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The Untold Story of the Nazi-Radical Zionist Collaboration cism, had already extinguished the hopes of many Jews who had thought that they could live in Europe free from any restrictions. Herzl pronounced anti-Semitism to be incurable, and for Jews, the only salvation was to establish a state in Palestine. Herzl's thesis that Jews and gentiles could not live together in harmony was quite compatible with the position of antiSemitic racists. Remarking on this significant parallel, Herzl declared that anti-Semitism could be of great help to their campaign. He said that all anti-Semites were their closest friends, because this would thus facilitate migration. On 9 June, 1895, he made the following entry in his diary: "First I shall negotiate with the Tsar regarding permission for the Russian Jews to leave the country... Then I shall negotiate with the German Kaiser, then with Austria, then with France regarding the Algerian Jews, then as need dictates."8 Herzl was not content to entice the Jews to emigrate with diplomatically-phrased entreaties. As the well-known French intellectual Roger Garaudy wrote, in The Case of Israel: A Study of Political Zionism, Herzl advocated the separation of the Jews not to establish a separate religion or culture, but a state. To achieve that end, he had no qualms about telling everyone he spoke to about the danger represented by the Jews and to describe the need for them to leave at once. Herzl always employed the same extreme language with German Foreign Minister von Blow and Guillaume II, Russia's Minister of the Interior Plehve and Czar Nicholas II, and leading anti-Semites. The cruelest of these was Plehve, responsible for one of the most terrible massacres against Jews in Kichinev in April 1903. In a letter to Plehve in May, Herzl suggested that Zionism was a preventive antidote to revolution. Plehve responded to his letter in August, requesting a letter from Herzl to the effect that

A photograph, on exhibit in Jerusalem, sho-

the Zionist movement supported

wing Jews slaughtered at Kichinev in 1903

Adnan Oktar 43

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