Anuario Jesús María BA 2012

Page 47

4th form

BLUE Project:

THIS WAS ME WHEN I WAS 5 Responsable: Miss Mechi Villar.

nivel primariO

After working on written and oral descriptions of family members and friends, the girls brought a picture of themselves at the age of 5 and described what they were like, what they liked doing, what they were into,etc. They really enjoyed working on this activity.


Project: THE EGYPTIANS Responsable: Miss Valeria Scrofani. The girls looked through a number of books on Egyptian history and chose the most interesting piece of information to illustrate it and share it with their partners.

They made their own fashion designs and described them using the new vocabulary they learned on clothes and accessories.

They also learned new vocabulary to describe people’s appearance and personality. This enabled them to work on a final project about their family both in the past and at present.

Anuario 2012


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