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ELEMENTARNE IGRE - SREDSTVO ZA RAZVOJ GIBALNIH SPOSOBNOSTI OTROK ELEMENTARY GAMES - A TOOL TO DEVELOP CHILDREN’S MOTOR SKILLS Vesna BEZGOVŠEK IZVLEČEK Redno gibanje ohranja in izboljšuje zdravje, gibalne sposobnosti in funkcionalne sposobnosti. Osnovne gibalne sposobnosti so moč, hitrost, gibljivost, koordinacija, preciznost in ravnotežje. Vzdržljivost je funkcionalna sposobnost, ki je vezana na možnost opravljanja gibanja, ne da bi se pri tem zmanjšala učinkovitost gibov. Gibanje pozitivno vpliva na otrokov razvoj, zato je pomembno, da mu že v predšolskem obdobju nudimo čim več različnih gibalnih izkušenj, da bo športno dejavnost sprejel kot trajno vrednoto, s katero se bo ukvarjal vse življenje. Otrokovo največje veselje in zadovoljstvo predstavlja igra, zato le-to združimo z gibanjem. Preko elementarnih iger otroci sproščeno in skozi igro razvijajo gibalne in funkcionalne sposobnosti in se seznanjajo z različnimi gibalnimi nalogami. Predstavljeni so primeri elementarnih iger, ki jih lahko uporabimo za razvoj gibalnih sposobnosti. Ključne besede: gibanje, gibalne sposobnosti, elementarne igre

ABSTRACT Regular physical activity maintains and improves health, motor skills and functional capacity. Basic motor skills are strength, speed, flexibility, coordination, precision and balance. Endurance is a functional capacity that is related to the possibility of pursuing the movement without any degradation of effectiveness of the movements. The movement has a positive impact on child’s development, so it is important that we offer him as many different movement experiences in the preschool period, so that he will accept it as a lasting value, which he will deal with in all of his life. Game is children’s greatest joy and satisfaction, so we combine it with movement. Children develop motor skills and are getting familiar with various movement tasks through relaxing and playing with elementary games. Featured are examples of elementary games, which we can use for improving motor skills. Keywords: movement, physical fitness abilities, elementary games


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