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Kristine Narvida Artist Interview:
A R T : K R I S T I N E N A R V I D A T H E S T U D Y O F A N N O Y A N C E
The study of annoyance 5, 2022, oil on linen, 30 x 40 cm
The study of annoyance 7, 2022, oil on linen, 30 x 40 cm
The study of annoyance 2, 2022, oil on linen, 30 x 40 cm
The study of annoyance 4, 2022, oil on linen, 40 x 50 cm
Kristine Narvida is an academic visual artist born in 1977. She graduated in 2006 as a Magister at the Latvian Art Academy in Riga. She lives and works in Germany in Berlin and Potsdam and is mother of four daughters. Kristine prefers working with oil on linen, using models as her subjects. The study of annoyance - a study of aggravation is silence that becomes visible. The tension between language and the world where the existing demands its possibility, and not the possible its existence. This is a passionate look at the present, where the surface of things and the superficiality of people are so truly full of meaning and pain. The search for context, the wish to escape, and the inability to do so. The introduction of bright block colour in the work of this series is a conceptual idea to find a path to identify and to get rid of the unnecessary.
Website: www.narvida.com