Supervisor manual

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Submit required documents, including Project Progress Reports, Sponsor Verification Forms, and the renewal project application, to the Corporation State Office in a timely manner. Provide information to local media on project start-up and project accomplishments. Provide a recommendation to the Corporation State Office on VISTAs’ status at the end of their service year, including scheduled termination, extension, or reenrollment. Complete and submit the Future Plans Form to the state office at least 45 days in advance of the service completion date. Meet with Corporation staff during scheduled monitoring visits. VISTA Supervision and Support Provide each VISTA with a copy of the project plan and assignment description, so they are available to discuss at the Pre-Service Orientation or during on-site orientation immediately thereafter. Provide on-site orientation for the VISTAs (see Chapter 5 for guidance), such as clarifying their role within the agency and community. Introduce VISTAs to the community using media and letters of introduction to local officials. Identify potential resources in the community that VISTAs may need to mobilize. Provide office space, phone, and other supplies needed by VISTAs to perform their assignments. Ensure that your organization has a fund (up to $500 per emergency) available for VISTA emergencies (to be reimbursed by the VISTA or Corporation). Ensure that the health and safety of VISTAs are not jeopardized during their assignments. Report immediately (within 24 hours) to the Corporation State Office any change in the status of VISTAs, such as leaving the project early, arrest, absence without leave, hospitalization, and other extended absences. Provide career development assistance to VISTAs. Reimburse VISTAs for on-site service-related travel as specified in the project application and Memorandum of Agreement, or provide other means of transportation. Arrange with the Corporation State Office for In-Service Training of VISTAs, as appropriate, so they can obtain skills required for their assignments. Provide assistance for VISTAs during special service events, such as the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day; Make a Difference Day; AmeriCorps Week; and National Volunteer Week. Release VISTAs to participate in Corporation for National and Community Service training events.


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