VIVE Ardyss Special Edition

Page 71

Power Start Testimonials

Power Start

This opportunity with Ardyss International has changed my quality of life in several ways. This business has enabled me to be more of a role model for my sons. They play a key part in the building of the business. I have been blessed to be surrounded by a great team of business partners.

Our success is because we’re driven by our goals and dreams helping others achieve theirs. I believe if you’re going to dream, then it should be a big dream. Once you come into this business it is no longer about you, it then becomes about how many others you can help get a check. We are making the world a more beautiful place one person at a time.

La oportunidad que nos ha brindado Ardyss International ha cambiado nuestra calidad de vida en todos los sentidos. Una vez que ingresas en éste negocio obtienes enorme ganancias rápidamente.

Nuestro éxito radica en conducirnos a través de nuestras metas y sueños, ayudando a otros a lograr los suyos, yo creo que si vas a soñar entonces conviertelo en un gran sueño. Una vez que tú estás en este negocio, no te toma mucho tiempo darte cuenta de cuantas personas pueden ayudarte a conseguir un cheque.


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