American Values, Vol. I

Page 17

The first thing that hits you after the casing of the bomb gives way is the gamma radiation and ultraviolet light generated by the 足fusion 足reaction. A wave of super-high-energy photons will cascade through you like quantum buckshot tearing your very DNA to ribbons. At this point, it is already too late for you. Even if you were to somehow be magically teleported away, you would have nothing to look forward to but a very short, brain-damaged, and painful life. Your 足organs would all fail massively. Your cells, having had their programming warped beyond recognition by the blast, would multiply out of control and consume your pathetic form. This is the fate of those who are too far away from the immediate blast to be killed outright. Then, not even a second later, the wave of ultraviolet light will hit your eyes and cast you into darkness. You will feel your skin start to heat up and brown like toast. The reaction within a nuclear warhead is so hot that it separates electrons from the nuclei of their atoms. That immense thermal e足 nergy is what hits you next. Your hair and clothing will instantly turn to flames. Your eyes will begin to seep out of their sockets like milky tears that evaporate entirely before they can stream down your face. Naked flesh and fat will ignite like a candle burning on both ends. Your skin will peel off as it begins to melt. Your whole form will begin evaporating. Then, your blackened bones will start to rapidly decompose from the heat. Finally, the charred remains of your body will be blasted by a shock wave and scattered. There, broken and completely isolated, the last of your bits will break down. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. That is pretty fucking hot, but what can you do?

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