Re-Merchandising Strategy for Moschino.

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BUSINESS/ MARKET TRENDS This year fashion companies will need to look at opportunities and not just at surmounting challenges. They must be sensitive to consumer demands in terms of sustainability, customization and “self-disrupt” their own identity and the sources of their old success to realize these changes and win new generations of clients. The following will explore the main trends for 2019: ideas and discussions that will animate the fashion industry for the next year. Digital Era In the fashion industry, a digital transformation process has been underway for a long time working to push an entire economic sector towards a 4.0 dimension. This dimension will be completely focused on direct relationships with customers and, in general, on the implementation of activities by customer relationship management. The digital customer is no longer limited to passive reception of the product and its acceptance, but is affirmative in his positioning of absolute dominance on the market: In short, today’s customer is digital before, during and after the purchase. We can no longer think of separating the strategies of the brand between online and offline as interaction with the public has become fundamental. [Appendix J] Sustainability To dress in a conscious way is undoubtedly the best way to become a responsible consumer. Ethical fashion and eco-sustainable fashion are two such examples. In recent years more and more companies and consumers, who are convinced that respect for the environment and for personal health can also be transported through clothes, have picked up these trends. Fashion is the second most polluting industry in the world and producers have become aware of this. In the fashion industry, the main problems in design and production of “green” products derive from a lack of awareness, which leads to not dealing with sustainability from the earliest stages of development of new products. Another example is the lack of specific tools to evaluate the impact on the environment of materials, colours and printing techniques. The McKinsey & BOF study “State of Fashion” 2017, however, states that eco-sustainable fashion will be one of the 10 megatrends of the fashion industry in the next ten years. But also, that “over 65% of consumers in emerging markets, China and India at the top the list, and 32% of consumers in Europe and the United States do active research before their purchases and are interested in sustainable fashion”. According to the study, about 20% of them could translate this interest into a purchase decision, making sustainability one of the criteria used to choose what to buy and how much they are willing to pay.


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