Research Tools Review

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Mendeley is currently the only one with mobile apps

Mobile Apps “Finally, Mendeley is ahead in the pack in regards to use for mobile devices; only Mendeley has apps for mobile devices.”

Cost & Storage

“Zotero and Mendeley are both free to start. Zotero gives you 100Mb of storage space while Mendeley gives you 100Mb of personal storage and 1GB for group storage.

of group storage space. To purchase five GB of storage space plan on shelling out $5 a month for Zotero or $10 per month for Mendeley. Mendeley also offers individual plans ranging from $4.99 a month for 2 GB to $14.99 for 20 GB; collaborative team plans can also be created. Those who opt to become a premium Mendeley user will enjoy Mendeley’s feature of automatically searching for articles based on your interests which are filtered directly to your library. After seeing the features that Zotero and Mendeley both offered as free services, we were disappointed with Endnote, which requires a hefty investment to purchase a license for their software; $250 and $99 for future upgrades; fullfunctioning student ver-

sions are available for $113.95 and include 5 GB of online storage. Fortunately, potential Endnote consumers can download a free 30-day trial from http:// before investing. We conclude that Zotero is the least expensive option, given the fact that users will probably want to upgrade Endnote every couple of years.

See editors choices and product comparison matrix on the next page

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