Andrea Cadioli _ Academic Portfolio _ SCI-Arc M.Arch II 2016/2018

Page 130


| Tutor Ryan Martinez


FAKERIES and diptique In the attempt to understand the concept of fake in the product of art, the project studies the realm of misleading/misunderstanding/ misconceived in a series of test grounds. In particular, here this concept is expressed through the acting of two identities, both in opposition and connection. A duality of gestures and topics counterbalances a diptique of different readings on the same subject or behavior of the tools. The jungle becomes then the battle field of the two actors. Here, the topics of mystifying and mesmerizing are expressed in fields of vegetation and animals that hide sensual elements and tempting organs. In this game of dualities, while when separate the two elements are clearly distinguished, when collapsing and interacting they become new coherent objects with unique identities and performances, making the two sides of the same coin one single value again.


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