Annual report

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he endowment he end dow wme mn ntt is is a major maajo m jor indicator indi in ndi dica c to tor of of the the he strength str trength of a Catholic Cat atho holilicc high h gh school. hi schoool. I d It emon emon em o st stra rate ra tess th tthat hat at tthe at he sschool he choo ch hool ool h oo ha as p pl lan anneed for its future by en nsu s ring yyearly earl ea rlyy demonstrates has planned ensuring iin ncoome me for forr the thee support sup upport portt ooff ne po n eed ed deed d fi fin nan anci ncciiaall aid aiid d and an nd d special projects. income needed nancial Alllum A umn um nii, parents pare pa are rent en ntts and an nd friends frie fr iend end nds continue coont ntin nti inue inue ue to to establish e ta es tabbllis ish sh endowed endo en d wed scholarships starting staart rtin i g Alumni, at $10,000 $1100,0000 00 or or more. moore m ore re. A strong ssttro trroong n endowment endow nd dow owme ment en ntt iiss w wi id deely l rrecognized eccooggni niz d as vital to m nize eet at widely meet Associates Asssoc Ass o ate oci te tes es of of St. St. Joseph Jo eph Jos ep phh Scholarship Sc cho hol o ars arrship hip ip p

GAR GA AR A R Minority Miinor M no orrity o rity ittyy Scholarship Schho Sc hol o arship

LaRose LaR a ose Famil Family iy S Scholarship cholar cho l shi ship

Merle Showers Memorial Scholar Scholarship arrsshi shhip

Marie Mar Ma M aarrie rie i Baboila Bab Bab boila oili a ’77 oi oil ’77 77 Memorial M ori Mem oriall Scholarship Sch S chhola o rsh rship rs ip

GAR GA G AR R Work-Study Wo W orrk rkkk-S Stu tuudy d Scholarship Sch Sc S c olarship

Logsdon Teachers David and nd Ja Janice Logsdo donn Teacher T h s Fund d

Steve & Rita Sitko Scholarship

Rev. Rev Re Rev ev. Joseph JJo ose os o s phh Barry Barry C.S.C. B Bar C S.C C. C.S .C. C Scholarship Schol Sc hol olaars rship hi hi

Patrick Patric Pat atric ic ck & Rita Rita Ri ta Garro Ga Gar G arro o Memorial Memorial Scholarship

Scholarship Norman m Maynard Sch Schola olarship p

Slinger Family Scholarship

Ralph Ral Ra R aalphh L. L. & Florence Flor orrenc enc ce A. A. Bernard Bern e nard ard d Scholarship Schhol Schol Sc o olaar arsship shhip hiip p

Golden Gol G Go olden o enn Knights Knnigh K ghhts Scholarship g Sch Sch Sc chola o rsh rs ip

Philip Maynard Leadership Scholarship Phi lip Mayna ard ’60 Le eade adersh rship i Sch Schola arsh rship ip

Scholarship Victoria & Terry Spoonster Scholarsh hip ip

Burke Buurke Bu Bur ke Family Faam Fam mily ilyy Scholarship Scholars Sc ho ars hol ho rshhip iip

Cheryl Che he ery ryl y Lynn Lynn Ly n (DiCola) ((D (Di DiCol Co C o a) a) Grescovich Grescovich ’83 Memorial Scholarship Sc Sch chola hola arsh rrssh ship p

Rev.. Thomas McCann ’59—Immaculate Heart of Rev R Mary Scholarship

Scholarship Conrad E. Stuecheli Memorial Scholarshi ip

Tim Tii Griffi Grriiffi G fffifith th ’66 ’6 66 & Tom Goodall Good oodall ’66 Memorial Scholarship Sch Sc c ola olarsh rsh rs ship ip

McDermott Family Scholarship

Francis Scholarship Franci c s & Ro Rose se Sullivan Schola o arsh a hip p

Sisler McFawn Scholarship

Unrestricted Endowed Scholarship Unrest Unr estric cted ed En Endow dowed ed d Schol Sch S chhola o arsh ars rsh rsh ship p

Anthony Ant An nthon h y M. ho M. Grimaldi Grim G rimald rrim ald l i ’05 ’05 Memorial Scholarship Scholaars rsh s ip sh p

McIntyre Family Scholarship

Unrestricted Technology Scholarship Unrest Un stric ricted Techn chnolo olo o l gy lo gy Sc Sch S chola ch l rsh la larsh shhip ship ip

Steven Steven Ste S eve ven en C. C. & Anna Annn Ann A n a Guban Guba an Scholarship Scho c larshiip

Mueller Muelle Mue llerr Family F Scholarship

James Shannon Vocke Memorial Scholarship Jam ess Sha ha anno nnno non V ock o ckke ’68 ’68 68 Me M Mem emo e orri ori rial iaall S Sch Sc chhola c ho ola arrsh rship ip

Hammersmith Ham am mmer mer e smith ersmi thh Family Faa ily Scholarship FFam Schol h arship hip

Victor AnnaMary Scholarship Dr. Vi Victo ctorr & An A naM Mary Mu Mungo Sc S holars hol ar hip p

Donald Wartko Scholarship Do Don onald on aald d A. A. Wa W arrtk rttkko S chhho cho c olar laaarrsshi shhip

David Dav Da a id d Henry Henr Hen enry ry Memorial Mem M Me e orial Scholarship Scholarsh r ip

Murphy Family Scholarship Murphy Mur phy Fa Famil milyy Scho S holarshi hp

Zaucha Scholarship Za cha Za Zau ch Fa FFamily milily S m mi Scho chhollar cho c la arsh ar sshi hhiip

Hoban Hob ban 2000 Endowed Scholarship p

Alexander Alexan Ale xander d & Wilma (Sherley) Nolan Scholarship p

Rev. B.. T Thomas Zeisig—St. Eugene Scholarship Re Rev R ev. B ho hhom om o maass Zeisig Z Zei Ze eisig e ssiiig g—St —S Stt. Euge S St. E uge ug ge g ene ne Sch Sc chho c ola la arsh rship ip

Hoban Alumni Scholarship Schol hol ollaars olars rship hhiip

Hugh H ugh M. O’Neil ’63 Scholarship

Hoban Forever Forreve ev r Campaign Camp mpaig ai n aig

Dr. Arno Peter Scholarship Drr. Ar Dr rno L. L. Pet eter er Sch S chhola oll rsh shhip shi ip

Hoban Hobaann Holy Holy Hol olly Cross Crosss Legends L Lege eg ege ge ends ds Scholarship ds Schhol Sc h lars holars rsship hip hi

Josef Helene Posjena Memorial Scholarship Josseff & H Jos elene ele lene le e Po Pos P os o jen jenaa M emo m riaal S chho holar larshi sh p shi sh

Mildred Mi dre Mil dred d Hunsicker-Stella Huns unsick i er--Ste ick ella Watkins Watki Wa tki tk kins nss Memorial Mem Mem mori oriiall Scholarship Schola Sch ola arsh rship ip

Raymond Pritt Memorial R Ra Ray ayymon mo d JJ.. P Prit riititt ’’58 ritt rit 58 & FFamily 58 amilyy M am ami Me em e mor oriiaall Scholarship Sc Sch ola arsh rship ip

David Da Dav a id T. T & DonnaMarie D Donn onnaMa onn aMarie aMa rie rie e F. F. Kaminsky Kaam minnsky Scholarship Schol Sc hol ho o ars arship hip

Kelly Reeves Memorial Scholarship Kel Ke e lyy R Ree e ves es Me Memor morrial a Sc chol ho olars ars r hip p

Hoban Faculty Staff Scholarship H an Hob an Fac Fa uultty & S St taff af S Sc chol ho ars ar hi hip p

Brother Brothe Bro Br h r Paul Pau au Kelly, aul Kelllly Ke l , C.S.C. C.S. S C. C Scholarship Sch c ola olarsh rshhip

Clement Margie Reymann Scholarship Cle Cle ement & Margi Ma argi rg ge R eym mann a Sc S hhol ho o ars arship hip ip p

Wayne Jones Scholarship Way yne e Jon nes ’72 72 Sc chol holars arship ars h

Kelly Kellyy Family Ke Kel Fam amily ily lyy Faculty Facul Fa culty cul t Staff ty Sta St t ff Scholarship Sc ola Sch olarsh rshhip p

Rev. Paul Rosing Scholarship Re . P Rev a l J. aul J Ro osing sin si ing S cho c holar arshi sh p

Kayle Scholarship Kay le e Fam Family ily Sc S chol chol h ars ho arship p

Michael Mic M chae ae ael el Kempel Kemp em mpel el ’66 66 Scholarship Schol Sc ho aars hol holars rshhip iip

David Sain Memorial Scholarship David Dav id d F. F Sai S aiin ’’73 73 3 Mem M ori o rial a Sch Sc holarsh ola la arsh ship ip p

Marcinkoski Scholarship M cin Ma Mar cinkos kos oski kkii Fam Family ily ly Sc S Schol cho ho ars hol a hip ar hip p

Krajewski Kraajew Kra jewski ewsski skki ki Family Famil Fa m y Scholarship mi mil Scho Scho h lar a shi s p sh

Scala Family Scholarship Sca cala la Fam am mily Sc chol holars o ars arship hi hip

James Jam am mess & Margaret Marg rgare rg et Kuder Kuder ude d r Scholarship Scho holar lar arshi ship sh shi p

Schmitt Scholarship Sch chmit mittt FFamily mit mi amiily Sch Schola Sc ola ars rsh ship p

Lawrence ’63 Darlene Drr G. Dr. G La L awre wrence nc nnce c ’6 63 & Da Darle rle ene Tim Timpe pe e Scholarship Sch chola hol olarsh ola l rsh rsship ip p

Kukta Kukkta t Family Family Fa Fam ily lyy Scholarship Sc Schol chol ho ars arr hip hip

Doris Schubert Scholarship Don onn & Dor Do is S Sch hube b rtt Sc Sch c ola o arsh rs ip rsh p

Endowed Memorial Funds Endowe End owed owe dM emo e mo moria ria ia al F u ds und un

Jean J an & John Jea Je John Jo hn Lanshe Lan L La anshe shhe Scholarship Schol Sc ho aars rsship hip

David Martha Showers Scholarship Dav iid d M. M &M artthaa A. A. Sho ho ower wers S we cholar cho lar la aarshi shhiip

Jeff Peg Schobert Memorial Je Jef e f & Pe P gS cho h bert hober ber e tM emo m rial ria ia al FFund un und

Brother Br th Br Bro tthe h r James Jame me m es Caley Cale ale aley ey C.S.C. C.S. .S S.C S. C.. Memorial Mem mo orrial ori al Scholarship Sc S Sch chola ch ola ol larsh r hip rs hip ip Class Cla C Cl la ass ssss of of 1960 196 96 60 Scholarship Sc cho hholarrssh shi hip Clem Cle em Caraboolad Caraboo boo bo b oo oolad oolad laad ad Memorial Memorrial Me aall Scholarship Sc S chola hol hho olarship o ip Robert Cohen Co ohen hen Scholarship S hhol Sc ho olar ars r hip p Gene G e & Howard Ge Gen Ho owar wa d Considine wa Cons nnssiidi d diine ne Scholarship Sch S chhola o arsh ol rsh shhip p Coudriet Coudri Co rriiet et Family Fam amily amil ililyy Memorial Me Memor emor m ial aall Scholarship Sch ar Schol Sc ars rship hip Davey Davvey Family Scholarship Da Schol h ars rsship hip Joseph Jo Jos osseph P. Davis Memorial o Me emor mo orial al Scholarship al Schol Sc h ars rsshhip hiiip Chris Chris & Mary Anne DeCenzo Family Scholarship Del Medico Familyy Scholarship Daniel Daniel Jay Jaay Dietzler Diet e zle er ’68 ’68 8 Memorial Memoriial al Scholarship S hola Sch l rsh rshi shhip ip Drexler Dr xle Dre er Family Fami Fami amily ly Scholarship Schola Sch olarsh ola rshhip Richard R har Ric a d J. J. Duffy Duff uffy uf f y Memorial M Memo emoria emo ri l Scholarship rial Scho olar la shi sh p East East Akron Akro kronn African-American A Afri f ic fri can a -Am Am mer eri rrican can Scholarship S hol Sc ho ars rship hip hip p Brother Bro r ther the er Ron Ron on Ehrhardt Ehr E h har hardt dt Scholarship dt Sch chola ch ola olarsh laarrsh ship i Faculty Facult Fac ultltyy Endowment Enndo d w wme m nt n John Joh Jo ohhn J. J. & Margie Margi Ma Margi rg g e Fedorovich Fedo edo d rov rovich ro iich c Family ch Fa amil milyy Scholarship S Scho cho holar ho lar la arshi arshi ar sh p William Wilillia W liliam i m & Catherine Cathe Ca therin heri rin rine i e Foley FFole ol y Memorial ole M Memo em emo e m rial riaal Scholarship S Scho cho ch ho olar arshi arshi shh p GAR G Faculty Fa acul ulty lty ty Endowment E owm End o ent nnt GAR GA AR Foundation F und Fo undati attitio ati onn Scholarship Schhola ollarship rshhip p GAR GA A General G ne Ge ner eraall Endowment End n o nd owm wme w ent ntt Scholarship Sc S cho chol ho aars hol rship i

4 48

the increasing incr in crea e sing ng need nee e d for fi financial Thiis is is critical cri riti tica call to fulfi fulfilling llin ng the mission n that tth hat the nancial aid. Th Hoba Ho ban n be open open to children of families with diverse div iver erse se fi fin n anci an cial al bbackgrounds. ackgroun nd dss. You You Yo Hoban nancial c n establish ca esta tabl blish a scholarship by making a pledge, pled edgge, cash h or stock transfer orr by by u ssiingg a can using p anned gift. Please contact Jeff Stetz, Director of Advancement, at 330.773.8620 pl 330. 0.77 0. .773. 7733..86 77 862200 862 planned ntt ggrow. row. ro row or stetzj@hoban.orgg to discuss how you can be best help the endowment www w.ho ho oban an.or .org .or g

Stype Family Math & Science Scholarship hip p

These The Th T hesse e nam n named a ed d sch sc scholarships ch c hola o rrsh sh hips hips ip pss co p c continue on nti tiinue nue nue e to mov to m move ovve ttowa toward owa o ward wa rd fu ful full ule endowment. ndo n dowm dowme wm wme me ent. ntt. Aylward A Ayl Ay ward FFamily war ami miilyy Sc m Sch S Scholarship cho olarsh ola rsship rship ip Jake Jak a e Bisconti B Bisc isc scont scont sc ntti ’10 ’10 0 Memorial Mem Me emori or al a Scholarship Sch chol olarsh ola rship rsh hip p

Trust Trustt Fund Fu d Endowed Fun Endo nd wed ed e d Scholarships Schol Sc h ars hol rships rs hip ips

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