91763 AW The Book of Abstracts 2013

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Aleksandra Negojević The Importance of Proper Grammar on the Internet What this insightful paper concentrates on is just how important it is for proper grammar to be omnipresent on the Internet, which is vicariously exemplified using a number of online posts written by various individuals who tend to make serious mistakes, thus spreading their illiteracy all over the web. The areas the research covers are internet domains that are most often visited by youngsters, especially students, bearing in mind the fact that it is they who shall inherit the Earth, a celestial body where the gravity of grammar is becoming extinct (much like the pun used just now). The design of this project took a quantitative approach, meaning that there is a questionnaire developed to gather information from the very erring students who are in desperate need of a grammatical safe haven, followed by a statistical analysis of their responses. Notwithstanding the fact that a disquieting number of online posts written in bad English might be found to cunningly await the meek, this revolutionary research is meant to snowball the overall awareness of such wicked posts and make one discern that they cannot leave such grammar to future generations, hopefully resulting in the improvement of the same. Keywords: grammar, internet, students, mistakes, bad English

The Book of Abstracts The Book of Abstracts

91763 AW 2013 91763 AW 2013

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