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“Referring to article *„Ātri, skaļi un bez žēlastības – Kriegopfer” (Fast, Loud & Furious – Kriegopfer) the comments that have followed has shown that the alternative music community has grown a new generation who do not fully understand its history. I would like to change this because the foundation of Latvian underground music history is exciting and inspiring to the artists of today. It is so exciting that I decided to devote my bachelor thesis to the Latvian underground music scene. Over the years my work has gathered dust but I feel it is time to share my views with a wider audience. Of course it all started earlier, but I'm fascinated by the 90’s, so I will focus on this decade. The 90’s are not only special for the music scene but for Latvia’s history, regaining their independence everything was new, fresh and full of hope, tangled with fear undoubtedly contributed to the creative sector. In addition, this is the time period that I managed to experience by myself.” -Inese Tone

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