families


Mentors, Teachers, Counselors

Formerly incarcerated persons are our primary stakeholder. Our Reentry touchpoint, aims to help them renew hope, restore trust, and rebuild confidence.

Families support is necessary for our stakeholder. They can come in and help stakeholders to rejoin the city.

Be participating in different programs, stakeholder will have a interaction and connection with neighborhood, which can help them to build the relationship with each other.

In our reentry program, we provide variety programs for our stakeholders, which have professional staff help them.

Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu


05- 6

An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Formerly Incarcerated People

Their Families


Mentors, Teachers, Counselors

Formerly incarcerated persons are our primary stakeholder. Our Reentry touchpoint, aims to help them renew hope, restore trust, and rebuild confidence.

Families support is necessary for our stakeholder. They can come in and help stakeholders to rejoin the city.

Be participating in different programs, stakeholder will have a interaction and connection with neighborhood, which can help them to build the relationship with each other.

In our reentry program, we provide variety programs for our stakeholders, which have professional staff help them.

Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu


05- 6

An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020




Work Experience

Dorm A sleeping space where two or more people share one room.

Meditation Distributed throughout many existing institutions, our stakeholders and neighbors will all benefit.

Art Studio A place where stakeholders will be trained to make art and crafts. Participants will have the opportunity to exhibited their work to the public.

Restaurant A place where stakeholders work and serve our members and neighbors, to enable interactions and connections between them.

Individual Room The place for an individual to sleep and work. The occupant can design and decorate their room enabling personal expression and sense of ownership.

Group Therapy and Mental Health A place where our stakeholders can walk-in to for individual therapy sessions or to share their experiences with others.

Music Studio A place where stakeholders can learn to play and practice instruments and vocal expression. Participants will have the opportunity to exhibited their work to the public.

Cat Cafe A place where both people and cats hang out, fostering communication, healing and kindness. Gym A place where stakeholders and neighbors can exercise together. Our stakeholders could be a neighbors’ personal trainer. Opportunity Lounge A storefront business providing house painting, house cleaning, etc. Neighbors can come in and find door-to-door service. Dog Walking Service Distributed through many existing institutions, our stakeholders will help neighbors by walking dogs and helping to take care of pets.

Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu

Program Components

05- 8

An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020




Work Experience

Dorm A sleeping space where two or more people share one room.

Meditation Distributed throughout many existing institutions, our stakeholders and neighbors will all benefit.

Art Studio A place where stakeholders will be trained to make art and crafts. Participants will have the opportunity to exhibited their work to the public.

Restaurant A place where stakeholders work and serve our members and neighbors, to enable interactions and connections between them.

Individual Room The place for an individual to sleep and work. The occupant can design and decorate their room enabling personal expression and sense of ownership.

Group Therapy and Mental Health A place where our stakeholders can walk-in to for individual therapy sessions or to share their experiences with others.

Music Studio A place where stakeholders can learn to play and practice instruments and vocal expression. Participants will have the opportunity to exhibited their work to the public.

Cat Cafe A place where both people and cats hang out, fostering communication, healing and kindness. Gym A place where stakeholders and neighbors can exercise together. Our stakeholders could be a neighbors’ personal trainer. Opportunity Lounge A storefront business providing house painting, house cleaning, etc. Neighbors can come in and find door-to-door service. Dog Walking Service Distributed through many existing institutions, our stakeholders will help neighbors by walking dogs and helping to take care of pets.

Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu

Program Components

05- 8

An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu


05- 9

An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu


05- 9

An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu

Journey—Daily Schedule


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu

Journey—Daily Schedule


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Housing Wellness Work experience Craft

Hub Training Center Reentry OfďŹ ce

Node Wellness Art, Music Studio Dorm Individual Room Work Space

Satellite Dog Walking Service Meditation Group Therapy

Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu

A Network Approach


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Housing Wellness Work experience Craft

Hub Training Center Reentry OfďŹ ce

Node Wellness Art, Music Studio Dorm Individual Room Work Space

Satellite Dog Walking Service Meditation Group Therapy

Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu

A Network Approach


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Housing Wellness Work Craft

Hub Training Center Reentry OfďŹ ce

Node Wellness Art, Music Studio Dorm Individual Room Work Space

Satellite Dog Walking Service Meditation Group Therapy

Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu

A Network Approach


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Housing Wellness Work Craft

Hub Training Center Reentry OfďŹ ce

Node Wellness Art, Music Studio Dorm Individual Room Work Space

Satellite Dog Walking Service Meditation Group Therapy

Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu

A Network Approach


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Housing Wellness Work experience Craft

Hub Training Center Reentry OfďŹ ce

Node Wellness Art studio, Music studio Dorm Individual Room Work Space

Satellite Dog Walking Service Meditation Group Therapy

Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu

A Network Approach


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Housing Wellness Work experience Craft

Hub Training Center Reentry OfďŹ ce

Node Wellness Art studio, Music studio Dorm Individual Room Work Space

Satellite Dog Walking Service Meditation Group Therapy

Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu

A Network Approach


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Housing Wellness Work experience Craft

Hub Training Center Reentry OfďŹ ce

Node Wellness Art, Music Studio Dorm Individual Room Work Space

Satellite Dog Walking Service Meditation Group Therapy

Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu

A Network Approach


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Housing Wellness Work experience Craft

Hub Training Center Reentry OfďŹ ce

Node Wellness Art, Music Studio Dorm Individual Room Work Space

Satellite Dog Walking Service Meditation Group Therapy

Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu

A Network Approach


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Housing Wellness Work experience Craft

Hub Training Center Reentry OfďŹ ce

Node Wellness Art, Music Studio Dorm Individual Room Work Space

Satellite Dog Walking Service Meditation Group Therapy

Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu

A Network Approach


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Housing Wellness Work experience Craft

Hub Training Center Reentry OfďŹ ce

Node Wellness Art, Music Studio Dorm Individual Room Work Space

Satellite Dog Walking Service Meditation Group Therapy

Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu

A Network Approach


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Training Center






Reentry Office











Individual Room







Desk, chair,whiteboard Desk, Task chair

VR Computer


Desk, Bed, chair

Air Purifier



Desk, Bed, chair

Air Purifier




Cushion set




Chair, rug, shelf


building the class area in mitigation group, teach them basic knowledge when they are still in jail. after they release, they could apply for job directly. Providing consultation service and speech for sharing our case, propagate our reentry program. A sleeping space where two or more stakeholders share one room.

A personal space for them working / resting

Experience spiritual goodness Sharing the experience in this space, talk to each other, healing the trauma or get through the trauma together

Group Therapy




Mental Healthcare






Desk, chair, sofar


Art Studio






Chair, Art supply


Music Studio





Spot Light

Instrument, microphone







Daylight/ LED

Table, chair, Bench

Cat Cafe





Daylight/ LED

Table, sofa, cashier






Daylight/ Circadian

Fitness equipment

Opportunity Lounge





Illuminus Panel

Table, chair, sofa


Playpen, cage


Improve the relationship between stakeholders and neighborhood and create the opportunities for them to communicate.




interact with the wall and make their own marks on the sequin fabric.

Dog Walking Service




Communicating Wall




Education Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu


Program Detail

200 /



temperature sensors

A place for our stakeholders can walk-in to have therapy

A place where stakeholders will be trained to make art and artwork. And they have chance to exhibited this artwork to public. A place where stakeholders learn how to play instrument and sing

job training (chef, waiter), food source: garden product, build the relationship between stakeholders and neighborhood by talking to each other


Building friendship with each other by cats, communicating with other people


A place where stakeholders and neighbors can work out in. Our stakeholder could be neighbors’ personal trainer


A place where providing house painting, house cleaning, etc. Neighbors can come in and find door-to-door service.

Work 05-16

An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Training Center






Reentry Office











Individual Room







Desk, chair,whiteboard Desk, Task chair

VR Computer


Desk, Bed, chair

Air Purifier



Desk, Bed, chair

Air Purifier




Cushion set




Chair, rug, shelf


building the class area in mitigation group, teach them basic knowledge when they are still in jail. after they release, they could apply for job directly. Providing consultation service and speech for sharing our case, propagate our reentry program. A sleeping space where two or more stakeholders share one room.

A personal space for them working / resting

Experience spiritual goodness Sharing the experience in this space, talk to each other, healing the trauma or get through the trauma together

Group Therapy




Mental Healthcare






Desk, chair, sofar


Art Studio






Chair, Art supply


Music Studio





Spot Light

Instrument, microphone







Daylight/ LED

Table, chair, Bench

Cat Cafe





Daylight/ LED

Table, sofa, cashier






Daylight/ Circadian

Fitness equipment

Opportunity Lounge





Illuminus Panel

Table, chair, sofa


Playpen, cage


Improve the relationship between stakeholders and neighborhood and create the opportunities for them to communicate.




interact with the wall and make their own marks on the sequin fabric.

Dog Walking Service




Communicating Wall




Education Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu


Program Detail

200 /



temperature sensors

A place for our stakeholders can walk-in to have therapy

A place where stakeholders will be trained to make art and artwork. And they have chance to exhibited this artwork to public. A place where stakeholders learn how to play instrument and sing

job training (chef, waiter), food source: garden product, build the relationship between stakeholders and neighborhood by talking to each other


Building friendship with each other by cats, communicating with other people


A place where stakeholders and neighbors can work out in. Our stakeholder could be neighbors’ personal trainer


A place where providing house painting, house cleaning, etc. Neighbors can come in and find door-to-door service.

Work 05-16

An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

01 02 03

Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu

Program—Key Takeaways

Success will be dependant on a design highly responsive to stakeholders’ specific needs

Curate/design furniture solutions to create flexible, transformable spaces with varying degrees of privacy

Use the same palette system to express the mood needed by the space


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

01 02 03

Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu

Program—Key Takeaways

Success will be dependant on a design highly responsive to stakeholders’ specific needs

Curate/design furniture solutions to create flexible, transformable spaces with varying degrees of privacy

Use the same palette system to express the mood needed by the space


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu




Color / Pattern



Color / Pattern

Color / Pattern





An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu




Color / Pattern



Color / Pattern

Color / Pattern





An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu

Mood Board


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu

Mood Board


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu

Color Inspiration


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu

Color Inspiration


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Component Explorations

Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Component Explorations

Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu

Proposed Example Site—Brownsville, NYC


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu

Proposed Example Site—Brownsville, NYC


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

A ďŹ ve-story building on a standard 25 x 100 foot urban lot was used as a test case for a prototypical deployment of our programming.


Individual Studio Apartments

4 Shared Dormatory-Style Accomodations 3

Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu

Program Component Overview


Art, Craft & Wellness Programming


Work Experience Opportunities


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

A ďŹ ve-story building on a standard 25 x 100 foot urban lot was used as a test case for a prototypical deployment of our programming.


Individual Studio Apartments

4 Shared Dormatory-Style Accomodations 3

Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu

Program Component Overview


Art, Craft & Wellness Programming


Work Experience Opportunities


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Living/Sleeping Spaces (dorm and individual room) Density Instead of the bunk bed, we use loft beds with desks below, making the dormitory less crowded and more efficient while allowing for more personal space.

Privacy Screens below the loft bed create privacy for an individual’s desk, within the context of the shared space.

Location: Node Description: Living/Sleeping spaces are located on the third, fourth and fifth floors and include both shared/ dorm-style accommodations as well as individual studios.

Affordability As the program is non-profit, we deploy simple, accessible materials and furniture pieces. Our goal is a cozy, familiar, comfortable space to live in.

Dorms allow for greater density, socializing, and ease adjustment to re-entry while studios obviously allow for greater privacy.

Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu

Program Component—Strategy


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Living/Sleeping Spaces (dorm and individual room) Density Instead of the bunk bed, we use loft beds with desks below, making the dormitory less crowded and more efficient while allowing for more personal space.

Privacy Screens below the loft bed create privacy for an individual’s desk, within the context of the shared space.

Location: Node Description: Living/Sleeping spaces are located on the third, fourth and fifth floors and include both shared/ dorm-style accommodations as well as individual studios.

Affordability As the program is non-profit, we deploy simple, accessible materials and furniture pieces. Our goal is a cozy, familiar, comfortable space to live in.

Dorms allow for greater density, socializing, and ease adjustment to re-entry while studios obviously allow for greater privacy.

Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu

Program Component—Strategy


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020


Ample storage space

Privacy: Sliding door creates private space below loft bed



Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu

Program Component—Layout & Planning


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020


Ample storage space

Privacy: Sliding door creates private space below loft bed



Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu

Program Component—Layout & Planning


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu

Rendering—Living/Sleeping Spaces


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu

Rendering—Living/Sleeping Spaces


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Shared bathroom bedroom


Section 1 Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu

Sharing bathroom


Section 2

Program Component–Strategy


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Shared bathroom bedroom


Section 1 Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu

Sharing bathroom


Section 2

Program Component–Strategy


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

An Individual Bathroom

An Individual Room

Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu

Rendering—Living/Sleeping Space


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

An Individual Bathroom

An Individual Room

Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu

Rendering—Living/Sleeping Space


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Craft Spaces (art studio and music studio) Sound Performers need a great sound absorbing Music Studio in order to present a better performance and create a quiet environment for others. The studio includes perforated wood panels and acoustic foam to achieve that.

Lighting The Art Studio needs sufficient and indirect light to avoid indistinction of the drawings. By using architectural lighting with light washing, we can create a soft and gentle environment for the art making.

Location: Node Description: Craft area is located on the second floor of the building which includes an art studio and a music studio. The Craft space is a semi-public studio, which means invited public and neighbors are welcome to visit and participate.

The Art Studio will provide classes as well as individual time. Similarly, the Music Studio will accommodate private use as well as space for instructors teaching instruments, vocals, and production.


Program Component—Strategy

Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Craft Spaces (art studio and music studio) Sound Performers need a great sound absorbing Music Studio in order to present a better performance and create a quiet environment for others. The studio includes perforated wood panels and acoustic foam to achieve that.

Lighting The Art Studio needs sufficient and indirect light to avoid indistinction of the drawings. By using architectural lighting with light washing, we can create a soft and gentle environment for the art making.

Location: Node Description: Craft area is located on the second floor of the building which includes an art studio and a music studio. The Craft space is a semi-public studio, which means invited public and neighbors are welcome to visit and participate.

The Art Studio will provide classes as well as individual time. Similarly, the Music Studio will accommodate private use as well as space for instructors teaching instruments, vocals, and production.


Program Component—Strategy

Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Acoustic felt for sound absorbtion

Enlarged windows for natural light


Glass doors allow visual connection / viewing of people making music/art Lounge area provides a space for audience to enjoy performances



Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu

Program Component—Art/Craft Studios


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Acoustic felt for sound absorbtion

Enlarged windows for natural light


Glass doors allow visual connection / viewing of people making music/art Lounge area provides a space for audience to enjoy performances



Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu

Program Component—Art/Craft Studios


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu

Rendering—Art Studio


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu

Rendering—Art Studio


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu

Rendering—Music Studio


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu

Rendering—Music Studio


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu

Rendering—Studio Lounge


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu

Rendering—Studio Lounge


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Wellness Spaces (group therapy and clinic) Privacy The most important element for both conunselling and group therapy rooms is the privacy. The closed room gives participants a sense of security.

Experience The right environment can help people open up—comfortable chairs, rugs and decorations in the group therapy room help make people more comfortable with sharing.

Location: Node Description: Wellness spaces on the second floor include group therapy and counselling spaces. Group therapy creates a new social support network for people adapting to their return to society.

Individual Counselling Spaces provide privacy for difficult one-on-one conversations.


Program Component—Strategy

Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu

Lighting Considered architectural lighting makes the whole space feel soft and intimate and can allay participant’s fear and tensions.


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Wellness Spaces (group therapy and clinic) Privacy The most important element for both conunselling and group therapy rooms is the privacy. The closed room gives participants a sense of security.

Experience The right environment can help people open up—comfortable chairs, rugs and decorations in the group therapy room help make people more comfortable with sharing.

Location: Node Description: Wellness spaces on the second floor include group therapy and counselling spaces. Group therapy creates a new social support network for people adapting to their return to society.

Individual Counselling Spaces provide privacy for difficult one-on-one conversations.


Program Component—Strategy

Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu

Lighting Considered architectural lighting makes the whole space feel soft and intimate and can allay participant’s fear and tensions.


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020


Group Therapy


Lounge Area

Experience ( rugs, coffee maker, art works, comfortable chairs)


Plan Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu

Program Component—Wellness Spaces


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020


Group Therapy


Lounge Area

Experience ( rugs, coffee maker, art works, comfortable chairs)


Plan Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu

Program Component—Wellness Spaces


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

An Individual Therapy Space

A Group Therapy Space Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu

Rendering—Group Therapy Space


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

An Individual Therapy Space

A Group Therapy Space Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu

Rendering—Group Therapy Space


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Mood Image


Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu









Color / Pattern

Color / Pattern

Color / Pattern

Program Component—Assembly, Materials, Furniture


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Mood Image


Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu









Color / Pattern

Color / Pattern

Color / Pattern

Program Component—Assembly, Materials, Furniture


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Work Experience Opportunities Openness Creating a open work space without partition walls will help promote communication between workers and optimize views.

Transparency Provide light and visibility both in and out. Neighbors walking by are invited in and connection is built via familiarity.

Location: Node Description: Our storefront / ground floor space will be dedicated to businesses creating work experience opportunities for our stakeholders. We show (3) different examples of possible opportunities, including a restaurant, a gym and a ‘Cat Cafe,’ coupled with a home improvement task office.

Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu

The businesses will provide invaluable training and work experiences, including food service, barista training, personal trainer certification, and home improvement and construction trades. Through regular interactions with neighbors, the Center becomes a valuable asset to the neighborhood, establishing friendships, empathy and acceptance.

Program Component—Strategy


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Work Experience Opportunities Openness Creating a open work space without partition walls will help promote communication between workers and optimize views.

Transparency Provide light and visibility both in and out. Neighbors walking by are invited in and connection is built via familiarity.

Location: Node Description: Our storefront / ground floor space will be dedicated to businesses creating work experience opportunities for our stakeholders. We show (3) different examples of possible opportunities, including a restaurant, a gym and a ‘Cat Cafe,’ coupled with a home improvement task office.

Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu

The businesses will provide invaluable training and work experiences, including food service, barista training, personal trainer certification, and home improvement and construction trades. Through regular interactions with neighbors, the Center becomes a valuable asset to the neighborhood, establishing friendships, empathy and acceptance.

Program Component—Strategy


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020


Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu

Diagram—Possible Work Experience Opportunities


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020


Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu

Diagram—Possible Work Experience Opportunities


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu

(3) Options For Work Experience Opportunities


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu

(3) Options For Work Experience Opportunities


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020




Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu

Opportunity Lounge & Cat Cafe—Layout & Planning


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020




Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu

Opportunity Lounge & Cat Cafe—Layout & Planning


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Mood Image


Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu









Color / Pattern

Color / Pattern

Color / Pattern

Opportunity Lounge—Assembly, Materials, Furniture


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Mood Image


Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu









Color / Pattern

Color / Pattern

Color / Pattern

Opportunity Lounge—Assembly, Materials, Furniture


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu

Rendering—Cat Cafe


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu

Rendering—Cat Cafe


An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Circadian Lighting Circadian lighting is the lighting that we can control the lighting temperature, lighting color, and amount of light. We choose to use it in the living space which is help for human health and minimize the effect of electric light on the human circadian rhythm.

Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu



An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Circadian Lighting Circadian lighting is the lighting that we can control the lighting temperature, lighting color, and amount of light. We choose to use it in the living space which is help for human health and minimize the effect of electric light on the human circadian rhythm.

Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu



An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Image Credits Pg 3 - “Incarceration Inc. Today's American Slavery” Scott Houston, Photo series, 2017

Pg 29 - 1. San Ramon Art Studio

Pg 4 - Chefs in action in The Willows Inn kitchen. Photo by The Willows Inn.

2. DNA Music Labs

Pg 6 - 1. Levelle Tolliver: Judas Sentenced to LIFE. Angola Prison, Louisiana


2. Young adult hands - -organized-human-rights-2014/ 3. Neighbors on the stoop, downloaded from 4. Happy doctor at a hospital by Chanikarn Thongsupa Pg 7, 8 - 1. UC Berkeley Housing ~ Unit 1 : Slottman Building Dorm Room 2. 3. 4. Pg 18 - 1. Coffee Chair with Armchair By YAN JUNeau 2. Serpentine Sofa, Design By Vladimir Kagan 3. Wooden desk By Mo Woodwork

4. 5. Gunsan Travel Art City Studio 6. Pg 34 - 1. 2. Futuristic Surgery Clinic By Geometrix Design 3. mwmc-would-you-send-your-grandmomma-there/ 4. Pg 38 - 1. /uploads/2011/10/marga-waiter.jpg?ssl=1 2.

4. Cuddly Bench By Bellitalia Pg 24 - 1. Dorm-style rooms at the East boise Community Reentry Center 2. Alabama Prison 3. bZsGObwYySX8jBceGosVXNKA/ 4. 5.

3. Propaganda Creative Studio, Spokane 4. -face-new-reality-after-coronavirus 5. Pg 46 - 1. 2. Decora Smart with WiFi from Leviton

-furniture-furnish-dream-bedroom/ 6. -cabinet-in-grey-oak-effect

Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu



An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020

Image Credits Pg 3 - “Incarceration Inc. Today's American Slavery” Scott Houston, Photo series, 2017

Pg 29 - 1. San Ramon Art Studio

Pg 4 - Chefs in action in The Willows Inn kitchen. Photo by The Willows Inn.

2. DNA Music Labs

Pg 6 - 1. Levelle Tolliver: Judas Sentenced to LIFE. Angola Prison, Louisiana


2. Young adult hands - -organized-human-rights-2014/ 3. Neighbors on the stoop, downloaded from 4. Happy doctor at a hospital by Chanikarn Thongsupa Pg 7, 8 - 1. UC Berkeley Housing ~ Unit 1 : Slottman Building Dorm Room 2. 3. 4. Pg 18 - 1. Coffee Chair with Armchair By YAN JUNeau 2. Serpentine Sofa, Design By Vladimir Kagan 3. Wooden desk By Mo Woodwork

4. 5. Gunsan Travel Art City Studio 6. Pg 34 - 1. 2. Futuristic Surgery Clinic By Geometrix Design 3. mwmc-would-you-send-your-grandmomma-there/ 4. Pg 38 - 1. /uploads/2011/10/marga-waiter.jpg?ssl=1 2.

4. Cuddly Bench By Bellitalia Pg 24 - 1. Dorm-style rooms at the East boise Community Reentry Center 2. Alabama Prison 3. bZsGObwYySX8jBceGosVXNKA/ 4. 5.

3. Propaganda Creative Studio, Spokane 4. -face-new-reality-after-coronavirus 5. Pg 46 - 1. 2. Decora Smart with WiFi from Leviton

-furniture-furnish-dream-bedroom/ 6. -cabinet-in-grey-oak-effect

Re-Entry Dingding Shi, Jiabao Li, Jiaheng Wu



An Infrastructure for Restorative Justice SVAID:BE Design Studio II, Spring 2020


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