Austrian Melodies Program Book

Page 37

1919 - 2011 Annapolis Symphony Orchestra Founder and First Board President The city is built To music, therefore never built at all, And therefore built forever Alfred Tennyson

My father Philip Richebourg conducted his own orchestra every day of his life with consistency and order; he applied an exact Science, a common thread, to numerous Board memberships and Presidential appointments, serving sixty-five years in his community. This same exactitude and precision was reflected in his life-passions as pilot, musician, and as a master archivist. My father approached all things in life as if resolute in achieving one goal, that of perfect harmony. The very essence and purposeful The future enters into us, in order to transform itself in us, long before it happens. Rainer Maria Rilke meaning the trumpet represents is symbolic of a devout spiritual vision that carried my father through all aspects of his life.The sound of the trumpet has been called on to glorify God; it empowers the ability to revive or to represent closure; it is a medium portraying clarity, precision and purity. These characteristics are emblematic of everything my father endeavored to achieve. As Founder and First Board President, my father’s mission for the Annapolis Symphony during the formative years was to solidify the orchestra financially and administratively, insuring its longevity. Today the Annapolis Symphony Orchestra has soared to the heights my father dreamed would one day come true. For me, listening to music now represents a conduit to my father as if he never left. He is standing in the wings with quiet dignity and pride and we are resoundingly singing his praises. Elizabeth Richebourg Rea

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