Secretary general's report

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Suresh Srivastava Secretary General

Se retary Ge eral s Report from 01st April 2013 to 31st March 2018 I extend my warm welcome to all the members, all State UNA Delegates who have come from different parts of the country to participate in the National Council meeting of IFUNA. I express my gratitude and thanks for unflinching support, cooperation and guidance by all Office Bearers of IFUNA during my tenure as Secretary General. I am particularly thankful to all state UNAs who had undertaken various programmes and conferences during all these years in their respective states and in active cooperation and collaboration with IFUNA. I shall now present you the brief summary of activities and programmes during the period from 2013 to 2018 by IFUNA.

YEAR 2013 TO 2014 1. IFUNA Observed World Health Day on 7th April 2013 at Kohinoor Hospital, Mumbai in collaboration with Maharashtra UN Association and United Nations Information Centre of India and Bhutan and informative and interesting conference held in the Town Hall of the Hospital was graced by Major Dr. Sachin Mane, Head Medical and Hospital Administration, Dr. Altmas Sheikh, Dr. Ramesh Rao and Members of IFUNA and Maharashtra UN Association.



IFUNA and UNA Chhattisgarh opened a UN Library at Raipur, Chhattisgarh on 27th April 2013 which was inaugurated by H.E. Shekhar Dutt the Governor of Chhattisgarh.


Ho le Dr. Mukul Sangma, Chief Minister of Meghalaya attended function to mark the opening of the New Chapter of UNA Meghalaya in TURA on 11th May 2013. The eeti g as atte ded la ge u e of people i ludi g MLA s, Jou alist a d prominent citizens of TURA.

4. 5th June 2013 IFUNA and United Nations Association of Bihar, Jharkhand observed World E iro e t Day� by involving children of school in Bhalgalpur by planting saplings. Mr. K.P. Jhunjhunwala and Mr. K.P.S. Kesari president Industries Association were chief Guest and Guest of Honour respectively. 5. 11th July 2013 IFUNA and Uttkal Federation of UN Association observed World Population day . The meeting was attended by prominent citizens, journalists and doctors at Bhubaneshwar, Odisha. 6. July 22nd to 25th July 2013, Seventeen participants from 12 different UNAs (GHANA, GREECE, INDIA, ITLY, NEPAL, NORWAY, SOUTH-AFRICA, SWEDEN, TANZANIA, UGANDA, U.K. and Zimbabwe) participated in Four Days Course on Human Rights and Project Management . IFUNA Delegate Mr. Abhitej Sandhu participated as IFUNA Delegate in the programme. Dr. Wiebke Harms, WFUNA Human Rights Education Programme Officer, Dr. Heather Collister, Mr. Kevin I. Koh and Bonnian Golmohammadi, Secretary General of WFUNA gave participants and over view of the subject. 7. IFUNA Organized a function to mark release of the Book FINDING NEEMA a book on challenged child and film on Autism in India International Centre on 6th August 2013. The function was attended by large number of writers, filmmakers and prominent citizens such as Mark Tuli. 8.

International Literacy Day , 07th September 2013. IFUNA and UNA Assam organized an UN Mock Assembly, which was attended by large number of students from DON BOSCO School, Guwahati. The Mock Assembly was inaugurated by the Dr. Mukul Sa g a, Ho le Chief Mi iste of Meghalaya.

9. IFUNA observed UN Day on 23rd October 2013 at Mumbai with UNIC, US Embassy and Maharashtra UN Association. On this occasion a galaxy of guest speakers were invited to speak and share their views on United Nations and on


the importance of this, Commemoration. The main speakers were H.E Mr. Michael Pelletier, of U.S. Embassy, Mr. Seshadri Chari, Mr. A.A. Syed, H.E. Ceylan Ozen Erisen, Consul General Turkey, Ms. Mohini Mathur, Chairperson MUNA, Ms. Kiran Mehra-Kerpelman, Director UNIC, H.E. Mr. Mark Pierce, Consul General Australia and Ashraf Sheikh and IFUNA Secretary-General, Suresh Srivastava. 10. IFUNA and Uttkal Federation of UN Association organized UN Day celebration on 30th October 2013 at Bhubaneshwar, Odisha in which Mr. Rajive Chandran, National Information Officer of UNIC was the Chief Guest, the meeting was attended by Mr. P.C. Sinha, (M.L.A) former Minister of West Bengal, Former Vice President of IFUNA and many prominent citizens of Bhubaneswar.

YEAR 2014 TO 2015 11. Freedo Fro Viole e Workshop on Capacity Building was organized by WFUNA (World Federation of United Nations Associations) in collaboration with IFUNA (Indian Federation of United Nation Associations) in New Delhi from 22nd May 2014 to 25th May 2014. Delegates consisting of academicians, social activists, government officials, advocates and intellectuals from all sections of society, all over India attended the workshop. Mr. Bonian Golmohammadi, Secretary General, and Ms. Laura Spano, Conflict Prevention Officer, WFUNA were the eminent trainers. Mr. Seshadri Chari, Vice President, IFUNA, and Mr. Suresh Srivastava, Secretary-General, IFUNA welcomed Mr. Bonian Golmohammadi, Secretary General and Ms. Laura Spano, Conflict Prevention Officer, WFUNA and delegates attending workshop from all over India. Workshop was enlightened with their intellectual speeches on Freedom from violence Peace, security and conflict prevention in post-2015 Development agenda. 12. IFUNA observed World Population Day on 11th July 2014. It was a wellattended gathering of youths in the conference hall of IFUNA. Speaking on the occasion Suresh Srivastava, Secretary General, IFUNA, eulogized the message of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon who on this World Population Day called on all with influence to prioritize youth in development plans, strengthen partnerships with youth-led organizations, and involve young people in all decisions that affect them. By empowering today's youth, we will lay the groundwork for a more sustainable developments for generations to come".


13. At a lively event at UN House, New Delhi, Indian Federation of United Nations Associations (IFUNA) celebrated 70th Anniversary year of the United Nations with UN Information Centre of India and Bhutan (UNIC) on 24th October 2014. The UNIC Director Ms. Kiran Mehra-Kerpelman along with social activist and former Indian Police Officer Dr Kiran Bedi to mark the 70th Anniversary year of the United Nations, unveiled a colourful and dynamic Young @logo, reflecting the energetic work the UN does around the world every day. Organized by UNIC and supported by IFUNA and Space Labs Healthcare, the e e t also fo ussed o o e s se u it , dis ussed elo ue tl D . Bedi, Mr. Mohinder Chopra, Chairman and Director of OSI Systems, Suresh Srivastava, Secretary General, IFUNA, Patricia Barandun, Deputy Representative, UN Women and Ms. Kiran Mehra-Kerpelman, UNIC Director. Several UNIC partners and members of the UN Family attended the launch, along with activists and members of the media. 14. I ter atio al Day Of Solidarity With The Palesti ia People - 29th November 2014, IFUNA and the Maharashtra United Nations Association jointly organized Palestine Day with the Indo – Arab Society & United Nations Information Centre for India and Bhutan at Islam Gymkhana, Mumbai on 29th November 2014. Ms. Kiran Mehra-Kerpelman, Director, UNIC was the Chief Guest. Mr Z.A. Bandukwala – President of the Indo-Arab Society, welcomes the Guests and the speakers. He highlighted the Indo – A a So iet s a ti ities fo the last 60 years for promoting cultural relations between India and the Arab countries. Mr Bandukwala highly appreciated Ms. Kiran Mehra-Kerpelman who is travelling extensively in all the states of India, meeting the United Nations NGO and supporting them to spread the ideals of the United Nations for peace and harmony. H.E. Mr Masood E. Khalengi – Consul General of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Mumbai was another distinguished speaker on the occasion. H.E. Masood E. Khaleghi, and Mr Rafiq Dada, Senior Advocate and former Additional Solicitor General of India, spoke about the formation of Palestine State and the U.N. Resolutions pertaining to the issue. 15. WFUNA FOUNDATION Launched o d Ma h B Ho le Mi iste of External Affairs, Mrs. Sushma Swaraj at Nehru Bhawan, MEA, New Delhi.


Smt. Sushma Swaraj, Ho le Mi iste of E te al Affai s & Overseas Indian Affairs Minister, Government of India at the formal Launch of WFUNA Foundation in INDIA, New Delhi on March 3, 2015 was happy to note that the efforts of WFUNA, since its establishment in 1946, have been directed towards building a stronger and effective United Nations through the engagement of people at large. She further stated that WFUNA was founded on the noble elief that all people a e i te o e ted th ough the UN s o e alues. It is also very timely that we are launching the India Chapter of the WFUNA Foundation in the 70th Anniversary year of the United Nations. This is an important milestone which should trigger serious reflection upon the performance of the world body and its specialized agencies in carrying out their duties. The uestio e eed to ask is hethe the UN is still fit fo pu pose ? she said. 16. On 29 March, 2015 Rajendra Rathore, Health Minister of the Government of Rajasthan Opened WFUNA Youth Seminar at the campus of Jayshree Periwal International School in presence of Mr. Bonian Golmohammadi, SecretaryGeneral, World Federation of United Nations Associations ( WFUNA), New York, Mr. Sundeep Bhutoria, Treasurer, WFUNA, Mr. Suresh Srivastava Secretary-General, Indian Federation of United Nations Associations, New Delhi, Ms. Kiran Mehra-Kerpelman, Director, United Nations Information Centre for India and Bhutan (UNIC) and Ms. Jayshree Periwal, Director, Jayshree Periwal International School The WFUNA Youth Seminar Jaipur was organized in partnership with Jayshree Periwal International School. It brought together 20 outstanding students from Jayshree Periwal International School, 10 observers from schools in Jaipur, 15 Indian young leaders representing the Indian Federation of United Nations Associations (IFUNA) and 15 international participants from United Nations Associations (UNAs) and United Nations Youth Associations (UNYAs) of Azerbaijan, Botswana, Bulgaria, Canada, Malaysia, Norway, Sweden, Syria, Republic of Korea, Russia, Uganda and United States of America. With the theme "Taking Ownership of the Post-2015 Development Agenda , the conference aims to transform youth into champions of action to enable them to lead the implementation of the UN's new Sustainable Development Goals. The five days of workshops and activities focus on strengthening project management, fundraising and social media skills. 17. MISSION POSSIBLE – Global Citizenship Programme for School Children on 31st March 2015, Launched By WFUNA & IFUNA. In an attempt to create global change agents, the World Federation of United Nations Associations (WFUNA) has launched a global citizenship education programme for school students in


India in collaboration with IFUNA. Titled "Mission Possible", the programme is targeted at high school students and seeks to use the goals, principles and experience of the United Nations to empower and enable young minds to think globally and act locally. Mr Bonian Golmohammadi, Secretary General, WFUNA said at the launch of the programme on 31st March, 2015 addressing to media at Press Club of India, New Delhi. According to Mr. Golmohammadi, the mission is slightly different from conventional method of education of delivering lectures. "This will be project based learning," he said. Elaborating on the concept, he said students will embark upon a project on any of the global issues like Climate Change, Women's Rights or Peace and Security and then engage with their respective communities, taking on active roles both locally and globally. "Missio Possi le lo al o sulta ts ill t ai tea he s ho ill the take the curriculum to the students. He added that at the end of the year, selected students will come together on a social platform to share projects, ideas and experiences.

YEAR 2015 to 2016 18. IFUNA Observed World Health Day with Assam Oil Division of Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. On 7th April 2015 at Digboi, Assam. The programme was attended by eminent speakers from Assam Oil Division Mr. Amitabh Mishra General Manager, Mr. Rajiv Kalita – HR Chief of Assam Oil, Dr. Aswini Sarma – President and a large number of employees of Assam Oil Division, Doctors, Health workers and members of Assam UNA. 19. A Seminar was organized on 20th April 2015 by IFUNA at Shillong, Meghalaya on Pea e, Se urity a d Co fli t Pre e tio . The Chief Minister of Meghalaya and Chairman of IFUNA presided over the meeting. The delegates from all over India representing UNAs from Assam, Chhattisgarh, Meghalaya, Manipur, Himachal Pradesh, Odisha, Kerala, Bihar, West Bengal, Tripura and Andhra Pradesh attended. A large number of delegates from Meghalaya UNA also attended Seminar. 20. On 12th August 2015,IFUNA observed I ter atio al Youth Day in collaboration with Maharashtra UN Association at Sophia College, Mumbai. Dr. (Sr.) Ananda Amritmehal, Principal Sophia College inaugurated the observance of UN DAY . Ms. Mohini Mathur - Executive Chairperson, Maharashtra UN Association addressed the youths on the theme Ideal for e for ha ge You


are the future . Senior Advocate of Bombay High Court, Firoze B. Andhyarujina delivered keynote address, Ashraf Ahmed Shaikh – Secretary MUNA and President – Maharashtra Youth UN Association and several young student leader spoke on the occasion. Mr. A. A. Syed – Secretary General, MUNA distributed certificate of participation to the youths. 21. On 18th Septe e , i a o da e ith I dia s st ateg to seek partnership with neighbourhood to develop economically and technologically IFUNA along with Abdul Kalam Azad Institute of Asian Studies organized International Seminar on Per eptio s on Regional, Sub-Regional initiatives – ith Spe ial Refere e to BCIM Corridor at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi. 22. IFUNA observed UN Day on 30th October 2015 with UNIC and Haryana UNA at Salwan Public School, Gurgaon. The programme was followed with planting of saplings, presentation of programme of Music and Dance by blind students, presentation of Orchestra by Salwan Public School. The programme was participated by Director of UNIC – Ms. Kiran Mehra-Kerpelman, Principal and Staff of the school and large number of students and important guests attended. IFUNA also observed on 24th October UN Day at Guwahati. The programme was attended by Mrs. Bijoya Chakravarty – Member of Parliament from Guwahati, Ms. Kiran Mehra-Kerpelman, Mr. Rajiv Bohra – Principal Secretary, Government of Assam, a large number of dignitaries from various fields. 23. Uttakal UN Association and IFUNA observed the 70th Foundation Day of United Nations on 30th October 2015 at Government Wo e s College, Dha ka al, Odisha. The programme was addressed by Dr. R.K. Sharma of United Nations Information Centre, Prof. Dilip Nanda, Prof. Amiya Rath, Shri Abasar Beuria, Shri SaratKar, former Speaker Odisha, Shri A.K. Satapathay, Mr. Manoranjan Pattanaik - President, Uttkal UNA and a large number of students from the college. 24. On 10th December 2015, IFUNA Observed Hu a Rights Day at IFUNA Conference Hall, a large number of foreign students who are perusing the Diploma course of Institute of UN Studies and members of IFUNA attended this p og a e. The Hu a Rights Da as add essed a fo eig stude ts highlighting difficulties and discrimination faced by them while studying in India. Most of them praised India for its good track record of Human Rights of India. The function was addressed by Mr. S.P. Kalra - Deputy Chairman IFUNA and Senior Lawyer Delhi High Court, Mr. Suresh Srivastava – Advocate and Secretary General IFUNA.


YEAR 2016 TO 2017 25. IFUNA Observed World Health Day with UTTKAL Federation of UN Association on 7th April 2016 At Dhenkanal, Bhubneshwar, Odisha, India. The function was attended by Er. A.K. Satpati, CBI Judge Shri B.C. Rout, Dr. Jyotish Chandra Mahapatra, Mr. Manoranjan Pattanaik, Prof.Dilip Nanada and Poet Bahadur Patsaani. A large number of people from civil society also attended this programme. 26. IFUNA Observed World Health Day with UNA- BIHAR – JHARKHAND UN Association on 7th April 2016, In Patna in collaboration with Loin Club International. The function was attended by Loin Vice District Governor II, Ms.Veena Gupta, District Governor Dr.Vinod Kumar Singh, Shri Anupam Singhania Shri Prasun Jaiswal, Shri P.M Parvatiyar Executive Chairman Bihar Jharkhand UNA, Dr. Raman Kumar and many prominent personalities of Patna. A large number of people from all section of society attended this function. 27. IFUNA observed World Heritage Day At Dhenkanal, Bhubneshwar, Odisha, India on 18th April 2016. On this occasion Er. Akhya Satyapatti, CBI Judge Bhikari Charna Rout, Prof. Dilip Nanda, Prof. Pushplata Ratha, Poet Bahadur Patsani, Dr. Jyotichandra Mahapatra and Joint Secretary of UTTKAL UN Mr. Manoranjan Pattanaik also spoke on this occasion. 28. IFUNA Observed Earth Day with UNA-Bihar on 22nd April 2016 at Bihar. On this occasion of Earth Day, United Nations Associations, Bihar & Jharkhand with LIONS Club of Patna did tree plantation at Patliputra Colony, Patna. Kumar Manish – Advocate and Secretary General- Bihar Jharkhand UNA, Ms. Chandna Sahay, Mr. Rajkumar Sahay, Advocate and President of Lions Club of Patna also did tree plantation on this occasion. 29. IFUNA participated at We Care Fil Festi al in New Delhi on 5th August 2016. IFUNA Secretary General Shri Suresh Srivastava was invited as observer during the jury meet of 13th editio of We Ca e Fil Festi al . He as fu the felicitated at the finale of Internationally acclaimed Film Festival for supporting the cause of specially abele persons. This programme was on Disabilities issues which was also supported by UNESCO and UNIC.


30. IFUNA Observed International Literacy Day with UNA-ASSAM on 8th September 2016 at Guwahati, Assam, India. The United Nations Association of Assam and the Indian Federation of UN Associations, New Delhi in collaboration with Dakshin Kamrup College, Mirza, Guwahati observed the International Literacy Day at the College premises in Guwahati. The meeting started with Saraswati Bandana performed by students of the College. The Principal of the college Dr. Ramesh Chandra presided over the function. Dr. R.C. Barpatra Gohain, Dean of Guwahati University, Mrs. Alkita Baru Member UNA Assam, Dr. Aswini Sarma, Secretary General UNA-Assam, Dr. Pran, Principal Guwahati College, Mr. Sanjeeb Kakoty Executive Member – UNA Assam and a large number of students also participated on this occasion. 31. IFUNA participated at U ited Natio s Fra e ork Co e tio o Cli ate Cha ge on 24-26 October-2016 at Dharwd. Dr. B.P Biradar, Vice Chancellor, University of Agriculture Science, Magesysa and Stock home water award winner Dr. Rajendra Singh and Mr. Deepak Parvatiyar representing IFUNA, participated in the conference at Global Water Meet – 2016 with a large number of NGO representatives from civil societies, representatives from various Government departments and representatives from various National and International Universities participated in the three days conference. 32. IFUNA in collaboration with UTTKAL UNA observed 71st UN Foundation day at Dhenkanal Debkanya Hotel on 30th October 2016. The celebration was attended by a galaxy of eminent personalities such as Former Union Minister Mr. Braja Kishore Tripathy and Mr. Bhajamana Behera. Mr. Asok Parija President Odisha High Court Bar Association. Engineer Alahsya Satpathy, CBI Judge Sri Bhikari Charna Rout, Prof Dilip Nanda, Bramha Kumari Usha, Manoranjan Patanaik, President, Uttkal UNA Presided over the function. Dr. D.C. Patnaik and Dr. Asananda Das were honoured and given standing ovation by guests and members of UFUNA for their outstanding services to the society, Mr. Dipayan Patnaik secretary UFUNA proposed a vote of thanks for attending the function. 33. IFUNA Observed United Nations Day on 12th November 2016, Chief Guest as Ho le Ho e Mi iste , Go e e t of I dia M . Rajnath Singh who inaugurated UNA UP at Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh at King George Medical University. Dr. O.P Singh, President of U.P UNA, organized observance of the UN Day. The function was presided over by Justice Shambhunath Srivastava, Lokayukt, Chhattisgarh, The Guest of Honour was Dr. Ravi Kant, Vice


Chancellor of King George Medical University. A large number of people from all section of the society, electronic and print media, a large numbers of doctors, medical students, lawyers, NGOs and officials of the Government of Uttar Pradesh participated in this programme. This function was given wide coverage by Electronic & Print Media through out Uttar Pradesh. 34. IFUNA organized Film on Disability Screened to mark International Day of Persons with Disability on 2nd December 2016 at UN Conference Hall, New Delhi, India. 35. IFUNA observed Human Rights Day with Uttkal UNA on 10th December 2016 at Dhenkanal, Odisha Former Chief Minister of Odisha Shri Giridhar Gamango was the Chief Guest. 36. IFUNA Celebrated I ter atio al Wo e s Day on March 08, 2017 at IFUNA Conference Hall in New Delhi. The programme was very well attended and participated by eminent academicians, educationists and dignitaries. IFUNA a d Assa UN Asso iatio i olla o atio ith PCPS Gi l s Pol te h i observed I ter atio al Wo e s Day at Guwahati, Assam on 08th March 2017. IFUNA celebrated I ter atio al Wo e s Day in collaboration with UTAKAL UNA at Odisha on 08th March 2017. 37. Indian Council for Cultural relation organized Reception in honour of Dr. Negeri Lencho, Minister of Communication, Ethiopia, on 20th March 2017. Dr. Negeri Lench, Minister of Communication Ethiopia, praised IFUNA for its outstanding o k as a people s o e e t for United Nations. He further informed the Secretary General, Suresh Srivastava that he was a student of Institute of UN Studies while studying in India. Prof Lokesh Chandra, President, Indian Council for Cultural Relation and International Academy of Indian Culture also greeted Dr. Lencho and Mr. Suresh Srivastava also spoke on the occasion. 38. On March 2017, IFUNA, Chhattisgarh UN Association along with Mr Derk Segaar, Director UNIC met Governor of Chattisgarh, Mr Balramji Das Tandon and discussed the 7 Sustai a le De elop e t Goals of U ited Natio s . Mr.Derk Segaar, Director UNIC also spoke on this occasion and emphasized on role of 17 sustainable development goals of United Nations during a joint meeting of IFUNA & Chhattisgarh United Nations Associations and Rotary Club of Raipur Heritage.


YEAR 2017 TO 2018 39. IFUNA, UNA ODISHA and UNIC celebrated World Health Day at Dhenkanal, Odisha on 7th April 2017.Mr. Sarat Kar - Ex Speaker, Dr Radhakanta Naik, IAS, Mr Bhajaman Behera, Ex-Central Minister, CBI Judge Mr. B C Rout, Brhmakumari Usha, Mr. Dipayan Pattanaik, Secretary & Mr. Bahadur Patsani participated. 40. On 22ndApril 2017, IFUNA and BIHAR-JHARKHAND UN Association in association with Lions Club of Patna Celebrated Earth Day by planting Tree in the premises of Lady Stevension Hall at Patna. Kumar Manish Advocate, Secretary General Bihar-Jharkhand UN Association, Ms. Chandana Sahay, Treasurer, Mr.Rajkumar, Advocate and President of Loins Club of Patna and Mr. Anjani Kumar Singh, Secretary planted Trees on the eve of Earth Day. 41. On 22nd April 2017. IFUNA in association with Andhra Pradesh UN Association celebrated I te tio al Mother s Earth Day at Shri Venkateshwara University, Tirupati. Shri Ganta S i i as Rao, Ho le Mi iste fo Hu a Resou e Development, Shri Pydikondala Manikyala Rao, Honble Minister for Endowments, Prof. Ayula Damodaram, Vice-Chancellor, SV University, Dr. K. Thulsi Rao, Patron, UNA-Aandhra Pradesh, Shri N. Sunil Kumar, Vice President, Banking, Director, Sustainable Development, Shri H.Y Dora, Chairman and MD, SPDCAPL was attended this function. From IFUNA Mr. Suresh Srivastava, Mr. PM Parvatiyar, Mr. V. Narayanan, Mr. Kailash Khosala, Mr. Jayramulu, Mr. Vinayak Srivastava, Mrs. V. Narayanan, Dr. Madhuri Khosla, Mrs. Meena Srivastava, Mrs. Meenakshi Verma, Mrs. Priyanka Saksena and other members of A.P UNA participated in this function. 42. On 3rd May 2017, IFUNA in collaboration with ASSAM UN Association celebrated World Press Freedo Day at Guwahati Press Club, Assam. Mr. Pratap Bordoloi Former Deputy Director of Doordarshan Kendra, Guwahati, Mr. Naba Kumar Thakuria, Secretary of Guwahati, Mr. Biraj Sarma, ExMinister of Assam, members of press clubs and journalist representing several newspapers and electronic media houses of the state were present on this occasion.


43. IFUNA Commend the publication of Seven Decades and Beyond the UNINDIA CONNECT to celebrate United Nations connection with India for seventy years with a book containing seventy chapters on seventy themes by UNIC India and Bhutan. The contribution made by eminent and prolific Indian writhers in this book has made us proud and honoured. These writers deserve our deepest appreciation for contributing n this book. Above all, we at IFUNA feel honoured and grateful not only for recognizing the contribution of IFUNA towards United Nations but also by immortalizing us by publishing a full chapter of IFUNA in this Book. 44. On 22-28 May 2017, Six members of IFUNA Delegates Visited China under Bilateral exchange programme between UNA-China and IFUNA to promote and strengthen Indo-China relationship. The delegation was headed by Ms. Dikkanchi D. Shira, MLA and Minister of Meghalaya Government. The delegation consisted of Mr. Vinayak Srivastava who was Secretary of the Delegation and was responsible for the management of the entire programme as well as Chief Spokes Person of IFUNA. Mr. Sundeep Bhutoria, Treasurer of WFUNA and Member of Executive Committee, Shri C.P Mahajan, Ms. Rakchira D. Shira and Ms. Meenakshi Verma. The IFUNA was given briefing by the Ministry of External Affairs on various issues pertaining to Indo-China relations. The present Secretary Ministry of External Affairs Mr. Vijay Gokhale was then Ambassador of India in China. The IFUNA delegation was invited by the H.E. Mr. Vijay Gokhale to the Indian Embassy in Beijing China for briefing and further discussion on Bilateral issues between India and China. The Indian Government (Ministry of External Affairs) as well as the Government of China (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) accorded status of High Power delegation to IFUNA . The delegation was invited for meeting with Mr. Liu Guangyong, Deputy Director General Shanghai Municipal People s Go e e t a d Fo eig affai s office. Wide range of issues such as Sustainable Development of Shanghai City, use of Renewable Energy Source to reduce carbon emission and other Environmental issues were deliberated upon in the meeting. Visit of IFUNA delegation was very fruitful and productive. 45. On 5th June 2017, IFUNA and UNIC joined hands with International Chamber of Media and Entertainment Industry and celebrated the World E iro e t Day At Asia A ade of Fil s a d Tele isio , Noida a d its as f uitful


discussion with participants sharing their activities and reiterating their commitment to save our Environment. 46. On 7th June 2017, IFUNA, Maharashtra United Nations Association, Bombay Cotton Merchants, EMP; MUCCADUMS Association Ltd and Rotary Club of Bombay in association with Welfare First Foundation organized NO-TOBACCO DAY at Mumbai. This programmes was aimed to create awareness about the ill effects and health risks by consuming Tobacco. Speaking on this occasion Mr. A.A. Syed, Secretary General, Maharshtra UN Association also apprised the audience about various activities MUNA is doing for the welfare and good health of general public. 47. On 21st June 2017, IFUNA & UTTKAL UNA observed I te tio al Yoga Day at Odisha. Over 100 people from various part of life participated in Yoga along with UFUNA President Mr. Manoranjan Patnaik. 48. IFUNA Observed World Populatio DayConference Hall.

7 on 11th July 2017 at IFUNA

The fu tio as o se ed ith the The e of The Question arise, as to why? We o se e Wo ld Populatio Its e ause e see to ha e fo gotte hat a beautiful gift we have been given in the form of planet earth. We also seem to have forgotten that this is our home and we need to keep it in order to stay healthy and alive . The programme was attended by a large number of young students of IUNS and other distinguished members. The programme was given wide coverage on Doordarshan. 49. IFUNA & UTTKAL UNA observed World Population Day at ODISHA with Chief Guest and Speaker Mr. Brajkishore Tripathy, Ex-Central Minister, who spoke extensively on the subject of building Consciousness among masses to control birth rate. 50. IFUNA O se ed International Literacy Day-2017 on 8th September 2017 at IFUNA Conference Hall, New Delhi o the The e Literacy in a Digital World . On this occasion Mr. Al Amin-Yuruph, UNESCO Advisor for communication and Information, spoke on the occasion that With the power of digital literacy, India carries a large weight on behalf of the word. This discussion has come at the very right moment not only because we want India to progress but if you


really want the world to progress, we have to ensure that India achieves digital litera y if I dia fail, I a assure you that the rest of the orld ill fail Dr. Nitin Malik, Awardees and Joint Registrar, Dr. RadhaKrishan, Inderapratha University, Delhi, Ms. Mansi Handa, Lecturer, SPM College, Delhi University also spoken on this occasion. 51. IFUNA and ASSAM UN Association observed International Litera y Day & I ter atio al Day of Pea e on 11th September 2017. 52. IFUNA and UTTKAL UN Association observed World Democracy Day15th September 2017 at Odisha.

7 on

53. On 24 October 2018, IFUNA and West Bengal UN Associations organize a Seminar on U ited Natio s eeds refor to eet the challe ges of st Ce tury in Kolkata. Governor of West Bengal Sri K.N. Tripathy inaugurated it and Ambassador Krishnan Srinivasan, Former Indian Foreign Secretary, His Excellency M. Taga, Counsel General of Japan, His Excellency A.M Idamkin, Counsel General of Russia, H.E. Damien Syed, Sunset General of France and H.E. Cai Zhifeng Deputy Counsel General of China Spoke in the seminar. A book on UN& POPULAR FACTS written by Sitaram Sharma, Chairman West Bengal Association was released by the Governor. 128 Students participated in YOUTH VOICE session. 54. IFUNA and UTTKAL UN Association organised Seminar on UN Day on 26th October 2017 at Dhenkanal, Odisha. Chief Guest Dr. Nrusingha Charan Sahoo, State Transport Minister of Odisha said along with UN, UTTKAL UNA is also doing remarkable work in the state. He said that State Govt will include a chapter about United Nations history and works in the school syllabus in Odisha. He requested ODISHA UNA to take up awareness project about UN in the Schools and around the state. 55. IFUNA in association with UNIC and UNESCO Celebrated UN Day - 2017 on 30th October 2017 at UNESCO Auditorium, New Delhi. Mrs. Bijoya Chakravarty, MP and Former Union Minister was the Chief Guest on this occasion. A large number of school principals from various Public Schools of Delhi, Jaipur, Chennai, Chandigarh, Amritsar, Haryana and Vadodra participated. In this occasion, IFUNA Felicitated around 40 schools principals who comes from various states like Delhi, Jaipur, Chandigarh, Amritsar, Vadodra, Ranchi and


IFUNA desig ated the as A assado – Mission Knowledge – 2018. IFUNA Launched A Mission Knowledge Programme in collaboration with WFUNA. The project will spread knowledge about the United Nations in the young students and shall also have an opportunity to attend Summer School at Geneva, Switzerland organized by IFUNA in collaboration with WFUNA Mr. Al-Amin Yusuph, UNESCO Advisor for Communication and Information for South Asia gave welcome address. In his welcome address Mr. Yusuph appreciated efforts of IFUNA in spreading knowledge about the United Nations at Peoples levels. 56. IFUNA and UTTKAL UN Association observed Hu a Rights Day7 on 11th December 2017 at Dhenkanal, Odisha by distributing Blanket to the poor and convening a Legal Aid camp for people below poverty line. On this day Ex Central Minister and Rajya Sabha MP, Mr. Braja Kishare Tripathy said The Rights of e ery a has di i ished he the rights of a on earth is threate ed . 57. On 26thto 28th December 2017, Dr. Syed Mohamed Shaheed, Secretary General United Nations Associations of Bangladesh and former Vice President of WFUNA visited Kolkata. Mr. Sitaram Sharma, Vice President of IFUNA Welcome him on behalf of IFUNA and West Bengal UN Association in Kolkata and discussed with Dr. Shaheed about the bilateral interest of both the countries and also to farther strengthen the ties between United Nations Association of Bangladesh and IFUNA. Dr. Shaheed was presented copy of the People a d UN Magazi e i hi h the p o le of Refugees f o M a a to Bangladesh and India was highlighted and the problem of illegal immigration of Bangladeshi in India was highlighted by Dr. Shaheed and Mr. Suresh Srivastava respectively 58. On 8th Ma h 8, IFUNA O se ed I ter atio al Wo e s Day-2018 with The Union South-East Asia at IFUNA Conference Hall, New Delhi. The functions was presided over by Shri S.P Kalra, Deputy Chiarman-IFUNA and Co-Chaired by Dr. Neerja Arora, Sr. Technical Advisor, The Union South-East Asia on the THEME - #MeTo, # TimesUp and more Gender Parity.This programme was give good coverage by Doordarshan, All India Radio and Disha TV, the same was downloaded on IFUNA Facebook.


59. Missio K o ledge IFUNA in collaboration with WFUNA launched a Project Missio K o ledge – 8 . A ou d stude ts f o a ious s hools u de th the p oje t Missio K o ledge a e isiti g Ge e a o June 2018. 60. IFUNA regularly published PEOPLE and UN News Magazine which is registered under the Registrar of Newspapers for India (RNI). All the activities of IFUNA are duly published in our People and UN news magazine. Copies of the news magazines are being regularly sent to all the concerned officials of the Ministry of E te al Affai s. The opies of the People a d UN is also se t to Ho le P i e Mi iste , all Mi iste s, all Go e o s, all Ho le Chief Mi iste s, all Members of Diplomatic core, all UN Agencies in India, all UN Officials in India, other important Dignitaries and all Political Party leaders. The Newsletter is also send to our State UNAs and International UNAs all over the world.


I will be failing in my duty if I do not mention names of Members of IFUNA family who have helped, supported and guided me immensely during my tenure as Secretary General in achieving and bringing fame, Prestige, Honour, Kudos and Recognition to IFUNA in India and all over the world


Ms. Sushma Swaraj, Minister of External Affairs, Government of India - She has distinguished herself as an outstanding leader. As an External Affairs Minister, she plays a vital role in shaping India's foreign policy. Her proactive and compassionate nature has endeared her to Indians globally . (Prime Minister - Shri Narendra Modi) IFUNA is fortunate to have Mrs. Sushma Swaraj as Minister of External Affairs. She is our mentor, guiding spirit and pathfinder. She has supported us in all our endeavours. She was kind enough to inaugurate WFUNA Foundation in India. She has given an unflinching support to IFUNA and the all officials of the Ministry of External Affairs are very supportive, courteous and helpful to IFUNA. I express my sincere gratitude to Ho le Mi iste M s. Sush a S a aj a d all offi ials of UNES a d UNP of MEA fo thei trust and continued support.



First of all I would like to thank our Chairman Dr. Mukul Sangma who had been very helpful and supportive to our organization. He had invited all the Members of the Executive Committee, Shillong, Meghalaya and offered a great honour and hospitality to the all Members and his love and affection shall always remain as a cherished memory in our mind.


Mrs. Bijoya Chakravarty is a Lok Sabha MP, elected from Guwahati of Assam state as a member of Bharatiya Janata Party. We appreciated hearing your thoughts and we valued your perspective on the role played in our organization during various meetings and seminars. I really appreciate your thoughtfulness and for taking time out of your tight schedule to attend our events and meetings. We are thankful to you, to give us the ideas opportunity to demonstrate how we could perform at higher level, serve ide people s, ea h o e o u ities, a d fu the de elop ou UNA Asso iatio s. I am thankful for and blessed by you!


Ms. Kiran Mehra-Kerpelman, Former UNIC Director, Mr. Derk Segaar Director, UN Information Centre For India and Bhutan, Mr. Rajiv Chandran, Chief Information Officer, UNIC, Dr. R.K. Sharma, Chief Librarian UNIC and Ms. Sanjana Subramanian, Administrative Officer, UNIC.


IFUNA would not have been what it is today because of the unflinching and steady support of UNIC. The work of IFUNA by linking Indians with other countries and cultures, helps to promote the goal of making United Nations truly representative of the people of the world. IFUNA aim for a bright and ambitious programmes would have not fructified without the support of Directors of the UNIC. Mrs. Kiran MehraKerpelman as Director of the UNIC, she helped our organization eminently. She participated in all over functions and programmes in Delhi as well as all over India and gave us inspiration, motivation and encouragement and we are really indebted to her. Mr. Derk Segaar, after joining as Director of UNIC is very prompt, helpful and courteous to our organization. He has gone to Raipur, Chhattisgarh to attend Chhattisgarh UN Association function and we are thankful to him for his continuous support. Mr. Rajiv Chandran, God works in mysterious ways, but it's no mystery to me why you're with our organization. You were there for IFUNA and Institute of UN Studies when we needed, your support has given to us much strength in my tenure, I only hope I'll be able to return the favor to you sometime. We got an historic opportunity to built dialogue and dynamics as well as multilevel partnership and entry points between civil society and United Nations because of your constant support and help and by immortalization IFUNA by compiling and iti g Book Seven Decades and Beyond – THE UN INDIA CONNECT and devoting a one full chapter on IFUNA. I thank you for your part in our journey Dr. R.K. Sharma, has al a s ee i st u e tal i helpi g I stitute of UN Studies a d its students in providing relevant reading material which helped them eminently. He has always been supportive to IFUNA and all its projects. We wish to give our thanks for all what he has done to our organization. Ms. Sanjana Subramanian, she has always been very helpful and whenever IFUNA contacted her for any programme, her support was always forthcoming. She has given a great contribution in the Book published by UNIC in the Seven Decades and Beyond – THE UN INDIA CONNECT and we know it that she was also instrumental in dedicating one chapter on IFUNA in that book. We are extremely grateful to her. I express my sincere gratitude to all of you for your trust and continued support. It is your unwavering belief in IFUNA that has enabled it to continue to go from strength to strength every year 5.

Mr. S.P Kalra, Deputy Chairman - IFUNA . It would be impossible to count all the ways that you've helped to our organization, not only have you been a fantastic mentor to me, but you have taught me how to mentor other. Your leadership and example has


helped me grow into my potential. I salute you for your tenacity of purpose and outstanding leadership qualities during all the meetings of IFUNA Executive Committee, Conference and seminar. Your guidance has always been a great source of strength to IFUNA and all its members. We look forward to walking in your footsteps.


Mr. P.M Parvatiyar, Treasurer and Editor of People and UN news magazine has burnt oil in lamp till midnight for the People and UN news magazine. His dedication, devotion and hard work has brought many laurels to IFUNA and we will remain indebted to him for his sincerity and commitment.


Mr. A.S. Talwar, Additional Secretary General of IFUNA, has a great quality of teaching and is available as and when you require him. His Leadership contains certain elements of good management that inspire and build durable trust, for the organization. He took Institute of UN Studies on a very high pedestal. Complements of Ho le Mi iste M . Nigo e Le ho is a testi o of his ha d o k.



Mr. Sitaram Sharma, Vice-President of IFUNA, eminent writer, journalist, author and diplomat who initiated his career as a scribe. He also penned a book on the United Nations and has taken part in National and International conference across the world on serious issues and symbolize our organization. I really appreciate his tremendous work for getting this organization to a new heights and we learned how to open a door for the public to achieve the Goals of United Nations. I want to thank you for all his support and concern.


Mr. Sundeep Bhutoria, Member, Executive Committee of IFUNA and Treasurer of World Federation of UN Association - First of all, Please accept our thanks and congratulations on the success of your recent series of work in social welfare activities and promotion of Indian folk art, literature and culture, an author, speaker, columnist, blogger, art collector and a wildlife enthusiast. I wish to thank you from the depth of my heart for your ungrudging moral support and help in different ways to IFUNA, also I app e iate the ti e ou took f o ou us s hedule to atte d Bilateral Exchange P og a e et ee I dia a d Chi a. The active participation and close coordination and support between WFUNA & IFUNA would not be possible without your willingness and help, thank you for providing strong network between WFUNA and IFUNA, and I am confident that good things will come from our joint efforts.



Youth is the gift of ature, ut age is a ork of art Mr. Vinayak Srivastava, Additional Secretary General and Youth Leader of IFUNA represented IFUNA Youths on National and International level, he was elected with thumping majority in Buenos Aires, Argentina and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on board of WFUNA Youth and was Youth coordinator of Asia Pacific of WFUNA, recently he visited UNA-China as a Secretary, for bilateral exchange programme between UNA-China to promote and strengthen IndoChina relationship. I appreciate his innovative thinking and a heartfelt thanks for all that he has done for IFUNA and our Youth delegates. Mr. Vijay Gokhle then Ambassador of India to China and presently Secretary, Ministry of External Affairs had praised him for taking up bilateral issues of India and China during various meetings of the delegation of IFUNA to China.


Mr. Dharam Vir Bhakoo, Secretary, IFUNA. I would like to express my gratitude to you, for providing us excellent coverage of IFUNA Functions and their grand opening. The positive exposure you gave to IFUNA on the electronic media as well as All India Radio and news segment provided the community with a nice introduction to our programme and goals. The entire Executive Members of IFUNA, State UNA and Members of IFUNA appreciated the professionalism with which your news and media team handled our events and programme and interview in premises.


Mrs. Dikanchi Shira, MLA and Former Minister of Meghalaya Government and she was Leader of Delegation under Bilateral exchange programme between UNA-China and IFUNA to promote and strengthen Indo-China relationship. I would like to Thank you for your tremendous leadership we would not have been able to meet our goals and we did so much more than that during the visit of UNA China. Your hard work has not gone unnoticed, and I along with the entire IFUNA Family, would like to express my deep gratitude to you.



Justice Shambh Nath Srivastava, Chief Lokayukt Raipur, Chattisgarh and Ex.Co. Member of IFUNA, Your support means a lot, I want to take the time to sincerely thank you for your contributions for IFUNA and, that you took time out of your busy schedule to join IFUNA Meetings, Seminars and Programmes, Your thoughtfulness is a gift I will always treasure. Thanks again for your generosity and support to IFUNA.


Dr. Om Prakash Singh, President of UNA Uttar Pradesh - Dr. OP Singh, Thank you very much for your assistance, help and wonderful hospitality provided during UN day programme at Lucknow. I appreciate the information and advice you have given as well as the connection you have shared with us. I wanted to take a moment to thank you for all the suppo t ou e gi e a d I a looking forward to working with you as we move into the next phase with our growing organization.

15. Mr. Saugata Roy was the Union Minister of State for Urban Development in the Manmohan Singh government. A National Science Talent Search Scholar and a former student of St. Lawrence High School, Kolkata. I know that you have a number of demands on your schedule so the fact that you took as much time as you did to guide us and taking the time out of your busy schedule to participate in Plenary Assembly of WFUNA at Vancouver, British Columbia on November 2015. I look forward to working with you again in the future!



Mr. Deepak Parvatiyar, Media Advisor, IFUNA and Senior Journalist & Filmmaker Chief Media Advisor, Isha Creative Vision (P) Ltd. I would like to thank for the invaluable Media and Communication support to IFUNA, his information and contacts which he has shared with IFUNA has been invaluable for us during events and programme. I greatly appreciate his generosity.


Mr. Kailash Khosala, Member IFUNA, I really appreciate everything you are doing to re-st u tu ed IFUNA s project and events with some of the extra things. I would like to thank you for your assistance in MISSION KNOWLEDGE PROGRAMME-2018 , the extra effort you put in was really appreciated.



Dr. Aswini Sarma, Secretary, IFUNA. I appreciate your enthusiasm, love, and constant hard work. There are so many things in my heart wants to say to you, all of which can be summed up in just three words – thanks for everything.


Mr. Manoranjan Patanaik, Secretary, IFUNA, I would like to Thank you for caring and supporting me wholeheartedly. The great role you have been playing in our organization is immeasurable. I think the UNA –ODISHA does an amazing job, I am constantly amazed when I receive copy of People and UN news magazine and see all that is being done under your kind guidance. You are so creative - I always love getting your perspective on things. I g ateful fo all ou help a d o ti ued suppo t.


Mr. C.P Mahajan, Vice President, IFUNA - Your decision-making skills are widely acknowledged. Your level of reasoning is highly respected, we are thrilled to have you on our team and this is exactly why we need you. You are a valued member of our team, and I truly appreciate your contributions in PEOPLE and UN News Magazine. Thank you for being our advocate in IFUNA.



Mr. Jayramulu, Secretary General – AP UNA. A lot of people failed at what you accomplished, simply because they were busy finding problems while you were busy fi di g solutio s. If Os a s e e gi e fo a jo ell do e, I d o i ate ou! I would like to congratulate for your fantastic achievement, your hard work and dedication to restructured Andhra Pradesh UN Associations, your commitment to excellence has inspired others.


Mrs. Mohini Mathur, Vice President, IFUNA and former Executive Chairperson of Maharashtra UN Association, her dedication in social work and engagement in helping and empowering women, deprived and disadvantaged children, disabled and senior citizens is exceptional. In recognition of her services to the organization, she was nominated for the Mahila Shiromani Award by the President of India. Words are not enough to show appreciation to someone who has given so much of her time and ooperatio to shape our orga izatio . Your thoughtfulness will remain in my heart forever and I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to you for your enthusiastic participation in our conference, Seminar and Meetings.


Mr. A.A. Syed, Secretary, IFUNA - Mr. Syed is a committed social activist and has been associated with IFUNA for more than three decades, He has attended various international conferences and seminars and visited many countries and represented IFUNA, On both a professional and a personal level wish to thank you for the support and help you provided, for your dedication, attention and open-minded thinking and for your readiness to help our organization to took up on top.


Mr. Ahmed Ashraf Shaikh, Executive Committee Member, IFUNA and Hon. Secretary and Founder President of Maharashtra United Nations Youth Association which is a youth wing of MUNA - There is a great demand for energetic professionals who are inventive and enterprising enough to be proactive in everything they do, Mr. Ashraf is


young and energetic member of IFUNA, and participated many international conferences, seminars and launched many campaigns. He was invited to represent India in an International Seminar on Human and Civil Rights at International Academy of Leadership at Germany in 2006. Your diligence, self-motivation as well as dedication have been a source of inspiration for the youngsters and wish that you would keep up the good work for IFUNA in future too.


Mr. Sanat Jain, Member, IFUNA - I would like to thank you for your active participation, contribution and everything you have done for IFUNA, with your active participation and valuable contribution, we have successfully completed many national and international seminars.


Mr. Sudhanshu Srivastava, Secretary General - UNA Uttar Pradesh : Youth is the backbone of any Country. They are front runners in any nation building activity and their involvement in organizing social service activities would enable them to become responsible citizens with national character and disciplined personality. I would like to thanks for all his valuable contribution for IFUNA and I am sure the UNA Uttar Pradesh will continue to strive further excellence in achieving its targeted objectives with more commitment and zeal under his tenure as Secretary General of UNA Uttar Pradesh.



Mr. Sasthamanglam Mohan, Secretary General of UNA Kerala and Additional Secretary General of IFUNA - I truly thank you on behalf of IFUNA for the invaluable support at Buenos Aires, Argentina in wining with thumping majority for india was a gratet contribution. Quick response from UNA Kerala in solving the issue in all manners for both the organizations was appreciable. IFUNA is really fortunate to have State UNA in Kerala. I am sure that your association will prove to be mutually beneficial to IFUNA and look forward to a long and healthy interaction. I, once again, would like to express my sincere gratitude towards you and your Associations team for considering both the organizations as one and coming up with a solution beneficial to all.


Mr. V. Narayanan, Secretary General of UNA Tamil Nadu and Secretary, IFUNA - I would like to thank you on behalf of Secretary-General IFUNA for the cooperation with us. It is a really great pleasure for us to become association with such UNA. Your high eputatio a d a ea s e pe ie e ea s a lot fo us. We a e su e that ou cooperation will lead to the mutual benefits in a long term.


Mr. Jibon Singh, Secretary General of UNA MANIPUR and Executive Committee Member, IFUNA, I would like to thank you for taking the time to participate in our Meeting and Seminars, I appreciate you for sharing your knowledge about the roles and responsibilities to achieve goals.



Mr. Pankaj Deka, Secretary General of UNA Meghalaya and Executive Committee Member, IFUNA and working for International Youth Committee. It gives me immense pleasure to know that the UNA Meghalaya will continue its efforts in promoting Peace, Progress and Prosperity with active participation of youth. Thanks for being with us.


Mr. Parvesh Khanna, I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks to you for your very active and enthusiastic participation in National and International Seminar, Plenary Assembly of WFUNA in Canada and various meetings. You simply make everything brighter and ordinary moments extraordinary. I have no doubt that it would not have been the success that it was without your presence. Thanks for everything.

32. Mr. Bharat Babbar, Additional Secretary-General of IFUNA – IFUNA greatly appreciate your support during Plenary Assembly of WFUNA in Buenos Aires, Argentina and due to your untiring efforts we were able to win with thumping majority at WFUNA Plenary Assembly. I have al a s ad i ed ou p ese e i all IFUNA s se i a , o fe e e a d meeting. Please accept my heartfelt appreciation for your support during all the time.

33. Ms. Priyanka Saksena, Member Executive Committee IFUNA - I know how challenging it is just running an edu atio e t e like ou I stitute of UN Studies , I ould like to appreciate the enormous effort put by Ms. Priyanka Saksena in the Institute of UN Studies. This institute has brought a good name to our organization by imparting quality of education. Congratulations for this remarkable progress.


34. Mr. J.P. Chawla, Secretary, Executive Committee - IFUNA, You have during the Visit to China has impressed the entire members of IFUNA. Your diligence, self-motivation as well as discussions have been a source of inspiration for us. I would like to take this opportunity to thanks to Mr. Rajat Chawla for everything you have done for IFUNA and for excellent performance in Technical Session of BCIM Corridor International Conference at New Delhi.

35. Mr. A.K. Jindal, Chartered Accountant – IFUNA, Chartered Accounts play an important role in our society. If it was not them who would be handling our financials? They are the ones who keep an eye on every monetary transaction that go on in our organization, I would like to extend our deep appreciation to you and your team for your cooperation for financial reports of IFUNA. We were able to identify several areas where we can save costs because of your efforts. I am thankful to have you as part of IFUNA. I will be failing in my duty if I will not mention the names of most dedicated, sincere and efficient staff of IFUNA namely Mrs. Syamala Mohan (Retd.), Mr. Gopabandhu Barik, Mr. Arvind Srivastav, Mr. Venugoapl and Mr. Innocent Dahanga who are working with this organization for more than a decade and have left no stone unturned in any of our programme, function and se i a to ake g a d su ess. The a e also dedi atedl o ki g fo I stitute of UN Studies a d People a d UN Ne s Magazine. Without their commitment and integrity we would not have been succeeded in our endeavours. I may not have taken names of all the persons who have helped us, joined us and participated with us in our endeavours by bringing our organization on a very high pedestal a d I tha kful to all. Before I sum-up, I would like to say‌. So eo e s sitti g i the shade today e ause so eo e pla ted a tree a lo g ti e ago a d that re i ds e of Shri S.D. Pa dey, ho had given best period of his life to this organization and today we are sitting under the shadow of tree planted by him. Thanks once again to all.


Indian Federation of United Nations Associations C-6, Qutub Institutional Area, New Delhi – 110 016 Tel. +91 11 265 11257, +91 11 2685 2293, +91 11 2685 2291 Email : | | Web :

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