Managing Media Content: Business Strategies and Practices

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Managing Media Content: Business Strategies and Practices - An Application Study on Content and Scheduling Formation

the question of typology and diversity is considered as interactive, something that is discussed in Chapter 4 too, as the method through which genres and way of classification are selected, which also influences any further development of the result of the diversity degree under examination in this research. Chapter 5 deals with content homogeneity issues. This chapter proves this study’s initial hypothesis inasmuch that if content is homogeneous, how could differentiation between channels be achieved so that the channels are able to compete with each other? This hypothesis stems from two already published content studies, as well as by other important studies that have been conducted from time to time to study the content of Greek television. Chapter 6 follows, which, as the core of the study, analyses the author’s theory about the television metamorphosis of the minimum differentiation of content. The theory is divided into three phases. During the first, homogeneity and over-concentration data are located in specific programme genres. If this data was not valid and did not show any homogeneity, then theoretically it would not be possible to move to the second stage of the theory, which is the metamorphosis process, the process during which the content begins to change. In this study three methodological differentiation variables are suggested, namely morphology, chronology and topology, which are explained in detail in the sixth chapter. These variables are empirically tested through news bulletin interviews, and it is shown how a news bulletin diversifies its homogenous programme from competitive news bulletins. Finally, during the third phase of the metamorphosis theory, “metamorphosed” programme appears, generating differentiated content. The diversity of content which results from this situation is labeled in this study “context diversity”, in contrast to content diversity, as they are in fact two completely different

Research Institute of Applied Communication


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