Dfubook methods tools

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a sensitization phase in which past experiences are elicited from end users, and an elaboration phase in which designers elicit anticipated future experiences from end users about a proposed concept, resulting in a story about how the concept will provide value to end users. The concept representations are created with IdAnimate, Sketchify or Virtual Reality tools, depending on the phase of the design process.


Figure 1: A design team in action using IdAnimate

Innovation & benefits The REPAR project aims to provide low-threshold tools and methods for designers, facilitating the inclusion of end users in the phases of the design process where crucial design decisions are made. Figure 2: The use of Augmented Reality for concept exploration

Project specs Team members Derya Ozcelik (TUE), Javier Quevedo-Fernandez (TUE), Jos Thalen (UT), Jean-Bernard Martens (TUE), Mascha van der Voort (UT), Jacques Terken (TUE) Duration 2009 – 2013

More information REPAR project homepage www.repar-project.com

Figure 3: A Co-constructing Stories session

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