Indian Trail Woodworking

Page 1


burlington Collection

{ BL1420 } BurLinGTon BeD Twin, FuLL, Queen & KinG Headboard 56”h Footboard 25”h Shown In rich tobacco stain brown maple wood

burlington ColleCtion

{ BL1401 } DouBLe MuLe Dresser 43 1/2”h x 63 1/4”w x 22 1/2”d { BL1402 } LanDscape Mirror 33 1/2”h x 56 1/2”w x 3”d Shown In rich tobacco stain brown maple wood Features full extension soft close blum slide dovetail drawer boxes

careFuL corner consTrucTion

sQuare inserT

FLaT FronT Drawers


conTeMporarY HarDware

{ BL1400 } 3 Drawer niGHTsTanD 31”h x 24 1/2”w x 19 1/2”d Shown In rich tobacco stain brown maple wood Features full extension soft close blum slide dovetail drawer boxes

burlington Collection

{ BL1403 } 4 Drawer TV cHesT 51”h x 39 1/2”w x 22 1/2”d Shown In rich tobacco stain brown maple wood Features full extension soft close blum slide dovetail drawer boxes



QuarTersawn wHiTe oaK




sopHisTicaTion clean simple Lines Give each piece a sophisticated Feel. Find The High-end Look You Have Been searching For at “real world” prices.

burlington ColleCtion

ease oF use Full extension soft-close slides on The Drawers Make For Quiet and effortless use. each piece reflects close attention To Detail and Tireless craftsmanship.

FinisHinG DeTaiLs each piece Has Been sanded and Finished To perfection. smooth edges and a Glossy Finish Mean That not only is Your Furniture Beautiful But also Hard-wearing and easy To clean


delafield Collection

{ DF320 } DeLaFieLD BeD Twin, FuLL, Queen & KinG Headboard 80”h Footboard 62”h

delafield ColleCtion

Shown In washington stain cherry wood

{ DF321 } DeLaFieLD BeD Twin, FuLL, Queen & KinG Headboard 80”h Footboard 62”h Shown In washington stain cherry wood

soFT eLeGanT Lines

sTurDY consTrucTion

raiseD paneLs


FineLY carVeD DeTaiLinG

{ DF364 } TripLe Dresser 35 5/16”h x 72 1/4”w x 22 7/8”d { DF365 } Tri-View Mirror 43 7/16”h x 67 1/4”w Shown In washington stain cherry wood Features drawers behind doors 3/4 extension epoxy slide dovetail drawer boxes

{ DF371 } DouBLe Dresser 36 1/4”h x 63 1/2”w x 22 7/8”d

delafield Collection

{ DF355 } sTraiGHT Mirror 42 5/8”h x 43 1/2”w Shown In washington stain cherry wood Features 3/4 extension epoxy slide dovetail drawer boxes



QuarTersawn wHiTe oaK



{ DF391 } DouBLe arMoire MuLe cHesT 78 1/2”h x 68”w x 24 1/4”d Shown In washington stain cherry wood Features two adjustable shelves behind doors 3/4 extension epoxy slide dovetail drawer boxes

delafield ColleCtion

{ DF370 } arMoire wiTH TraY 80”h x 47 3/4”w x 24 1/4”d Shown In washington stain cherry wood Features two adjustable shelves behind doors 3/4 extension epoxy slide dovetail drawer boxes

BeauTiFuLLY curVeD Doors

VeLVeT LineD TraY

raiseD paneL Drawers


carVeD DesiGn eLeMenTs

{ DF392 } LinGerie cHesT 59”h x 24 3/4”w x 19 1/2”d Shown In washington stain cherry wood Features 3/4 extension epoxy slide dovetail drawer boxes

{ DF362 } LinGerie arMoire 67 7/8”h x 29 1/4”w x 21”d

delafield Collection

Shown In washington stain cherry wood Features four adjustable shelves behind doors 3/4 extension epoxy slide dovetail drawer boxes


{ DF363 } Door cHesT 58”h x 41 1/4”w x 22 7/8”d Shown In washington stain cherry wood Features two adjustable shelves behind doors 3/4 extension epoxy slide dovetail drawer boxes

delafield ColleCtion

{ DF301 } BLanKeT cHesT wiTH ceDar BoTToM 26”h x 51”w x 21”d Shown In washington stain cherry wood Features 3/4 extension epoxy slide dovetail drawer boxes

BeVeLLeD Door

careFuL corner consTrucTion

FineLY carVeD LeG & Base DeTaiL


LocKinG LiD

{ DF368 } niGHTsTanD wiTH Doors 32”h x 24 3/4w x 17 1/2”d Shown In washington stain cherry wood Features 3/4 extension epoxy slide dovetail drawer boxes

delafield Collection

{ DF373 } 3 Drawer niGHTsTanD 27”h x 24 3/4”w x 17 1/2”d Shown In washington stain cherry wood Features 3/4 extension epoxy slide dovetail drawer boxes


{ DF361 } cHiFFaroBe wiTH Mirror 50”h x 43”w x 22 7/8”d Shown In washington stain cherry wood Features adjustable shelves behind doors 3/4 extension epoxy slide dovetail drawer boxes

delafield ColleCtion

oTHer pieces FounD in THe DeLaFieLD coLLecTion...

{ DF374 } DouBLe arMoire MuLe Base 43 1/2”h x 63 1/2”w x 22 7/8”d { DF393 } His & Hers cHesT 50 1/2”h x 54”w x 22 7/8”d ADJUSTABLE SHELVES BEHIND DOOR

{ DF394 } 2pc. arMoire wiTH TraY 81 1/4”h x 47 3/4”w x 24 1/4”d ADJUSTABLE SHELVES BEHIND DOOR

{ DF369 } 2 Drawer arMoire 79”h x 47”w x 24 1/4”d ADJUSTABLE SHELVES BEHIND DOOR

{ DF372 } 6 Drawer cHesT 50 3/4”h x 41 1/4”w x 22 7/8”d


emory grand Collection

Maple Creek ColleCtion

{ eG1320 } sToraGe pLaTForM BeD Twin, FuLL, Queen & KinG Headboard 54”h Footboard 19”h Shown In ashbury stain quartersawn white oak wood Features full extension side mount slide dovetail drawer boxes

emory grand ColleCtion

{ eG1302 } DouBLe MuLe Dresser Dresser: 43 1/4”h x 62 3/4”w x 22 1/2”d { eG1303 } LanDscape Mirror Mirror: 34”h x 58”w x 3 1/2”d Shown In ashbury stain quartersawn white oak wood Features full extension soft close blum slide dovetail drawer boxes

careFuL corner consTrucTion

sQuare inserT

FLaT FronT Drawers


arcH DesiGn

{ eG1301 } 3 Drawer niGHTsTanD 31”h x 24”w x 19 1/2”d Shown In ashbury stain quartersawn white oak wood Features full extension soft close blum slide dovetail drawer boxes

emory grand Collection

{ eG1304 } 7 Drawer cHesT 60 1/4”h x 40 1/2”w x 22 1/2”d Shown In ashbury stain quartersawn white oak wood Features full extension soft close blum slide dovetail drawer boxes



QuarTersawn wHiTe oaK




conTeMporarY DesiGn clean simple Lines Give each piece a Modern Feel. The emory collection Delivers The Modern Yet High-end appearance You Have Been Looking For Through Quality construction and Beautiful craftsmenship.

emory grand ColleCtion

ease oF use Full extension soft-close slides on The Drawers Make For Quiet and effortless use. each piece reflects close attention To Detail and Tireless craftsmanship.

aLso FounD in THe eMorY coLLecTion... { eG1300 } niGHTsTanD wiTH Door 31’’h x 24’’w x 19 1/2’’d { eG1305 } Door cHesT 61 1/4’’h x 40 1/2’’w x 22 1/2’’d


Maple Creek ColleCtion

HamPton Collection

{ Hp120 } HaMpTon BeD Twin, FuLL, Queen & KinG Headboard 60”h Footboard 29”h Shown In washington stain cherry wood

{ Hp102 } TripLe Dresser 35 3/4”h x 72”w x 23”d

HamPton ColleCtion

{ Hp106 } Tri-View Mirror 42 1/8”h x 63 1/4”w x 4 3/8’’d Shown In washington stain cherry wood Features 2 drawers behind door 3/4 epoxy slide dovetail drawer boxes

BeVeLLeD paneLs

conTeMporarY HarDware

sTurDY consTrucTion


HanDcraFTeD DeTaiLinG

{ Hp112 } LinGerie cHesT 60 3/4”h x 25”w x 20”d Shown In washington stain cherry wood Features 3/4 epoxy slide dovetail drawer boxes

{ Hp107 } His & Her cHesT 52 3/4”h x 54 1/2”w x 23”d

HamPton Collection

Shown In washington stain cherry wood Features 2 shelves behind each door 3/4 epoxy slide dovetail drawer boxes



QuarTersawn wHiTe oaK


{ Hp108 } 2 Drawer arMoire 74 1/2”h x 46 7/8”w x 24 5/8”d Shown In washington stain cherry wood Features adjustable shelf behind door 3/4 epoxy slide dovetail drawer boxes

HamPton ColleCtion

{ Hp121 } TV sTanD 31 1/2”h x 60”w x 20”d Shown In washington stain cherry wood Features full extension side mount slide dovetail drawer boxes


{ Hp101 } niGHTsTanD wiTH Doors 30 1/2”h x 25”w x 18”d Shown In washington stain cherry wood Features full extension epoxy slide dovetail drawer boxes


ELEGANCE Bevelled panels and carefully carved edging give this collection elegant appeal. Each piece in the Hampton collection will add a sense of richness and quality to your home decor.

HamPton Collection

FINISHING DETAILS From the intricate rope design to the beautifully carved basework you will find each item in this collection has been carefully thought out.


oTHer pieces FounD in THe HaMpTon coLLecTion... { Hp100 } 2 pc. arMoire wiTH TraY 81 1/2’’h x 47’’w x 24 3/4’’d ADJUSTABLE SHELVES BEHIND DOOR

{ Hp125 } DouBLe MuLe Dresser 43 1/4’’h x 64’’w x 23’’d { Hp119 } sTraiGHT Mirror 41 1/4’’h x 44 1/2’’w x 4 1/2’’d

{ Hp104 } DouBLe arMoire MuLe 79’’h x 61’’w x 23’’d ADJUSTABLE SHELVES BEHIND DOOR

{ Hp114 } DouBLe MuLe Base onLY 40 3/4’’h x 72’’w x 23’’d

{ Hp105 } arMoire wiTH TraY 79 1/4’’h x 47’’w x 24 3/4’’d ADJUSTABLE SHELVES BEHIND DOOR

{ Hp110 } 6 Drawer cHesT 51 3/4’’h x 41 1/2’’w x 23’’d

{ Hp109 } 3 Drawer niGHTsTanD 30 1/2’’h x 25’’w x 18’’d

{ Hp111 } 8 Drawer cHesT 59 1/4’’h x 41 1/2’’w x 23’’d

{ Hp124 } TV sTanD 33’’h x 45 3/4’’w x 20’’d 2 DOORS/2 DRAWERS

HamPton ColleCtion

{ Hp103 } Door cHesT 59 1/4’’h x 41 1/2’’w x 23’’d

{ Hp122 } TV sTanD 23 1/2’’h x 60’’w x 20’’d 2 DOORS/2 SMALL DRAWERS

{ Hp117 } GenTLeMan’s cHesT 54 3/4’’h x 54’’w x 23’’d ADJUSTABLE SHELVES BEHIND DOOR

{ Hp123 } TV sTanD 23 1/2’’h x 41’’w x 20’’d 1 DOOR/2 DRAWERS

{ Hp116 } 3 Drawer arMoire 74 1/2’’h x 47’’w x 25 3/4’’d { Hp106 } Tri-View Mirror 42 1/8’’h x 63 1/4’’w x 4 3/8’’d

{ Hp115 } LinGerie arMoire 67’’h x 39’’w x 20’’d

{ Hp113 } DouBLe Dresser 36 3/4’’h x 64’’w x 23’’d

{ Hp118 } LanDscape Mirror 34 1/2’’h x 56’’w x 4 1/2’’d

{ Hp127 } TripLe Dresser wiTH TraY

{ Hp126 } BLanKeT cHesT

40 3/4’’h x 72’’w x 23’’d

26’’h x 48’’w x 24’’d


lexington Collection

{ LX1022 } LeXington Bed twin, FuLL, Queen & King Headboard 60”h Footboard 26 1/4”h

lexington ColleCtion

Shown In boston stain cherry wood

{ nH920 } new HAven Bed twin, FuLL, Queen & King Headboard 60”h Footboard 28”h Shown In tab bark stain quartersawn white oak wood

StuRdY HARd wood ConStRuCtion

BeAutiFuL wood gRAin

uniQue Foot deSign


SoLid HeAdBoARd deSign

{ LX1003 } douBLe MuLe dReSSeR 42 7/8”h x 62 1/2”w x 21 7/8”d { LX1004 } LAndSCAPe MiRRoR 33 5/8”h x 56 3/4”w x 2 3/8”d Shown In boston stain cherry wood Features full extension soft close blum slide dovetail drawer boxes

lexington Collection

{ LX1007 } ARMoiRe witH tRAY 76 1/2”h x 43 3/4”w x 21 7/8”d Shown In boston stain cherry wood Features two adjustable shelves behind doors full extension soft close blum slide dovetail drawer boxes



QuARteRSAwn wHite oAK



{ LX1030 } t.v. StAnd 33”h x 61”w x 20”d Shown In boston stain cherry wood Features full extension side mount slide dovetail drawer boxes

lexington ColleCtion

{ LX1005 } 7 dRAweR CHeSt 59 7/8”h x 40 1/4”w x 21 7/8”d Shown In boston stain cherry wood Features full extension soft close blum slide dovetail drawer boxes

CoveRed StoRAge AReAS

CentRAL StoRAge SHeLveS

FLAt FRont dRAweRS



{ LX1001 } niGHTsTanD wiTH Door 31”h x 23 3/4”w x 18 7/8”d Shown In boston stain cherry wood Features full extension soft close blum slide dovetail drawer boxes

lexington Collection

{ LX1002 } 3 Drawer niGHTsTanD 31”h x 23 3/4”w x 18 7/8”d Shown In boston stain cherry wood Features full extension soft close blum slide dovetail drawer boxes


lexington ColleCtion

oTHer pieces FounD in THe LeXinGTon coLLecTion...

{ LX1006 } DouBLe Dresser wiTH TraY 38 7/8’’h x 62 1/2’’w x 21 7/8’’d

{ LX1012 } GenTLe Man’s cHesT 54 5/8’’h x 53’’w x 21 7/8’’d

{ LX1008 } TripLe Dresser wiTH TraY 38 7/8’’h x 73 1/4’’w x 21 7/8’’d ADJUSTABLE SHELVES BEHIND DOOR

{ LX1013 } Door cHesT 59 7/8’’h x 40 1/4’’w x 21 7/8’’d ADJUSTABLE SHELVES BEHIND DOOR

{ LX1016 } DouBLe Dresser 35 5/8’’h x 62 1/2’’w x 21 7/8’’d

{ LX1015 } LinGerie cHesT 59 1/8’’h x 23 3/4’’w x 18 7/8’’d

{ LX1017 } sTraiGHT Mirror 49 1/4’’h x 49 3/4’’w x 2 3/8’’d

LX1019 } LinGerie Door cHesT 59 7/8’’h x 40 1/4’’w x 21 7/8’’d

{ LX1000 } BLanKeT cHesT 24’’h x 46’’w x 21’’d

{ LX1009 } DouBLe arMoire MuLe 82 1/8’’h x 64’’w x 21 7/8’’d ADJUSTABLE SHELVES BEHIND DOOR

{ LX1010 } 6 Drawer cHesT 50 5/8’’h x 40 1/4’’w x 21 7/8’’d

{ LX1014 } LinGerie arMoire 59 1/8’’h x 23 3/4’’w x 18 7/8’’d ADJUSTABLE SHELVES BEHIND DOOR

{ LX1011 } His & Her cHesT 51 5/8’’h x 52 1/2’’w x 21 7/8’’d ADJUSTABLE SHELVES BEHIND DOOR

{ LX1018 } 2 Drawer arMoire 76 1/2’’h x 43 3/4’’w x 21 7/8’’d


maPle CreeK Collection

{ Mc724 } MapLe creeK BeD Twin, FuLL, Queen & KinG Headboard 59 5/8”h Footboard 37 3/8”h

maPle CreeK ColleCtion

Shown In natural stain maple and cherry wood

{ Mc775 } MapLe creeK BeD Twin, FuLL, Queen & KinG Headboard 59 3/4”h Footboard 37 1/2”h Shown In boston stain/walnut wood chestnut stain/cherry wood

careFuL corner consTrucTion

FinisHinG DeTaiLs

conTrasTinG paneLs


conTeMporarY DesiGn

{ Mc701 } TripLe Dresser wiTH TraY 39 1/4”h x 76”w x 23”d { Mc704 } LanDscape Mirror 39 3/4’’h x 63’’w x 3 3/4’’d Shown In boston stain/walnut wood chestnut stain/cherry wood Features 3 Drawers behind Door 3/4 Undermount Blum Slides Dovetail Drawer Boxes

{ Mc760 } TripLe Dresser Dresser: 33”h x 76”w x 23”d

maPle CreeK Collection

{ Mc755 } sTraiGHT Mirror 50 1/4”h x 54”w x 3 3/4”d Shown In natural stain maple and cherry wood Features 2 Drawers behind Door 3/4 Undermount Blum Slides Dovetail Drawer Boxes



QuarTersawn wHiTe oaK

Kr15 sHaKer KnoBs


{ Mc783 } DouBLe Dresser 33”h x 66 1/2”w x 23”d { Mc755 } sTraiGHT Mirror 50 1/4”h x 54”w x 3 3/4”d Shown In natural stain maple and cherry wood Features 3/4 undermount blum slides dovetail drawer boxes

maPle CreeK ColleCtion

{ Mc756 } GenTLe Man’s cHesT 52 1/2”h x 55 1/2”w x 23”d Shown In

natural stain maple and cherry wood Features adjustable shelf behind door

3/4 undermount blum slides dovetail drawer boxes

conTeMporarY sTYLinG

coMpLiMenTarY HarDware

FLaT FronT Drawers


conTrasTinG wooDworK

{ Mc777 } BLanKeT cHesT 26”h x 48”w x 24”d Shown In natural stain maple and cherry wood Features cedar bottom

maple creek Collection

{ Mc782 } His anD Her cHesT 50 1/4”h x 55”w x 23”d Shown In natural stain maple and cherry wood Features adjustable shelves behind door 3/4 undermount blum slides dovetail drawer boxes



QuarTersawn wHiTe oaK

Kr15 sHaKer KnoBs


{ Mc785 } 6 Drawer cHesT 49 1/2”h x 42”w x 23”d Shown In natural stain maple and cherry wood

maPle CreeK ColleCtion

Features 3/4 undermount blum slides dovetail drawer boxes

{ Mc786 } 7 Drawer cHesT 58 1/4”h x 42”w x 23”d Shown In natural stain maple and cherry wood Features 3/4 undermount blum slides dovetail drawer boxes

cLean anGLeD Lines

FLaT FronT Drawers

arcH DesiGn


careFuL corner consTrucTion

{ Mc757 } arMoire wiTH TraY 78”h x 48”w x 24”d Shown In natural stain maple and cherry wood Features Two Adjustable Shelves 3/4 Undermount Blum Slides Dovetail Drawer Boxes

maple creek Collection

{ Mc758 } DouBLe arMoire MuLe 80 3/4”h x 68 1/2”w x 24”d Shown In natural stain maple and cherry wood Features Two Adjustable Shelves in Each Set of Doors 3/4 undermount blum slides dovetail drawer boxes



QuarTersawn wHiTe oaK

Kr15 sHaKer KnoBs


{ Mc759 } LinGerie arMoire 61”h x 28”w x 21”d Shown In natural stain maple and cherry wood Features four adjustable shelves 3/4 undermount blum slides dovetail drawer boxes

maPle CreeK ColleCtion

{ Mc776 } 2 Drawer arMoire 80 1/4”h x 48”w x 24”d Shown In natural stain maple and cherry wood Features three adjustable shelves and dowel rod 3/4 undermount blum slides dovetail drawer boxes

careFuL corner consTrucTion

FLaT FronT Drawers

paneD wooDworK


coMpLiMenTarY HarDware

{ Mc754 } niGHTsTanD wiTH Door 31”h x 26”w x 20”d Shown In boston stain/walnut wood chestnut stain/cherry wood Features 3/4 undermount blum slides dovetail drawer boxes

maPle CreeK Collection

{ Mc784 } 3 Drawer niGHTsTanD 31”h x 26”w x 20”d Shown In natural stain maple and cherry wood Features 3/4 undermount blum slides dovetail drawer boxes

uniQue wooD coMBinaTion

Linear DesiGn

arcHeD Base


coMpLiMenTarY HarDware

{ Mc706 } T.V. sTanD 32 3/4”h x 61”w x 20”d

BLacK sQuare KnoBs

Shown In michaels stain quartersawn white oak wood Features full extension side mount slides dovetail drawer boxes

maPle CreeK ColleCtion

{ Mc707 } T.V. sTanD 26 1/2”h x 61”w x 20”d Shown In natural stain maple and cherry wood Features full extension side mount slides dovetail drawer boxes

{ Mc708 } T.V. sTanD 26 1/2”h x 42”w x 20”d Shown In boston stain / walnut wood chestnut stain / cherry wood Features full extension side mount slides dovetail drawer boxes



uniQue DesiGn The Maple creek collection features strong lines and angles reminiscent of the Mission style but with a modern twist. add a fun and contemporary flair to your home decor with each piece.

maPle CreeK Collection

sToraGe opTions From armoires to T.V. stands; this collection offers a variety of storage options. You can select open detailing which can display your collections or a more closed feature to contain your belongings. Both options offer adjustable shelving which ensure maximum functionality for you and your family.



QuarTersawn wHiTe oaK

Kr15 sHaKer KnoBs


maPle CreeK ColleCtion

oTHer pieces FounD in THe MapLe creeK coLLecTion...

{ Mc702 } DouBLe Dresser wiTH TraY 38 3/4’’h x 66 1/2’’w x 23’’d

{ Mc709 } T.V. sTanD 32 3/4’’h x 46 1/2’’w x 20’’d

{ Mc700 } BiG LanDscape Mirror 39 3/4’’h x 72 1/2’’w x 3 3/4’’d

{ Mc710 } coFFee TaBLe 18’’h x 41’’w x 21’’d

{ Mc703 } DouBLe MuLe Dresser 41 3/4’’h x 65 1/2’’w x 23’’d

{ Mc711 } enD TaBLe 22 1/2’’h x 18’’w x 26’’d

{ Mc750 } sHorT sTraiGHT Mirror 43 1/2’’h X 54’’w x 3 3/4’’d

{ Mc712 } enD TaBLe wiTH Drawer 22 1/2’’h x 18’’w x 26’’d

{ Mc774 } Door cHesT 59’’h x 42’’w x 23’’d

{ Mc713 } LaMp TaBLe wiTH Drawer 29 1/2’’h x 18’’w x 22’’d

{ Mc788 } LinGerie cHesT 60 1/4’’h x 28’’w x 21’’d

{ Mc705 } Tri-View Mirror 39 3/4’’h x 66’’w x 3 3/4’’d

{ Mc762 } MuLe Base 43 3/4”h x 68 1/2”w x 24”d

Features 3/4 undermount blum slides dovetail drawer boxes

{ Mc787 } 2 pc. arMoire wiTH TraY 79 1/8’’h x 48’’w x 24’’d


montrose Collection

{ MT1820 } MonTrose BeD Twin, FuLL, Queen & KinG Headboard 54”h Footboard 29”h Shown In Nutmeg stain Rustic cherry wood

{MT1801 } DouBLe MuLe Dresser 42 1/2”h x 62 3/4” w x 22 1/2”d

montrose ColleCtion

{ MT1803 } LanDscape Mirror 33 5/8”h x 53” w x 2 1/4”d Shown In nutmeg stain rustic cherry wood Features full extension soft close blum undermount slides dovetail drawer boxes

careFuL corner consTrucTion

FLaT FronT Drawers

corner DeTaiL


conTeMporarY HarDware

{ MT1802 } 7 Door cHesT 59 1/4”h x 40 1/2” w x 22 1/2”d Shown In nutmeg stain rustic cherry wood Features full extension soft close blum undermount slides dovetail drawer boxes

montrose Collection

{ MT1800 } 3 Drawer niGHTsTanD 31”h x 24”w x 20”d Shown In nutmeg stain rustic cherry wood Features full extension soft close blum undermount slides dovetail drawer boxes



QuarTersawn wHiTe oaK




conTeMporarY DesiGn clean simple Lines Give each piece a Modern Feel. The Montrose collection Delivers The Modern High-end appearance You Have Been Looking For Through Quality construction and Beautiful craftsmenship.

montrose ColleCtion

ease oF use Full extension soft-close slides on The Drawers Make For Quiet and effortless use. each piece reflects close attention To Detail and Tireless craftsmanship.

FinisHinG DeTaiLs each piece Has Been sanded and Finished To perfection. smooth edges and a Glossy Finish Mean That not only is Your Furniture Beautiful But also Hard-wearing and easy To clean


neW HaVen Collection

{ nH920 } BeD Twin, FuLL, Queen & KinG Headboard 60”h Footboard 28”h Shown In tab bark stain quartersawn white oak wood

{ nH902 } HiGH Dresser 49”h x 71 5/8”w x 22 11/16”d

neW HaVen ColleCtion

{ nH903 } anGLeD Dresser HuTcH 33 3/4”h x 71 1/4”w x 16”d Shown In late harvest stain rustic cherry wood P2150-SN hardware Features adjustable shelves behind doors full extension soft close blum slide dovetail drawer boxes

careFuL corner consTrucTion

FinisHinG DeTaiLs

FLaTFronT Drawers


DiscreeT FoLDinG Doors

{ nH907 } HiGH Dresser wiTH Door 49”h x 71 5/8”w x 22 11/16”d

Br1466 orB HarDware eLecTronic sToraGe

{ nH903 } anGLeD Dresser HuTcH 33 3/4”h x 71 1/4”w x 16”d Shown In tan bark stain quartersawn white oak wood PB1466ORB Features adjustable shelves behind doors full extension soft close blum slide dovetail drawer boxes

neW HaVen Collection

{ nH904 } 5 Drawer cHesT 60”h x 43 5/8”w x 22 11/16”d Shown In tan bark stain quartersawn white oak wood P2150-SN hardware Features full extension soft close blum slide dovetail drawer boxes




QuarTersawn wHiTe oaK

{ nH901 } open niGHTsTanD 30”h x 24 7/8”w x 19 11/16”d Shown In tan bark stain quartersawn white oak wood BP1466-ORB hardware Features full extension soft close blum slide dovetail drawer boxes

neW HaVen ColleCtion

aLso FounD in THe new HaVen coLLecTion...

{ nH911 } sTraiGHT HuTcH 34’’h x 71 1/4’’w x 10 7/8’’d ADJUSTABLE SHELVES BEHIND DOOR

{ nH900 } BLanKeT cHesT 24’’h x 47 5/8’’w x 22 11/16’’d

{ nH906 } Low Dresser wiTH Door 42 5/8’’h x 71 5/8’’w x 22 11/16’’d ADJUSTABLE SHELVES BEHIND DOOR

{ nH912 } His & Her cHesT 54 1/4’’h x 55 5/8’’w x 22 11/16’’d

{ nH905 } LanDscape Mirror 39 3/4’’h x 63’’w x 3 7/8’’d

{ nH930 } T.V. sTanD 30 5/8’’h x 65 3/8’’w x 19 11/16’’d

{ nH909 } DouBLe Dresser 40 3/4’’h x 71 5/8’’w x 22 11/16’’d

{ nH913 } 2 Drawer niGHTsTanD 30’’h x 24 7/8’’w x 19 11/16’’d

{ nH908 } sTraiGHT HuTcH wiTH 1-waY GLass 34’’h x 71 1/4’’w x 10 7/8’’d ADJUSTABLE SHELVES BEHIND DOOR

{ nH910 } niGHTsTanD wiTH Door 30’’h x 24 7/8’’w x 19 11/16’’d


riCHfield Collection

{ rF520 } ricHFieLD BeD Twin, FuLL, Queen & KinG Headboard 60”h Footboard 29”h Shown In acres stain cherry wood

{ rF534 } DouBLe Dresser 35 1/4”h x 63 1/2”w x 22 5/8”d

riCHfield ColleCtion

{ rF550 } sTraiGHT Mirror 37 1/4”h x 41 7/8”w x 3 3/16”d Shown In washington stain cherry wood Features 3/4 extension epoxy slide dovetail drawer boxes

raiseD paneL

FinisHinG DeTaiLs

raiseD paneL Drawers


cLassic arcHiTecTuraL DesiGn

{ rF546 } TripLe Dresser 34 1/4”h x 71 1/4”w x 22 5/8”d { rF549 } Tri-View Mirror 41 1/4”h x 63”w x 3 5/8”d Shown In acres stain cherry wood Features 2 drawers behind doors 3/4 extension epoxy slide dovetail drawer boxes

{ rF528 } His & Her cHesT 51 1/4”h x 53 3/4”w x 22 5/8”d

riCHfield Collection

Shown In acres stain cherry wood Features 2 adjustable shelves behind each doors 3/4 extension epoxy slide dovetail drawer boxes



QuarTersawn wHiTe oaK



{ rF530 } 8 Drawer cHesT 57 3/4”h x 40 3/4”w x 22 5/8”d Shown In acres stain cherry wood Features 3/4 extension epoxy slide dovetail drawer boxes

riCHfield ColleCtion

{ rF532 } 6 Drawer cHesT 50 1/4 ”h x 40 3/4”w x 22 5/8”d Shown In acres stain cherry wood Features 3/4 extension epoxy slide dovetail drawer boxes

anGLeD BeVeLLeD Drawers

conTeMporarY HarDware

cHiseLeD Base DesiGn


cLassic sTrucTuraL eLeMenTs

{ rF552 } Door cHesT 57 3/4”h x 40 3/4”w x 22 5/8”d Shown In acres stain cherry wood Features 2 adjustable shelves behind door 3/4 extension epoxy slide dovetail drawer boxes

{ rF543 } LinGerie arMoire 67”h x 25 3/4”w x 20 3/8”d

riCHfield Collection

Shown In acres stain cherry wood Features 4 adjustable shelves behind doors 3/4 extension epoxy slide dovetail drawer boxes


{ rF544 } DouBLe arMoire MuLe 79”h x 61 3/4”w x 24”d Shown In acres stain cherry wood Features 2 adjustable shelves behind each set of doors 3/4 extension epoxy slide dovetail drawer boxes

riCHfield ColleCtion

{ rF545 } arMoire wiTH TraY 78 1/4”h x 44 1/4”w x 23 1/4”d Shown In acres stain cherry wood Features 2 adjustable shelves behind doors 3/4 extension epoxy slide dovetail drawer boxes

aDJusTaBLe coVereD sToraGe

raiseD paneL Drawers

sTurDY HarDwooD consTrucTion


carVeD DesiGn eLeMenTs

{ rF553 } 2 Door arMoire 80”h x 44 1/4”w x 23 3/8”d Shown In acres stain cherry wood Features three adjustable shelves and dowel rod 3/4 extension epoxy slide dovetail drawer boxes

{ rF502 } 3 Drawer niGHTsTanD 29”h x 24 1/4”w x 17 5/8”d

riCHfield Collection

Shown In acres stain cherry wood Features three adjustable shelves and dowel rod 3/4 extension epoxy slide dovetail drawer boxes


{ rF547 } niGHTsTanD wiTH Door 29”h x 24 1/4”w x 17 5/8”d Shown In acres stain cherry wood Features 3/4 extension epoxy slide dovetail drawer boxes

riCHfield ColleCtion

aLso FounD in THe ricHFieLD coLLecTion...

{ rF554 } DouBLe MuLe Dresser 42 3/4’’h x 63 1/4’’w x 22 5/8’’d

{ rF540 } DouBLe MuLe Base onLY 44 3/4’’h x 60 1/4’’w x 22 5/8’’d

{ rF555 } LanDscape Mirror 38 1/4’’h x 56 1/4’’w x 3 3/16’’d

{ rF556 } TV sTanD 31’’h x 59 1/4’’w x 19 5/8’’d

{ rF542 } GenTLe Man’s cHesT 53 1/4’’h x 53 1/4’’w x 22 5/8’’d ADJUSTABLE SHELVES BEHIND DOOR

{ rF541 } 3 Drawer arMoire 73 1/2’’h x 44 1/4’’w x 23 1/4’’d ADJUSTABLE SHELVES BEHIND DOOR


riCHmond Collection

riCHmond ColleCtion

{ rM220 } ricHMonD pLaTForM BeD Twin, FuLL, Queen & KinG Headboard 44”h Footboard 20”h

{ rM221 } ricHMonD BeD Twin, FuLL, Queen & KinG Headboard 53”h Footboard 26”h

not shown

conTrasTinG FinisHes

Shown In coffee stain oak wood

sQuare inserT

careFuL corner consTrucTion


sLeeK sTreaMLineD DesiGn

{ rM201 } DouBLe MuLe Dresser 44 1/4”h x 62 1/2” w x 21 1/2”d { rM202 } LanDscape Mirror 35 1/4” h x 56” w x 2 1/2”d Shown In coffee stain oak wood Features 3/4 undermount blum slides dovetail drawer boxes

riCHmond Collection

{ rM203 } 7 Drawer cHesT 63 1/4”h x 39” w x 21 1/2”d Shown In coffee stain oak wood Features 3/4 undermount blum slides dovetail drawer boxes



QuarTersawn wHiTe oaK

oiw 49.34


{ rM200 } 3 Drawer niGHTsTanD 31”h x 24”w x 18 1/2”d Shown In coffee stain oak wood Features 3/4 undermount blum slides dovetail drawer boxes

aLso FounD in THe ricHMonD coLLecTion...

riCHmond ColleCtion

{ rM205 } Door cHesT 63 1/4’’h x 39’’w x 21 1/2’’d { rM207 } His & Her cHesT 53 3/4’’h x 51’’w x 21 1/2’’d

{ rM204 } 6 Drawer cHesT 53 3/4’’h x 39’’w x 21 1/2’’d

{ rM230 } T.V. sTanD 33 1/4’’h x 46 1/2’’w x 18 1/2’’d

{ rM231 } TV sTanD 34’’h x 59’’w x 18 1/2’’d

{ rM206 } niGHTsTanD wiTH Door 31’’h x 24’’w x 18 1/2’’d

Features 3/4 undermount blum slides dovetail drawer boxes

Features 3/4 undermount blum slides dovetail drawer boxes


WortHington Collection

{ wT1220 } worTHinGTon BeD Twin, FuLL, Queen & KinG Headboard 60”h Footboard 27”h Shown In michaels stain cherry wood

WortHington ColleCtion

{ wT1201 } HiGH Dresser wiTH Door 40 1/4”h x 62” w x 22 3/4”d { wT1202 } LanDscape Mirror 33 5/8”h x 54 1/2” w x 2 1/2”d Shown In michaels stain cherry wood Features adjustable shelf behind door 3/4 undermount epoxy slides dovetail drawer boxes

careFuL corner consTrucTion

anGLeD BeVeL DeTaiL

conTeMporarY HarDware


cenTraL coVereD sToraGe

{ wT1203 } Door cHesT 57 1/4”h x 41” w x 22 3/4”d Shown In michaels stain cherry wood Features 2 adjustable shelf behind door 3/4 undermount epoxy slides dovetail drawer boxes

WortHington Collection

{ wT1200 } niGHTsTanD wiTH Door 31”h x 24 1/2”w x 19 3/4”d Shown In michaels stain cherry wood Features 3/4 undermount epoxy slides dovetail drawer boxes



QuarTersawn wHiTe oaK




rusTic cHarM contrasting woodgrain and Matte Hardware Give The worthington collection warmth and charm. add Life To Your Home with each piece.

WortHington ColleCtion

ease oF use Full extension soft-close slides on The Drawers Make For Quiet and effortless use. each piece reflects close attention To Detail and Tireless craftsmanship.

aLso FounD in THe worTHinGTon coLLecTion...

{ wT1204 } 7 Drawer cHesT 57 1/4’’h x 41’’w x 22 3/4’’d { wT1205 } 3 Drawer niGHTsTanD 31’’h x 24 1/2’’w x 19 3/4’’d


tv stands

HaMpTon coLLecTion { Hp121 } TV sTanD 31 1/2”h x 60”w x 20”d Shown In washington stain cherry wood Features full extension side mount slide dovetail drawer boxes

LeXinGTon coLLecTion { LX1030 } T.V. sTanD 33”h x 61”w x 20”d Shown In boston stain cherry wood

tV stands

Features full extension side mount slide dovetail drawer boxes


MapLe creeK coLLecTion { Mc706 } T.V. sTanD 32 3/4”h x 61”w x 20”d Shown In michaels stain quartersawn white oak wood Features full extension side mount slides dovetail drawer boxes

MapLe creeK coLLecTion { Mc707 } T.V. sTanD 26 1/2”h x 61”w x 20”d Shown In natural stain maple and cherry wood

tv stands

Features full extension side mount slides dovetail drawer boxes

MapLe creeK coLLecTion { Mc708 } T.V. sTanD 26 1/2”h x 42”w x 20”d Shown In boston stain / walnut wood chestnut stain / cherry wood Features full extension side mount slides dovetail drawer boxes


new HaVen coLLecTion { nH902 } HiGH Dresser 49”h x 71 5/8”w x 22 11/16”d { nH903 } anGLeD Dresser HuTcH 33 3/4”h x 71 1/4”w x 16”d Shown In late harvest stain rustic cherry wood P2150-SN hardware Features adjustable shelves behind doors full extension soft close blum slide dovetail drawer boxes

Br1466 orB HarDware eLecTronic sToraGe

new HaVen coLLecTion { nH907 } HiGH Dresser wiTH Door 49”h x 71 5/8”w x 22 11/16”d { nH903 } anGLeD Dresser HuTcH 33 3/4”h x 71 1/4”w x 16”d

tV stands

Shown In tan bark stain quartersawn white oak wood PB1466ORB Features adjustable shelves behind doors full extension soft close blum slide dovetail drawer boxes

ricHFieLD coLLecTion { rF556 } TV sTanD 31’’h x 59 1/4’’w x 19 5/8’’d ricHMonD coLLecTion { rM231 } TV sTanD 34’’h x 59’’w x 18 1/2’’d



belleville Collection

{ BV1620 } belleville Bed Twin, Full, Queen & King Headboard 56”h Footboard 25”h Shown In onyx stain brown maple

{ BV1601 } double DRESSER 36”h x 60”w x 18”d

belleville Collection

{ BV1602 } straight mirror 34”h x 40”w x 3”d Shown In onyx stain brown maple K1099-SN hardware Features adjustable shelves behind doors full extension soft close blum slide dovetail drawer boxes

Careful corner Construction

square insert



traditional HARDWARE

{ BV1603 } 5 DRAWER CHEST 52”h x 36”w x 18”d Shown In onyx stain brown maple K1099-SN hardware Features adjustable shelves behind doors full extension soft close blum slide dovetail drawer boxes

belleville Collection

{ BV1600 } 2 DRAWER NIGHTSTAND 28”h x 22”w x 16”d Shown In onyx stain brown maple K1099-SN hardware Features full extension soft close blum slide dovetail drawer boxes


Quartersawn White Oak





willmington Collection

{ WM1722 } willmington Bed Twin, Full, Queen & King Headboard 60”h Footboard 26¼”h Shown In rich tobacco brown maple

{ WM1716 } double DRESSER 36”h x 62”w x 20”d

willmington Collection

{ WM1704 } straight mirror 36”h x 40”w x 2 3/8”d Shown In rich tobacco brown maple BBA029SN hardware Features adjustable shelves behind doors full extension soft close blum slide dovetail drawer boxes

sturdy hardwood Construction

beautiful wood grain



contemporary hardware

{ WM1710 } 5 DRAWER CHEST 52”h x 36”w x 18”d Shown In rich tobacco brown maple BBA029-SN hardware Features adjustable shelves behind doors full extension soft close blum slide dovetail drawer boxes

willmington Collection

{ WM1701 } NIGHTSTAND with door 28”h x 24”w x 16”d Shown In rich tobacco brown maple BBA029-SN hardware Features full extension soft close blum slide dovetail drawer boxes


Quartersawn White Oak





allegany Collection

{ al2021 } allegany Bed Twin, Full, Queen & King Headboard 55”h Footboard 29”h Shown In ashburry stain quarter sawn white oak

{ aL2002 } double mule DRESSER 44”h x 66½”w x 21¾”d

allegany Collection

{ al2003 } landscape mirror 33”h x 60½”w x 3”d Shown In ashburry stain quarter sawn white oak k15 bl hardware Features full extension undermount soft close slides dovetail drawer boxes

Careful corner Construction

panel drawers

beautifullly preserved wood grain


traditional HARDWARE

{ al2004 } 6 DRAWER CHEST 53½”h x 42”w x 21¾”d Shown In ashburry stain quarter sawn white oak k15 bl hardware Features full extension undermount soft close slides dovetail drawer boxes

allegany Collection

{ al2001 } 3 DRAWER NIGHTSTAND 32½”h x 26”w x 21¾”d Shown In ashburry stain quarter sawn white oak k15 bl hardware Features full extension undermount soft close slides dovetail drawer boxes


Quartersawn White Oak



also available { al2006 } straight mirror 43”h x 56”w x 3”d

Shown In ashburry stain quarter sawn white oak k15 bl hardware

Shown In ashburry stain quarter sawn white oak k15 bl hardware

Features full extension undermount soft close slides dovetail drawer boxes

Features full extension undermount soft close slides dovetail drawer boxes

allegany Collection

{ al2005 } Double dresser 34½”h x 66½”w x 21¾”d


bed Collection

{ BL1420 } BURLINGTON Bed Twin, Full, Queen & King Headboard 56”h Footboard 25”h Shown In rich tobacco stain brown maple wood

{ DF320 } DELAFIELD Bed Twin, Full, Queen & King Headboard 80”h Footboard 62”h


Shown In washington stain cherry wood

{ DF321 } DELAFIELD Bed Twin, Full, Queen & King Headboard 80”h Footboard 62”h Shown In washington stain cherry wood


{ EG1320 } EMORY GRAND Storage Platform Bed Twin, Full, Queen & King Headboard 54”h Footboard 19”h Shown In ashbury stain quartersawn white oak wood Features full extension side mount slide dovetail drawer boxes

{ HP120 } HAMPTON BED Twin, Full, Queen & King Headboard 60”h Footboard 29”h Shown In washington stain cherry wood


{ LX1022 } lexington Bed Twin, Full, Queen & King Headboard 60”h Footboard 26 1/4”h Shown In boston stain cherry wood


{ MC724 } maple creek Bed Twin, Full, Queen & King Headboard 59 5/8”h Footboard 37 3/8”h Shown In natural stain maple and cherry wood

{ MC775 } maple creek Bed Twin, Full, Queen & King Headboard 59 3/4”h Footboard 37 1/2”h


Shown In boston stain/walnut wood chestnut stain/cherry wood

{ MT1820 } montrose Bed Twin, Full, Queen & King Headboard 54”h Footboard 29”h Shown In Nutmeg stain Rustic cherry wood


{ NH920 } New Haven Bed Twin, Full, Queen & King Headboard 60”h Footboard 28”h Shown In tab bark stain quartersawn white oak wood

{ IT11 } PENCIL POST Bed Twin, Full, Queen & King Headboard 80”h Footboard 80”h Specify when ordering: With or Without Canopy Shown In washington stain cherry wood


{ RF520 } RICHFIELD Bed Twin, Full, Queen & King Headboard 60”h Footboard 29”h Shown In acres stain cherry wood


{ RM221 } RICHMOND Bed Twin, Full, Queen & King Headboard 53”h Footboard 26”h Shown In coffee stain oak wood { RM220 } RICHMOND platform Bed Twin, Full, Queen & King Headboard 44”h Footboard 20”h not shown { IT10 } SHAKER SLEIGH Bed Twin, Full, Queen & King Headboard 53 ¼”h Footboard 38”h With Panels not shown { IT15 } SHAKER SLEIGH Bed Twin, Full, Queen & King Headboard 53 ¼”h Footboard 38”h With Slats Shown In nutmeg stain rustic cherry wood

beds { WT1220 } WORTHINGTON Bed Twin, Full, Queen & King Headboard 60”h Footboard 27”h Shown In michaels stain cherry wood



brubeck entertainment Collection

{ bb1901 } tv stand 2 door / 2 drawer 26½”h x 67”w x 21¼”d Shown In onyx stain brown maple 1950 sc hardware

brubeck entertainment Collection

Features full extension slides dovetail drawer boxes

{ bb1902 } media cabinet 1 door / 2 drawer 59½”h x 25½”w x 20¾”d Shown In onyx stain brown maple 1950 sc hardware Features 2 glass shelves full extension slides dovetail drawer boxes interior light

sturdy Construction

straight line design

lighted glass displays


contemporary HARDWARE

{ bb1903 } tv stand 2 door 26½”h x 50½”w x 21¼”d Shown In onyx stain brown maple 1950 sc hardware

brubeck entertainment Collection

{ bb1905 } media cabinet 2 door 59½”h x 25½”w x 20¾”d Shown In onyx stain brown maple 1950 sc hardware Features 2 glass shelves 1 wood shelf interior light


Quartersawn White Oak



{ bb1904 } tv stand 4 door 26½”h x 50½”w x 21¼”d Shown In onyx stain brown maple 1950 sc hardware

brubeck entertainment Collection

Features full extension slides dovetail drawer boxes

also available { bb1908 } media cabinet 1 door / 3 drawer 59½”h x 25½”w x 20¾”d

{ bb1909 } tv stand 1 door / 2 drawer 26½”h x 45”w x 21¼”d

Shown In onyx stain brown maple 1950 sc hardware

Shown In onyx stain brown maple 1950 sc hardware

Features 2 glass shelves full extension slides dovetail drawer boxes interior light

Features full extension slides dovetail drawer boxes



carlisle Collection

{ CL1120 } Carlisle Bed Twin, Full, Queen & King Headboard 59”h Footboard 31¼”h Shown In acres stain cherry

{ cl1103 } double DRESSER (pictured) 39”h x 68”w x 22½”d { cl1101 } triple DRESSER 39”h x 76¼”w x 22½”d

carlisle Collection

{ cl1111 } landscape mirror 38¼”h x 62”w x 4¼”d Shown In acres stain cherry bepa0213 hardware Features full extension side mount drawer slides dovetail drawer boxes

Beautiful curved crafstmenship

luxurious felt lined JEWELRY drawers



contemporary HARDWARE

{ cl1105 } 12 DRAWER CHEST 60”h x 42¾”w x 21¾”d Shown In acres stain cherry bepa0213 hardware Features full extension side mount drawer slides dovetail drawer boxes

{ cl1107 } angled lingerie chest 60”h x 251/8 ”w x 205/8 ”d

carlisle Collection

Shown In acres stain cherry bepa0213 hardware Features full extension side mount drawer slides dovetail drawer boxes

stunning wood grain

roundover corners


{ cl1100 } 3 drawer night stand 31”h x 28¼”w x 20¼”d { cl1106 } 3 drawer angled night stand (pictured) 31”h x 251/8 ”w x 205/8 ”d Shown In acres stain cherry bepa0213 hardware

carlisle Collection

Features full extension side mount drawer slides dovetail drawer boxes

Each night stand is uniqely designed and tapers to the outside, complimenting the angles shown on the dresser.


Quartersawn White Oak



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