201507 reporteronline

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budget! The proliferation of bike share

in the City of Tacoma’s transportation

and Rural Communities, Connected

systems, ride-sharing, and connected

policies. INVEST released version

Vehicles, and Multimodal Street

or self-driving vehicles are and will

1.1 in January and is being use by

Upgrade Case Studies. If we don’t have

be serving a growing population that

TxDOT for the Harbor Bridge Project

a long-term funding bill by then, look

utilizes multiple modes of mobility.

in Corpus Christi. Be sure to look for

for sessions like “Paying by the Mile”

A tightly packed Toronto session on

Envision and Greenroads booths at

or “How to Address the Challenging

bike share implementation and the

Congress or check out the May issue

Transportation Funding Shortage” to

recently commissioned Chattanooga

of APWA Reporter for more efforts by

help your agency plan for funding your

(pop 170,000) bike system illustrates

the APWA Center for Sustainability on

communities’ transportation needs.

the wide interest in just one of these

transportation-related items.

APWA continues to be the source of the

new uses of the right-of-way. The

most relevant case studies and project

APWA Center for Sustainability has

Speaking of Congress, Phoenix will

examples for these topics and many

compiled best practices for all sectors of

boast a number of great sessions on

more to keep YOU up-to-date. Enjoy

public works, including bicycle master

transportation including Every Day

this July Transportation issue of the

plans, which are becoming a key part

Counts (EDC)-Shareholder Partnering,

Reporter and we’ll see you in Phoenix!

of transportation comprehensive

Transportation Safety for Small Cities

planning for agencies of many sizes. These plans not only provide a longterm strategy for facility construction (as part of congestion mitigation, community health and air quality),

Mrs. Martin goes to Kansas City

but can also help strengthen grant applications for competitive funding sources. Rating systems like INVEST, Envision, Greenroads, and others are also shaping how transportation projects are delivered. The systems create a baseline for sustainable project design and delivery and provide the case studies for progressive design that many agencies need to assess the risk of changing our traditional road projects. APWA’s Transportation Sustainability Subcommittee has been keeping members in tune with these systems (and others) as they develop. Envision awarded a platinum level certification to the LA County DPW for its “first of its kind” Sun Valley

The “Low and Slow Across America’s Infrastructure” Tour, sponsored by APWA and Engineering News-Record, features best-selling author, Dan McNichol, Ph.D., who is driving a 1949 Hudson Commodore 8 (called Mrs. Martin) as a metaphor of the aged condition of infrastructure from Washington, D.C. to Los Angeles to assess the condition of infrastructure projects, visit with public works departments, and find some solutions along the way.

Watershed Multi-Benefit Project which included new trail infrastructure for both cyclists and pedestrians. Greenroads certified 11 transportation projects in 2014 and is now included


APWA Reporter


July 2015


On Thursday, May 28, the Low and Slow touring party visited the streetcar development project in Kansas City, Mo., and then paused at Union Station for a public meet-n-greet. Pictured below is Dan McNichol, Mrs. Martin and members of the APWA staff.


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